[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)
I haven't been paying that much attention to the changes in 3.16 yet, and I'm not sure if I will be even playing at all. I'll try to have a look at the guide and build to see if there are any significant changes, and update things accordingly.
New PoB for 3.16: https://pastebin.com/J9ipGNP2 This is with gear that I think is attainable for most players.
some notes and stats
Some stats:
88% evade 98% spell evasion 45% phys reduction (58% with lion's roar active) 1.4 million DPS with no burst skills and flasks up. 4.8 million DPS with burst skills and flasks up. Some notes. Stun immunity (when not been hit recently) Chill immunity (with max frenzy charges) Culling strike vs marked enemies 20% blind on crit Pathing while leveling will need to be going bot side and then later respecced, just to get the 40% conversion from phys to cold from cold mastery. Negatives: Low HP pool. Effective health pretty good with the defenses, but still low HP. You can prioritize away some spell suppression to reach 5.2k+, but I think the spell suppression is more worth it. The DPS is on the low side in my opinion, but you can reach 11m+ if you get good enough gear (we're talking 40+ exalts here though, so probably not reasonable for most players).
If you need help with leveling, here are some guides
LEVELING GUIDE - Part 1: Skills (12m 42s)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYMZXkKTbiI LEVELING GUIDE - Part 2: Items (18m 57s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL5TFyD2CLI LEVELING GUIDE - Part 3: Passives (9m 49s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP5yl4omCPI ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I usually stream 4 days a week, but I will be streaming every day during league starts. If you need any help or have questions, the best way to get it is to join me on stream, or pop in to the discord server. I will probably not spend much time on the forums at the first day or two. Check links above. ____________________________INTRODUCTION____________________________________ This build is a Claw & Shield based Frost Blades build. It utilizes a fast clear speed, high mobility, high evasion, and high damage to clear all the available content. The high evasion and dodge chance helps keep us alive, but this isn't a tanky AFK build. You need to stay on your toes. ![]() _______________________________F_A_Q________________________________________ Please read the guide thoroughly before asking questions. I get a lot of questions, and I don't mind helping out, but there's a good chance that it may have been answered already. :)
I'm having issues with mana. How do I solve this?
When you are leveling it might be difficult to maintain mana. You need to use a mana flask for a while, but you can also grab one of the mana leech nodes near Essence Sap. All such mana issues will disappear when you have Soul Raker, later on.
What about when I'm whirling? As long as you have about 100 free unreserved mana this shouldn't be a problem. If you still feel that it is, then here's a few tips: Remember to not link your Whirling Blades with too many support gems. Fortify and Cast on Critical strike is enough. You don't need Faster Attacks. You can also link it with Reduced Mana cost or Blood Magic, but that means you have to skip the Cast on Crit setup. This is a good option when you are leveling though. Why are you not using Point Blank?
The melee attack of Frost Blades does not count as a projectile, so Point Blank doesn't work for single target.
The range in which point blank is effective is also VERY short, so it's not really THAT effective for clearing either. Why are you using a shield instead of 2 claws?
A couple of reasons. First, we need a shield to help with life and resists. But more importantly, since we are using Supreme Ego in the late versions of the build, we need the 15% reduced mana reservation that you can get from a Shaper/Hunter base. How can you afford your auras?
Until you get Supreme Ego, this shouldn't be an issue. When you get Supreme Ego, you need a shield with 15% reduced mana reserved. You should have Hatred and Herald of Ice in that one, together with an Enlighten gem. Aspect of the Cat will not reserve any mana when you have Farrul's Fur My single target damage is low. What do I do?
