[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)
" I assume you mean the Meek in the top right slot of the Scion tree, but remember that it also gives resists, movement speed and life, while the other Meek's give a good chunk of life and resists as well, not just DPS. |
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" First you should get a Yoke with WED, that's a much cheaper upgrade. Then you can go for the Kaom's with flat damage. As for helmets it depends on what you want to do. Devoto's is your best option for clearspeed but a rare helmet with the "nearby enemies have -x% to cold resistance" affix and life/resists is the best option for bossing/DPS. |
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Quick question, where are the links for frost bomb and wrath when using a kaoms? Having trouble fitting these in.
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" Yeah i failed to consider the resists, which actually helped me get upgrades. Also, is 2 socket tombfist better than 1 socket tombfist with the extra frenzy corrupt? |
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" My Wrath comes from the Ring corruption but if you don't have that and you're struggling to fit gems in, take out Ice Golem since it's probably the least important overall link (as it can be hard to upkeep it in some boss fights) |
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" Sorry I just realized I mistyped something about the Meeks in my first response, the top-right Meek will not give life, but it will give everything else I listed. Also no, a normal 2 socket Tombfist will be better than a 1 socket with the Frenzy corrupt. |
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I just defeated the uber elder at level 84 maybe one of the lowest levels that defeated the uber elder in this league.
this is my pob: https://pastebin.com/yjDq4U2Z fanstastic build <3 Character name: CountryBoyILoveYou |
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Bear with me here for a moment it had a purpose trust me....
So I got bored of my TS Windripper mfer and decided to make a Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow build after I bought a Farrul's Fur for my cycloner. I ended up tanking the cyclone build (which was quite fun and efficient - pushed past depth 420, just got bored with him as well) and have focused on using all of my acquired wealth to push this Hopeshredder build to its limits. At this stage I only feel like I need to shore up one more item slot, as I just purchased a shaped ring to pair with an elder mark that gives wrath. Unfortunately I don't have the wrath ring yet but I'm getting very close to finalizing the build and feel like i can start talking about my experience with it at this point. Also my farrul's bite could use a proper enchant but with my hatred of running lab and the scarcity of this item actually acquiring one with said enchant is probably a pipe dream to me at this point. So the build....my build, if you will, is a collection of what I've read and learned from 3 separate Hopeshredder builds. The Guffinn scion build, the SkillshotsOP scion build, and the JordanIbanez raider build. I'm going to make this post in all 3 of your threads as I feel like it has some constructive input that all 3 may or maty not be able to take advantage of, or maybe one of you can tell me how im being an idiot by trying to merge all 3 into one and not take full advantage of your own particular optimized setup. I'm definitely not saying any one is better than any other. From JordanIbanez: The idea to use Farruls Fur and Bite in a bow build, using Ridwalds, and using a 6 link barrage setup. This is actuall ythe build that made me turn to Hopeshredder in the first place, as I already had a Raider at level 94 ready to go. I am also using his suggested gem setup of Scourge Arrow / WED / Added Cold / Cold Pen / Ice Bite / Mirage Archer. From Guffin and SkillshotsOP: To go scion. The overleech alone from scion slayer is alone superior to going Raider, in my opinion. The ability to go either Raider or Juggernaut is also fantastic but I will so going Juggernaut is a huge QOL upgrade just the increase in survivability alone is worth it over raider. Another reason why I went this route is because along with the Farrul's my cycloner was running the unnatural instinct setup, allowing me to take advantage of currency already spent. Skillshot also gave me the idea to try a wrath Mark of the elder (which once again I am still trying to acquire and is the final piece to my setup) What I have done different from any of the 3: First I tried running a Haste Aul's Uprising to make use of an onslaught on kill watchers eye, but I moved on from that in favor of an Aul's Uprising Wrath ammy to have all 4 auras of Aspect of the Cat / Herald of Ice / Hatred / AND Wrath all up without issue. This allows me to take advantage of a Hated/Wrath watchers eye (ideal would be flat increased crit % from hatred / increased crit chance from wrath). Also I decided to avoid Vaal Pact. It is not necessary. My leech is already very strong, and by foregoing Vaal Pact I am able to not only negate the degen from Hopeshredder, as I have a positive regen while moving with full frenzy charges and arakaali boost. Now final damage and life will be different from right now due to switching to the Elder mark ring, namely damage goes up and life goes down....I also havnt stuffed a wise oak in there yet permanently as I am really keen on having freeze/curse immunity so I use these with a quicksilver for mapping and move the Wise Oak in for uber elder and delve situations. Anyways thank you for putting your build out there I've had a lot of fun using and abusing it to my own bastardized nefarious intentions enough with the chit chat, heres how I've decided to create my loadout:
And here's how the stats break down, idle, in hideout, without any flask or on hit buffs: album: https://imgur.com/a/UZwsHVn pics:
level 95 Jugg/Slayer Scion: Defense ![]() Scourge ![]() Barrage ![]() level 94 Raider: Defense ![]() Scourge ![]() Barrage ![]() What gets cut off in the stats screenshots? Nothing much except offensively both setups have 55 cold pen and 11 light pen (not counting wise oak!) Defensively Scion gets +83% movespeed while Raider gets +100% movespeed Once again, I am posting this in all 3 threads mentioned above. Not to get any recognition or to start any mine is better argument trash, but in hopes that it might have some positive impact on the way any of these builds function. These are all 3 very amazing builds. I have killed Uber Elder deathless and cleared depth 400+ content with all 3 setups, so what else can be said. Your builds function phenomenally, just throwing some of my experiences at the wall for your digestion I suppose you could say. Thank you! Editado por útlima vez por Goresplattered138#5299 en 28 oct. 2018 23:20:10
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" This is really awesome, I like the creative use of the Aul's for the extra aura then having a hybrid Watcher's Eye. I don't mind you posting this here at all :D Editado por útlima vez por SkillshotsOP#4043 en 30 oct. 2018 0:59:12
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Love this build , very strong and fun, easy to destroy everything.
Would u recommend this build for a league starter? If it's available, I'll keep do it next league! Btw I bought some strong gear, but my stat in POB still less than you even ver.1 , sad. Editado por útlima vez por 1i1W4DE#5033 en 30 oct. 2018 1:29:23
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