[3.6] RF Scion | 1.8m+ DPS VRF // 400k+ DPS RF | 10k+ Life
![]() Just finished putting everything together on a tight budget and it's the first time a guide delivers! 10k life, 1.4mil Vaal RF, 311k RF! 85/82/79 resists Damage should go up when gems are 20/20 and even more when I get a non garbage RF helm. PoB: https://pastebin.com/5ewMjmgU Editado por útlima vez por MrBubuX#4609 en 26 mar. 2019 20:33:21
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Spent around 3.8ex and 440c. PoB: https://pastebin.com/5ewMjmgU
Here's details about the gear and search links to help others: Gear: 1.5ex + 105c 1.5ex Kaom's Heart search 1c Meginord's Vise Glove search 7c Doryani's Delusion Sorcerer Boots (Purity of Fire/Cold Dmg) search 7c Cyclopean Coil Belt (14% All Attrbiutes) search 1c Saffell's Frame Shield (20% Spell Block) search 5c Doon Cuebiyari Vaal Sceptre search 10c Marble Amulet 1.6% regen, 30 str, 67 life, Crafted 16 Cold&Light resist search 15c Helm with lvl18 Burning Dmg/16 Conc Effect, 67 crafted Life search 15c Ring with 79 Life, 50 Str, 100 resists (got lucky with price) search 45c Ring with 77 Life, 49 Str, 96 resists (same search as above) Flasks: 40c 8c Karui Flask (13% Recovery) search 2c Panicked Divine Life Flask of Staunching search 12c Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline x2 search 7c Chemist's Sulphur Flask of Warding search 1c Chemist's Ruby Flask of Warding (I crafted my own to save 20c, explanation at the bottom) search Gems: 86c 55c lvl3 enlighten search 1c Lvl 19 Shield Charge (quality doesn't matter) search 1c Lvl 19 Fortify (quality gives inc duration) search 2c Lvl19 Increased Critical Strikes (quality gives crit chance) search 1c Lvl19 Culling Strike (quality gives attack speed for cyclone/consecrated path/shield charge) search 1c Lvl4 19% Vaal Cyclone (quality gives area of effect) search 2c Lvl19 Vitality (quality doesn't matter) search 3c Lvl19 Elemental Focus (quality gives dmg) search 3c Lvl19 Swift Affliction (quality gives dmg) search 1c Lvl19 Arcane Surge (quality gives dmg) search 5c Lvl19 10% Vaal Righteous Fire (quality gives damage) search 1c Lvl1 14% Enfeeble (quality gives inc area) search 1c Lvl1 16% Purifying Flame (quality gives inc area) search 2c Lvl19 Wave of Conviction (quality doesn't matter) search 2c Lvl19 Cast when Damage Taken (quality doesn't matter) search 3c Lvl19 Purity of Ice (quality doesn't matter) search 1c Lvl1 Portal search 1c Lvl19 Faster Casting search Jewels: 2.3ex + 76c 2c 5%life 19% Burning +9str/dex search 10c 6%life 10% all resists 14str 10c 7%life 10% all resists 16str 15c 7%life 10% all resists 19% Burning 39c Might of The Meek search 2.3ex Watchers Eye 5% life and 22% increased Life Recovery Rate while affected by Vitality search Others: ~130c 200 chromes to recolor gear (I was lucky with Helm) 20 fusings to link gear 100 regrets to redo tree and ascendancies to Chieftrain/Trickster 10c to craft resists in gear 10 Blessings to improve resist implicits on rings 10c Glassblower Baubles for Flasks Notes Some gems are expensive to buy with 20% quality so I bought these lvl19 0% quality. Then I'll level them to lvl20 and vendor with a Gem Cutter's Prism to get Lvl1 20% quality gem. Saved around 1ex this way. Picking Purity of Ice instead of Arctic Armour makes gearing cheaper since it gives 40%+ Cold resist. In hindsight I could have settled for rings with a bit less life and str. They would cost 5c each instead of 40c. I learned the hard way that overcaping Fire resist is more important than Cold/Lightning since Righteous Fire can hurt when our fire resist is debuffed by curses and things like Phoenix's birds debuff. After wearing all my crap gear and having purity of fire/ice on, my resists were still not maxed: 78/67/72. This means I had to prioritize resist over strength on some jewels. Crafting Chemist's Ruby Flask of Warding Cheapest was 20c on poe trade so I crafted my own with Bestiary +Warding recipe: 1) iLvl18+ White Ruby Flask 2) 4x Glassblower Baubles to make it 20% Quality 3) 1x Transmutation to make it Magic/Blue 4) 20x Alterations until you get Chemist's Ruby Flask without a suffix 5) Go to Menagerie and use the Adds "of Warding" recipe: ![]() Editado por útlima vez por MrBubuX#4609 en 26 mar. 2019 14:27:24
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Now a question:
Flame Dash messes up EE doesn't it? It's so convenient I'm using but I'm afraid it will have to go vs bosses. I wonder what should I use instead. Other skills aren't as fast. |
