Netaxo escribió:
"How we gain attack speed is very important in our build, unlike traditional builds we do not put attack speed on our gems unless we have no choice. Indigon will make your frenzy more expensive to the point where you eventually run out of mana and you will alternate between normal attacks and frenzy. To make the build as smooth as possible we want to increase all attack speed with our passive points and gear and not just frenzy attack speed through gems. Every 2 attack speed you gain on your gems will roughly only result in a net of 1% attack speed. However if you are unable to cap your attack speed through gear, half value is better than none. "
I must admit I don't get what's the difference between attackspeed on gear vs on gems. 4.9 aps are 4.9 aps to my understanding.
Would appreciate if someone is able to answer. Leveled to 70 bought flasks and watchers eye and want to go shopping for the rest:D
Linking Frenzy to a Faster Attacks gem, for instance, would grant attack speed to Frenzy only. When you are out of mana, you are performing regular wand attacks when you click the button mapped to Frenzy, and won't be receiving the attack speed bonus from the FA gem. We still get our spell procs from Poet's even from regular attacks, so we prioritize base attack speed to maintain consistent DPS from procs no matter which type of attack we perform.
This build is crazy expensive, so many exalt with current pricing on poe.trade
watcher's eye for clarity/anger (50-90ex)
indigon with enchant (95 ex)
poet's pen with penetration corruption (25-40ex)
last breath flask (15-20ex)
the list goes on, keeps you busy farming.
trev2hi escribió:
Netaxo escribió:
"How we gain attack speed is very important in our build, unlike traditional builds we do not put attack speed on our gems unless we have no choice. Indigon will make your frenzy more expensive to the point where you eventually run out of mana and you will alternate between normal attacks and frenzy. To make the build as smooth as possible we want to increase all attack speed with our passive points and gear and not just frenzy attack speed through gems. Every 2 attack speed you gain on your gems will roughly only result in a net of 1% attack speed. However if you are unable to cap your attack speed through gear, half value is better than none. "
I must admit I don't get what's the difference between attackspeed on gear vs on gems. 4.9 aps are 4.9 aps to my understanding.
Would appreciate if someone is able to answer. Leveled to 70 bought flasks and watchers eye and want to go shopping for the rest:D
Linking Frenzy to a Faster Attacks gem, for instance, would grant attack speed to Frenzy only. When you are out of mana, you are performing regular wand attacks when you click the button mapped to Frenzy, and won't be receiving the attack speed bonus from the FA gem. We still get our spell procs from Poet's even from regular attacks, so we prioritize base attack speed to maintain consistent DPS from procs no matter which type of attack we perform.
thank you! makes perfect sense :)
Quick question. Is it bad to have higher attack speed on 1 wand than the other?
I corrupted ele pen on the first 12%, got 5% atk speed implicit on the offhand 12%
Editado por útlima vez por spluhvag#0058 en 10 oct. 2018 15:16:02
Hey RueRue
Why this new gems setup ?
Ice bite-added cold on frenzy
Mirror service thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1743892
Don_Mateo escribió:
Hey RueRue
Why this new gems setup ?
Ice bite-added cold on frenzy
testing some stuff xD
edit: nevermind, i got it working. thanks for the build.
Editado por útlima vez por Giant_Robots#3180 en 13 oct. 2018 19:55:07
Thank You Rue, this is an insanely good build.
Instead of Golem's Blood, Spirit Void, Socket, Revelry what do you think of Herbalism, Essence Sap, Socket, Acrobatics (plus phase acro for 4 more points)
What is your opinion on this possible change? Also, if you were to do this to your build, where would you take the 4 points from for Phase Acro? Thanks!
Nomorenamestopick escribió:
Thank You Rue, this is an insanely good build.
Instead of Golem's Blood, Spirit Void, Socket, Revelry what do you think of Herbalism, Essence Sap, Socket, Acrobatics (plus phase acro for 4 more points)
What is your opinion on this possible change? Also, if you were to do this to your build, where would you take the 4 points from for Phase Acro? Thanks!
The build originally was designed for pre delve content and for that content dodge wasnt necessary cuz we could just tank everything and never die. However my new delve build does have dodge and evade because at a certain point 1800 + you just cant tank anything anymore.
Well done, Rue! Congratz!