If you are struggling with single-target damage, or damage in general, here's a couple of tips. - Don't forget to swap out Ancestral Call for something else when you are fighting bosses!! (ruthless or Multistrike) - Don't start using Hypothermia right away. When you are leveling, it doesn't scale very good. Use something like Added Cold Damage instead. A lvling 4L should be something like FB - EDWAS - Added Cold - Ancestral Call/multistrike - Use Ancestral Protector with 3+ Links on it while leveling. Add some damage to it. - Get your buff/debuff skills and make sure to use them! Ancestral Protector, Vaal haste, Vaal ancestral warchief, Berserk, Frost bomb, they are all important. - If you can get a vaal double strike, it helps a lot early on. - Don't forget to upgrade your gear! When you are playing any melee build you will encounter issues if you don't properly maintain your gear. You need to upgrade your weapon as often as you can when you are leveling, and try to stack as much "added damage" as possible on your rings/amulet/gloves/etc. - Get flasks! From quests you can get Silver Flask & and later on Diamond Flask. Use those. If you find a Sulphur Flask, those are also a good source for damage. When you are level 70+ you should make sure that you have the flasks you should. There are cheap alternatives and expensive alternatives, but the flasks are important. - Don't blindly follow the skill tree! Grab Fangs of Frost, or Primeval Force or whatever if you are having issues. The route that I take is just the way that I prefer doing it. But if you've actually had a look in the PoB, this is in the notes: ![]() And if you have problems, please just hop on to the discord or join me on my stream and we can try to figure out the problem. I try ty stream most days around 19:00-23:30 Swedish time I can't meet my INT/STR requirements. What do I do?
Multiple options. When you get a Lethal Pride, that will solve all strength problems. Otherwise you can get "Prowess" from the passive tree. You can also use lower level gems on your Ancestral Protector/Warchief and Berserk. If you can't match your INT problems, make sure you have your flame dash and frost bomb at low level. There is literally no reason to level these gems. Get the +30 INT node from the passive tree if needed. I don't have a 6L. What gems should I use?
5L: Frost Blades - EDWAS - Hypothermia - Rage - Ancestral Call/Multistrike 4L: Frost Blades - EDWAS - Hypothermia/Added cold - Multi/AC Why are you using Frost Bomb instead of Wave of Conviction?
In a cast on crit setup in Whirling Blades, wave of conviction seem to miss the target you whirl through, making it a bad option against bosses.
If you cast it manually, then this isn't a problem. Frost Bomb also debuffs the enemy so they regen life/es much slower. Why are you using Avatar of the Chase instead of Avatar of the Veil?
This is actually a very hard decision and you don't have to use Chase. You get more damage from Chase (quite a lot), but the phasing, elemental ailment immunity, and spell dodge from Veil is very good. Veil is really good if you delve a lot, but in general I think Chase is better. How do I fix my privacy settings so you can view my character in PoB?
Why are you using 2 Fight for Survival jewels? You haven't taken enough dexterity to support them.
I think a lot of people are confused with the wording on this jewel, and I get why. There are threshold jewels that require you to have allocated a certain amount of dex/str/int within their radius in order for them to actually work.
Fight for survival is not one of those. The dexterity requirement on Fight for Survival doesn't have to be allocated. As long as there is 40 dex within the radius, it works. You don't actually need to take the points. What stats should I look for on Jewels?
% Maximum Life Crit Multiplier with One-handed Melee Weapons Crit Multiplier with Cold Skills Attackspeed % Damage rolls. (Cold or Phys) Suffix: Melee Critical Strike Multiplier Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills Global Critical Strike Multiplier Attack speed / Damage Abyss Prefix: +# to Maximum life Claw cold damage Claw phys dmg Abyss Suffix: Cold damage Crit multiplier Attack Speed Can I play this build in harcore?
No, I wouldn't recommend it. Staying alive with this build isn't a problem most of the time, but every now and then you will get surprised by something that will completely annihilate you.
I have heard that frost blades has low single target damage. Do you have an alternative setup for that?
The single target damage on Frost Blades is more than enough to clear all content in the game. Early on it can feel low before you start getting some gear.
Most melee/attack skills with aoe/multiple projectils have bad single target unless you scale them properly though. When you have decent gear, single target will definitely not be an issue. Where do you get your leech from without vitality void? How do you sustain mana?
The node Soul Raker is the source for most of our leech, including mana leech. We also get some life leech from the node blood drinker.
Also, when you are using Imperial Claws you will also gain a bunch of Life Gain on Hit from the implicit modifier. I am having trouble with Atziri's mirror-clone. How do you avoid killing yourself in that fight?
