Is there another good option instead of spirit offering? Don't really like to have to keep replacing flesh offering
Hey guys, how strong is this build compared to zombies? what about clearspeed and AoE?
Im thinking about respeccing from zombies cuz the nerf to slam is just too much. i cant farm red maps atm cuz it lacks dmg and AoE.
Can u guys give me some suggestions about skeles?
highly appreciate it!
thx in advance
Publicado porVanxan#3462en 15 dic. 2019 17:32:58
Vanxan escribió:
Hey guys, how strong is this build compared to zombies? what about clearspeed and AoE?
Im thinking about respeccing from zombies cuz the nerf to slam is just too much. i cant farm red maps atm cuz it lacks dmg and AoE.
Can u guys give me some suggestions about skeles?
highly appreciate it!
thx in advance
They strong af.
My skele's clear stuff 1-2 screens away a lot of the time.
The line on the golem gem states that "Golems grand XX buff" so i highly suggest testing this for yourself, summon 1 stone golem and look at your life regen on the character screen, then summon a 2nd stone golem and check your life regen again, and then make that 1 stone golem and 1 carrion golem, and look at your life regen again, you will see you get 2X the buff of golems if you summon multiple golems as Different golems. Best of luck with this information, it will increase your carrion golem buff to your minions but path of building has not been updated to reflect this.
Editado por útlima vez por jobobsa#2981 en 15 dic. 2019 18:39:03
jobobsa escribió:
The line on the golem gem states that "Golems grand XX buff" so i highly suggest testing this for yourself, summon 1 stone golem and look at your life regen on the character screen, then summon a 2nd stone golem and check your life regen again, and then make that 1 stone golem and 1 carrion golem, and look at your life regen again, you will see you get 2X the buff of golems if you summon multiple golems as Different golems. Best of luck with this information, it will increase your carrion golem buff to your minions but path of building has not been updated to reflect this.
I typically run 2 x Carrion Golems. You're saying I should be running 1 x Stone and 1 x Carrion?
Could OP or someone else provide a weighted affix list for item slots? It would greatly help with searching for end-game gear. Really enjoying the build so far. Thanks!
Publicado porZROGST#4793en 15 dic. 2019 19:53:32
Raise specter is capped at 3 now instead of 4.
Should we just use 3x cheiftan's?

Grixzen escribió:
FrodoFraggins escribió:
Grixzen escribió:
all map bosses have a soft instance aka you don't get a loading screen, so all the souls you collected stay with you in the boss room that means that yes, if you have the vaal skill soul meter full you just pop it when you are in the boss room
One last question - as the guide suggests putting spectres on a 3L - it causes an issue when i want to access the gems I'm leveling on my weapon swap.
Swapping to the other set of weapons despawns my spectres and i have to get them again when i swap back. Do i need to either place spectres on a 4L or reget them whenever i swap? or is there a place i can wep swap without despawning them?
while you are swapping items around when mapping and leveling that will be an issue yes, you have to live with that until you get you final weapon
the good thing is that desecrate will give you the corpses in your hideout, you don't have to go around hunting the specters if you swap
well the bigger issue is that you should also be leveling gems to sell or corrupt on your unused weps from the swap sicne you have sixe free slots. But I wasnt aware of using desecrate to get them back TY
Whelp build is good...
I just killed awakener in SSF Metamorph. I went shield, and my wand sucks... Got a lucky 6L armor though
Publicado porInygma#2931en 15 dic. 2019 21:54:25
Rakio escribió:
FrodoFraggins escribió:
Grixzen escribió:
all map bosses have a soft instance aka you don't get a loading screen, so all the souls you collected stay with you in the boss room that means that yes, if you have the vaal skill soul meter full you just pop it when you are in the boss room
One last question - as the guide suggests putting spectres on a 3L - it causes an issue when i want to access the gems I'm leveling on my weapon swap.
Swapping to the other set of weapons despawns my spectres and i have to get them again when i swap back. Do i need to either place spectres on a 4L or reget them whenever i swap? or is there a place i can wep swap without despawning them?
Swap weapons/items in town and it won't despawn your spectres.
As long as you put the items/gem back exactly where they were before entering the town.
Supposed to be safe to swap gems in town and not HO!
ah OK. I just tested this to verify :)
I never did a spectre build in the past due to how painful it seemed to be to get them each login. I'm glad they streamlined them