{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
How is the build gaining endurance charges?
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@ OGBalrog:
" +1 to Minimum Endurance Charges craft (general Syndicate unveil) on your rings and amulet can net you 3 permanent charges. You could also anoint Disciple of the Unyielding. More than three minimum charges will require you to also have a source of maximum charges in equal measure. Another option altogether is anointing Charging Offensive or Smashing Strikes (only line we care about doesn't specify requiring a staff, so it should work without one) to generate charges. Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 7 dic. 2019 21:12:04
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Really hope this build will be viable in 3.9.
So much fun :) Thanks for your work Hercanic! |
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" Yes, I installed the popular fork created by LocalIdentity. I no longer have to edit Triad Grip when stuff is imported! I don't know if the fork calculates Multistrike properly though. |
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Might try this for 3.9
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Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the balance manifesto. It looks like to me that we didn't get hit very hard. Is skitterbots still useful? |
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@ Kirian42:
Full Post & Previous Conversation
" " " " Yep, then that's the reason for Multistrike popping up as a higher suggestion for you. It should be around ~58% more damage when properly calculated (= 0.9 * 1.44 * (1 + 1.22 + 1.44) / 3). The downside of Multistrike is that it locks the minion in place for three consecutive attacks. If the target moves too far away, those attacks hit air. So a boss like Phoenix who is constantly whirling around their arena is terrible for Multistrike, but a stationary boss is perfect. The other downside is that it cannot support Vaal Skeletons (the normal Skeleton skill nested in the Vaal skill will still be supported), something I overlooked when I first suggested Multistrike. |
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@ eryox:
" Should be. Based on the Manifesto, we weren't hit too terribly. " You're welcome! =oD @ __Shady__: " Nice! Skeletons deliver a lot of boss-slaying power for Metamorph content and let us stay mobile to avoid dangerous mechanics. Spectres/Phantasms/Zombies give us clear while running. Hybrid ES/Life supplies high eHP to take big hits, and Spirit Offering on CWDT/CwC grants us the necessary recovery. If you like minions, I think you'll like this build. Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 10 dic. 2019 15:18:49
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@ IchiMorghulis:
" Skitterbots dropped from 24% (= 20% * 1.21 effect) to 18% damage taken from Shock (= 15% * 1.21 effect). With the new Ailment Threshold for bosses, it may be practical to shock bosses with Lightning Triad Grip or Slave Driver Spectres. Cold Triad Grip could potentially use Bonechill on another minion. Shaper's Ailment Threshold will be half his life, so 10M "life". The damage of a hit must deal 0.4% of the target's life or threshold to minimally chill by 5%. This means Shaper will need to be hit for 40,000 damage (= 10M * 0.004). A 10% chill will require a hit of 180,000 damage (= 10M * 0.018). A 30% chill will require a hit of 2,800,000 damage (= 10M * 0.28). We must deal 4.5 times more damage to go from 5% to 10%, and 15.6 times more to go from 10% to the max of 30%. To go from min to max Chill requires 70 times. My initial impression is Skitterbots should still be worthwhile, but we'll have to see for sure. Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 11 dic. 2019 3:18:22
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3.9 Balance Manifesto
3.9 Balance Manifesto! I will go over what affects us:
" A couple people opted for wands when playing this build, but you give up a lot by doing so. The harder chase/expense for a good wand, with few other advantages, makes the sacrifice all the less desirable. " This will mainly hurt our Zombies. Frost Sentinels have so much range that they're more likely to be auto-teleported to us than to move around, while Phantasms spawn next to the comrades of the departed. Skeletons have Dash and can be placed wherever we want. " I wonder what GGG expected. They gave us the minion-equivalent to Arcane Surge. Of course every minion build would try to work it in when it provides a global buff. " The hit to life hurts the most. I can stomach everything else, but having your Zombies wiped out in a boss fight is the worst. It's simply not practical to re-raise them during pitched combat with their slow 0.85 cast time when you have 9-12 of the things to individually raise. The large mana cost and corpse requirement just compound the issue. That said, they'll still have more life than in 3.7. " Luckily, Phantasms smooth out any changes to our Spectre count, since we can still have 10-11 Phantasms even with one Spectre. With a L21 gem, we'd need another +2 levels to gain back our fourth Spectre. That could come from a L3 Empower, +2 Minion Wand, +1 boots with +1 chest corruption, or moving them to a +2 helm. I don't feel it's especially worth it, unless you want to drop Phantasms in favor of focusing on Spectres (like Slave Drivers).
