[3.9] Pure Phys Skeletons & Friends Necromancer — Beginner/SSF/Budget Build

binpikes escribió:
Hello guys,

This is my 3rd post and I still can't figure it out why my damage is so low.

I switched to impale but it doesn't seem to increase.

All help is much appreciated

POB damage with correct config: https://imgur.com/a/2ybaQLG

To see Impale damage you need the POB LocalIdentity fork.
Supermax64 escribió:
I might have missed that part of the discussion but what were the final conclusions on Brutality vs Ruthless ?

Well, Ruthless is better for bosses since ruthless blow procs on third attack. Also, you get a large chaos damage increase when Spirit offering procs - this you won't get with Brutality since it doesn't allow for chaos damage. Brutality is better for clearing since the damage is instant. But since we already have to swap Splash with multistrike I don't want to bother with swapping another gem too. To solve the swapping problem you would need to run two different two handed weapons with two skeleton 6-links (and swap between them with X). One for clearing and one for bosses. I like my shield, though.
Editado por útlima vez por varmemester#3475 en 14 ene. 2020 2:45:19
Hi I am new to PoE and this is my first ever character. I was wondering if someone can push me in the right direction
I spent the whole day trying to gear...but I dont think I geared very well. I am missing a bunch of HP..sitting at around 3.5k. It also seems like I rarely run out of mana. Current budget is around 2 EX. Got really lucky with Exaulted orb drops with T3 maps. Capped resists, but feel like I will lack later on. Thank you very much!
Editado por útlima vez por Dajen1#6518 en 14 ene. 2020 3:44:37
Would the Hungry Loop be useful for this build?
It looks like you would trade some survivability for 5linked golems, zombies, or spectres which could be fun.
Draxinusom escribió:
coaa escribió:
To everyone scared of using AG and possibly losing the items:
I had a lazy weekend of nothing but PoE. I ran roughly 300 or more maps this weekend. Every single map was T14+, fully sextant'd, alch, vaal, scarab with additional zana mods etc. My AG, only once, got as low as ~80% life on a phys reflect, double beyond, triple added damage map where I spawned abaastopuoqwepglk whatever his name is. I ran multiple A8 Sirus this weekend and it never budged from full health even while taking a nap in a chaos cancer ball.

My AG is using Kingmaker, Leer, Victario's, Ambu's Charge (thinking of swapping this) and uh Southbound gloves (believe this is right?).

As I wrote a few posts above, I did lose my AG yesterday. I also did fight Abaxotht the end of all there is or whatever his full name is. The hp bar of the AG didn't even move from full.

I'm even also wearing a Bloodbond chest which gives minions +max life and 10%chance to dodge melee hits.

And I also did Sirus awake 8 no problem.

And then I went into a tier 15 port map, killed the map boss (no problem there either) but the Metamorph with the map boss' organ and obviously other stacking stats halfway through the encounter morphed, used some ability and wiped out my spectres, golems, zombies and the AG within 2 seconds. From 100% hp bar doesn't move to not full hp to gone.

2 seconds.

And the AG had perfect Belly and near perfect Leer (29 instead 30% max life).

So yeah, I too thought it was immortal. It wasn't.

The same thing happened to me yesterday in Grotto map. But it was the boss who killed all my minions including my AG (kingmaker Ambu etc...) in 1 shot less than 1 second. I have been running multiple Conqueror Awakening 8, level 83 Syndicate boss, uber elder, etc and never my AG life went down more than 1 or 2 pixels.

I posted about it already in another thread and I do think something funky is going on with this league. It happened quite a few times that I died with no warning, no sound, no visuals from normal mobs to metamorphs.

Thank you
Hello i need a little advice... I need more survi beacouse i have only 300es and 1k mana....
Editado por útlima vez por Brenthaven#6983 en 9 feb. 2020 16:17:47
Vendetta escribió:
Can someone take a look at my setup ?

I do not know why but my Skelly damage seems quite low. I do not really know why, but I see people droping Sirus AW8 way faster than me on AW5.

Currently the build as I structured it is mostly for having zombies taunt everything so I don't get hit , I tested with AG but it seems I get one shotted too frequently , and I do not really know why.

I have max rez even chaos rez and still...

How much damage would AG bring to my Skellis to make it worth dying here and there ?

P.S , I am not really an expert in using POB. I use it like everyone else, to drop a build and see some stats. So knowing this my POB damage might mislead me, if someone can check. Last time in POB my skellies had 500k dps each and I do not know were people are getting 800k-1mil.

Yeah Feeding Frenzy is cutting your damage in this case. I know some people like the dashing skeletons but I think after the nerf to it coming into this league it's just no longer worth slotting over multistrike for bosses and melee splash for clear.

Looking at your character in pob with your settings corrected I'm seeing this:

So there's a few things we can change to boost your damage if that's what you're looking for. Swapping Feeding Frenzy for melee splash on clear will help, but swapping multistrike for bossing gets you to 774k dps.

Next up slotting Generosity on your Dread banner setup (swapping out faster casting) gets you over 800k and will extend your Dread Banner aura further so that more of your minions are always in it.

Those are about all the changes I can suggest without fundamentally altering your setup.

The way some of us are pushing damage numbers that high are with a few different setup options and more expensive gear to be honest. I have +2 wands that have attack speed and minion damage, a +1 intelligence gem amulet, flesh offering instead of spirit offering, self cast vulnerability, included pride, dread banner with enhance and generosity, and run an AG with Kingmaker to boost crit multi on my minions as well as fortify, and making it so nearby enemies to the AG can't crit. That's how some people are pushing damage numbers like you mentioned.

