Delving Build - Expire at 400 Darkness Stacks
It's a build for delving, but only the scoot'n'loot kind of delving. Delve does a % of max life degen. By having a low life pool and stacking sources of flat (not %) regen it's possible to have upwards of 100% life regen. This allows a character to 'tank' 200 darkness stacks before life starts draining. The Mind Over Matter keystone deflects darkness damage onto the mana pool, allowing the character to survive through even more darkness stacks.
Because of the duration investments and new instant cast time on it, Phase Run is always active allowing carefree traversal through monsters with its phasing and near invisibility buff. Temporal chains slows down any potential monster attacks and lets the player use the extremely high movement speed to avoid their attacks when controlled properly, don't get greedy ;) Phase run also allows the player free traversal through potentially any level of delve zone and loot to their hearts content in the 5x5 spawned delve area. Character Name: Infinimine Passive Tree Youtube Video Editado por útlima vez por Ghudda#5522 en 14 sept. 2018 3:40:30 Reflotado por última vez en 8 oct. 2018 13:46:59
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Here's a slightly different version.
— Optimized for HC: high dodge, chilled ground, autohinder + higher evasion and curse effect to minimize the chance of getting hit; triple Immortal Call on CwS for a 97% chance of proccing before the damage is taken to life pool (does it still work that way, btw? Cause I remember it did back in Nemesis/Beyond). — Targeting a lower budget: no Temp Chains effect Devoto's (basically any enchanted helmet will do), no specific Watcher's Eye, no Seven-League Step. This version only takes enough skill duration to match the cooldown on Phase Run precisely (e.g. 4.00 seconds). Regen performance is somewhat lower due to no Watcher's Eye Vitality but can be brought up to par with some flat regen mods on applicable gear and stuff. Tweak as you see fit. You can potentially squeeze in Vitality by reserving life. Any hit will be 100% deadly though. In the current PoB setup you'll probably live if you're hit for 500–550 phys damage, meaning you can take a hit every once in a while in a shallower area. For a deeper area it does not matter, so might as well use that extra regen. Pantheon bonuses of choice are Arakaali + Garukhan (I assume the same applies to your build). <Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute...
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" HC-viable 300 life build that can easily take damage? LOL |
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" Are you sure you understand the point? Because I'm sure you don't, but for the sake of integrity I will explain. This is a build that you level up in a few hours as your second toon as early as day 2 or 3 of a new league and put some 25–50c worth of gear on (the PoB export lists optimized gear, you can make do with worse), then farm the darkness in depth <100 areas for 70+ chaos an hour worth of fossils, resonators, and currency without putting your main build in danger of a deadly degen. It's much more profitable on HC because the temp league economy takes a much longer time to inflate due to items constantly leaving it. All the more so with something as deadly as delving. The profits and the ease of access to them justify the risks. That said, taking damage isn't so easy on this build. Enemies are slowed down up to 26.6% of their original action speed (depending on the level and quality of your TC link setup) and 19.9% of their movement speed which is close to the cap. The overall chance to be hit by an attack is approximately 8%, assuming you leave out enough time to reset the entropy counter. Most of these are passive defenses, too. If you watch Ghudda's vid, he only takes damage, like, once (and doesn't die), and he has lower evasion, less TC slowdown, no dodge, no hinder, no chilled ground. <Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute...
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" QoTF requires level 60+ and it gives 75% movement speed, you are gonna be much slower without it. You also need some levels (CI is pretty far away not to mention all the other stuff you need) and basic gear to do that character actually require some time and fund investment. |
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PoB updated for the CI version. The build is now even cheaper.