This fight is all about positioning. When she splits up in 4, you need to look for the one holding the mirror. Then you stand with your back turned towards it, and stay as close to the opposing clone as you can.
Alternatively you can replace your Mark of the Elder in this fight, for a Sibyl's Lament (in your left ring slot). Then you use the Pantheon "Soul of Yugul". This will give you 100% reflect immunity.
Different Video Guides
I have made several different video guides on a couple of different PoE-related subjects. Some of them may be slightly outdated due to changes to crafting in 3.9. Some of the videos are pretty long, but they all have a timeline added in the description, and in the comments. Crafting Weapons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHG1608oSc8 As of 3.9 this video is slightly outdated. The basics are the same, but the multimod recipe has changed. Crafting a Curse on Hit ring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwFq3OZkxZs As of 3.9 this video is slightly outdated. The basics are the same, but the multimod recipe has changed. Crafting(gambling) a good Armour with fossils: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dn21BhjXuA As of 3.9 this video is slightly outdated. You can no longer get maim on body armour. The crit chance is still good though. Getting the right colours and links on your items: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPz-54Ia4PU A beginners guide to Path of Building - Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFFq7YLmc00 In this video I just go through the basics of Path of Building. If you are somewhat familiar with PoB, then the information in this video is probably not something new. It is primarily aimed at new players. A beginners guide to Path of Building - Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eQFq48vDBU In this video I focus on how to properly assess a build that you've imported into PoB, and some important things that you should be aware of and look out for. A beginners guide to Path of Building - Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5zMJo-op1o This video goes through how to import your own character in Path of Building, and how to properly measure your own DPS.
Path of Building
There are 3 different versions of the build. If you are playing it as a league starter, you should start by using the cheap one and then upgrade as you start getting better gear and more currency. Cheap: https://pastebin.com/WLnxR9md Standard: https://pastebin.com/cquFKYKv Expensive: https://pastebin.com/NwhspaMn If you are not using the Community Fork version of Path of Building, there are things in the pastebin that won't work. DPS values will be a lot lower, since things like Multistrike doesn't work in the original version of PoB. I strongly recommend downloading the community fork. You can get it here: https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases
![]() Order: Way of the Poacher > Avatar of the Slaughter > Rapid Assault > Avatar of the Chase
Alira Good damage and resists.
Major: Soul of Lunaris Minor: Soul of Garukhan When it comes to pantheons, I want it to be said though, that they can be highly situational. In 3.9 I played with Soul of Shakari a lot since chaos damage was such a big deal. In blight maps Soul of Abberath is really good to avoid getting killed by burning ground. Frost Blades: If you can get some of the Awakened versions of the skillgems, then that is really good. Some of them are pretty easily obtained, others are more expensive. When mapping, use Ancestral Call instead of Ruthless. Ancestral call together with Frost Blades is incredibly powerful.
Here's why
This is how Frost Blades normally work:
![]() The maximum amount of targets it can hit is 8.
This is how Frost Blades work with Ancestral Call:
![]() When we use Frost Blades together with Ancestral Call, it adds 2 melee hits. Basically, you are throwing 3 Frost Blades at the same time. The maximum amount of targets it can hit is 24.
But here's where it gets cool:
Ancestral Call can attack in all directions. So you are not only throwing 3 Frost Blades at the same time, but you can jump into the middle of an enemy pack, and just explode them from inside in all directions, if you should wish.
![]() And we're not done... Let's assume we are fighting only 3 targets, and they are perfectly lined up for maximum destruction.
Here's how Frost Blades work:
![]() Each target gets hit one time.
