Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!
"So basically, you're ignoring renewal because you don't have "are your minions always on full life" checked. This basically makes it a dead node and is where most of the discrepancy came from. Elemental Equilibrium was not being used (not talented and "Enemy was Hit by Fire Damage" setting). Likewise, you were also not simulating bosses (boss setting at no). I usually go with Sirus. The resistances gained are cancelled out by EE above but there's still less curse effectiveness (66% Sirus/Shaper/Elder, 33% regular bosses) I also turned on Deathmark and Frenzy charges although I expect those to be equal for each build. I did not add feeding frenzy though I don't expect it'd matter in terms of comparing the two builds. Power Charge on Crit and Assassin's mark were both strictly worse in all situations and not used. 0.978m - 2x crit/renew large / 4x crit medium - Minions NOT Full life 1.011m - 2x crit/renew large / 4x first among equals medium - Minions NOT Full life 1.017m - 2x overshock large / 4x first among equals medium - extra nodes not spent on damage 1.166m - 2x crit/renew large / 4x crit medium - Minions Full life 1.205m - 2x crit/renew large / 4x first among equals medium - Minions Full life 1.221m - 2x overshock large / 4x first among equals medium - +38% Minion Damage with saved nodes 1.273m - 2x overshock large / 4x first among equals medium - full Enduring Bond wheel with saved nodes In either case, while bossing First Among Equals is better than Precise Commander due to lack of power charges. Precise wins with power charges for the crit build (not listed). Lightning large wins for bossing if you spend your 4 saved nodes on extra Minion Damage nodes in the main passive tree. This didn't really work on my Delirium character because it has a 240% Minion Damage Elegant Hubris and so extra Minion Damage wasn't worth as much. However without that, the extra Minion Damage really helps the lightning cluster build because it's missing about 60% from the minion cluster (Feasting Fiends plus 2 10% fillers). |
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"It's datamined directly from Path of Exile's files. I wrote instructions on how to add spectres here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2181275/page/1132#p23256026 If you do so, you'll lose anything you add if you update. |
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" oh good point on "minion always full life", I miss that one, that was a big mistake. I didn't put EE/Deathmark/Freezy in because they adding same % on both |
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" 15% base shock x 1.82 (82 effectiveness). Then divide by 2 because POB is adding shock twice. So put in 14%. ![]() 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 |
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" Did you try 6-passive medium and allocate extra points to the small passives? 6% increased aura effect is stronger than 10% minion damage for cold spectres because hatred has 'double dip' (gain + more). 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 |
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" " Ball Lightning doesn't calculate in POB because it only calculates 1 hit. Try with dedicated BL build, DPS value is really low in POB. But BL can hit many times per second. I think it's about 10, so x10 to get a real idea. I've used BP against Sirus and they can delete A8 no problem. But hard to use because BL is slow moving, so need to convocation a lot. Sometimes I did deathless, sometimes I bricked Sirus :( For your stat in POB, use this: baseEffectiveness = 0.4125, incrementalEffectiveness = 0.045, levels = { [1] = { 0.5, 1.5, -25, damageEffectiveness = 1, critChance = 32, statInterpolation = { 3, 3, 1, }, }, }, Minion skill and player skill are completely different, so don't take player skill stats. You can get the stats from the spreadsheet (link on reddit somewhere) or datamine with pypoe. I use datamine method because spreadsheet is new. It's a bit complicated to datamine though. You need to look at grantedeffects, grantedeffectperlevel, stats. Then look at statskey1 and statskey2 line to understand which value matches stats. This is the full stat for AtlasCrusaderJudgeBallLightning
grantedeffects: 1853 AtlasCrusaderJudgeBallLightning FALSE [] 0.4125 0.045 3 [] [] FALSE 0 [] FALSE 2 1600 197 FALSE FALSE [] None None FALSE [] None grantedeffectsperlevel: 14645 1853 1 [1478, 1479, 175] 0.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 [0, 0, 2] 1 2 -25 1 1 1 1 1 0 100 0 0 [] [] 3200 0 0 0 0 4 [499] FALSE 0 0 12 0 0 0 -27 6 [3, 3, 1] 0 0 0 1 0 After FALSE [] is 0.4125 0.045 0.4125 = baseeffectiveness 0.045 = incrementaleffectiveness After some more FALSE you can see 1600. This is cast time x100, so 1.6 casttime. [1478, 1479, 175] [499] are stats properties.
