[3.11] Powerful Earthquake Slayer (beginner friendly, leaguestarter, FAST, all content)

can i use death's oath as armor ? i gain 2400 def and 500 attack 1% life regen and only lose 400 life
Whats the difference between the normal build and the 'red nightmare' one? Looks like you just added more points, doesn't seem to be separate. If so, why distinguish?

E: also what do you think between this build and a slayer cyclone, in terms of bossing?
Editado por útlima vez por Jalopyy en 14 jul. 2018 7:45:16
Prycro escribió:
KuraiArashi escribió:
I'm currently 92 I've down Shaper, Uber Atziri, chayula, Hall of Grandmasters, Vaal Temple with super rippy affixes, and t15 red elders so far. I have made some changes to the build however.

Pastebin to my setup: https:https://pastebin.com/tSjAVzPG

With the same tree as you I have 616,338 combine effective DPS on shaper with around 85 exalts into my character (HH not calculated in price but a rare belt with life recovery that I use for bossing is. HH I use for mapping and for another character)

I spec'd out of Slaughter node and took for Rampart cluster which buffs fortify giving me alot more tankyness. I don't use Ming's Heart ring I instead use a Rare ring with 5% attack speed to make sure i stay within 0.05 "attack time" of my skill duration which is 0.24. I would have much higher attack speed but the only person in incursion that has been selling a triple source attack speed + maximum life jewel is overpricing them by double what they are actually worth and has been setting on them for the last month and refuses to understand they aren't going to sell but insist that since hes the only 1 selling someones gonna be stupid enough to pay twice the price of them. (There are stupid people out there so maybe but I dont overpay by double.)

I also do not use Golem as it gets 1 shot by basically anything even with minion life attached while mapping or bossing so its pretty useless. Punishment with blastphemy offers more phys damage and way more attack speed while bossing and beats out herald of ash by a very large margine in damage and DPS. I 1 shot everything in any map other than a boss If it doesnt die to initial impact it dies to aftershock. Some Essence mobs or unique mobs have taken 2 hits to kill but Herald of Ash would only be for visual effect and utterly useless. Enfeeble + blasphemy while mapping provides with even more tankyness so I run that while mapping. Then a portal gem in the free slot so that I dont have to carry portal scrolls.

With my passive tree setup and ming's heart and my gem choices I have 629,138 combined total effective dps on shaper/guardians as well as being more tanky and more life. With the rare ring instead of Ming's heart its closer to 600k. But the 400 more life and the additional tankiness provided by Rampart node is more than worth the roughly 30k dps loss.

Overall it is extremely satisfying as I personally Love EQ. However that being said with the same amount of currency I put into this build (Its around 85 exalts if I don't include HH I only use Headhunter for mapping as I mainly use it on another character and I didn't buy it I got it from temple.) I could create a bossing character that has more than 10x the effective dps on shaper/guardians/uber elder etc. That was not what I wanted tho I wanted to create a really good EQ character because I never made EQ when it was meta and always wanted to give it another go.

Pretty much any upgrade for me at this point would be 10-20+ exalts and I have checked as I still have plenty of exalts to upgrade with and aside from crafting my own gear the items just currently arent on the market. Largely due to alot of players already having quit or are taking a break till the 1 month event comes along as to avoid burnout. Most players however will never reach the amount of currency I have already spent. If you are looking for a build that does tremendous amount of damage and instantly phases bosses and is currency efficient for that then this build is ABSOLUTELY NOT for you. As I have state you can do more than 10x the effective dps of this build with the currency I have spent already and likely even more than that depending on what build you play. (Ele hit can do more with considerably less investment) Then again I am a melee player at heart and love EQ with gore effect.

Something to Note: Due to the reduced duration I have Vaal EQ lasts for around 2 seconds or less. It does all 7 hits in that time. If you have around the same skill duration as I do you should absolutely make sure you are near enough to your target when u use the skill because its likely by the time u do anything else its already going to be done.

Thanks for the build I had came back last minute before league started hadn't played since abyss and didn't have the time to check the changes if any since abyss league to create my own build. I used your build until around Mid 80s before I started making changes. This is what I have come up with and I'm not sure you can optimize it much more than what I already have although If anyone can please do send that information my way.

