[3.6] Worms of Command - (Infinite worms + chains of command on a PF)
Welcome to the Worm Commander!
![]() This build uses the new unique Chains of Command to perpetually summons hoards of animated weapons as a pathfinder. (you can also use a scion PF/ Necro, Occ, or Inquis) It was Featured on the Build of The Week! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOry8LIP7Vk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifyw6kItUtM&feature=youtu.be - End game Mandatory Items: (6l is not needed, only 6 socket) or Quick Explanation Pathfinder ascendancy allows the build to refill flasks and spam writhing jar to keep animating weapons even against bosses. Detailed Explanation:
Part I - Chains of Command This armour makes it so that your animate guardian animates the weapon it is using when it kills an enemy. The animated weapons also have a 10% chance to summon another one on kill. all gems socketed in the armour apply to the animated weapons. You can socket Animate Guardian in a different piece of gear, such as an elder helmet, to use different support gems and so it doesnt use up a socket in the armor. Part II - Building the Hoard Animate weapons have low HP (5-10k) and will die frequently. It is also problematic when fighting a boss if there are no monsters. To get around this, the build uses 4 x Writhing jar flasks. These flasks summon 2 enemy worms upon use. If your AG kills a worm, it summons a weapon. If an Animated Weapon kills a worm, it has a 10% chance to summon another weapon. Part III - The Flasks Pathfinder provides perpetual flask sustain and allows the build to spam worm flasks indefinitely. With the right gear and skill tree, each writhing jar uses 10 charges, and heals for 1k+ HP. The Pathfinder grants 8.4 flask charges per 3 seconds to each flask, so they refill quickly. Flask info: 180% total increased flask charges gained +40% increased flask charges gained from skill tree (Druidic Rite, Primal Spirit) +20% increased flask charges gained from pathfinder ascendancy +120% increased flask charges gained from overflowing chalice (100% x 20% increased flask effect) 35% reduced flask charges used +20% from belt +15% from skill tree (Arcane Chemistry) 120% increased life from flasks +70% from skill tree (herbalism, Profane Chemistry) +30% life recovery from flasks (Pathfinder Master Surgeon) +20% increased flask effect (pathfinder ascendancy) Part IV - Gear info All support gems in Chains of Command are applied to the animated weapons. That means you can just use a 6s one and fill it with 6 supports. Place Animate Guardian in an Elder helm with Minion life and +2 to socketed minion gems mods. You want your Animate guardian to have extremely high life so he doesnt die. You can also craft a focus skill on the gloves which heals all your minions to full HP when you use focus. Try to get the helmet enchant: "24% chance to create an additional weapon copy" as this applies to the copies made by using Chains of command. This enchant is very powerful and is even worth using just a rare helmet with it if you cant find an elder base. For the Animate Guardian, You will want to look for the Following Gear to start with: (this will change as you optimize) Rare jeweled Foil - 2 APS with flat fire and lightning damage The Oak - provides high life and 3% life regen Bringer of Rain - high life, extra damage, block Bloodbond - high life, and 1% life regen Rare gloves/ rare boots with life, movement speed, and resists. You must have "Hits can't be evaded" on either a vagan weapon, or on lycosidae shield with necromantic aegis. Oro's sacrifice is another option. It deals a lot of damage, but comes at the cost of survivability. It is better suited for a scion variant that uses the inquisitor for consecrated ground. Part V: Utility and extra details Dancing Dervish/duo: You can gain rampage by having the dancing dervish/duo in your offhand. all you do is have it equipped, kill 1 monster, then swap back to normal weapon/shield. After that, you will have rampage without the dervishes. Make sure you you swap to your normal weapon setup before the dervish spawns on rampage, otherwise your weapons will be disabled. There are also many small changes you can make to the build depending on the items you have available, and of course the class you have chosen. For instance, finding a nice rare gloves with ele weakness on hit means you save a gem and can use something else, like Vaal haste, or just a high level self-cast Convocation. You can equip these gloves on your AG and he will curse for you. If you choose a pure Pathfinder, you will have ailment immunity and bleed immunity. Flask charge recovery is slightly better than the Scion, you also take 6% less elemental damage, and have slightly stronger flasks. As a Scion, you have several choices of secondary class to go with the PF. Juggernaut - Stun/chill immunity, and you can generate endurance charges easily Necro - 20% skill effect duration and some minion damage Occultist - extra curse, pretty much stun immunity Inquisitor - enemies take 10% increased damage. Chance to create conc ground. Status immunity while on conc ground. Champion - Movement speed aura, potential enemies take 20 Increased damage, taunt can be effective to keep guardian out of harms way. Personally, I think the Inquisitor works best, as another community member has been quite successful with it. The 6% regen from concentrated ground is very strong and will keep your minions alive much longer. My Gear:
Offhand: Flasks: if needed, you can use something like this: to heal your minions quickly Jewels: Ghastly Eye - Flat fire or lightning damage//// Maximum life ///// minion resist///// minion attack speed////// minions have 0.6% life regen Regular - Maximum life ///// Minion Damage//////minion resist Sample Animate Guardian Gear Setups: I use a vagan foil Setup 1:
