[3.9] Pure Phys Skeletons & Friends Necromancer — Beginner/SSF/Budget Build
Check out page 270 on this post and there is a guy who started running a triple offering variation with Leash of Oblation. Basically, you change a few things around so that you have a shield in off hand and your convoking wand in the other with all three offerings and the mod "casts socketed spells on skill use".
Bone offering gives you a big chance to block. SPirit offering gives your minions +32% of phys damage as extra chaos damage - which is why you want to remove brutality in that scenario. Only caveat is you should aim to get a chest with the mod "offerings have 25% increased effect" to negate the 25% reduction on the belt. But the belt let's you have all offerings on you at one time. Pretty much you just run around self casting desecrate, skeletons, flame dash and between the desecrates and the normal bodies your army leaves in it's wake, you'll have all the offerings up 100% of the time. With the Rumi's Concoction flask, you're at max block too as long as your shield has 26% chance to block or higher. Give it a read, it's worth the time to check it out. He also explains between I think 269 and 270 about why you only need Feeding Frenzy on one of your other pets. Since skeles aren't supported with it, they don't aggro from as far or do the dash, but I'm usually dropping them right on enemies so no real need for that particular feature in my opinion. I just want the damage boost, which is tied to the FF buff being on me, not my minions. |
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Hey there guys ... so this is how my build looks now. I have changed some things around. I am quite new to the game and I am yet to learn using PoB so dont judge some of my decisions :). I have several questions that I would appreciate getting some help on.
1. How important is +2 level of socketed minion gems on helm, hands and boots considering I already have 5 global increases from the 2 wands and ascendancy. I mean even without the mod on the helmet, gloves and boots my minion gems hit 25 which I know is the breakpoint but I have been told numerous times that additional gem levels are super important (zombies, AG and golems are sitting at lvl 27 atm and specres at 28) ... but are they that important after 25. If I can safely ignore those I should be able to get some nice hp and QoL upgrades with my budget. 2. Since I started running Pride/Banner I unspecced MoM since most of my mana is reserved anyway (and essence worm ring doesnt give me the juicy stats of other rings)... that being said do I still need some of the max mana nodes on the passive tree ... or how can I upgrade that direction. 3. I know I am running 2 offerings with the trigger on skill wand but thats because I find the transition to tripple offering build kinda weird ... like if you use the belt that allows me to have 3 offerings up I lose on the stats on the current one (which gives quite nice hp/es/chaos res) so I have to get them somewehre else, but then that peiece of equipment has to change ... and basically I find it difficult to remake the whole char. + I find running the two offerings still feels not too bad. 4.Anything in specific you see I need to change/rearange/upgrade (or what would be my next spep) ... and yes I have been told to get socketed belt ... but those either have way lower stats than my current one (unless I suck that much at trade searching ... i mean check it out the belt actually does give nice hp/es/res) or cost an arm and a leg (at least from my perspective and I have 30+ex in the bank) Thanks in advance for the help :) its much appreciated. Editado por útlima vez por GGGodGiven#2359 en 31 ene. 2020 4:27:59
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The helmet +2 or +3 is mostly for your preference. I'm not running an AG, just Carrion and Stone golems in that gear so I don't care if every once in a while one of them goes down. If you're running an AG with a Kingmaker though (1.5 exalts) then you want a +2/+3 just for that little extra life pool to make sure you don't flush those exalts down the toilet if the AG dies :)
I can't look at your POB since I'm at work, but as long as you're sitting at around 6-7k hp + ES you should be fine. I'm running the max block variant that Banard posted on here and the only time I die is when I get careless and flame dash ahead and get bursted on some juiced T15+ map. I have 5500 HP and around 1900 ES for comparison with my buffs up. Feel free to tinker with the mana nodes to see what works for you. Aside from a level 21 vaal skeleton gem, I'm not seeing a lot of obvious upgrades. Sadly, I think that you and I are much in the same spot. The only clear gear upgrades cost 5ex and up. I'm able to clear all the content I want so I'm a little gunshy about pouring more money into this build as opposed to focusing on something else. |
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" I mean yeah sure I can keep the AG (who does have kingmaker thou I havent seen him dip until now other than 1 time he got down to 90% after facetanking shaper beam and once I enteredt HotC like an idiot and he almost died) in a helmet with +2/+3 ... but is it worth keeping the +2 on the gloves and the boots as well for the other minions ... cuz if I can free that mod I can get some nice QoL/HP upgrades. My stats are 5950hp and 999es if I remember correctly. I am wondering about the mana nodes because if I am not using MoM i dont really need mana for much (or at least I cant figure out why I would) and if I can free some mana nodes I can get 20% life and 15% ES and some other minor upgrades from the skill tree instead. So I am just wondering if I am missing something or are mana nodes basically useless withot MoM (by mana nodes I mean max mana and mana regen nodes). I honestly dont know if those mana nodes give me any benefit or use at the moment. And yeah ... upgrading gems to max lvl/max quality and awaken is something I am slowly working on :) |
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Sorry, missed that point about your boots and gloves. It's 100% not necessary. Zombies are just there to soak damage up and your spectres are just there to supply frenzy/power charges unless you're running a different spectre setup and wanting them to do damage. The + levels on those are nice to have I guess, but I really wouldn't prioritize them at all.
If you don't have MOM, them all you need is enough mana and regen to make sure you always can cast desecrate and summon skeles. That's pretty much all. I'd definitely try respeccing those points you mention and seeing how it feels. I'm pretty confident you'll never even notice the difference and you'll be tankier to boot. |
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" OK cool. Thanks for the input. Yeah in the beginning I was using the +2 boots/gloves to hit lvl 25 (for extra spectre/zombie) as it was cheaper than lvl 21 gems or the +1/+1 wands. But now that I have those I guess I dont really need them so I can free up some resist/movement speed/hp/ES mods :). And yeah all I need is basically to cast skelies and flame dash ... thats all I cast anyway especially considering my desecrate is in the trigger when cast wand together with the offerings. Ok cool I will try respeccing the tree for some extra HP/ES when I get home and work on upgrading those boots/hands :) On a side note ... i am not sure how ppl comment about zombies duying. I dont think I have ever seen a zombie die (except that one time in HotC). Actually any of my permanent minions dying except golems in physical reflect maps. Editado por útlima vez por GGGodGiven#2359 en 31 ene. 2020 10:02:52
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Hey! Im making this char just for bosses, since i wanna lvl my Freeze totem to 100 and always die like atleast one time at Sirius. What would be the best setup for that, like with spectre and such. Keep in mind im ssf so i cant trade. Thanks to any replys!
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" Unless your FP totems character is really just built for damage and zero survivability, I'm not sure this is going to help much. Aren't you literally just placing totems and then manual dodging until you need to place more totems? Not trying to be a jerk, just making sure you're not setting yourself up for failure here. Now that said, skeletons on a 6 link is incredibly strong with the Necro ascendancy. I'd follow the budget layout of this guide to get a good feel for where you need to be at. Take a read over that section and let us know if you have specific questions on how to gear/progress. |
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" Its build like a standard FP totem char, with medium dps and surviability. Its just annoying to to get 50% to 97, and then loose a day of progress to Sirus. I just want to have a char just for bosses, so that i dont care if i die, and can continue my way to 100. |
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Can someone explain me what should i upgrade have 300/400c to spend right now
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