First things first, i like when people make some changes to my build or trying out some stuff.
I checked you PoB link and i have to say that your dps is worse, even with punishment. Your HP is also the same as mine WITHOUT a Mings Heart.(With your HH that is in your PoB)
I use HoA mainly for the clearing, the dps boost is only a little but does a good job. If you use Punishment the mobs have to hit you to get the dps boost. Thats not really effective while clearing and for bosses you can easily selfacast it if you want.

In the end you want a pair of Tombfists with Vuln and maybe with an aditional frenzy charge thats the BiS for damage AND HP. You dont have space for unnescessary gems like Portal or Golem tho.

I dont know how you spend 80+ ex on your gear (probably your belt that doesnt appear in PoB?),
your gear seems average - good tho. I easily killed Shaper even on a 5l and with only shit gear, besides a Disfavour, so around 8ex investment.

Last thing i have to say is that the "Rampart" node is not that good as you think, fortify is calculated last after all other damage reductions, so its mostly a ~5-8% damage decrease. The increased effect grants 1-2% more tankyness AT MOST, wich is not noticeable.

THX for your post tho, glad you enjoy your char and the build! :)

Bought all my gear halfway through the second week of league when it was way more expensive. Don't need to be hit for punishment or any other curse to activate because I use blasphemy as my build shows. Build is designed around doing uber elder where lots of shit can hit you at all times so while 5-8% isnt noticable vs 1 mob its quite noticable vs several. Using slaughter vs rampart node was a 30k overall dps difference with everything combined. Which represents about around 3% of total damage which is even less noticable. Until today none of my gear had been upgraded since i made the character halfway second week of league as I was playing other characters and was only using this for bossing. I'm selling off my other characters however and will have around 90ex to spend on upgrading gear on this and fully plan to. Herald of Ash is only useful for clear speed and I 1 shot everything thats not a super super tanky yellow/purple or a boss on t16s. So it doesnt help me with clear speed and punishment is far more effective on bosses when u use it with blasphemy than herald of ash anyways. Stone golem is 100% useless as its always dead.
What do you think about Mark of the Elder instead of Ming's Heart ?
Finally got my tombfist with vulnerability curse! Guardian down easily. Mapping super OP. Strongly recommend this upgrade after 6Ls. Got it at 3ex.
So I've now put a bit more currency into my gear and actually updated it. As I said previous All my gear was from halfway through the 2nd week of league on this character as it was strong enough to do the bosses I wanted to do already and I was farming maps with other characters.

I'm pretty much only interested in this character atm and am looking to level it up and gearing it to do uber elder easier.

So I changed my helm, boots, 1 rare ring, bossing belt, and 1 jewel. These upgrades cost around 18 exalts. (excluding sell value of previous gear, jewels) The jewel cost me around 8ex. The ring cost around 4. But with those changes and changing 2 passives on my tree + 20% my blood rage (was lazy before) and my conc effect that was on my totem (it was 9% again was being lazy) My shaper dps went from around 600k (this was without blood rage and punishment wasnt active. Just realized today I hadn't clicked "been hit recently" so it wasnt active) to 1,017,159.9 total combined. (Blood rage gives attack speed and with 20% at lvl 7 its 13% increased attack speed and I have enough life regen to not even come remotely close to degening during bosses so the 13% added attack speed is well worth it.) In reality my shaper DPS prior to this should have been around 800k because I also did not tick "always at full life". Considering the flow of shaper fights and how I can be more relaxed with this character during normal shaper Punishment is automatically up most of the time because I can face tank most a few of the mechanics with no worry. So these upgrades have changed my dps by around 200k.

My updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/1qR3nK4e

In total taking into account that most of my gear was bought 1 1/2 weeks into league so it was considerably more expensive I have now spent around 100 exalts in this character not including the Headhunter because as I said before I got my HH from temple. I have calculated the price based on todays market for the items I bought 1 1/2 weeks into league and price of all the gear would be closer to 45-50exalts right now. I've still have 80 RAW exalts to spend on this character and around 30ex in stuff to sell in shop still. So I will be making more upgrades. Currently trying to find a nice elder steel ring with atleast 80 ilvl for a crafting base but the people that actually have those are never online. 84 or higher doesn't even exist. Which is why I've went with essence of hysteria for my steel ring crafting for now.

