[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|
I think one elder ring with the lgoh mod is great too for ultimatums where you're swarmed by normal mobs. Great sustain when poachers mark isn't up. I'm only at T10 maps at the moment but clearing all ulti waves without issue.
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for 3.14 its pretty bad, i did all the build with bests items, its very bad for this league and ele damage will kill u all the time. cant even do conqueros well.
Editado por útlima vez por franklin01#2119 en 25 abr. 2021 20:51:55
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" It seems like you've already taken all of the items off of your character so can't really see what issues you're having. It does look like you're maybe putting too much stock into cluster jewels because you don't have the scion life wheel. And just a side note for other people reading this: If you get the Glorius Vanity gem and your chaos resist isn't above your ele resists then you're effectively taking MORE elemental damage. I've seen a lot of people doing this. It isn't worth using that gem until you have 80+ chaos resist. I've also seen a lot of people saying sniper's mark is going to be more damage than poacher's which is also true, but you also aren't as tanky. I would rather just get LGOH from poacher's and not have to worry about my flasks. A lot of this is basic stuff that if you guys actually took the time to read the guide you would understand. Editado por útlima vez por Xarisse#4646 en 25 abr. 2021 22:50:01
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" because your character even not 90+ lvl, and because your "best"gear is shit I guees. Do you know why? Just because even on market there is no really good items for this build, plus you will not have enough currency for craft best ones (im pretty sure), also there is just yesterday Ive seen a good eye prismatic jewels. So, what are you talking about?) Have no Idea why u writed ur posts here and then? deleted all ur gear from character. Editado por útlima vez por goncharov92#0805 en 26 abr. 2021 4:03:51
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I would like to really thank Hybrid for your build guide here. I have invested heavily into this build for 3.14 and am having a blast. While my DPS is lower than previous builds I've played, I've never played such a tank. I'm at the point where I can clear all content with ease, and getting here has been awesome.
For anyone interested, you can check out my build/items on my character profile, character name "GamblingMeatballs". Thank you Hybrid! |
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Thank you for this build.
Really enjoying it so far. I have a noob technical question. For the large cluster jewel, is % increased damage replacable by % damage with sword? Or damage with sword are not affecting aoe? |
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" PoB says it does. Editado por útlima vez por Xarisse#4646 en 26 abr. 2021 12:07:06
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What would be the best way to go about crafting a pair of +strike gloves with attack speed, and high dexterity? I haven't played since delve league and it doesn't seem anything like this exists yet so I believe I'm gonna have to do it myself.
Editado por útlima vez por Xarisse#4646 en 27 abr. 2021 3:43:40
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I thought I will never be in this position to ask for help in a guide because mostly I understand what I'm doing wrong or how I can improve. But this time I feel like I'm blind and just don't see what I am failing at. So...please help someone ^^
It feels like the damage is kind of ok on my char but currently I am trying to farm tier 13 / 14 maps and in a lot of situations my char is dead so fast that it feels like a one-shot. The birdy (angel?) conqueror was one-shotting me. I feel like I am missing something. Name of my character is "KeinPrinzessin". Resistances are at 76%, chaos resistance at 85% and lifepool is over 7000. I am missing the watchers eye and will add it soon but I don't think that this will solve my survivability-problem. Please help me, I don't know what I am doing wrong =/ |
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Thanks a lot for sharing this to us and taking the time to do such a precise build, I can answer most of my questions it's perfect. I have one remaining question though, maybe you already answered it in the thread but can't find the time to read the 400+ pages ^^ I just found a 40% increased molten strike damage in uberlab, is the difference between this enchant and the + # molten strike projectiles really huge? I wonder if I shall continue spamming lab or not. Thanks in advance |
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