Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!
" What is exactly the name of the craft to augment influence on the last step , I am at that point and don’t want to screw it up. Thank you |
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SO I'm level 92 and just made the jump to 1 cluster jewel. I've noticed my Animated Guardian in the Dying Breath setup keeps dying (T16 maps usually). I have level 20 gems (not 20 qual though) but dude keeps wiping. Are there any common traps as to why these guys die? I have a single jewel on my tree that has life regen. Does it usually take a couple to keep them upright?
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" I am pretty sure I can help with a few answers. 1) Only if you have 4/5 spectres and can spend currency on uniques and items required. 2) Yes but you are gaining a fair amount of DPS. That's what Pure Spectre is, after all: DPS. 3) four spectres are good and enough to enjoy the Build. At least, I'm enjoying it! 4) no; with clusters you become a steamroller and clear maps like there's no tomorrow; but you have time for that, first you have to become confident with the build; 5) probably that's exactly the reason: you DON'T want cold damage on your gear: you actually do fire with frost bomb converted to fire, and that spell procs all the needed debuffs; your spectres do the dirty job of killing mobs debuffed to COLD with COLD spells. If the skitterbots do cold damage, probably it's very bad: they trigger resistance to cold. Mmmm no. 6) AG is really nice; it's basically a buffer for your spectres (and you). And even with basic gear it never dies on "average" maps. I've never lost mine, and I'm doing T14/15 maps now. With hard bosses you need to be careful, ye. For a replacement set of gems instead of AG... Mmm... Let's wait for experts. :-D Az That's called pain. Get used to it. Editado por útlima vez por Azareus#1625 en 27 jul. 2020 18:15:28
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" Guys, In step 4, 4. Block prefs with anything (except cold) and open all 3 suffs. How to block prefix with anything? Could someone explain pls Thanks! |
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I switched to a 2 cluster setup finally, and didn't notice any difference while doing my regular content (mapping, delving, some bosses)
checked my POB and was surprised to see i lowered my DPS somehow, might be doing something wrong so i'm asking here. Another thing is that i feel kinda stuck, have no idea what item should i focus on next. Should i switch my shield to a +2/+2 charges thingy or maybe a bone helm? Armour with offering bonus thingy? My wand/boots/belt can be upgraded too i guess, but what first? What upgrade will benefit me the most in your opinion? I have around 25-30 ex just sitting there. Oh, and another thing, should i allocate Raze and Pillage in my clusters? not even sure it does something, maybe my points can be better spent. |
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" I thought my dps went down too. Turns out I didn't have PoB configuration set the same way (in my case, I didn't have Deathmarked and frenzy charges). I'd say open up two instances of PoB and compare the configs and see if anything is different. When I ticked those two boxes, I had actually increased my dps by almost half. |
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Probably just being a big dumb, but why is vicious bite recommended and not used? I understand that the two Precise commanders comes out to 60/24, which is more than the Vicious, but I just don't understand why Vicious needs to be on the large
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" I stand corrected! xD "the Skitters don't do any direct damage, they just spread Shocked and Chilled ailments so they don't mess with EE" Sorry for giving away wrong infos. :-P Az That's called pain. Get used to it.
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For how mich life should i aim ? is about 6k enough ?
Is it possible to use ab Aspect of the Avian when skitterbots,Hatred and Haste are active ? |
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" Sure its possible but will need high willing of Investment into it. Key can be an Helmet Enchant like "SkitterBots/Haste/Hatred have XX% reduced Mana reserved like i wear or the AmuSlot with an awakened (double Influenced) Amu with nearly same Text as suggested Helmet Enchant. Both are equipped on my Char and my Profile is open. I tested Aspect of Spider and Aspect of Avian and thought it was an stupid Idea to apply both Skills to my Gear. As i am no Pro Player with Skills like GoZu its not bad to have both i think now. Switching Aspects before harder Bossfights can be a Luxus to enjoy!-) Jewelcorrupts are not really needed on Top of it but would be nice to have. Once enough -Mana reserved Jewels are Together the Amulet annoint could be switched back in order ti free Points for LifeNodes. I have like 130 unreserved Mana and only in Maps with No Regen Mod i turn off aspect to get an higher Manapool. Maybe there are other Ways, but that Way i am going second Time now and it works. Between my Chars there is also my Char from last League, maybe also worth a look for your Project, GL !-) English is not my native Languege, so please excuse if i do not wrote correctly! Edit: Ohh, comfortable was it for me as i reached 6,5k Life and really smooth would be 7k Life, but never forget i have more DefenseLayers as my Life only, it pretty much is the Sum of all i use. WatchersEye SpellDodge-SpellBlock from Tree, Endurance Charges from Small Cluster Jewel and most important for me, high Movespeed for manuall dodging. Trading DpS with Monsters for Loot will ever best Ratio!-)
Sitting in Town, flipping Items until all Gear is biS, and get fastly bored from running Maps instead of grinding Upgrades is no Resolution! |
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