Will be further upgrading and seeing how far I can push this. Currently looking for the elder steel ring crafting base I mentioned and a specific corruption on atziri's disfavour.
Editado por útlima vez por KuraiArashi en 16 jul. 2018 7:08:08
KuraiArashi escribió:
So I've now put a bit more currency into my gear and actually updated it. As I said previous All my gear was from halfway through the 2nd week of league on this character as it was strong enough to do the bosses I wanted to do already and I was farming maps with other characters.

I'm pretty much only interested in this character atm and am looking to level it up and gearing it to do uber elder easier.

So I changed my helm, boots, 1 rare ring, bossing belt, and 1 jewel. These upgrades cost around 18 exalts. (excluding sell value of previous gear, jewels) The jewel cost me around 8ex. The ring cost around 4. But with those changes and changing 2 passives on my tree + 20% my blood rage (was lazy before) and my conc effect that was on my totem (it was 9% again was being lazy) My shaper dps went from around 600k (this was without blood rage and punishment wasnt active. Just realized today I hadn't clicked "been hit recently" so it wasnt active) to 1,017,159.9 total combined. (Blood rage gives attack speed and with 20% at lvl 7 its 13% increased attack speed and I have enough life regen to not even come remotely close to degening during bosses so the 13% added attack speed is well worth it.) In reality my shaper DPS prior to this should have been around 800k because I also did not tick "always at full life". Considering the flow of shaper fights and how I can be more relaxed with this character during normal shaper Punishment is automatically up most of the time because I can face tank most a few of the mechanics with no worry. So these upgrades have changed my dps by around 200k.

My updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/1qR3nK4e

In total taking into account that most of my gear was bought 1 1/2 weeks into league so it was considerably more expensive I have now spent around 100 exalts in this character not including the Headhunter because as I said before I got my HH from temple. I have calculated the price based on todays market for the items I bought 1 1/2 weeks into league and price of all the gear would be closer to 45-50exalts right now. I've still have 80 RAW exalts to spend on this character and around 30ex in stuff to sell in shop still. So I will be making more upgrades. Currently trying to find a nice elder steel ring with atleast 80 ilvl for a crafting base but the people that actually have those are never online. 84 or higher doesn't even exist. Which is why I've went with essence of hysteria for my steel ring crafting for now.

Will be further upgrading and seeing how far I can push this. Currently looking for the elder steel ring crafting base I mentioned and a specific corruption on atziri's disfavour.

Upgraded again, Finally found a nice corrupted Atziri's Disfavour. It was 120k shaper dps increase by itself. The only downside was it was 53 exalts. So roughly at around 153 exalts spent on this character but ive got 1,130,xxx shaper dps atm and still investing more to improve.

New pastebin with new axe and with HH equiped instead of Bossing belt...: https://pastebin.com/Fh3ybL28
Editado por útlima vez por KuraiArashi en 16 jul. 2018 16:21:03
What's the point in not leveling Immortal Call and Blood Rage higher than level 3 / 7?
pisitputt escribió:
Thank you for your answer! Any recommendation for the next upgrade? Also have some problems with one shot fr the end game bosses.

Vaal Pact

Also, I am considering Vaal Pact again. I know you have explained your reasoning already. I think we don't lose out a lot of passive regen by going Vaal Pact. the only downside is at the start when you have net degen from blood rage. Once leech starts, Vaal Pact is super effective. Would love to hear your thoughts, assuming I don't lab anymore (bored!).

Your gear seems fine. There is room for more life here or there but its already pretty okay.

Like i said, i tested vaal pact and its not worth the points for the faster leech. (its my opinion, maybe you like it)

lordolowain escribió:
can i use death's oath as armor ? i gain 2400 def and 500 attack 1% life regen and only lose 400 life

Not really. Life is your most important defence in this build.

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