[3.4] Teleports Behind You - Poet's Pen Lightning Warp & Arc, MF / Facetank t16 / Shaper / U. Elder
" Just go Ascendant and you will be immune to Ele Reflect. You lose about 10%~ clear speed, but honestly who cares when you can now roll literally any map affix. I've done both types of poet's pen and I prefer Ascendant every time because of this, no care in the world while mapping. " Personally, I just use barrage and that's it. Barrage setup: 4L - Barrage - FA - GMP - LGoH 5L - Barrage - FA - GMP - LGoH - LMP 6L - Barrage - FA - GMP - LGoH - CoC - (Skill(BL?, Arc?)) OR - Barrage - FA - GMP - LGoH - LMP - Addtl Accuracy You certainly don't need a 6L, but it helps as in the above scenario, I never see much of a need from the attack speed from frenzy, all you're really getting from Frenzy charges is attack speed (there's the damage too but I don't care enough to keep it up just for that since I'm not specced into charges on the tree so it's just the 3 charges). Barrage (you can use KB instead I suppose) gives insane sustain, you really don't need additional accuracy or none of that jazz I find Since I don't like sustaining frenzy charges during regular clear, and I want to be nearer to my Max ICD attack speed, I find that a Q20 GMP/LMP helps a LOT. Last league I ended up dropping almost all of my attack speed on tree because of FA/GMP/LMP being 20/20, it's disgusting and something you should prioritize. Buy an 16+/17+ and GMP/level it the rest of the way for all 3. Won't spend more than 10c~ each one and it's big worth. This also frees up your gloves to do whatever, maybe you do a golem, but I don't see much use, I did double golem last league (Fire+Lightning -> Fire+Ice), the attack speed is going to be too much in most cases, so you end up dropping it, it's okay, but I found recasting them to be slightly annoying and they were just there for the buff (And had culling). |
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Now that "slower ball lightning" isn't a helm enchant any longer, what's the lab result? Additional ball lightning projectile? Or is there something else even better?
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Could Power Siphon be worth using as main attack?
Easy power charges and free culling? |
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So this is probably my favorite build of all time. I played it last league and am doing it again this league. I don't have Berek's Grip or the amulet, though.
1) Does using Berek's Grip make a massive difference with the build? I'm already doing OK with what life leech/recovery I already have, and mostly die to insta-gibs at this point, but I still do occasionally die from running out of health potions >.< Am I correct in assuming that the main reason for this ring is the life leech from shocked enemies? 2) Is Choir of the Storm there just for the damage? It doesn't seem to provide any defense so I assume it's just a DPS multiplier for this build. |
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Is here any options to handle bosses without second poetpen setup and/or shiny 21/20 gems? I mean, most of them are ezpz but it takes too much time, and i really dont wanna skip them like some gay deadeye wanderer.
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A couple questions...
1. Why does Soul of Tukohama pantheon reset when I'm lightning warping around. I've been looking, and it's supposed to still count as "stationary". Does poet's pen mess this up somehow, or did they change it? 2. I got a poet's pen with % to gain power charge on crit. This is universal, right? I don't have to get a crit with the pen itself, or with only the gems socketed in it? (I know it's probably a stupid question, but I'd like to double check) :) 3. I have lightning warp, less duration, and swift affliction, all near lvl 20, but I still feel slow. Very often I'll try to warp and it's not ready yet and I just shoot barrage with no warp. any advice? Love the build so far!! Thanks guys! |
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Additional accuracy is better than LMP if you don't need the attack speed. With my level 93 guy, 20/20 additional accuracy brings my barrage hit up from 58% to 84%. 84% of 8 projectiles is 6.72, whreas 58% of 10 projectiles is 5.8. That means that the accuracy, on average, involves about one more projectile hitting than LMP would.
I suggest the following links if you can get a power charge on crit pen. FlameDash/FastCast/ArcSur/IncDur Frenzy/HoT/CoH/AssMark CWDT/ImmC/IncDur/BloodRage If you can't get such a pen, probably swap flame dash and faster casting back to orb of storms and PCoC. For my main link, I use Barrage/FastAtt/GMP/LGoH/Accuracy. Link six would probably be LMP, if you have a six link. If you are 5L like I am, the last socket can either be portal or an ice golem. The golem adds another 3% chance to hit, from 84% to 87, and around 2% damage. Personally I just use portal, since I find recasting a golem annoying. With blood rage keeping frenzy charges up during mapping is easy, so barrage is your main attack skill 99% of the time. You only use frenzy for regaining/keeping charges on bosses. For things sub guardian, it isn't even necessary. " Yeah, the power charge on crit is universal. Very useful. I have it on my ball lightning pen, and it makes keeping up power charges on bosses a breeze. No more orb of storms PCoC. For your lightning warp, it sounds like you might be skipping activations? Poet's pens have a default internal cooldown of 250 ms. Your theoretical maximum attack speed is 4.0. Faster than that, and you'll skip casts due to getting out of sync with the pen's timer. Due to latency though, you need to be a bit slower than that. In practice, I find that around 3.8 is where you want to be when you are all frenzy charged and blood raged up. Editado por útlima vez por FilthyMonkey#0591 en 15 jun. 2018 19:01:49
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Great build. Enjoying it more than my pens build last league. Much more durable.
I made some tweaks but was certainly inspired by this build. For ascendancy I took elemental leech and buffed golems. They seem to live ok when leveled and immune to elemental damage. The leech let’s me use Essence Worm with Wrath and still do MOM with 100% unreserved mana. No amulet yet, and since POB shows a modest gain with it I’m not sure it’s needed. Using frenzy in the gloves with GMP, curse on hit, enfeeble. Also power siphon with LGOH, cast on crit, and whatever. Right now it’s ball lightning for more mana return. I haven’t played enough to get guardians yet but I’m curious if this pairing will be competitive with barrage. For mapping stuff dies so fast I don’t worry about frenzy, and cold snap tied to cwdt helps with passive frenzy generation. Feels ideally suited to incursions. |
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" Yes some guy posted in here that he is using Blood rage + Frenzy + Warlod Mark. I tested that and yes is awesome, almost always at full charges. |
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" Yes Berek's is there only to provide leech, and if you feel ok without it you can skip it you can also try a cheap amulet with light damage leeched as life, so you can test if leech is going to help you. Choir yes its only for dps, and what most of the people dont see, its that lightning bolt dealts +50k dps (80k for me). So this give us like 50k dps from pure affixes + 50k dps from lightning bolt. |
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