Non-damaging Ailments
" Shaper's Ailment Threshold will be half his life, so his threshold would be 10M "life": 5% chill (min) = 0.004 * 10M threshold = 40,000 damage required 10% chill = 0.018 * 10M = 180,000 dmg req. 30% chill (max) = 0.28 * 10M = 2,800,000 dmg req. We must deal 4.5 times more damage to go from 5% to 10%, and 15.6 times more to go from 10% to the max of 30%. To go from min to max Chill requires 70 times.
Monster Resistances, Armour and Life
" Elemental Equilibrium will be all the more important to us, since minions have no sources of penetration on gear or the passive tree. Support gems and debuffs are all we have. " Our damage is spread across dozens of minions who deal smaller individual hits than another build type of similar DPS. Armour will never prevent more than 10% of its value in damage. 100k armour can prevent up to 10k damage from a hit. Also, it will only prevent up to 90% of the damage of any hit. So at least 10% is guaranteed to hit. In the 3.8 PoB Pastebin, Zombies dealt a total of 695,727 DPS. This came from 9 Zombies who each dealt 77,303 DPS. This came from a 1.82 attack speed, with an average hit of 42,462 damage. 45% of the damage is Physical, while the rest is Cold, Fire, and Chaos. This comes out to 11,473-26,445 phys damage per hit. Armour / (Armour + 10 * Damage) = Damage Reduction 100,000 / (100,000 + 10 * 11,473) 100,000 / 214,730 = 47% Damage Reduction 11,473 * (1-0.47) = 6,081 phys damage dealt 11,473 * 0.47 = 5,392 phys damage mitigated " These nodes won't benefit us, unless GGG is gracious enough to add one that specifically applies to minions, or one that debuffs the enemy itself. " If only it wasn't restricted to "against Impale", this debuff would have given us a support gem option for our physical minions. " GGG didn't nerf Skeletons, so we should still be fine against bosses.
" Movement speed is very important while leveling. Onslaught provided 20% (muled to a Witch with a Templar or Scion), and Smoke Mine (available to Witch after completing The Caged Brute) another 20%. With 10% movement speed boots and 40% from a Quicksilver flask, we could rock 90% movement speed (as long as we avoided the hidden -3% from a chest/shield). Plus the teleport of both Smoke Mine and Flame Dash.
Modifier & Miscellaneous Adjustments
" Sounds like 2H Maim is off the table. This alone would be 22.9% less damage for the 2H Triad variant (@ thegamingkage). " Losing the Speed craft would be 9.5% less damage for the 2H Triad variant. Missing both a craft and Maim is 30.3% less damage (equivalent to a 43.4% more multiplier). " Damage Mitigation, like Physical Damage Reduction, is processed a step before Damage Taken, like Fortify. So there's no difference for us here. It will, however, provide greater protection against curses like Projectile Weakness and Vulnerability. For example, instead of taking (44% - 20% = 24%) 124% damage from Projectile Weakness, we'd take (144% * 0.80 =) 115%. This is a nerf to extreme Damage Taken stacking builds, and a buff for the likes of us.
