Max_Stax Poison Barrage ASS-HIE


Level 89 Tier 13 build demo------>

Hello Exiles! Welcome to the Max_Staxs Poison Barrage Scion Build guide.

Our build utilized the physical damage skill barrage. Since poison is based on physical and chaos damage this easily adds a ton of damage with 100% chance to poison from our passive skill tree. No need to waste valuable skill sockets for poison or lesser poison!

We have four separate sources of barrage. Our self cast support barrage and our three barrage totems. The self cast barrage has Two curse on hit skills-Despair,and Projectile weakness. The self cast barrage curses the targets yielding a ton of extra damage taken (not dealt) ,and free support effects such as maim, extra physical and chaos damage, piercing and knockback to our totems.

-----> In short, Debuff the targets and let the totems do all the work!

Pro's & Con's

+ Medium clear speed
+ Low 4-6 exalt price tag
+ Fast pace exciting game play
+ explode entire packs in an instant " so gratifying "

-This build is not good for average computers see ""
-Single target boss damage is not huge, Map unlocks can still be done.
-This is not a new player friendly build

The rat's nest has been our helm of choice till the 3.0 league. After 3.0 the mirror traps took a hard nerf. Now our best helm option is the chant. Bladefall is a large aoe physical spell that drops a lot of poison damage and gains us onslaught fairly consistently.
This is the bow that I have chosen to upgrade to. Initially I started with a white/normal six link bow and chaos slammed it to high physical dps, then I later used a maxed out chin sol until I crafted this bow. Otherwise a chin sol is a very good choice for this build if you can't craft a better one.
This last item is an important one to our build please note that it has a +1 curse corruption on it. This replaces a ring/boot or passive with the +1 curse effect. If you cannot find this item for sale, It is near impossible to make as I spent 3 exalt trying to make one and failed. It is suggested to run a single curse (despair) until you achieve this item for yourself.

Hemophilia gloves
The hemophilia gloves have another effect. Bleeding enemies will explode dealing physical damage equal to 6% of the enemies total life. Keep in mind this damage is an aoe and still gains some of the chance to bleed and poison from our passive skill tree. These overlapping poison aoe's also benefit from the curses. This adds a lot to the builds clear speed.

Also the gloves can be corrupted with "cast on stun", this is helpful for optimizing the build.

Resistance Gear
The build only has two dedicated item to resistance. The le hupe rings are of course great sources of both damage and resistance. Most of our resistances must be on our passive skill tree and from the Alera Bandit quest. Despair does not benefit clear speed as much as the boss kills. Don't run it till after you max your resist with no mana reserved.

Skill gems
Self cast barrage---->

Totem barrage----->

Suggested Flasks

Level 89 Passive Tree ((Will update in 1 levels!))

Suggested Tree path
For starters, We need to unlock the Assassin on the Ascendancy, No point allocating skills toward poison nodes till after your Second lab. Rather head straight for the life leach nodes at the bottom, pick up bow/physical damage nodes along the way. After life leach, Grab the chance to bleed, then head toward mind over matter. Pick up life and mana Regen along the way.

After your second ascendancy you will now have the Assassin unlocked gaining 40% chance to poison. You can now pick up the remaining 60% off the skill tree. Start with the chance to poison/bleed by your life leach. This will interact with your hemophilia gloves and the build will start to come together!

Next we need to head toward our third totem from the Templar side of the ascendancy tree. The merciless Lab will yield the third totem. You will likely need strength and intelligence nodes along the way. Later we can regret them if you choose to do uber lab. If you don't have totem placement speed by now you should certainly consider getting it. Though not a huge deal with two totems, three totems however will take a while to set up and this effects the builds performance! Also the Damage over time nodes will seriously help out.

Increased effect of our curses should be done in the level 80's rage, and this is only if you are happy with your survivability. Otherwise keep working on life totals till you have minimum 3k. This is sufficient for the build.

And finally once we optimize our gear and unlock the fourth ascendancy we can save a few points by taking a short cut to mind over mater.

Suggested Bandits
Aleria for the 15% resistance. If you acquire real good resist belt, and manage to get a good resist amulet with +1 curse on it. and/Or choose to use a resist helm, Then you could choose all.

Play style
Our build has Mind over mater with 38% of our damage going to mana. In addition we only have about 3k actual HP. But don't fret! The brass dome protects of from additional damage from critical hits and provides a (Huge) amount of damage reduction. This does not however stop effects that are associated with critical hits such as freezing burning and shock. However in most cases this prevents the one hit kill mechanic. Somewhere near 55% at level 90. We also have 40-50% chance to evade. This allows us to take very large hits from bosses and even guardians with a reduced chance of being "one hit killed". We are of course are killable with multiple hits in fast succession, but that is why we also use and scale evasion.

As for tactics, well it is simple. Throw out your blink traps in what I call a blink wall. (( you saw it here first)), then set up the totems. This is the base of your damage, afterwords, curse your enemies. This set up is time consuming, but the blink wall will provide you extra survivability as enemies will attack them.

Knowing your enemies and their attack abilities is all part of the game. It is because of this split second decision making that I suggest this build is not new player friendly.

