YaCantStopMe escribió:
Mecielle escribió:
Got a question: How big do you think the difference in clear speed is between spider version and pure spectre? Because the single target is only half as good on spider version, and to be honest, from the videos it doesn't look that much faster.
I'm not the person you quoted but I gave the spider version a go and honestly I wasn't that impressed for endgame mapping and switched to the specter version. I feel like there is just not enough spiders to clear fast. The spectures pretty much one shot everything so on packed maps i got alot of enemies just standing around with zero hp because the spiders haven't made there way over to them yet. They also seemed to have the issues zombies have where if your not on a completely flat map they get confused with ledges and on AL8 with all the beefed up boss life the lack of dps shows. Lastly sometimes for some reason if they dissappear they can be a bitch to respawn, you cast on a pack to get them back and like 10% of the time it just didn't work for me which got me killed more times that I can count. I felt like they were amazing at the start of mapping, but not that I'm sextating and vaaling my maps they feel like there more of a hinder now.
Thanks for the reply. I guess the main upside for the spider version is the initial cost of making it go. It is much cheaper than pure spectre to start off. But your observations confirmed that I'll straight up go for pure spectre. It's my second build of the league and dropping a few dozen exalts on this isn't a big problem.
Editado por útlima vez por Mecielle#3021 en 28 jun. 2020 14:29:52
Mecielle escribió:
TorresCristiano escribió:
Mecielle escribió:
Yea, the build with 1200 pages, thats currently being played by 8% of the 29000 highest leveled characters in the league, is the problem. Not you. Holy shit :D
Well unlike you I didn't have to abuse purposeful harbinger to reach level 100 :)
Doesn't change the fact that this build and spectres in general have no defensive layers and clear is horrid.
Oh burn! You being unable to make one of the currently most powerful builds work disqualifies you from any further discussion. So lets leave it at that, byebye ;)
I did make it work as in I cleared everything as a league starter and finished my atlas. Doesn't make it a good build because of that regardless of how op it was in previous leagues. There is no discussion here anyway as you're only interested in namecalling so not sure what you are talking about there :D
Mecielle escribió:
YaCantStopMe escribió:
Mecielle escribió:
Got a question: How big do you think the difference in clear speed is between spider version and pure spectre? Because the single target is only half as good on spider version, and to be honest, from the videos it doesn't look that much faster.
I'm not the person you quoted but I gave the spider version a go and honestly I wasn't that impressed for endgame mapping and switched to the specter version. I feel like there is just not enough spiders to clear fast. The spectures pretty much one shot everything so on packed maps i got alot of enemies just standing around with zero hp because the spiders haven't made there way over to them yet. They also seemed to have the issues zombies have where if your not on a completely flat map they get confused with ledges and on AL8 with all the beefed up boss life the lack of dps shows. Lastly sometimes for some reason if they dissappear they can be a bitch to respawn, you cast on a pack to get them back and like 10% of the time it just didn't work for me which got me killed more times that I can count. I felt like they were amazing at the start of mapping, but not that I'm sextating and vaaling my maps they feel like there more of a hinder now.
Thanks for the reply. I guess the main upside for the spider version is the initial cost of making it go. It is much cheaper than pure spectre to start off. But your observations confirmed that I'll straight up go for pure spectre. It's my second build of the league and dropping a few dozen exalts on this isn't a big problem.
Yeah thats how i feel about them, they felt great at league start when i was on a 4/5 link and only had 3 redemption senteries and lacked the spectre dps. Plus it costed me a exalt and a half to make it all the way to end game, so its definitely the budget version. If i had to pick which build i had to go with at league start/early maps it would definitely be spiders. Maybe with like full on awakening gems in the weapon and a tree full of cluster jewels they would "kill and move on" a little faster and feel smoother, but that doesnt really fix the senarios with the pathing/spawning issues, and i dont think you could ever get them to the point the dps is anywhere near just not using them for bosses. You could go with a weapon swap, which solved the bossing issue but at the same time thats just "killing with a extra step" to me which is how i felt overall about the spiders, plus id rather just level gems in my off hand. Once i max out my spectre gear later on with the cluster jewels and got some money to burn on the gems i might give it another go just to see how spiders feels again.
