[3.X] SPECTRAL SHIELD THROW DeadEye (100% phys and 90% ELE. 1,5-2M DPS REALISTIC GEAR non-crit!)
UPDATE 03/03/2018: Added Projectile Weakness to both and Hrimsorrow (to ele version). 20 quality gems.
I have a feeling that Gloomfang damage is NOT CALCULATED properly per chain and only uses 1 chain in damage calculations (even if we have 4 or 5). I will contact Openarl to double check. Damage should be much higher for 5 chains! like 80% higher. I will also theorycraft a pure CRIT ascendant/assassin version later on (next week). https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 Editado por útlima vez por Angry_Roleplayer#6657 en 3 mar. 2018 5:49:26
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Any leveling tips? What unique items i can use to level fast?
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" Frost Blades will do the job since we take same cold nodes for full conversion https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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hey, why you dont take point blank?
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Far Shot I think.
Are you planning on updating this? Running this as league starter for kicks, and it's going fairly well, in desperate need of single target damage though. And not sure what links to pick up when approaching the 70. Is SST not on POB yet? Editado por útlima vez por KasperBN#1147 en 3 mar. 2018 16:22:18
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Where do the 5 chains come from in the 2nd tree? I only see deadeye's ricochet, and ewar's mirage
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" Thanx for noticing. I was originally unsure about Point Blank as the build is mostly ranged. But it looks like for bossing it can be still very helpful, since there IS already enough damage for trash mobs. Will include it in update for default tree. Major upgrade guys! I finally realized how Gloomfang interacts with PoB and the Chain Support. First of all Chain support has massive diminishing returns and Gloomfang becomes literally useless after 4th Chain. So in general more than 3 chains is pointless dps-wise as overall DPS goes down. So biggest deal is to add a lot of damage WITHOUT Chain support, this is when Gloomfang shines. Also with Hrimsorrows i discovered that Cold to Fire gem becomes better than Main and gives huge dps boost. So overall that raised DPS or Phys version to 577k and ELE version to impressive 776k. Now this looks good for a non-crit build with cheap gear. I will update the PoB. What i am still unsure about is the interaction of PoB with Richochet. PoB update says it DOES consider Richochet but does it consider MORE damage multiplier and how? Since it's impossible to count remaining chains in PoB, i have no clue. https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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" There was Chain support but i removed it already. https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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" PoB IS counting in remaining chains... just check in confingurations tab -> for effective dps area (where you set enemy buffs/debuffs) -> # of times skill has chained ;) anyway, you're right, 5 chains are way too many... interesting build btw, nice that one tries to build it from scratch. I'm pretty excited when our PoB craftiing will meet in the middle. I honestly gave up in levelling coz SST in its current state is slow as fuck, levelling a Ranger at all sucks immensly and I dont have time to focus on PoE anymore like I was used to, that's why I try to make builds from the endgame point of view^^ What I'd like to know is, if I am the only one, that feels SST way too clunky unless we are forced to slot in FA and/or FP at the cost of DPS but win of QoL and clearspeed. Was watching the vids by Ahfack and it literally shew the same thing that I felt when testing SST on a lvl 92 Ranger on STD with very decent gear. IGN: Lawyne (Stream: www.twitch.tv/lawyne) [inactive] 100% Life Shaper in 1s https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173720595 Practical Blade Flurry https://tinyurl.com/practicalBF Editado por útlima vez por Lawyne#1244 en 3 mar. 2018 18:57:44
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What gems to take last in sst.
And btw i use lightning golem and ancestral protector for extra dps... Cybertroth
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