Newest video of the Max Stax poison barrage Scion

Editado por útlima vez por blackice001#1084 en 15 sept. 2018 0:26:56
Reflotado por última vez en 4 nov. 2018 13:41:39
What is this builds DPS?
Honestly your guess is as good as mine. My best guess with a chin sol is 730k, ( Chin sole 5L is best damage for its price ), But path of builder isn't calculating all the damage and other barrage builds posts are deceiving you with the dps they claim over a million...

That is of course just a guess.

when compared to other barrage builds dps I'd like to point out they click on the "all projectiles" button. This is not the way to calculate dps on barrage. You need to consider how many arrows will hit your target and calculate it out yourself.

Then you need to consider the supporting skills and curses. The blink wall puts out a lot of arrows with good sized poison stacks. I calculated them at six active even though i could possibly get as many as 18 at once with 2 attacks per second each.. Then again with only a single target in mind your not going to trigger all 18 are you. This is why I settled on six.

The curses are more than doubling the damage. In path of builder I switched on and off "target is hexproof". The difference in dps was more than half. And I so hate hex-proof creatures :) Poison stacks are considered to have been consistent for the full duration of your poison duration. Then they reach their max and you drop stacks at the same rate you gain them. This would be 184 poison stacks + 1 bleed in the calculations.

This is how I came up with 730k dps. Its an honest conservative figure..

This is the level progression so far from the lowest level up to most recent..

Level 54 skill tree and skills. At this point were struggling with defenses through the level 50's. I added Grace onto an Essence worm, and that fixed it.

Derp derp! little lol for ya

And here we are level 66 preparing for Merc lab and kitava?, katava? Yah, the end of the story line. My attempts to speed farm exp to level 68.

level progression level 77. Fast t5 map clear and unlock

Level 88 Tier 12 map clear and boss kill----->

And here is the level 89 with major changes to the build as I am now int red maps and fine tuning the balance between item interactions/ dps / life and resists...

During this league I made note of prices on equipment. The brass dome early league is stupid expensive. Its not till about the 4 week mark that the prices came down to under 45 chaos. If you take this build as a league starter you should just buy six-linked white bow and armor then chaos slam it till it shines. I made about 4 exalt selling this gear after I was done with it. My total investment was 3 exalt over the course of the league for crafting my bow's and armor. This price does not include corruption of items or six linking the brass dome. Good luck with that!

Editado por útlima vez por blackice001#1084 en 12 may. 2018 20:31:39
Please ask questions, or leave feedback. I am really excited to share my build ideas and appreciate any constructive criticism.

This is defiantly a LOL pic. Quill rain + 3x volley fire + Rain of splinters + greater and lesser projectile + as much attack speed as I could possibly find. It was the 4x totem Templar herophant. Poison stacks were too small regardless of the massive number of poison stacks. I also had an aura bot with me and died once. This was over 240 arrows per second. Later build variations used curse on hit projectile weakness despair and vulnerability. Adding mostly utility on the self cast barrage. This change lead to huge damage scaling on the totems. So in the end I could do alot more damage with much fewer arrows. Quantity did not trump quality! But did make a nice picture. In this current variation (Scion), the third curse and the third totem results in single target boss take downs at a fraction of the time.
Editado por útlima vez por blackice001#1084 en 5 may. 2018 18:13:22

This image was also of an earlier build variation. Its currently a placeholder and I'll change the picture once in a while.

Please feel free to stop into my nightly stream. 5-10pm EST
You can see the build in real time action and laugh at me when I face-palm!
Editado por útlima vez por blackice001#1084 en 15 mar. 2018 19:05:54
So far nice build idea and concept.

But there are a few things missing or not visable at all.
I suggest to put all of your current gear to the build and a short descriotion which Ascendancy way you go. ASS - HIE after a hard look at the tree.

I suggest to read This little guide I made. Your build hase some awesome potential, show it!

Once you've included all of your gear and lets say at least T8 maps I am more than happy to include your build to the list! (But please remind me then :D)

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Thanks for the guide, I'll get right to work on it! As for t8 maps, so far this league I've only gotten one :) But i'm consistently getting T6 drops now and progressing quickly.
Never thought of using Blink Arrow in a Trap.
Looks interesting.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Thanks for the encouragement and compliment on my blink wall trap concept. If you time it right you can get 12 blinks at once with greater projectile. There firing more than once a second that's a lot of arrow/poison stacks added to the barrage x4 build.

I've been working on this build for 4 leagues now. It has been a struggle trying to get everything to work together. I'm still dumping exalts on equipment experimentation. I am excited about sharing the build with others.

If only I had all that maxed out gear on my standard account :)
Just out of curiosity, I see a lot of people checking out my video's.... Has anyone tried, or is using this build? I would absolutely love to hear your criticism ( constructive or otherwise )

I understand that this builds HP level is low and struggles in group enviorments. However, the HP's are just fine for solo play even as high as t14 maps. That is as of so far the highest map level I've found. A large part of my level 87-88 was with maps above T11, Shame the drop rate on them is so bad.
I will be streaming live the level progression of 88 to 90 Saturday April 29 and Sunday the 30th. Please join me if your interested in seeing this build do its thing!

It will be off and on through both days.

---> Max_Stax live with Glorious_Bigbeard


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