1478 spell_minimum_base_lightning_damage
1479 spell_maximum_base_lightning_damage 175 base_projectile_speed_+% 499 base_is_projectile [0, 0, 2] is stat interpolation for [1478, 1479, 175]. value after is 1, 2, -25. So -25 is for stat 175 (base projectile speed) The 0 0 mean look another place. So actually you can see 0.5, 1.5 after [1478, 1479, 175], so 0.5 is for 1478 and 1.5 is for 1479. 3200 is the critical strike value x 100. so it's 32% crit chance! The 0 before -27 is the damage multiplier x 100. The value is 0, so it's 100 (0 = no change). Redemption Sentry has -2500, so it's -25, so 100 -25 = 75. That's why calc has RS with 75% damage effectiveness. " Some monsters have abilities that scale per level. It's for attack. Spell don't have this. [1] = { 75, , 1, baseMultiplier = 0.75, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = { 1, 2, }, }, [2] = { 75, , 1, baseMultiplier = 0.75, levelRequirement = 19, statInterpolation = { 1, 2, }, }, [3] = { 75, 1, 1, baseMultiplier = 0.75, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = { 1, 2, }, }, [4] = { 75, 200, 1, baseMultiplier = 0.75, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = { 1, 2, }, }, Level 1 to 19 = 0 scaling. Level 20 to 84 = 1 - 200% scaling. It's about 3% per level. It comes from datamine. This is Redemption Sentry, so you can compare to official RS stats in POB:
2209 365 4 [1110, 634, 4853] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [2, 2, 2] 75 200 26 1 1 1 1 1 84 100 84 84 [] [] 0 0 0 0 0 4 [858, 859, 7130, 4611] FALSE 0 0 12 0 0 -2500 0 0 [1, 2, 1] 0 0 0 1 0
2208 365 3 [1110, 634, 4853] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [2, 2, 2] 75 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 20 100 20 20 [] [] 0 0 0 0 0 4 [858, 859, 7130, 4611] FALSE 0 0 12 0 0 -2500 0 0 [1, 2, 1] 0 0 0 1 0 2207 365 2 [1110, 634, 4853] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [2, 2, 2] 75 0 26 1 1 1 1 1 19 100 19 19 [] [] 0 0 0 0 0 4 [858, 859, 7130, 4611] FALSE 0 0 12 0 0 -2500 0 0 [1, 2, 1] 0 0 0 1 0 2206 365 1 [1110, 634, 4853] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [2, 2, 2] 75 0 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 [] [] 0 0 0 0 0 4 [858, 859, 7130, 4611] FALSE 0 0 12 0 0 -2500 0 0 [1, 2, 1] 0 0 0 1 0 If you can understand this, it's easy to add spectres to POB! :P 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰 🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 Editado por útlima vez por kayella#0845 en 10 jul. 2020 2:59:32
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" hmmmm... seems like the 6% increase aura effect is less than 10% minion damage from POB 6% aura effect +1.6% total dps 10% damage +2.7% total dps is your pob showing opposite way? |
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" Kay, I have been running your AG theoretical setup as described above, and so far so good. The consecrated ground seems pretty small, but I'm thinking the only time it matters is when he's sitting on a boss anyways. Also, I've been pure spectre for a while; however- I just switched to double cluster overshock tree and I lost around 500 life (still at 6700) but gained around 1.5 million dps per spectre, if my POB calcs are correct. Pretty nuts. I know you are working on the pure spectre cluster section of your guide, so here's my current POB if you want to take a look: https://pastebin.com/6t4acz7u |
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Hey - once again, thanks for the awesome build!
How do we proc Elemental Equilibrium with the Spectre & Spide build? Thanks! |
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" I retired PoH build because it's squishy (no shield, no trigger). It will work for any spell spectre for example slave driver or scale of Esh. https://youtu.be/UivMAnAPuKM?t=270 This is minotaur kill with PoH. Go to 4:30. It's using 3.9 build guide, so no cluster jewels. Takes about 2s to kill mino. 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰 🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 Editado por útlima vez por kayella#0845 en 10 jul. 2020 2:27:51
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