Changes: — added Enfeeble for 95% chance to evade against a level 73 monster (2% chance to be hit by an attack with dodge and block factored in); — Ichimonji instead of Ephemeral Edge for some small extra bonuses (not necessary); — Immortal Flesh instead of an eldritch belt (lots of regen as well as flat phys reduction); — more curse effect from Occultist and the Hex Master cluster for even better slowing and evading (TC hits 74.1% without Enhance, so it isn't needed anymore); — magic jewels are enough. In other words, this is getting nerfed for sure. Good job, Ghudda. :) " I'm not sure what your point is. Have you even looked at the PoB? The build requires level 69 to function optimally, yes. Which means you need to rush through the story ASAP with whatever leveling gear you have, ask a friend to kill hard bosses for you, and spec out of life nodes into CI when you're done. Takes several hours, and the entire initial investment to get it going is ~20c for QotF+Pincers+2×Kikazaru+Singularity+Flesh and some alts to roll flasks—most of this you can find on the way. This is not a serious investment considering you recoup it in at most half an hour of farming the darkness. The build pays for itself immediately. In fact, the main problem is leveling the curse gems—you'll have to start doing it on your main before you switch. The rest is all trivial to acquire. <Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute... Editado por útlima vez por moozooh#4289 en 14 sept. 2018 11:24:08
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" Point is in HC all of that gonna be for naught once char die and it will happen very soon. You have 4 ES. 4 fucking Es. Wake up. You need to be immune to damage to live with such character, no matter how many defensive layers you will stack, anything will kill this character once it lands. About your PoB, there is no reason to get more than 45000 Evasion (QoTF cap) and a lot of pieces are very niche or not needed - Crab gloves, Level 22 Grace ammy (level 22 is not needed), etc. etc. This build needs as much movement speed as possible, you can get movement speed on jewels and you can have 4% ms if you haven't been hit recently (and you won't be hit for entire lifespan (albeit very short) of that character), you won't be able to kill anything so ms on kill is out of the options, also Transparent Spirit for movement speed, but it's more expensive. Try to get ms on all the possible gear pieces - Karui ward ammy, Devoto's, etc. etc. Editado por útlima vez por SunL4D2#6224 en 14 sept. 2018 10:20:27
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Updated the PoB to use Occultist instead of Hierophant (the extra MoM effect isn't needed but +10% curse efficiency allows skipping Enhance for good and even saving on gem quality).
" Well, duh?.. The point of the build is not to be immune; it's to avoid getting hit. If it can be used to farm a couple dozens of exalts' worth of fossils and resonators early on in the league before a hit lands, it's served its purpose. Losing several hours and 20-something chaos worth of gear is not a big deal. " I feel like I'm reiterating it for the umpteenth time, but the reason is capping your chance to evade, which is something that extends the character's lifespan very significantly. 2% chance to be hit by enemies that mostly ignore you is way more than you think. " Are for the regen so that darkness doesn't hurt you. They're the second largest source of flat regen on an item, right behind Immortal Flesh. You only really need one of those, that's true, but since you won't be able to farm a lot of azurite in the dark, you need to provide for reduced darkness resistance. " 246% is not enough for you? Personally I find my movement accuracy impaired already after ~180%. 246% is plenty. " ...Which is more expensive than the rest of the gear combined and not really needed for anything, but thanks for missing the point. Likewise with Devoto's—a 20–30% Temp Chains effect helmet would be far more effective than 20% extra movement speed (which is less than 10% to how much there is already). <Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute... Editado por útlima vez por moozooh#4289 en 14 sept. 2018 11:24:21
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" That build is for farming low delves. Fyi monsters at these leves don't have as much accuracy. There is absolutely no reason to get more than 45k Evasion. You just waste jewels on useless mod. Yes, movement speed is way more important than stacking more than enough defenses (that won't save you anyway). 240% is base, you need to GO FAST, as fast as you this is that kind of deal. One hit and you are dead. **Any** damage taken will kill you. It's like you have absolutely no experience with any mechanics you are mentioning, they will not safe you unless you have some health buffer. Editado por útlima vez por SunL4D2#6224 en 14 sept. 2018 13:34:05
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can i use a lvl 85 scion for this build?
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