Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

Hi Kay! What are your thoughts on the "Trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" cd nerfs? Do you think they hurt the skeleton uptime too much for the build to be viable? Thanks in advance!
WavedashToSchool escribió:
Hi Kay! What are your thoughts on the "Trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" cd nerfs? Do you think they hurt the skeleton uptime too much for the build to be viable? Thanks in advance!

I think it's still fine.

Usually use Desecrate + Offering. So it's 9s uptime. And Mistress is 40% increased duration.

Main problem is for Trigger + BV for auto EE/curse. I think that's dead.

Also Trigger + skele + siege breaker for Minion Bomber build (but I already changed it!)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Miguel_KP escribió:
Thank you so much, Kay!!!

you're welcome :)
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Graiaule escribió:

One quick question -- can we switch to Syndicate Operatives with the starter build?


If you can get them from /global 6666 they are stronger for clearing.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Editado por útlima vez por kayella#0845 en 15 abr. 2021 8:28:11
is the 4 sec to 8 sec trigger on wands nerf bad?

like is Syndicate operatives or any of the builds ruined by that nerf ?

can u tell your 2 cents on this nerf. how it affects the build.

Nothing much to say but thank you for your content and I hope you don't get burned out updating all the guides! They are very high quality and very much appreciated.

3.13 was the first league I really played POE and your guides helped me SO much. I'm going to follow them again and play Spectres & Spiders again, I loved it!

To avoid repetitive questions could you add something like a 3.14 FAQ section to the Updates section maybe? Everybody seems to be asking the same thing like:

- Any nerfs? What about trigger 4sec -> 8sec?
- Any buffs?
- Thoughts on integrating the new skill gems?
What do you think about using SRS bomber as league starter? Why is it a good/bad idea?
Why are Syndicate Operatives not in the list of recomended spectres? I thought they were the best due to shotgun mechanics but don't see them in the guide at all?
hello kayella,

your starter build is very well planed and your how-to is also very good done.
thank you for investing your time for that.
i am looking forward to play it.

have a nice day and regards,
Editado por útlima vez por microware#4893 en 15 abr. 2021 11:56:45
kayella escribió:

Hi everyone it's Kay!

My summoner build is designed to take you from league start to end game. You can play with a minion army or specialise in one type of minion. The passive tree and most gear is the same, so you can easily change between all my specialised builds!

This build is based on my own character as well as the suggestions and theorycrafting of many other players. So a big thank you to everyone who has contributed!

15 APRIL 2021
League Starter build - Forum update
Youtube video guide: Minion Army Necromancer League Starter
Now with new thumbnail art and video intro!

1. Introduction

2. Latest Updates

3. Videos

4. Build Guides
ㆍ4.1 Minion Army (League Starter) [3.14]
ㆍ4.2 Pure Spectres [3.13]
ㆍ4.3 Spectres & Spiders [3.13]
ㆍ4.4 Minion Bomber [3.13]

5. Animate Guardian Guide

6. Levelling Guide & Walkthrough

7. Recommended Spectres

8. Crafting Guide

9. Frequently Asked Questions

Build Guide: 3.14 - Minion Army Necromancer League Starter

Build Guide: Pure Spectres

Build Guide: Spectres & Spiders

Build Guide: Minion Bomber

Levelling Guide: ACT 1 + ACT 2 + ACT 3 + ACT 4

How-To Guide: Spectre Bank Guide

How-To Guide: Animate Guardian Guide

Key mechanics: Minion Army League Starter


League Start & SSF is designed for league start and solo-self-found. It is completely made from rare items, that you can pick up or self-craft. There are no uniques needed for this build.

The build uses a small army of minions: Spectres are the main damage dealers, golem and zombies are meat shields, raging spirits help add extra damage for tough monsters like bosses and the skeletons are extra meat shields as well as damage.

I recommend using the Frost Auto-Scout spectre. It’s the best all-round spectre with good damage and survivability.


The build has several defensive features.
• Meat shield minions to take incoming attacks instead of you.
• A large life pool so you can take a hit and not instantly die.
• Good amount of block, and life recovery on block.
• Several defensive flasks that increase damage mitigation.
• Blind and taunt from your minions.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin





You can craft or buy ghastly eyes. Mod priorities:
#1: life
#2: Taunt and blind
#3: increased minion attack/cast speed or increased minion damage

Highly recommend for Sirus fight
'Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you'

Recommended Unique Jewels:
Anatomical Knowledge: +flat life & 8% increased maximum life
Unending Hunger: 50% chance for minion to gain Soul Eater

*Skip Unending Hunger if it too expensive.


See Pure Spectres build for cluster jewels.


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Mindless Aggression
2. Unnatural Strength
3. Bone Barrier
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Crafted +1 helmet -> life helmet -> Crafted +3 helmet

Extra DPS Minions - SRS 1 red & 3 blue.


5L rare -> Tabula Rasa or 6 link rare -> 6 link +1 spectre

Frost Auto-Scout 6 link: 5 blue& 1 green.

