[3.4] Pasta's Dex Stacking Build Crit(Barrage/Scourge Arrow LA/TS/Ice Shot) All Content Viable
" Just saw that too....odd. Dinhmahung, that's an insane bow, grats. I think i sunk about 30 ex into crafting a good one this league and came up pretty much entirely empty. |
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" Oof, I haven't sunk quite that much into it, but at this point it does feel like I should just save the currency up for one that someone else got lucky with :(. I think all that's left is for me to actually pick up a bow with the dex mod on it. Only problem is it's just such a huge upgrade for me to have the Socketed attacks deal 20% mod, double damage mod *and* dex that seems like I should just hold out until I can get one with all 3. Miffy (or anyone else), I would appreciate if you can take a look at my gear and see if there's anything really glaring that I should change before I continue to save for the ultimate dex bow. I followed your advice of waiting to replace the bow last, and I think it's time to finally replace my (only somewhat) failed crafted bow. |
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Any help-me?
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" any help me? |
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" You've got lots of things to invest into that are cheaper first, imo. Better rings, for one. I'd look into getting a shaped Assassin's Mark ring, or at least good Opals with high Dex/WED. A corrupted quiver could be a big upgrade, the boots are lacking 10% move and could get more life (although the enchant is quite valuable ofc), the belt could be corrupted for % dex, you could get a better neck option (Astramentis is very good, but it's possible to get more expensive all-around options like elder/shaped amulets or Eyes of the Greatwolf). I would simply take your PoB and make bows and see how much you would gain with what stats. My suspicion is that you would only really get a massive upgrade out of getting a bow with the Dex stat AND all the other stats, which would make it basically Mirror quality. So not sure if it'll be worth it ;) What i know for sure is that you have several options for much cheaper upgrades still open to you. |
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" Yes, ofc you can run dex-stacking with that gear. How well it would do is up to you. This build is not that straight-forward, you need to use PoB a lot and well to figure out for yourself how much stacking you want to do where, what gems you want to run, etc. But in general you can use Demise, Astramentis, Cyclopean and some dex on rares and run pretty much any bow gem/ bow you want as long as it synergizes with generic added flat elemental damage. Whereas if you want to convert/phys you'd probably be better off with other options (like a great quiver with high multi/wed/extra arrow etc). |
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" What corruption should I look at for the quiver? +1 arrow? I don't think I really have anywhere to path to right now with a point I'd save for Point Blank. The only problem with rings is they contain most of my resists. I can't seem to find rings that have that much fire and cold resistance and life/dex/WED without costing either just as much as the bow, or giving such a marginal increase in DPS compared to what the bow gives for the price. Maybe I'm going about searching the wrong way? If I go for an Assassin's mark ring, do I get different gloves? I figured the only reason Oskarms are there is for Assassin's mark application. What should I be looking for on an elder/shaper amulet? I can plug something ridiculous into PoB but realistically that's just not going to happen. Even Eyes of the Greatwolf like pasta has gives me less dps currently, but a nice 300 health. Still, this gives me a good idea of what I could potentially improve aside from the bow, so thanks :) Editado por útlima vez por Broncosoozie#2282 en 28 sept. 2018 16:51:58
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" Corruption depends on what skill you're running. Extra arrow doesn't do anything for Scourge, i believe, but is invaluable for Barrage ofc. There are other decent corruptions too though, all better than the base implicit, like phys as extra cold, more AoE, etc. As far as rings go, that's why good rings are pricy endgame upgrades, you generally want combos of life/res/and then good damage mods for your build and that can ramp up in price very quickly. I haven't looked at your jewels, but that's also a potential area to look at for general upgrades. Don't underestimate how much you can tune a build with good 3-4 mod jewels, especially in terms of resistances too. If you get a good ASsassin's Mark ring, then yes you can run different gloves ofc. Simple Maligaro's with a good corrupt would be an upgrade then, or you can go fancier and pricer and look at 2 socket Tombfists for free Intimidate and even more customization options via jewels, or really good fossil-crafted Gripped gloves for example. For amulets you could roll something like phys as extra mods, elemental pen, increased damage per dex (or other stats), on top of life, res, crit multi etc ofc. Very rare and pricy, naturally. But still far cheaper than a truly amazing dex bow probably. How much of an upgrade what would be, you gotta pob for yourself really =) Edit: +1 Arrow is actually very strong for Scourge as well, as i've found out. Editado por útlima vez por Miffy23#7775 en 29 sept. 2018 11:34:18
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Ive seem a lot of people talk about scourge arrow, is that really a thing? how does it compare to barrage for bosses? on bestiary i had barrage as main skill becouse those red beasts were hard to take down and barrage made that so easy, but in this league seems like Tornado shot would be main skill for delving, so im thinking about getting TS helm enchant instead of barrage one.
Is it worth having 6l on scorge as well? and just to make sure, do you aways fire that with 5 stacks or just spam it? Editado por útlima vez por mromcy#7856 en 29 sept. 2018 13:50:17
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Hey All, been reading through the build after I aaccidently Alt-Regaled into this.
First question is I don't really craft much and not sure what to do with it at the moment. Based on what I've been reading it's really good and just need to craft Crit onto it and use it? Second question. Looking at the gems layout it shows clearing and single target, so I understand that concept. But is Barrage and Scourage the only ones used for single target? I have a +2 TS Lion Pelt I see TS is used to swap in for clearing, do I just swap to Barrage or Scourage for boss killing even though I don't have the enchant for that? Third question. Looking at the gear from 3.3 he has 2 6L setups, one is for Barrage and One is Scourage, is he just changing which skill he uses on his bar for clear and single target? I also have this ring, guessing I should use it now till I can craft a rare with better stats right? Thanks in advance for the help! |
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