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" Glad you got everything up and running just fine! Not sure what you're linking right now (if you're looking for this I assume you're skipping the totem or something), but I'd probably opt for Cons Path + Faster Attacks myself. Won't be the most mobility you've ever had but it should be sufficient. If you need to be able to backtrack, Leap Slam's an easy replacement, or Phase Run + Increased Duration's actually pretty alright imo.gg Not related but something that I noticed: Fire Exposure is a 25% overall damage multiplier for this build, so I'd suggest doing whatever's needed to keep it up. Even manually casting might not be a bad option if you're running a high-level CWDT. Also - going to add a link to your buyer's guide to the main post because it's super useful. Thanks so much for pulling all of that together! |
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The build is awesome so far. I cleared up to T15 maps and almost went AFK while fighting nexus bosses and a lvl 75 Ahuatotli delve boss. Clear is a bit slow but that was expected. It's pleasant to play and the regen is amazing to farm delve dark places even for a potato like me.
I didn't have a chance to test against Elder or higher bosses yet. Here are some observations, I'd appreciate your feedback: === Slam dodge/Jump skill === Backtracking is fine with 96% movespeed and 2 quicksilver flasks. I'd like feedback on a skill to jump holes and to dodge big hits like shaper/elder slams. Currently using Flame Dash + Faster Casting and I'm not sure if there is something better. - Shield Charge can't jump holes. - Consecrated Path would be amazing as movement skill if it could move anywhere but on my testing I could only jump to enemies. - Flame Dash + Faster Casting is fast to dodge slams but the fire dmg hit procs wrong EE buffing mob with +50% fire resist (from -25% to +25%). This can be fixed by attacking the mob once with Cyclone/CP/Shield Charge since Flame Dash's burning ground is DoT and can't proc EE. - Leap Slam is a bit slow. I recorded a video comparing Flame Dash+Faster Casting vs Leap Slam+Faster Attacks: https://streamable.com/qao2v Since Flame Dash downside of messing with EE can be fixed by attacking boss once, I think I'll keep using it for now. What do you think? === Fire Exposure from Wave of Conviction === Indeed lvl20 CWDT + Wave of Conviction procs quite often vs bosses but it's not as reliable. Perhaps I could ditch Portal gem for Wave of Conviction in my mace and manual cast it. It would even be supported by Faster Casting that's already in the mace: === Procing Arakaali Pantheon +50% Life Recovery === I need dousing flask for this don't I? And it turns RF off right? === Procing Elemental Overload with crits === I'm having trouble keeping EO up with Cyclone + Faster Attacks + Inc Crit Strikes. Consecrated Path would be perfect since it also gives Consecrated Ground but it attacks slower than Cyclone and would make EO even less reliable. On my PoB, melee skills show 18% eff crit so it takes an average of 5.5 attacks to crit. - Cyclone: 2.46 attacks/s. 2.2 secs constantly attacking to crit on avg. - Consecrated Path: 1.64 attacks/s. 3.3 secs constantly attacking to crit on avg. - Shield Charge: 1.64 attacks/s. 3.3 secs constantly attacking to crit on avg. - Leap Slam 0.93 attacks/s 6 secs constantly attacking to crit on avg. Since EO lasts 8 seconds: I'd need to Leap Slam almost 100% of the time to keep EO up. I'd need to CP/Shield Charge 50% of the time to keep EO up. I'd need to Cyclone 25% of the time to keep EO up (seems about right from my experience). As you can see, Cyclone's 50% More Attack speed is kind of a requirement to keep EO up reliably. I see two ways to improve EO sustain: Idea 1 - Keep Cyclone and invest in corruptions and enchantment: Mace corruption: +16% increased Critical Strike Chance Gloves corruption: Attacks have +0.7% to Critical Strike Chance Boots enchant: 120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently Mace corruption brings crit from 18% to 20.6% but it replaces 32% inc elemental dmg implicit which makes us lose 5.5% damage. Not ideal so I'm skipping this. Gloves have 19 possible corruptions. At 1c+1vaal per glove it would take 40c to get the corruption plus 15 vaals to 4 socket it. Alone this piece bumps crit from 18% to 20.7%. Recoloring can get expensive at 1 vaal per chrome spent so it might be worth to color/link gloves before corrupting depending on colors required. Boots enchant is by far the most impacting and also more feasible to get. It