Swap for mapping:


Crafted gloves

Meat Shield Minions: 3 blue & 1 red.


Crafted boots

Skitters and Aura: 2 blue, 1 red, 1 green.

1. Skitterbots chill and shock enemies.
2. Hatred Aura for more damage.


Wand or Sceptre with minion damage

Weapon: 1 green, 2 blue.

1. Desecrate spawns corpses.
2. Bone Offering consumes corpses to increase block chance for minions and necro, as well as some life recovery.
3. Skeletons add extra minions for pulling agro (and taunt if you have it on a cluster or ghastly jewel).

High life/resistance -> Crafted Shaper/Warlord shield with 'recover 5% life when block'

Shield: Elemental Equilibrium & Curse 3 blue

Storm Brand reduces enemy ele res (Elemental Equilibrium -50% and Frostbite curse -44%)


Stygian Vise with high life/resists.

Socket Ghastly Eye with Taunt and Blind.


Any amulet -> amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems.

Early in league: Anoint with Alacrity
+30 Dex to help with gearing

Later in league: Anoint with Ravenous Horder
Minions deal 20% increased Damage
Minions have 5% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 5% increased Cast Speed
Minions have 10% increased Movement Speed
Minions have 10% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill


Rings with high life/res.

1x Unset Ring

1x Coral or Vermillion rings


Bubbling Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed
Basalt of Warding - phys damage reduction & remove curse
Quicksilver of Adrenaline - increased movement speed
Quartz Flask of Heat - 10% Dodge, phasing & remove freeze
Granite Flask of Iron Skin - extra armour (physical damage reduction)

Recommended Unique Flasks:

Upgrading after League Start

This build can carry you to level 100 and Sirus A8. But if you have currency and you play in the trade league, think about upgrading to Pure Spectres or Spectres & Spiders.

The easiest upgrade is the Pure Spectres build. I recommend upgrading in this order:
1. 4 spectres (Raise Spectre gem level 25)
2. Cluster Jewels
3. Devouring Diadem + reserve Haste aura
4. 5 spectres (6L delve body)
5. Awakened Dems
6. Unending Hunger*

Please check the guides below as well as the video guides on youtube for more information.

Key mechanics


The Pure Spectres build uses Devouring Diadem to boost DPS and quality of life.

devouring diadem + sovereignty
Firstly, it reduces mana reserve. So, combined with the sovereignty notable, you can reserve 100% of your mana with 2 auras and skitterbots.
Secondly, it gives eldritch battery, which uses energy shield instead of mana for skills. This will allow you to do maps with ‘no mana regen’.
Lastly, feast of flesh gives a large amount of life and energy shield recovery.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin.



Unending Hunger*
Ghastly Eye

*Skip Unending Hunger if it too expensive.


• One 8-passive Large jewel, with feasting fiends, renewal, third notable (don’t allocate).
• Two 4 or 5-passive Medium jewels, with vengeful commander, replenishing presence.
• One 2-passive Small jewel, with surging vitality.
• One 2-passive Small jewel, with enduring composure.

Same large and medium as SINGLE CLUSTER.
• Two 2-passive Small jewels with Surging Vitality.


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Mindless Aggression
2. Unnatural Strength
3. Commander of Darkness
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Devouring Diadem. 1 blue, 1 red, 2 green

Vaal Haste and Hatred linked to Generosity will give a big boost to DPS. Skitters don’t benefit from generosity, but need the reduced mana reserve from diadem.

Enchant: Spectre damage, minion ias, or flesh offering ias

If Devouring Diadem is too expensive. Just use a normal helmet and don't reserve Haste Aura. You can use Vaal Haste for speed boost against bosses.


Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number. 3 blue, 3 red

Swap for endgame bosses:


Grip of the Council. 1 blue, 3 red


Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence) 3 blue, 1 red


Convoking wand or Temple wand with Trigger craft 1 blue, 2 green

*added fire or lightning damage to spells on your wand or a ring.
This will allow your blade vortex to apply EE without self-casting anything!

Shaper or Warlord influence shield 3 blue


Stygian Vise with high life/resists.

Socket Ghastly Eye with Taunt and Blind.


Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems.

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


Recommended: Vermillion, Coral

One ring with curse on hit: frostbite.
Craft added fire or lightning damage to spells, if you don’t have it on your wand. This allows your triggered blade vortex to apply EE without any self-casting.


Bubbling Eternal life of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal.
Rumi's Concoction for extra block.
Quicksilver flask of adrenaline for big speed boost.
Quartz flask of heat for phasing, dodge and remove burning. (or Warding for curse removal)
Jade flask of reflexes for evasion.

Key mechanics & How to play


1. Spiders
Arakaali’s Fang summons spiders that have high movement speed, are extremely aggressive, and will attack everything on-screen and off-screen. They hit with physical and chaos damage, and will proc poison. They are also immune to damage.

