[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)
Thanks Much appreciated!
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Hopefully rng blesses me here on out. I kinda wanna try the farrul fur version pbad.
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Will the build still function without Might of the Meek? Those're expensive as hell...
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Just to give a little testimonial, I've taken this build so far to like Delve 296 (can easily go much, much deeper but sulphite costs are holding me back), killed uber elder multiple times (haven't tried Uber Atziri, a bit worries about scourge arrow and the mirror clone), along with obviously shaper and T16 elder guardians and shaper himself. The build hits stupidly hard and is everything the OP advertises.
Here's my current gear at level 94 (in case I mess it up, my profile is public, look for "XyrmsDelveScourge"): Not sure how to link the jewels on my passive tree, doesn't seem to work, but Suffice to say they are 2x similar to what's in my gear, and 3x might of the meek. Not quite sure what to upgrade next, probably my quiver, or +1 frenzy tombfists? I do have a few issues with the build, but I'm quite certain they are a "me" issue and not a problem with the build. 1) Stunlocks - this happens quite often on high tier maps and boss encounters. What normally saves me is overleech plus my mirage archer, but there are times it doesn't. The issue was so bad on uber elder I just dropped bubonic for kaom's to get the boss down, and now that's the only way I do it. But I hate the way the build feels with kaom's otherwise. Funny enough, I actually have quite a bit more HP than OP does (7.2k at the time of writing this) so if anything I should be less susceptible to stuns. 2) Leech and frenzy charges on bosses: due to the need to charge the shot and the need to frequently move for many bosses, I find I'm often at low frenzy charges (this can be solved with ralakesh's boots, which I hate, or going the farrul's fur approach, which I can't afford) and low leech rate (not sure how to solve this, seems to basically be luck of the draw with when I crit or not). I am completely willing to accept I'm doing something wrong here, I just don't know what. 3) As I mentioned a few pages ago, the build is very starved for 2 stats (str and especially int if you opt to use Wrath and can't get the corruption that grants it) needing to rely on +30 stat nodes on the tree, or very starved for resists if you chose to go with hyrri's quiver. There's nothing inherently wrong with this as there ARE workarounds, but it just feels... off to me. We can chalk this one up to my personal neuroses. 4) Inconsistency in damage: related to #2, sometimes I aboslutely melt stuff, othertimes I feel like I'm not doing anything. This specifically relates to bosses more than other Keep in mind, despite the above, I have historically HATED bow builds, but I wanted to try something different, and this has been a pleasant surprise. Editado por útlima vez por Xyrm#5183 en 15 oct. 2018 13:21:11
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" Yes the build works without the Meeks. |
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Hi , this build is pretty nice but i need some help regarding the way to play it.
the character hits pretty hard, but as soon as anything touches it , even a slight brush , i'm dead. Can't do any boss without dying 1 or 2 times , so i'm not sure what i'm missing since i read the main post and replies about people killing uber elder and such , yet i get obliterated by the traps at uber lab if i step on 1 for a sec. I'm lvlv 80 , haven't been able to do the uber lab. sitting at 5.2k life
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" Alright, first of all glad you're enjoying the build. I'm gonna try to help you out from the top here, but by the way you can only link jewels by taking them out of your tree and putting them in your inventory then linking them that way, and they won't stay on the forum post until you actually publish it, preview doesn't work. It's weird and kinda silly I know but it is what it is. 1. So yeah the stunlock thing is a pain in the ass, won't deny that. The best way to avoid it is to not Blink Arrow recklessly into packs or run straight into them, but this is the case with most ranged builds that don't have stun immunity as getting caught out by packs will usually lead to stunlocks in many builds, my best advice is to do low-charge Scourge Arrow shots (even 1 stage is fine) into the packs to clear out some of the trash mobs and chill/freeze the rest, making it much less likely that you get stunlocked. As for Uber Elder I didn't find stunlocks a problem at all, although admittedly I did die once to it from stupidly tanking Shaper balls. Uber Elder is a very mechanical fight and as long as you continue strafing left or right between Scourge Arrow shots, you should be able to dodge most of what those ass holes throw at you, therefore avoiding any stuns. 