{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
" /facepalm. Well ok, time to put a Solar Guard in after getting my Tabula. You're build is so much fun, I recorded some footage, since everyone always shows endgame stuff, I thought seeing how early the build gets to obliterating the entire screen might be useful as well. Beware, Anime-Lootfilter ahead This is how the build has been performing since lvl 50-ish. I spend all currency on getting stuff like Brightbeak and Victarios and currently am using Bones of Ullr, but will try to replace those ASAP. So this is with a 4 link, no Shaper items. Only starter cheap uniques (less than 15 chaos overall I think) Editado por útlima vez por DieKao#0567 en 8 dic. 2018 18:24:40
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I've renamed Zone Info to Quest Route, and all acts now have walkthrough maps. I think I've narrowed down my layout, so it's just about filling it with content. Act 2 is my next challenge. I've run my new character through Act 1 and made notes for the guide while leveling: ![]()
Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 8 dic. 2018 21:30:54
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When do you replace Static Strike for a casted ability? I forgot what the one you use is called. Plz help!
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@ Viktorious1:
" You use Charged Dash + Cast While Channeling Support + Ball Lightning + Lesser Poison @ level 38, after you kill Malachai in Act 4. You can use Charged Dash earlier than this (level 28-30, Act 3's Siosa), but Static Strike is fine, too. Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 22 dic. 2018 14:10:59
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Hey loving the guide! I just wanted to ask a quick question, What is the best third ascendancy node to take? Flesh Binder or Soul Weaver? I couldn't find it in the guide
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@ Meister:
" Soul Weaver. We don't want our Spectres to die. Flesh Binder is our flex ascendancy. You can choose something else if you'd like. I use it for the Physical Damage Reduction, but it's up to you. Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 22 dic. 2018 14:09:32
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A few questions for you Hercanic...
Your build is amazing by the way. Thank you for putting in all the time to set it up! Onward to the questions. First, I didn't see any part about the order for ascendancies. I went with skeletons for cruel lab and plan to go for spectres after that, but I'd like to hear your reasoning. My other question is about the Unending Hunger jewel. I noticed that it's only getting 3 intelligence nodes where it's located at the northern most jewel socket. Granted it's extremely close to the 4th node, but when I highlight the socket node the 4th intelligence node doesn't begin to glow showing that it's within the radius. Is this location just bugged for medium radius jewels like this, or do you go one step further and grab the intelligence node right above the socket node? Thanks for all your replies. Bless your heart! ;D Editado por útlima vez por Omaric18#3471 en 8 dic. 2018 23:43:35
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@ Omaric18:
" You know, after working so much on the leveling guide, the main guide is starting to feel small, heh. I'm glad you liked it! I am enjoying making it the best it can be! " I actually just added a blurb about it in the Act 3 description a couple hours ago. 1. Invoker, because we have no choice. 2. Bone Sculptor, because it is the most dramatic improvement to one of our core skills. 3. Soul Weaver, so Spectres don't die. It feels like they get a hidden damage reduction out of it, seeing as how much more tanky they seem compared to golems with similar life. 4. Flesh Binder, but this one is your choice. I like it for the defensive Physical Damage Reduction. " The INT nodes don't have to be allocated. Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 22 dic. 2018 14:07:27
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I have added a new section to More Guides called Crafting. It is intended to help those in a self-sufficient predicament create their own Shaper/Elder items. ![]() ![]() Art by Jung Myung Lee Editado por útlima vez por Hercanic#3982 en 29 abr. 2019 4:58:13
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Brace yourself please, seriously noob question incoming...
"The only requirement for this build is one source of flat chaos or physical damage for spells, such as on an abyssal jewel, Elder affix on helm, Lesser Poison support, Herald of Purity, or Envy aura from Aul's Uprising. This is important for allowing Ball Lightning to Poison." I don't think I've got any of that, so at the moment I haven't spec'd into Elemental Equilibrium. Could you maybe elaborate a bit on how this works (chaos/physical = poison?!)? Also I do have lesser poison, unfortunately I just don't have a spare socket. Does it matter what it's attached to?? Thanks again for this, I'm working my way through Act 5 and already this feels so smooth! Editado por útlima vez por Alerean#4228 en 9 dic. 2018 3:50:30
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