takes about 8 lab runs with Twice Enchanted on average. At 4c per offering and 7c per prophecy it would cost ~90c and 2-3 hours for a potato like me to get the enchant. Alone this enchant bumps crit chance from 18% to 25%. It's a bit sad to give up 10% movement speed enchant though. Gloves corruption + Boots enchantment bumps crit from 18% to 28%. This means I'd have to Cyclone mobs for 1.45s every 8s instead of current 2.2s to get a crit. Quite the boost but I'd have to give up 10% movespeed in boots. Idea 2 - Storm Brand for crits, Vigilant Strike for Fortify In my PoB, Storm Brand + Faster Faster Casting has 12% crit chance and hits 4.2 times per second. It would take 1.9s to crit on average meaning I'd have to cast it only once every 8 seconds to keep EO up! It also opens some options like Curse on Hit + Flammability. To get Fortify I could use Vigilant Strike which is an attack that can't miss, have 4s cooldown and gives fortify for 8s (tested in Blood Aqueduct). 20% quality should give Fortify for 9s. If the gloves have +12 Ele Weakness on Hit corruption it would also bump my shaper damage by 7.4%. This requires that Doryani's boots to be Lightning Damage just like storm brand to not mess with EE. The upside is that I could still have 10% ms enchant on boots. Sorry for the wall of text. Editado por útlima vez por MrBubuX#4609 en 27 mar. 2019 0:10:11
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" Since a lot of your time is spent just attacking anyway (and since you need to do so to cover WoC anyway) just making sure you attack after Flame Dash seems fine too me. If I were playing this iteration of the build that'd probably be what I'd do. " 100% up too you on this one. I'd personally just run a lvl 1 CWDT myself because I don't see a ton of benefit from running a 20 and I'm mega-lazy. " You do, yes. But RF is instant-cast so you'll have almost no downtime. I only remember leveraging this mechanic as a panic button against Shaper/UE, it's not something I'd have bothered with for anything else. " I don't recall ever having problems keeping up EO, except maybe against Shaper. My playstyle with this build was to spend most of my time Cycloning, though, in part because its also the only option that provides Stun Immunity (and therefore the only form of Stun Immunity this build has to offer whatsoever without swapping boots to Kaom's Roots), plus Culling Strike effectively acts as an 11% overall DPS increase. Your idea to run Storm Brand + Vigilant Strike seems perfectly fine, though, and possibly even an overall improvement. You could even link Culling Strike to Storm Brand to get the same benefit. " No problem at all! Since I'm not running the build this league, this has all been incredibly useful. I appreciate you taking the time to put all of this together. |
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I just remembered: part of my EO procs was running Ball Lightning + Increased Crit Strikes in my CWDT. I switched to that at some point but I can't remember when. I had been running Arc + Blind but I switched because it just wasn't useful. If I had to guess I'd imagine I did this when fighting Uber Elder, which would make sense since you can't spend too much time Cycloning in that fight.
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I tried playing 10 maps with the Storm Brand variant and it wasn't as good as Cyclone. Sure EO uptime was better and Flammability + Curse on Hit meant a little higher DPS number in PoB. But it was a hassle to constantly cast Storm Brand. Fortify was almost never up when it mattered since it required attacking a mob with Vigilant Strike.
I went back to Cyclone and it feels so much smoother. Bought a better Helm for 2ex and 12% Ele Weakness corrupted Gloves. Now I'll work on enchanting the boots with either 2% Life Regen or 120% Crit. Whatever comes first. lvl93, 10.1k life, 420k RF, 1.9mil Vaal RF: https://pastebin.com/t67YadST The only thing I miss in this build is lack of physical mitigation like endurance charges :( Editado por útlima vez por MrBubuX#4609 en 28 mar. 2019 18:37:06
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" Using Rise of the Phoenix instead of Saffell's Frame provides some significant block chance that can help with the rather meager phys reduction this build has. If you find that's a big problem for you I'd recommend going that direction. |
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Can i go for anger in early game or isn't that good ?
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