[3.10] S3 || Stag's Soulwrest Summoner || Streaming and updating to 3.11 || Videos

InsaneX3 escribió:
Monti_Jones escribió:
Hi there again!

I am done leveling and started to do a few maps. The play style is exactly what I was looking for: fast and effortless.

I tried the new Devouring Diadem and tbh, I'm a fan. Quite frankly the reduced mana reservation is absurd. Together with the Sovereignity node I can perfectly run 2 big auras + 1 small. Reserves all my mana, but who cares, EB takes care of that.

I also tried to go double curse via Bubonics, because corrupted lazhwars are that cheap, but I am running into a problem with that, literally. I'm just too damn fast! Phasing through packs with 200% MS leaves the phantasms trailing behind quite far. I can't even utilize Bubonics or the Diadem for auto summoning because I outrun the phantasm's spells, even with faster projectiles. There simply are no corpses I could Death Walk over. Yes, the gem is low level, but I'm a bit worried about this. Is there a solution for this "problem"?
Good thing I am that fast, I can finish a map with my first set of phantasms!

I am quite tight on life, but that's just because I run MF gear and have to cope with an astral plate to fix my resists. All in all just minor inconveniences. Great build, great fun, very zoom zoom! Can only recommend it!


Which map tiers are you doing with your gear? Are you able to kill map bosses/syndicate? Also I hope Stagsnetti will answer your concerns since I am quite curios myself.

Sorry, thought I had replied. I have now - just above you.

Edit: he's probably doing T13-T15's
Editado por útlima vez por Stagsnetti#6287 en 11 ene. 2019 11:49:10
Stagsnetti escribió:

Sorry, thought I had replied. I have now - just above you.

Edit: he's probably doing T13-T15's

Since you are browsing this thread atm, I want to ask if it's possible to get an updated elemental version? In that version a minion helmet is being used but I am interested in the new helmet you talked about but I am not sure how to incorporate it into the elemental version.
Editado por útlima vez por InsaneX3#3865 en 11 ene. 2019 12:06:46
InsaneX3 escribió:
Stagsnetti escribió:

Sorry, thought I had replied. I have now - just above you.

Edit: he's probably doing T13-T15's

Since you are browsing this thread atm, I want to ask if it's possible to get an updated elemental version? In that version a minion helmet is being used but I am interested in the new helmet you talked about but I am not sure how to incorporate it into the elemental version.

Ah you pretty much just remove blood magic keystone, Socket your aura's into the helmet and grab another ring. You also don't exactly need the boots if you use the helmet, so you can also grab a pair of rare boots. You could even grab a +1 spectre boots and a +1 spectre body armour and be like a hybrid spec/phantasm build.
Stagsnetti escribió:
InsaneX3 escribió:
Stagsnetti escribió:

Sorry, thought I had replied. I have now - just above you.

Edit: he's probably doing T13-T15's

Since you are browsing this thread atm, I want to ask if it's possible to get an updated elemental version? In that version a minion helmet is being used but I am interested in the new helmet you talked about but I am not sure how to incorporate it into the elemental version.

Ah you pretty much just remove blood magic keystone, Socket your aura's into the helmet and grab another ring. You also don't exactly need the boots if you use the helmet, so you can also grab a pair of rare boots. You could even grab a +1 spectre boots and a +1 spectre body armour and be like a hybrid spec/phantasm build.

How much more dmg is the elemental version? And the answer above applies to the physical version as well right? Do I only remove the 4 Blood Magic nodes as well as the 2 10 strength nodes that connects them? Also, if I put the Aura's in the Helmet, where do I put the skills that were originally in the helmet? In the guide you say to use Spectre + Blood Magic, even though you already have Blood Magic from the passive tree? Last but not least, what are the Body Armour alternatives? (excluding +1 spectre body armor)
Editado por útlima vez por InsaneX3#3865 en 11 ene. 2019 14:01:09
InsaneX3 escribió:
Stagsnetti escribió:
InsaneX3 escribió:

Since you are browsing this thread atm, I want to ask if it's possible to get an updated elemental version? In that version a minion helmet is being used but I am interested in the new helmet you talked about but I am not sure how to incorporate it into the elemental version.

Ah you pretty much just remove blood magic keystone, Socket your aura's into the helmet and grab another ring. You also don't exactly need the boots if you use the helmet, so you can also grab a pair of rare boots. You could even grab a +1 spectre boots and a +1 spectre body armour and be like a hybrid spec/phantasm build.

How much more dmg is the elemental version? And the answer above applies to the physical version as well right? Do I only remove the 4 Blood Magic nodes as well as the 2 10 strength nodes that connects them? Also, if I put the Aura's in the Helmet, where do I put the skills that were originally in the helmet? In the guide you say to use Spectre + Blood Magic, even though you already have Blood Magic from the passive tree? Last but not least, what are the Body Armour alternatives? (excluding +1 spectre body armor)

the ele does about 20-30% more damage. Removing bm also allows you to grab aspect of the spider. Something that was impossible last leauge. The spectres are linked to blood magic because the spectres themselves have a crappy mana pool. If the spectre runs out of mana then they don't cast anything. Body armours can be belly of the beast, a nice rare, an even nicer rare with +1 spec, the queens hunger could work too. Pretty much anything can work, it's a flexible build.

here's an updated pob I just threw together with pretty average gear. It's still over 1 million shaper dps...