try to get high fire/lightning foil. Cold damage is the least effective. Setup 2
-HITS CANT BE EVADED (foil is best) - try to get 22% inc attack speed and high elemental damage. Must have open prefix to craft the "Hit's cannot be evaded mod" make sure to cap your AG resists. you can also use gloves with Elemental Weakness on hit corrupted mod. With a vagan weapon on your AG, you can lose the Lycosidae on your character and replace with: This setup is probably the highest DPS while maintaining a very defensive guardian. Setup 3:
Very cheap, high damage, but your guardian will have very little life recovery. You will also need to replace elemental focus with a Chance to ignite gem so you can take advantage of frenzy charges. Additional Info
- on paper, the damage is higher. If you include frenzy charges from the sword, its a lot higher. This comes at the cost of survivability. high damage If using a vagan weapon, you wont need lycosidae. use this on your character if your AG has a vagan weapon. - a cheap alternative to a vagan weapon and u get the hits cant be evaded. Starforge - doesnt work with ele damage - makes it very hard to scale. Voidforge - super expensive, probably wont do better than oro's or a good foil. is great to use so long as you have capped resists on your guardian. - easy way to curse enemies. - extra damage Gem Links:
6 Socket Chest ruthless - added lightning damage - Ele focus - minion speed - minion damage- elemental damage with attacks. 4L elder helm (minion life and either +2/3 socketed minion gems or Minion damage) Animate Guardian - minion speed - multistrike - Empower (or if you want more damage, ele dmg with attacks) 4L - cwdt lvl 1 - immortal call - *enfeeble/ele weak* - convocation lvl 20 4L - anger - wrath - generosity - enlighten lvl 2 3L - shield charge (or WB) - faster attacks - fortify 3L (trigger weapon) - desecrate - flesh offering - ice nova ** if your AGuardian has Ele weakness on hit gloves, you no longer need ele weakness on cwdt. ** Skill Tree:
3.6 http://poeurl.com/chE1 Path of Building https://pastebin.com/QHwFFg7H Old
Class information Master Surgeon Master Alchemist +2 passives bandit reward Notes:
1) You do not need to 6L the chest. you just need 6 sockets. Animate Guardian will have its own setup in the helm. 2) Look for near perfect worm flasks. Focus on reduced charges used. 3) You can gain rampage by having the dancing dervish/duo in your offhand. all you do is have it equipped, kill 1 monster, then swap back to normal weapon/shield. After that, you will have rampage without the dervishes. 4) Using the helmet enchant "24% chance to summon an additional animate weapon copy" only works on the helm you wear on your character. It does not apply if the guardian wears the helm himself (I tested this). 5) changing weapons on the animate guardian can be a bit complicated. Here is some info from an older guide by another community member: " 6) can help your minions stay alive in places where there is a lot of degen. 7) does not apply poison to things that are killed in 1 hit, which means no 20% heal =( 8) New Resolute technique corruption: a perfectly crafted vagan foil is the best weapon to use. A 340 eDPS or higher resolute technique foil is a great alternative as vagan weapons are hard to come by. Oro's sacrifice yields the highest dps. It is better to use a clean one with lyco. But if u cant afford lyco, then the resolute technique would suffice. The best corruption for Oro's is the 7% attack speed because it applies to the base attack speed. Videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifyw6kItUtM&feature=youtu.be - shaper, hydra, minotaur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvnEQ6P47vc - t16 hydra map with elder guardian https://youtu.be/IUchN1oXUC0 - Red Elder - starting with no animated weapons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p5Mx09fdwM&feature=youtu.be - proof of concept https://youtu.be/FYJsEZ2xQ2U - T16 Chimera Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 Editado por útlima vez por DreamScythe#1384 en 6 mar. 2019 14:44:59 Reflotado por última vez en 2 oct. 2019 9:27:44
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Very clever.
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Let's see how long this build will live before GGG destroy another worm build
GL clever build A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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all hail the worms! (again)
Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica
Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 |
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updated the artwork with some....thematic modifications
Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica
Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 |
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nice worms!
(also, your flask no. 5 is overflowing chalice, not coruscating elixir - as stated in "Flasks" section of detailed description) Editado por útlima vez por bashu#0131 en 9 abr. 2018 6:00:54
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Something wormy this way comes
Nice one! 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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From what I read the Chains of Command doesn't even have to be 6L right?
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Delete this. We can't afford GGG to find it and realize someone is having fun with the worm flask again.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
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" thanks, fixed that typo Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica
Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 |
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