[3.3] Special Scorchflake - 21 Uniques Build! 10k HP - 75 Block Aegis - All Content and Map Mods
After some testing around on rippy maps with the elementalist version, I've come to the conclusion that it's the superior one. I'm still working out some kinks, as I need to figure out the best way to apply shocks without messing up my curses too much. I'm currently using Warlord's Mark on CWDT to make room for Innervate on Orb of Storms, but that only works on no-regen maps thanks to my boots leech enchant (though a mana potion is a possibility).
There is a gearing change involved as we take a Pure Talent jewel instead of an Efficient Training jewel, which costs about 20c, but that only becomes relevant at about level 90 or so. Leveling trees have been updated in the OP, and I added recommended uniques to the leveling section. |
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im bad at this game and hate gearing with rares
how hard is a shaper kill with this build and what level did you do it at? looks good though and how did you make the special scorchflake item? is there a tool or did you use photoshop? Editado por útlima vez por ClassicAngus#5599 en 28 mar. 2018 8:05:49
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" I did Shaper at level 90 with level 21 spell gems and a 6L. I had some issues with vortex positioning, but only died once to that. This was before I went elementalist and got better rolled uniques which boosted my DPS significantly. " I just edited the HTML code for a unique on the wiki and took a screenshot. |
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Would you consider Unwavering stance? |
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" I've considered it, but decided against it because: 1. We don't get stunned on at the very least 75% of hits (lots of block recovery) 2. Stuns don't really interrupt our DPS. Scorching ray just needs to hit once every few seconds, and firestorm is still leeching stuff while we're stunned 3. We can hit mobs that bother us from afar (on say less block T16 maps with multiple damage mods) 4. The DPS and HP is more important against mobs that can actually pull off a stun against us, and HP is a form of stun protection in itself. I can say that I've yet to get stunlocked even once. Editado por útlima vez por Novalisk#3583 en 5 abr. 2018 7:27:48
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Novalisk, I'm really impressed with the thought you have put into this build.
I can't find anything that will significantly make this better short of an expensive watchers eye jewel that reduces critical damage using determination with life gain on hit with vitality. That has the downside of reducing your heal on block but may be very worth it thanks to the large critical hit reduction. Then you have to get an enlighten 4 of course to use 3 aura's and drop the high level clarity. Hard to say if this all worth it. I may just have to give this a go as it seems to solve alot of problems im having with a molten strike max block gladiator that I cant get any more health or any realistic damage on. |
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Thanks! If you want to stick with Molten Strike, I'm pretty sure you can slap on Brutus' Lead Sprinkler and shift some points on the skill tree. Something like this perhaps: https://pastebin.com/hdWDvEhT
Seems like it'd work better for Shaper/Elder killing. |
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Looks interesting, thinking of respeccing into this.
Do you think there's some way of fitting RF into this or don't we get enough regen? /e: Well, figured it wouldn't but decided to check anyways, -1.3k degen so yeah.. do you think it's worth changing the tree around enough to fit RF in there? Editado por útlima vez por Frkii#4363 en 6 abr. 2018 14:27:45
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" Don't think so, not with Scion anyway. I only know of Hybrid RF working with Guardian, and Aegis Aurora would definitely not fit into an RF build. |
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i can confirm, very cool build to see in action.
was great fun following your progress in gc. gg wp! |
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