With all of those changes I'm over 2 million per skeleton dps but it comes at a cost of some survivability (no MoM or spirit offering) and at a high cost of crafting the gear or buying it.

This build as a base allows you to push damage to the moon at the cost of survivability and push survivability way up at the cost of damage. It's all up to you where you want to land on that scale.

kestak escribió:

The same thing happened to me yesterday in Grotto map. But it was the boss who killed all my minions including my AG (kingmaker Ambu etc...) in 1 shot less than 1 second. I have been running multiple Conqueror Awakening 8, level 83 Syndicate boss, uber elder, etc and never my AG life went down more than 1 or 2 pixels.

I posted about it already in another thread and I do think something funky is going on with this league. It happened quite a few times that I died with no warning, no sound, no visuals from normal mobs to metamorphs.

Thank you

That's the Chaos Golem in general. If you get a couple of map mods going, he does insane damage. Chaos Golems in general just do a lot of damamge. One of the ripped Quin through 5 endurance charges and quite a few other layers of defense. There's a few bosses that you just have to stay back from and he's one of them. With awakener levels now, these have all just gotten more dangerous.

Acid Caverns, Grotto, Promenade, Crystal Ore, and a few others are just dangerous in general.

Brenthaven escribió:
Could anyone glance over my build and let me know if there's something I could replace to make shaper fights even faster? I'm farming him over and over for the hideout, just wonder if there's something that can be done to make it even quicker
I've got a ''corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you on a to dust jewel'' maybe I can switch the staunching life flask for something else?


Yep get rid of Feeding Frenzy and slot Impale. Make sure you're swapping melee splash for Multistrike. Get another +2 wand, get a +1 to all intelligence gems and +1 to maximum skeletons amulet.

After swapping the Amulet, annoint Ravenous Horde, refund those passives and path over to Death Attunement in the top left.

Get rid of the spirit offering setup in favor of Vulnerability self-cast and Flesh Offering

Swap brutality and fortify on your zombie link for minion life and animate guardian. Set up the animate guardian with the following:

Weapon: Kingmaker
Helmet: Mask of the Stitched Demon
Chest: Armor with "Gain 10% of maximum life as extra maximum energy shield" or a garb of the ephemeral with a decent implicit
Gloves: Southbound
Boots: Victario's Flight

I tossed your character into PoB and with your config it's at 653k dps per skeleton or 9.5 million across all 14. If you implement all of the changes above you're looking at over 2 million dps per skeleton. This is of course if you want to go fully in on damage which it seemed like that's what you were asking for.
Editado por útlima vez por Solanales#2058 en 14 ene. 2020 8:02:21
Haven't seen anyone suggest this yet. If you are NOT using AG, you can combine the Zombie and Spectre links to open up some gem slots.

Raise Zombie - Meat Shield - Raise Spectre - Blood Magic

The Brutality/Fortify on the Zombies is doing almost nothing, and the Minion Life seems unnecessary as well.
kestak escribió:
Draxinusom escribió:
coaa escribió:
To everyone scared of using AG and possibly losing the items:
I had a lazy weekend of nothing but PoE. I ran roughly 300 or more maps this weekend. Every single map was T14+, fully sextant'd, alch, vaal, scarab with additional zana mods etc. My AG, only once, got as low as ~80% life on a phys reflect, double beyond, triple added damage map where I spawned abaastopuoqwepglk whatever his name is. I ran multiple A8 Sirus this weekend and it never budged from full health even while taking a nap in a chaos cancer ball.

My AG is using Kingmaker, Leer, Victario's, Ambu's Charge (thinking of swapping this) and uh Southbound gloves (believe this is right?).

As I wrote a few posts above, I did lose my AG yesterday. I also did fight Abaxotht the end of all there is or whatever his full name is. The hp bar of the AG didn't even move from full.

I'm even also wearing a Bloodbond chest which gives minions +max life and 10%chance to dodge melee hits.

And I also did Sirus awake 8 no problem.

And then I went into a tier 15 port map, killed the map boss (no problem there either) but the Metamorph with the map boss' organ and obviously other stacking stats halfway through the encounter morphed, used some ability and wiped out my spectres, golems, zombies and the AG within 2 seconds. From 100% hp bar doesn't move to not full hp to gone.

2 seconds.

And the AG had perfect Belly and near perfect Leer (29 instead 30% max life).

So yeah, I too thought it was immortal. It wasn't.

The same thing happened to me yesterday in Grotto map. But it was the boss who killed all my minions including my AG (kingmaker Ambu etc...) in 1 shot less than 1 second. I have been running multiple Conqueror Awakening 8, level 83 Syndicate boss, uber elder, etc and never my AG life went down more than 1 or 2 pixels.

I posted about it already in another thread and I do think something funky is going on with this league. It happened quite a few times that I died with no warning, no sound, no visuals from normal mobs to metamorphs.

Thank you

Yeah that's crazy, I gotta be a little less careless when running some of those maps then. Granted if you have him in the zombie link he's with meatshield on and shouldn't be doing much more then chilling by you. I'm kind of aggressive though since I layered my defenses. I literally afk when flasks are up on top of some pretty hardcore modded meta's and stuff ><.

Since my life / shield / flask switch over I've only had 2 deaths in 100s upon 100s of maps now. Both were from meta's that I fully killed them + all minions and was looting, then all of a sudden a delayed corpse explosion went off. That shit HURTS. Didn't touch my minions really, but blew me the f up with 8k+ health and almost 60% phys reduction. Ouch.

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