2. I see you have Ice Golem on a CWDT setup, and if maintaining Frenzy Charges is a problem for you, I recommend using that CWDT slot for a Frenzy gem and just manual casting Ice Golem instead so you can just throw the skill out every now and again to permanently maintain Frenzy Charges. And about the low leech rate, I assume this only happens to you against bosses that change your instance such as Elder Guardians(which removes any leech you have built up)? In any case though, if you get to a boss and you have little to no leech for whatever reason don't be afraid to pop all your flasks, particularly Atziri's Promise since that will give you more leech. I've also had this experience particularly against Elder Guardians since you have no way to generate Frenzy Charges or Leech before the boss fight starts apart from Ralakesh's, so I usually just used all my Flasks right off the bat to get a healthy amount of Leech then spammed the Frenzy skill a few times to get a healthy amount of charges and continued the fight as normal. All in all, especially since you don't like using Ralakesh's, it just sounds to me like the Frenzy skill will be your best friend. 3. I specifically chose paths in my tree that led to those big attribute nodes for this, but I tend to make builds that just barely meet attribute requirements really often for some reason so I guess I'm just used to it at this point :P. 4. I honestly can't say I feel any damage inconsistency very often, and I've checked your tree to make sure you have the proper crit nodes and you do. Do you play crit builds very often? Because if you don't then this could be why it feels this way. Granted the crit chance on this build isn't particularly high so a few unlucky shots that don't roll to crit can cause the damage consistency to feel off. Oh and lastly about your Uber Atziri comment, check out my Uber Atziri video at the top of the thread. It's very doable, just swap out Mirage Archer for Slower Projectiles, this let's you usually oneshot the clone phase (yes even in Uber Atziri) and if you position yourself close to the clone directly across from the mirror clone, your thorn pods do not reach far enough to hit the mirror clone. As long as you quickly locate the mirror clone and position accordingly, Uber Atziri is a cakewalk. Hope this was helpful man, and I'm glad you're otherwise enjoying the build so far! |
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" Hopefully you're not trying to facetank bosses because this build simply won't be able to do that, against the harder bosses that you can't just delete, you HAVE to kite the fight out at least to a degree. If you have trouble with traps on Uber lab, try to first gain Frenzy charges either through Ralakesh's or the Frenzy Skill then building up leech on mob packs, in addition, maybe bring an extra life flask just for the lab since sometimes you won't have mob packs before trap rooms. Other than that though you are missing a good chunk of life and you should aim for an absolute minimum of 6k life. |
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" everything you said reflects exactly how i feel. particularly your last point about typically hating bow builds but i really enjoy this one. ive also just come to except the fact that no matter what build i play for uber elder i just use kaoms boots. i just started trying rain of arrows for maps and it is amazing. i generally run lots of guardians/elder haunted mansion and RoA clear is so lazy its great for maps. it also prevented alot of my stunlocking issues because it kills around doorways and limits those blind spots where scourge arrow gets a little clunky. guardians/shaper/uber i just use scourge arrow because single target is noticeably stronger |
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" It was, I really appreciate the detailed feedback. I just balanced my resists last night (can't believe I forgot to do that...) so that should also help make the damage higher since my wise oak was only boosting lightning damage (and with the way my abyss jewels are, I do almost the same amount of lightning and cold damage). I'll give frenzy a try. Normally, I hate having to use that as a way to generate, but it makes sense. With the attack speed this build has it shouldn't be too painful. EDIT: Do you have any recommendations for what I should focus on in terms of upgrades next? I realize the farrul's fur + aspect of the cat approach you're taking actually fixes a few of my complaints, but I'm not sure I can afford it, as it's nearly impossible to find a decently statted aspect of the cat belt with decent resists. Also hit delve ~310 last night. Looking to see how deep I can go (goal is 600 for the challenge but I'm not sure how mobs scale after 300). Editado por útlima vez por Xyrm#5183 en 16 oct. 2018 12:20:52
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