Editado por útlima vez por Stagsnetti#6287 en 11 ene. 2019 15:27:17
Stagsnetti escribió:

the ele does about 20-30% more damage. Removing bm also allows you to grab aspect of the spider. Something that was impossible last leauge. The spectres are linked to blood magic because the spectres themselves have a crappy mana pool. If the spectre runs out of mana then they don't cast anything. Body armours can be belly of the beast, a nice rare, an even nicer rare with +1 spec, the queens hunger could work too. Pretty much anything can work, it's a flexible build.

here's an updated pob I just threw together with pretty average gear. It's still over 1 million shaper dps...


Thanks, will check the PoB out! Btw what do you think about Rampage(Bisco's)? I am considering using it for pure mapping.
Editado por útlima vez por InsaneX3#3865 en 11 ene. 2019 19:45:13
Which map tiers are you doing with your gear? Are you able to kill map bosses/syndicate? Also I hope Stagsnetti will answer your concerns since I am quite curios myself.

I am only lvl 80, on 3.3k life, no uber lab, no max level gems, as much MF gear as my resists can handle, bad jewels. But I am still doing yellow tiers comfortably! Bosses still go down resonably well when I keep EE up. Syndicate is going well too! Because I am that fast, I can dodge most of the attacks or I block them. With a timely Convocation I can burst them down fast.

I must not have posted my reply, awks. Is it really a problem you're too fast? You don't really need to curse things if they die quickly and EE doesn't matter if.. again they die quick. When I got to that speed I'd desecrate in front of me from time to time - in the direction of travel. Running over those corpses should keep the momentum going.

Another option would be to fiddle with the links again and try get desecrate and your offering into your Diadem, and buy one with the "Trigger socketed spells when you focus" mod. It's at instant speed so it shouldn't slow you down.
You may have to drop haste for it though, which really isn't that big of a deal.

edit: Another option (and probably the better one) is using convocate early, before you get to the pack, so they kill it before you run through it.

Don't worry, everything is going fine for me!

I found out it has to do with straight corridor maps. Early on I was leveling mostly in blood aqueduct, channels and grotto and the phantasms can't keep up in there. Delve isn't that great either. In more open maps like jungle valley or ashen woods I can snake around and give the bullets time to catch up. It all gets better with bigger packs, like on shrines, because I can zig-zag though them. All the drops from my quant gear are making me stop often enough then, to pick up loot and the helmet triggers a new full set of phantasms, my cooldowns can reset. You are right about the curses, for trash they aren't needed so I only apply it with a storm brand, together with EE, on bosses. In open maps the build really shines and plays fast, smooth and simple! It just feels great!

See, that's why you do the builds and I come to ask questions: I even have a trigger helmet but didn't even think about using it for a utility desecrate! While I like the concept very much and will maybe try it in narrow maps, I am quite happy now with my tripple aura setup. I use convocation almost on cooldown at the start of big packs but during the cooldown time I run through 3 or 4 packs.

Thank you again for your detailed response!

Thanks, will check the PoB out! Btw what do you think about Rampage(Bisco's)? I am considering using it for pure mapping.

I am running Bisco's Leash right now and it is kind of a double edged sword. The most of the effects help with the clear nicely but the two detonate corpse tiers leave you without food for your staff. It's still worth it for me though, even just for the fancy explosions.

PS: Just if anyone else runs into the same problem (litteraly): After a day of crashing and lag deaths, I found that playing on Lockstep mode was essential for my fast play style. Only other build I ever had to do that on, was flicker strike! Rocking steady 320mill exp/h now. :)
Editado por útlima vez por Monti_Jones#4875 en 11 ene. 2019 22:03:56
I just found out that Commander of Darkness doesn't give you any of the bonuses when using Generosity. Is it worth using it? I think I need that 20% all resist. Not sure if I should go without Generosity and get more dmg jewels or use Generosity and use more resist jewels.
Editado por útlima vez por InsaneX3#3865 en 11 ene. 2019 21:47:52
InsaneX3 escribió:
I just found out that Commander of Darkness doesn't give you any of the bonuses when using Generosity. Is it worth using it? I think I need that 20% all resist. Not sure if I should go without Generosity and get more dmg jewels or use Generosity and use more resist jewels.

An option is to use War banner without generosity. It'll give you the res.
InsaneX3 escribió:
Stagsnetti escribió:

the ele does about 20-30% more damage. Removing bm also allows you to grab aspect of the spider. Something that was impossible last leauge. The spectres are linked to blood magic because the spectres themselves have a crappy mana pool. If the spectre runs out of mana then they don't cast anything. Body armours can be belly of the beast, a nice rare, an even nicer rare with +1 spec, the queens hunger could work too. Pretty much anything can work, it's a flexible build.

here's an updated pob I just threw together with pretty average gear. It's still over 1 million shaper dps...


Thanks, will check the PoB out! Btw what do you think about Rampage(Bisco's)? I am considering using it for pure mapping.

Bisco's is fine if you can res cap. Do note that rampage does nothing for your minions.

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