[3.2] Support NecroDianBot Shav's wrapping (Leaguestarter possible) 13 AURAS ELE DMG FOCUS
Disclaimer: My main language is french.
RIP NECROBOT. I changed my build to scion. RIP BREACH. Presence of chayula is going to be HELLA expensive. 3.1 PATCH
The new Abyss jewel can give up to 50 flat es.You should consider dropping void barrier wheel to get extra jewel slots to put them :) Best Watcher's eye roll: -HasteChanceToDodgeSpells -HasteGainPhasing -GraceChanceToDodge -GraceIncreasedMovementSpeed -DeterminationUnaffectedByVulnerability -PurityOfIceImmuneToFreeze -PurityOfLightningUnaffectedByShockedGround Reference : https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Watcher%27s_Eye Hello Path of exile. This build is for end game content as an Aurabot. I just hit lvl 100 in Harbinger Standard (#126) and I decided to share my build, because I really like it. ![]() TL;DR The build focus on boosting elemental dmg with Wrath and Anger lvl 27 on Generosity. It uses Shavronne's Wrappings so you dont have to care about chaos. PATH OF BUILDING https://pastebin.com/qfjB7A9F Pantheon
Pantheon are mostly situational but those are my favorites:
Major: Soul of Lunaris Minor : Soul of Garukhan (important to upgrade for movement speed Also good Minor : Soul of Ralakesh PASSIVE TREE BANDITS Kill all 3, get 2 passives points Ascendency
![]() GEAR Setup
Don't be afraid by the Enlighten lvl 4 and Helmet enchant. It is entirely possible to run the build with only one enlighten lvl 3 AURA CALCULATOR : https://poe.mikelat.com/#6i34pAPd/9b.ER9b/218l.eVd/9b.G7p/tNrp.sJb/9b.e ( I can't put my head enchant reduction, but you'll finish at 30 life remaining .You will be able to cast 2 Shield charge in a row (15 mana cost) Helmet Chest Gloves BOOTS Shield RING If u don't have the enligten lvl 4 you should change Pariah for ANY good Rare with a lot of Energy Shield WEAPON AMULET BELT (If you don't have Presence of Chayula, you should get Bated Breath https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bated_Breath) ALSO GOOD for MOV SPEED (credit to catinbox32) FLASK JEWELS 3x Energy from Within 1x Conqueror's potency 1x Conqueror's Efficiency GEM SETUP
With 1x Enlighten lvl 4, 1x Enlighten lvl 3 and Anger or Wrath Reduced mana reservation Enchant
Helmet Enlighten(lvl 4)/Purity of Lightning/Purity of Ice/Purity of Fire CHEST 3L: Immortal Call(lvl 3)/Flesh Offering(lvl 1))/Cast when dmg Taken(lvl1) 3L: Clarity(lvl 20)/Enlighten(lvl 3/4)/Vitality Gloves Generosity/Empower/Wrath/Anger Boots Increased Duration/Flame Dash/Vaal Discipline/Vaal Haste Shield Determination/Haste/Grace Weapon Shield Charge(lvl 1)/Fortity/Faster Attacks Ring Discipline With 1x Enlighten lvl 3
Helmet Enlighten(lvl 3)/Purity of Lightning/Purity of Ice/Purity of Fire CHEST 3L: Immortal Call(lvl 3)/Flesh Offering(lvl 1)/Cast when dmg Taken(lvl1) 3L: Clarity(lvl 1)/Discipline/Flame Dash Gloves Generosity/Empower/Wrath/Anger Boots Increased Duration/Summon Stone Golem/Vaal Discipline/Vaal Haste Shield Determination/Haste/Grace Weapon Shield Charge(lvl 1)/Fortity/Faster Attacks Sreenshots (Outdated from 3.1 when necrobot was better)
VIDEOS (Outdated from 3.1 when necrobot was better)
T11 Shaped Spider Forest With Wander (4L barrage no helm enchant) T15 abyss with Tornado shot T13 SHAPED SHORE with tornado shot (full sextants) T13 Oasis (wild zana) with tornado shot If u have any questions dont be shy to ask <3 Credit to pathofexilegod (https://www.twitch.tv/epicpoegod) & catinbox32 for the help with maps Editado por útlima vez por piktok#3288 en 28 feb. 2018 22:54:32 Reflotado por última vez en 4 abr. 2023 19:50:48
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I do like this build as a concept but you haven't changed anything for scion ;)
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" fixed |
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Aura calc dont add up anymore, Reserved: 103%
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" Wow good catch mate, but i have no explication, because I didn't change anything since 3.0 :o . I think that Mikelat's aura calculator maybe bugged |
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You can take zealot's oath and get the guardian regen if you replace edge with soul taker so you can keep using shield chrage. You lose some ES, but Shield Charge is quite a bit faster, and you can replace flame dash with leapslam.
Editado por útlima vez por SilkySnow_#7418 en 1 mar. 2018 4:02:56
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" Thats a really nice idea, but soul taker doesn't work with Blood Magic. It only applies to mana costs specifically. It seems such a waste to not be able to use the regen node with ZO being on the path, but I don't think there's a way to do so and still shield charge (without something not worth it like 2 elreon rings). EDIT: Actually maybe 2 elreon rings wouldn't be a terrible idea? Lori's lantern and pariah are fantastic, but then so is the guardians regen node. Before you have presence you could go elreon ammy too and keep one of the rings, but then stuns are a thing again. Editado por útlima vez por AgentKay#7874 en 1 mar. 2018 10:02:12
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Ahh shit, I've never used soul taker with blood magic before, thought I was onto something. :(
Yeah I though of elreon rings too, if you drop FA and fortify you can get by with just one -8 ring. or I believe you can run sc FA or fort and a reduced mana for one support but still stay under or equal to 8 mana cost for shield charge. Edit: Tested, lvl 1 of all three gems is 7 mana cost. Editado por útlima vez por SilkySnow_#7418 en 1 mar. 2018 16:37:23
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Are you sure? I get 11 mana from a SC>FA>Fortify>Reduced mana at 20/20, which would be hard to fit socket wise anyway. And even just SC Reduced mana is 9 mana.
Now interestingly, you can get -10 cost from a clarity Watcher's eye. So that and just 1 ring would do it. Also, there's a load of great watchers eye mods too, the nuts would be the Clarity -cost and Discipline faster start of recharge or ES regen. EDIT: Yup, with that perfect watchers eye you'd have 500 ES regen, the guardians 20 life regen every 5 seconds would be another 370 es regen effective. I suspect that all that sustain is worth losing Lori's or Pariah (as well as making shield charging free for any attack speed/weapon, hello brightbeak) Editado por útlima vez por AgentKay#7874 en 1 mar. 2018 10:29:46
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Is it just me or is the poeplanner link broken? Still starting from wich, but with ascendant ascendancy..?
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