Kay i wanna deep delve with the pure spectre build(i use glancing blow and enduring shenanigans),guess i must go ci at one point,whats the max depth the build can go with life version?
Also i guess i will need clusters after patch to push down under,any tips?
Editado por útlima vez por Archontis#1527 en 28 jun. 2020 15:21:31
Masouths escribió:
Kay i wanna deep delve with the pure spectre build(i use glancing blow and enduring shenanigans),guess i must go ci at one point,whats the max depth the build can go with life version?
Also i guess i will need clusters after patch to push down under,any tips?
Deep delving as in 500-700? Or deep delving as in 1000+? Because the latter is pretty much impossible to do with any minions that aren't invulnerable.
500-700 is more realistic with the build, at least for tanky spectres and some more investment into minion survivability. Like pathing to Grave Intentions for the minion chaos resist. You being life or CI doesn't matter really.
Editado por útlima vez por Mecielle#3021 en 28 jun. 2020 16:14:10
Does anyone have suggestions on what gem to put in my trigger wand?
I'm playing with spiders and i don't have anything to consume corpses, so i don't have any use for Cascade. I tried Enduring Cry but it doesn't seem to work with the trigger.
Mecielle escribió:
Masouths escribió:
Kay i wanna deep delve with the pure spectre build(i use glancing blow and enduring shenanigans),guess i must go ci at one point,whats the max depth the build can go with life version?
Also i guess i will need clusters after patch to push down under,any tips?
Deep delving as in 500-700? Or deep delving as in 1000+? Because the latter is pretty much impossible to do with any minions that aren't invulnerable.
500-700 is more realistic with the build, at least for tanky spectres and some more investment into minion survivability. Like pathing to Grave Intentions for the minion chaos resist. You being life or CI doesn't matter really.
Deep delve as in 1k to 2k(i am good with 1k if thats the maximum),ci is mostly for fungal cause the zombie degen is rippy af.I ve seen some builds in poe nija from delirium that have gone to at least 1k so i guess its pretty much possible with investment but yeah you are right i will need to spec into more minion defence as well
Editado por útlima vez por Archontis#1527 en 28 jun. 2020 16:47:51
Thank you for this build! it's been working great once I got to maps using RS, however I'm having trouble figuring out what order I should buy my upgrades...
Should I aim to get my Raise Spectre gem to 25?
Buy a + Spectre Body Armour? No links, I'm using a Tabula right now.
Grip of The Council?
Mathil Fan Girl
Hello, I have a question.
I am currently playing the build and it works very well.
I am at the point of getting Death Attunement on my amulet, and I already have everything else needed in the tree. What should I use my refunded points in ? It comes down to like 7 extra points
Thank you!
Agahan escribió:
Mecielle escribió:
Agahan escribió:
I posted this about 7-9 pages down and no one answered so I'll ask again. I don't want to spam! Haha. Does anyone know if the life leech on Kay's ring on the Pure Spectre PoB actually applies to our minions? Also while I'm here what anointments do you guys use on your rings for Blighted maps?
No, that mod on the ring is a blank. Does nothing.
Use the annointment for whatever tower you prefer. Many just spam meteor towers so annoint that. I spam the flying minion towers as I feel they deal more damage. If you go for another, annoint something for that.
Thank you very much for the response! I'll make sure to use anointments for the minions then. I'm loving this build so much. Been playing all the different variations since Legion so I appreciate the effort you put in it Kay! Also to that guy complaining above: I've had no problem doing league starts and going to endgame with Kay's build from legion all the way until now.
Try "empowering towers have 25% increased effect" (azure+sepia), and leave them at level 3. It's way better than pretty much anything else. Then you can go for empowering tower damage and double damage (silver+black, golden+golden).