3.9 Patch Notes
3.9 Patch Notes!
" I plan to test this as an alternative to GMP for Frost Sentinels and Phantasms. If it has a smaller damage penalty from GMP, all the better, and should help make up for the weaker quality mod. My reasoning is the "square" damage area is great for Phantasms who spawn in the midst of packs, where they would be able to hit adjacent monsters on either side of themselves. The biggest downside is Volley is much weaker to doorways, which is already a summoner's Achilles's Heel. It'll be available to the Witch after defeating Malachai. " Online Filter - This is really cool! We'll be able to subscribe to a filter like NeverSink and it'll automatically receive updates. Visual Improvement - Skeletons were just changed in 3.8, their glow color altered from red-orange to green, so I'm curious what they've done further in 3.9. Perhaps an updated model from 4.0? " Fortify - I covered this in the Manifesto, but in summary it's a buff for us. The change works in our favor against curses and other debuffs that increase damage taken. Ailments - Also covered in the Manifesto section. With the new Ailment Threshold for bosses, it may be practical to shock bosses with Lightning Triad Grip or Slave Driver Spectres. Cold Triad Grip could potentially use Bonechill on another minion. Skitterbots - Dropped from 24% (= 20% * 1.21 effect) to 18% damage taken from Shock (= 15% * 1.21 effect). A loss of 6%. Chill effect remains the same, so Bonechill will continue to be good for Cold Triad Grip. My initial impression is Skitterbots should still be worthwhile, but we'll have to see for sure. " Smoke Mine - A temporary -10% movement speed. The remaining 10% movement speed should still be decent while leveling, where even 10% boots feel like an improvement. Raging Spirits - Neat. This will let people send them around corners and through doorways. Great for indoor maps. Spectres - Covered in the Manifesto. Simply put, it doesn't hurt us much due to Phantasms. " " Feeding Frenzy - Now worth a net ~32% more damage (= 1.14 more * 1.1 buff * 1.05 speed), from 47% (= 1.24 * 1.1 * 1.075). Volley & Lesser Multiple Projectiles - A significantly smaller damage penalty. Tempting for Sentinels, both Flame and Frost, who already have bonus projectiles. Minion Damage - A temporary -5% More Damage, and a permanent -5% Increase Damage from quality. Onslaught - A bit harder to gain, and lasts significantly less time. Maintaining it while leveling doesn't look very promising. " -19% minion movement speed, from 38%. " -20% minion movement speed. With the changes to Feeding Frenzy (-5%) and the Ravenous Horde cluster (-19%), that's a total loss of -44%. What we have left: 10% Mindless Aggression 19% Ravenous Horde cluster 10% Feeding Frenzy 10% Redemption --------- = +49% minion movement speed In other words, we've lost nearly half of our bonus movement speed for minions. " Losing the +1 curse chest craft throws a wrench into my corrupted Oskarm idea for the Animated Guardian, where he'd be able to double curse. Oh well. " I covered this in the Balance Manifesto. The 2H Triad variant won't be as far ahead damage-wise from the Charity Triad variant. It's looking less appealing now, since the advantage it paid for with a sacrifice to range and clear speed is far less overwhelming. " Dodge on boots was nice to get. Hard to say it's worthwhile now unless you're already stacking dodge. Although the official build does not use wands, a few players still preferred them. Making them harder to roll is unfortunate, but their potential power is still there. GGG wants us to have more to chase, after all. " Neat. They can use a 7L Infernal Legion, with no downside like Skitterbots and reservation limitations. Perfect for HoGM. " Various Monster Armour Values (pre-3.9) Flame/Frost Sentinel = 0 Colossus Crusher = 612 Carnage/Host Chieftain = 816 Risen Vaal Advocate = 816 Bone Husk = 1020 Slave Driver = 1020 Solar Guard = 1020 Solaris Champion = 1633 Tukohama Vanguard = 2041 Undying Evangelist = 2041 Cinder Elemental = 2041 Knitted Horror = 2041 Hairy Bone Cruncher = 2449 Shaggy Monstrosity = 2449 Sandworn Slaves = 2449 Kitava's Herald = 2449 Bone Stalker = 3062 Colossal Bonestalker = 3266 Fighting Bull = 4083 Enhanced Vaal Fallen = 4083 Wicker Man = 6124 A L84 Wicker Man would have (6124 * 28.62 =) 175,269 armor. ![]() (Source)
3.9 Gem Information
3.9 Gem Information!
" GoogleDoc Awakened Gems Comparison of Changes (source) Priority:
If Triad Grip variant:
If focusing on Spectres:
Although we're not too concerned about them, other notable awakened supports are: Curse on Hit: 24% chance to apply to Hex Proof enemies. Spell Cascade: Two additional casts on either side, like a + shape. Multistrike: Third repeat. Fork: Forks twice. Ancestral Call: +1 target. Chain: +1 chain. Arrow Nova: +1 projectile. ![]() Art by Peter Polach Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 13 dic. 2019 2:32:02
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