2. Speaker’s wreath & spider’s poison
Speaker’s wreath blocks your spectres and spiders from killing monsters with hits, because they cannot ignite the monsters.
This means all monsters will die from spider’s poison.
And any kill from a minion’s poison will count as a player kill.

3. on kill effects
Spider’s poison kill will proc any ‘on kill’ effect, such as:
• Re-spawning spiders
• Life and ES recovery


To start mapping, let spectres hit the nearest monsters. They will reduce the monster’s life to 0, but they won’t be able to kill them because of Speaker’s Wreath.
Walk close and kill the monsters with your Arma Brand. This will spawn spiders.
See build guide video for demonstration.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin.



• Ghastly eye-jewels with minion leech and minion blind
• Watcher's Eye with Phasing/Haste.


• One 8-passive Large jewel, with vengeful commander, cold-blooded killer, third notable (don’t allocate).
• Two Medium jewels, with Replenishing Presence, Vengeful Vommander.
• Two Small jewel, with Surging Vitality.

• One Small jewels with Enduring Composure.


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Mindless Aggression
2. Unnatural Strength
3. Commander of Darkness
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Speaker's Wreath with 3 linked gems, 1 unlinked gem



Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number

Gems for Melee spectres:

Gems for Syndicate Operative:


For Melee spectres:
Grip of the Council

For Syndicate Operative:
Triad Grip (4G)


Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence)


Arakaali's Fang (summons spiders)

Rare sceptre with added fire/lightning damage to spells, trigger craft


Stygian Vise with high life/resists.


Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems.

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


NOTE: One ring must have Frostbite curse.

If using Syndicate Operatives, need one Unset Ring with Convocation:


Fife of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal.
Rumi's Concoction for extra block.
Quicksilver of Adrenaline for speed boost.
Cinderswallow Urn for life and ES recovery.
Jade flask of reflexes for evasion.

Key mechanics


1. The raging spirits are aggressive and can fly over, and around all land features. They will even fly off-screen to kill monsters and bosses.

2. Minion Instability
Minion Instability makes minions explode for 33% of their life pool when they reach low life. The explosion damage can be scaled by both minion damage and minion life.

3. Tavukai
The tavukai unique amulet deals damage over time to the raging spirits. So, after a short time, they will explode from minion instability. It also gives a big boost to the explosion damage.

4. Earendel’s Embrace
The minion bomber build also uses skeletons to help with map clearing. Earendel’s embrace deals damage over time to the skeletons. So, they will also explode from minion instability. In addition, the skeletons will increase fire damage taken by enemies.

5. Replica Siege Breaker
To help improve clear speed, replica siegebreaker spreads burning ground when the raging spirits and skeletons die.

6. skitterbots + profane proxy
Skitterbots normally have a shock and chill aura, but profane proxy will replace one aura with the socketed curse. So, the skitterbots become a mobile flammability curse aura.

7. Support minions
This build also uses spectres, zombies, and a golem for extra protection. The zombies and golem are meat shields.
And the spectres are the Undying Evangelist from Act 3: sceptre of god. Their special spell is the proximity shields, which helps defend against any hits from outside the shields.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin.



• Ghastly eye-jewels with minion blind


Mid-level build:
• 1x 12-passive Large jewel, with raze and pillage, feasting fiends.
• 2x Medium jewels, with hulking corpses, feasting fiends.
• 2x Small jewel, with surging vitality.

High-level build:
Two sets of cluster jewels.
• 1x 8-passive Large jewel, with seal mender and 2 other notables (only seal mender is important).
• 2x Medium jewels, with hulking corpses, feeding frenzy.
• 2x Small jewel, with surging vitality.

NOTE: Avoid large jewel with Ancestral Inspiration or Arcane Adept.


Elegant Hubris with 80% minion damage, 80% minion life.

NOTE: Every Elegant Hubris jewels is different and give different notable passives. Check carefully for the right passives!


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Commander of Darkness
2. Mindless Aggression
3. Unnatural Strength
4. Bone Barrier


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Elder influenced helmet


Crafted body armour


Only need storm brand for endgame bosses. So, you can link Infernal Legion to skitterbots for extra clear speed.


Crafted rare boots


Shaper influence melee weapon with Trigger craft.

Earendel's Embrace

Set cast when damage taken to 20% of your total life.
Leave void sphere and convocation at level 1.


Replica Siegebreaker



Cheap Anointment: Sacrifice
Minions have +10% to all Elemental Resistances
Minions have 20% increased maximum Life
Minions Regenerate 1% of Life per second
Regenerate 1% of Life per second

Expensive Anointment: Thunderous Salvos
30% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
Skills supported by Unleash have +1 to maximum number of Seals


Left side: Profane Proxy

Right side: Crafted rare with increased mana regen


Bubbling Eternal life of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal.
Rumi's Concoction for extra block.
Quicksilver of adrenaline for big speed boost.
Quartz flask of heat for phasing, dodge, freeze remove.
Basalt flask of Iron Skin for extra armour.

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