Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!
Azareus escribió:
Sometimes conquerors (and a few random mob packs) still one-shot me, even if most of the time I'm fine and just need to be careful. Pure Spectre is fun, tho.
Oh well, need better gear.
I can't even understand how you guys reach 3/4M dps in POB!!! What kind of gear is that?!?! xD
Also, I regret moving away from Mistress of Sacrifice, I was really tanky with that and Bone Offering. Now I prefer Flash Offering but damn. xD
1) Should I respec/go for Avatar of Fire as soon as possible? Because I'd have to give up on HP to get enough passives to reach that point.
2) I see that this build (and several others) are for lvl 100. BUT everyone says that reaching lvl 100 is not a common thing, most players hang around... Dunno, lvl 93/97. But rarely 100. So... I don't want to make choices, because I'm not good enough, but what would you suggest to take as last passives in the tree, in my personal climb to lvl 95, with the certainty that lvl 100 is beyond my reach?
Why not keeping Bone Offering and improve the DPS in another way? :)
My suggestion is to keep your char tank with Mistress, Glancing Blows, but use a DPS shield with min Frenzy/Power Charges and Inc damage % block.
I have a 1 cluster setup with Overshock + Vengeful commander, got some currency to spend, should i get another Overshock + Vengeful commander set, or the higher budget version of Vicious Bite + Precise commander?
Any upgrading tips beside that would be welcome.
No one?
I can help with this.
I did many tests based on information shared by Kays, with Overshock and Crit build, both performed very well.
With overshock, I was killing Minotaur, Phoenix, Conquers in about 2Seg with no issues.
With Crit build, the same bosses in about 1.5s-2s, but I spent more currencies buying bottled faith, and the Clusters I made by myself buying the bases, is easy to do if you have harvest and save some "reroll item with crit modifiers", if you don`t have, you`ll spend more EX`s.
I moved 2 days ago from Overshock to Crit to proceed with all my tests.
If you`d like really to increase your DPS, my suggestion is go to a Shield like my shield and Necromance Aegis, try to craft this shield in PoB add Necromance Aegis, and check the DPS increase.
Now if you can afford Crit setup, shield like mine, etc, go with this setup.
Thanks for the reply first of all.
I can afford to buy a shield like yours, but currently i'm using the Overshock + Vengeful commander jewels, should i switch to 1 crit cluster or add a crit to my current setup?
Hello, I'm a beginner with this build but the S&S is just gorgeous.
I have a problem with choosing the type of spetrue to build, I would like not to change the gems to the boss.
Any suggestions?
I know there is a choice but I want to ask more experienced S&S people ^_^
Thanks for the reply first of all.
I can afford to buy a shield like yours, but currently i'm using the Overshock + Vengeful commander jewels, should i switch to 1 crit cluster or add a crit to my current setup?
I think you can keep your cluster setup with Overshock yet, and move to Crit Cluster later.
I`m sure only with Shield + Necro, you will double your DPS.
Not a day goes by without someone asking how to make this build more tanky or help them from dying so much. Once I leveled to 94, I was also dying enough to not be able to level further without playing extremely careful and not having fun.
The answer to your problem is Enduring Cry. It is broken and will be nerfed by GGG in 3.12. You should use it now if you want significant more survivability in any Necro or caster build.
I have now leveled from 94 to 96 (close to 97) with no deaths including a Sirus and multiple Elder/Shaper fights. I've tanked a Die beam from Sirus and can face tank Chimera in the dust clouds with no problems.
Started out using Enduring Cry on my Gloves linked to Dash, Second Wind, and Convocation. The Second Wind would allow back to back casts to build Endurance charges quickly. Dash in mobs, then Enduring Cry + Convocation. This works well.
I began with using 3 Endurance charges, then learning if 3 is good 5 is way better. Pathing down to Call to Arms and binding Enduring Cry to Left Mouse click makes it an even better experience, but almost boring.
Switch from "CWDT + Steelskin" to "CWDT + Immortal Call" for even more tankiness. It is significant with the 5 Endurance charges and has great synergy. The combo is truly broken. I can run through juiced T16 maps with Mouse only, no need to cast Flask or Skills in most cases unless super juiced and bad mods.
Running Bone Barrier and Life Recovery on Block shield for mapping, but if I plug in my numbers into POB with Flesh and all skill points I am still over 6 mil DPS with significant more tankiness (ie NOT glass cannon). I was able to retain DPS by using Ghastly Eye jewels in place of Small clusters without sacrificing much life. I still have 6500 HP, but had under 6000 when I first started using Enduring Cry. To be honest I can now remove HP to pick back up DPS without issue if I wanted.
The belt was a very recent addition and not required at all. The build changes and Enduring Cry works great or even better when linked to Second Wind. If you go with 5 Endurance charges then using the same cluster slots from Kay's guide is best. If you chose to go with only 3 or 4 Endurance charges then pathing down to the bottom cluster when picking up Call to Arms instead of the left cluster will save a couple of points overall.
Sorry for the long essay, but I want to give payback to Kay and all the help I received from this thread.
Can I have a POB of your build?
Sure, I don't have my AG Kingmaker or gear added other than the Redeemer Helm for -9% cold res. Hopefully, you find this helpful.
It is a matter of knowing the game and your character.
I am a semi-casual (within the first weeks of season I usually play 2hrs per day) and went SSF.
-> lvl95, killed all guardians, Elder and Shaper (didnt get the correct shards for UE) and Sirius A7, got 140+ map boni, grew all T4-seeds and then ran 100 maps and killed Harvest Boss (not spoilering), got 17 achievements done.
Then I moved into trade league since I am "kind-of-done" and made lvl96 where I usually stop.
I did not have "Corrupted Blood may not be inflicted on you", I did only have -3- spectres (since that bloody chest didn't drop and 12 lvl20 spectre gems did not give me a lvl21 and of course, there no hunter-amulet dropped), I had Baranite Preachers since I didnt have the guts to level even more gems after those 12 spectre gems and Grip-of-the-Council was not availabe due to the prophecy not coming up for me; there was no OP enduring cry no beast-craft aspect of the crab and even now I am still using the shield I crafted in SSF (no fancy influences, nothing).
Usually I do not like the: "give it time, learn your character", but here it makes sense.
Hint: Do not rush it with items, give yourself time to see the game and find your comfort zone with your character.
Thanks for the reply first of all.
I can afford to buy a shield like yours, but currently i'm using the Overshock + Vengeful commander jewels, should i switch to 1 crit cluster or add a crit to my current setup?
I think you can keep your cluster setup with Overshock yet, and move to Crit Cluster later.
I`m sure only with Shield + Necro, you will double your DPS.
I can share my PoB if you want.
Ok, i'll try the shield
And sure, link the POB i'll look at it