[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|
Hello everyone!
So, Ive starter this league with this build and would say, that this build is really amazing. Ive had some problems during last acts, but because I didnt linked nescessary gems and didnt get Torment ring, which can provide insane life leech and Mana. When Ive got those- I was able to melting all low tier maps. Tips : before u get The Helmet with right mods - you can get corrupted 6L body armour for 10c and link there 3 Red and 3? blue gems (those u ill have later in ur Helmet, but because u dont have Helmet now - Just put gems to body arm) Get tribal fury is important, aswell as avatar of fire till u get Xophs amulet. So. After Ive got cluster jewels and some other stuff, you can check my profile. For now Im at 84 lvl and tier 7 maps, Just because I did a lot of crafting and farming currency afk in my HO :) Just literally for now I can stay afk with right click during all 10 waves of ultimatum. Have super overcapped resists and 6800 hp. I didnt switch to divine flesh yet, also didnt get Xophs blood amulet yet, dont want to buy it now. So ye, Just sharing my thought here. Build is really enjoyable. Some ppl tokd me that it isnt a meta, so thus Ill leave build after 10 acts... oh, now I realize that desptite of their expirience in game they have said a huge mistake :) One of them tokd me yesterday :"u are not even on Red maps, u are not even began to play" ; ok man, uve said to me ill leave build after 10 acts, now u are talking about Red maps))) And also I want to give my gratitude to @cleanerr for advices and help with build. Thanks man, you are awesome! PS: when ill be on Red maps I can share my expirience here if u want. PPS: this post basically for People Who doubd about starting this build. Dont doubd, start! Editado por útlima vez por goncharov92#0805 en 22 abr. 2021 4:55:33
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+1 to Thief's Torment. Was getting melted in Ultimatum and now I'm doing the melting, got half a level just from mostly standing still. And that's even after Thief's Torment lowered my DPS by 30% by removing my DPS-focused rings.
And I finally decided to try Whirring Blades even though it cuts my DPS down too (I had a pretty nice axe) - the QoL is definitely worth it, and I don't worry about movement speed of this build anymore. Haven't got the cluster jewels yet but now that the above is in place, I think I'll actually be able to farm some currency from ultimatums for it. And I'm only in Act 6 Prison, so plenty of improvement left. |
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" awaken orb with a shaper shield- get max chaos res on a hunter shield (probably aberrant fossil is the fastest) and awken orb a shaper shield with max all res into it. otherwise aberrant fossil spam double influence hunter+shaper shield, but its like ~1/500 chance. " what do you mean? its all in the guide. |
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how is everyone finding this build in ultimatum?
I am looking for a strong build for surviving ulti and i LOVED molten strike back in the day. Hybrid are you playing it this league? Thanks |
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what we should put in our cwdt instead of wave of conviction?
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+1 to Thief's Torment.
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" I played molten strike way way back in the day before the helm enchant nerf and stuff and was hesitant to try it again. I just got to maps, don't even have full resistance yet, not uber lab done and the build has been great! One thing to consider is that besides the time to lvl a new guy the basic items to get going are not a big investment. Grelwood Shank is cheap - got mine for 10c, Lioneyes shield was 5c and thief's torment was 2c. With just these three you can facetank bosses, survive ultimatums and build a currency base. I don't have my watcher's eye or cluster jewels! The clear speed is nice just make sure you follow the pathing advice on here. Saving for kaom's heart (which will be cheaper soon), the HELM, and xophs ammy. I LOVE dropping balls on bosses! Would recommend! 🐢
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" 10c for Grelwood?! I'm definitely jealous. This was the first league I played enough to hit maps by 24hrs after launch and I think I paid 60c for mine. Haven't been paying attention so didn't realize they dropped in price that much. There were only 4 listed when I got mine. |
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" They are 5c now. 🐢
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" im not playing this league. actually not playing at all sadly, got a new job and dont have enough free time. also this league doesnt look interesting, its like the same as before but nerfed. " grelwood only drops from elder guardian, so its expensive at very early league since most people dont have access to it, but shortly after players get to higher tier maps it drops in price for the rest of the league. |
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