[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|
hilmi48soyuer escribió:
Is there an updated pastebin link, or could you please add the poeplanner version? this pastebin link has error
i shared the raw code a few pages ago.
the link is fine, people said pastebin is banned in their country so i think you are in the same situation.
Irra_set escribió:
1.) is there a different tree that doesn't path to tribal fury, i followed it to a T then annointed my xophs with tribal fury like a nunce without realizing you already took it.
2.) is physical damage to attacks, or fire damage to attacks better, or does it not matter. Most of the gear i see has phys and i figured fire is what we would want. it's phys isn't it since 50% gets converted/added to fire?
3.) do we want to get 39% chaos res so that when it doubles it's 78 which is our new max? I'm at the point know where i think i need to change my boots/belt and maybe even a ring to get there, as i'm at -21 (not using flesh yet obv).
4.) is crafting the hunter spike gloves easy to do, has anyone tried it? or is hitting +1 target really rare?
i just wsnt to be able to do eveyrhting in the game for the first time since before the elder was added again and it seems like this build will do it, i just hope i can finish out the gear, i haven't seen an ex drop in 3 days now =(
1. just spend it on life nodes or something.
there is another tree in the POB.
2. fire damage is better overall, but phyz is also good (and more common) because we convert 100% of it into fire.
3. your new max chaos res will be 80% at the minimum with divine flesh as it gives +5% on its own.
but 80% is pretty low for this setup, you want to get at least 85%.
3% from a small cluster jewel and a shield will get you anywhere from 1 to 5.
4. rolling the +1 mod isnt that hard, but getting other useful things with it is where the RNG hits.
this league you have harvest though so i guess it wont be impossible to craft a decent pair.
HiddenRanger escribió:
Yeah its changed. No idea why it was there.
Just tried a T16 100% delirious and got absolutely smoked. Thats with max blood rage and ancestral totem 100% up. Map mods were easy too.
A tanky build 100%, and most things wont kill you. But there are quite a few instances where 1 shots while dealing damage can happen.
i only did 100% delirious super juiced maps in a 6 man party but from my experience the build tanked pretty much everything.
the problem is it doesnt have the damage and clear to do these kind of maps reliably, it was never meant to.
RatskCorE escribió:
searched for a helm upgrade and haven't seen any where i think it could help. so i started crafting myself with this one and much more investment i can save the cwdt and wave of conviction? what u think about this *__*
I know this sounds like a stupid question, but POB calcs let me confused. (1)Awakened Multistrike increases the damage? (2)Another question: Slower projectiles is better than Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks in bosses?
1. why not?
2. i only tested slower projectiles vs normal EDWA.
if you have awk EDWA dont bother with slow proj since even if its slightly more dps its not worth the effort of gem swapping, mapping with slow proj is bad with conc effect.
1. My POB was apparently bugged, i restarted it and now the damage difference is observable. Awakaned Multistrike increases attack speed from 6.42 to 9.45.
2. Yes, i tested it and the difference is not enough to bother with this.
However, i already have questions.
Why you mark "Is the enemy maimed?" in POB? What you maim source? I dont understand this.
You can give me any tips to craft the gloves with "Strikes target one additional target" and "Chance to intimidate on hit"? I want to do this but do not know how to start.
Is there an updated pastebin link, or could you please add the poeplanner version? this pastebin link has error
i shared the raw code a few pages ago.
the link is fine, people said pastebin is banned in their country so i think you are in the same situation.
Irra_set escribió:
1.) is there a different tree that doesn't path to tribal fury, i followed it to a T then annointed my xophs with tribal fury like a nunce without realizing you already took it.
2.) is physical damage to attacks, or fire damage to attacks better, or does it not matter. Most of the gear i see has phys and i figured fire is what we would want. it's phys isn't it since 50% gets converted/added to fire?
3.) do we want to get 39% chaos res so that when it doubles it's 78 which is our new max? I'm at the point know where i think i need to change my boots/belt and maybe even a ring to get there, as i'm at -21 (not using flesh yet obv).
4.) is crafting the hunter spike gloves easy to do, has anyone tried it? or is hitting +1 target really rare?
i just wsnt to be able to do eveyrhting in the game for the first time since before the elder was added again and it seems like this build will do it, i just hope i can finish out the gear, i haven't seen an ex drop in 3 days now =(
1. just spend it on life nodes or something.
there is another tree in the POB.
2. fire damage is better overall, but phyz is also good (and more common) because we convert 100% of it into fire.
3. your new max chaos res will be 80% at the minimum with divine flesh as it gives +5% on its own.
but 80% is pretty low for this setup, you want to get at least 85%.
3% from a small cluster jewel and a shield will get you anywhere from 1 to 5.
4. rolling the +1 mod isnt that hard, but getting other useful things with it is where the RNG hits.
this league you have harvest though so i guess it wont be impossible to craft a decent pair.
you still want CWDT for immortal call and golem.[/quote]
So what i was asking is that we need to have then 43% chaos resistance before we skill divine flesh, that's what we have to shoot for with great and everything... so that when it doubles with divine flesh it'll go to 85% right? that's what i'm talking about is hard to do atm
So uh, I started running lab with this build, and want to upgrade to running gifts of the goddess. Currently level 91 and Izaro constantly 1 shots me. any suggestions for a quick (or slow) relatively inexpensive (5ex~) fix?
Editado por útlima vez por Kalevalla#7614 en 1 feb. 2021 23:55:28
1. My POB was apparently bugged, i restarted it and now the damage difference is observable. Awakaned Multistrike increases attack speed from 6.42 to 9.45.
2. Yes, i tested it and the difference is not enough to bother with this.
However, i already have questions.
Why you mark "Is the enemy maimed?" in POB? What you maim source? I dont understand this.
You can give me any tips to craft the gloves with "Strikes target one additional target" and "Chance to intimidate on hit"? I want to do this but do not know how to start.
maimed condition comes from 'Smite the Weak' node on the large clsuter jewel.
if you dont have that it doesnt matter.
as for crafting advice, i really dont know, my pair were bought as they showed in the gear section.
getting one of the mods isnt hard, but rolling both of them with alterations has a pretty low chance.
check craftofexile.com, maybe there is a way with fossils and harvest crafting.
Irra_set escribió:
So what i was asking is that we need to have then 43% chaos resistance before we skill divine flesh, that's what we have to shoot for with great and everything... so that when it doubles with divine flesh it'll go to 85% right? that's what i'm talking about is hard to do atm
you want to get your chaos res to half of your max chaos res so it gets doubled with 'Cleansed Thoughts'.
im only lvl 71 but i feel like im absolutly starving for mana. i have 2 mana flasks on my bar for this t o feel any sort of playable. is fuel the fight the little 0.4 mana leech really what keeps this build off the mana pots?