Here's how Frost Blades work with Ancestral Call:
![]() The targets on the sides gets hit 2 times. The target in the middle gets hit 3 times. This is why Ancestral Call is so incredibly strong for clearspeed. Yes, we get lower DPS.. It is extremely bad to have equipped when we are fighting single targets. But: + it can hit more targets + it can shoot in all directions + it can hit the same targets multiple times 3-Link: Auras Keep Herald of Ice and Hatred in your shield, together with Enlighten. When you get a shield with 15% reduced mana reserved, you can fit in another Herald or Aspect. In this case make sure to use a lvl 1 precision When you have a Farrul's Fur, you will also be able to use Aspect of The Cat. You will need to craft this modifier with beastcrafting on any rare item with a free suffix slot. It does not count as a crafted mod, so you will still be able to use the crafting bench on that item. 4-Link: Whirling blades If you don't have an Assassin's mark ring you will need to use a different setup, but this is how it should look when you do. Having a curse on hit setup in your whirling blades is a good way to easily debuff bosses by just whirling through them. You want to whirl through them anyway to keep your fortify up, so why not debuff them at the same time? 4-Link: Totems and Flame Dash Use Ancestral Protector whenever you fight any tougher mob. Vaal ancestral warchief should be used on bosses. You can use both at the same time, even though they are both totems. Have Flame Dash linked together with them, and then add a Culling Strike. This way you can cull bosses with both the totems and flame dash. No disponible No disponible 4-Link: Cast When Damage Taken Keep the gems on low level to make sure it proccs as often as possible. CWDT should be level 1. 3-Link: Vaal haste - Berserk - Precision Vaal Haste and Berserk should be used when you need that extra burst. Preferably together with Ancestral Warchief.
_____________________________Gear in detail_____________________________ Boots: Darkray Vectors are best in slot early on. They are also very cheap. When you have lots of currency, you can get a pair of rare boots with Tailwind (and preferably Elusive, if possible). The advantage of doing this is that you can get more life and possibly resist, if you get a good pair. You should also try to get the enchant that says Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently.There are only 16 enchants that you can get on boots from the uber lab, so this enchant is very farmable. Get a Twice Enchanted prophecy and grab all the darkshrines, and you can get up to 3 enchants per run. Amulet: A good rare amulet will beat other alternatives. We want Critical Strike Multiplier, Life, Resists, Elemental damage with attacks, added cold/phys etc. There are also a lot of cool influence modifiers you can get on amulets from the different conqueror's, shaper, and elder. You can get really good prefixes from Reedemer exalts, for example. Check out this link to see all the mods you can get. http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Amulet Other options are: This amulet is incredibly good early on and will last for quite a while. Until you have a shield with 15% reduced mana reservation, this amulet will allow you to use Supreme Ego, and supply a lot of damage thanks to that. I highly recommend using this amulet until you can use a shield with 15% reduced mana reservation. A very big bonus of this amulet is that you can use it as early as level 5 (!!!). Both of these are incredibly strong. Rings: Mark of the Elder together with a shaped rare ring. You want to get a ring with "Curse enemies with level # Assassin's Mark on hit". That frees up some gem slots for you. Those can be expensive early on though so until you get one, just find something with life, resists, and some damage. Helmet: Starkonja's is a really great helmet and will last you a long time. When you start changing passives for the expensive version, and swapping to more expensive gear (like Ryslatha's Coil), it might be worth getting a rare helmet. The advantages of doing this, is that you make up for lost resistances from items or passives. With the right modifiers on the helmet, you will also be able to get good damage from the helmet. It's hard to beat Starkonja in terms of DPS though (unless you get an Abyssus, which I don't recommend). 40% increased Frost blades damage enchant is ideal of course. You can also get enchants for blood rage, ancestral protector, berserk, etc. Jewels: We're using Frost Blades, so yeah.. Try to get a pair with Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you. This allows you to get rid of your bleed immunity on the flask and you can craft crit on it instead. See flasks. This jewel adds modifiers to the passive points within it's radius. It will give you different bonuses depending on what number it has and where you place it. Try to get one and place it in different spots. If it's not good use divines on it when you can, until you find a good one. You will see the bonuses you get from it by mousing over the passive points in the radius. Only way to know if it's good or not is to test it. I made a short video about lethal pride a while back, where I explain and show how it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozMUYx5e0CQ Try to look for chance to intimidate on it. That modifier is very powerful. After that: double damage > crit multi > crit chance > melee/phys damage. May be expensive, but it may be worth getting some version of it. The best ones tend to be the ones that give Crit chance/Added cold damage/Cold penetration. All of those three are good and the one that is best for you may depend on your current gear. Avoid getting the one that gives % increased damage. That one isn't very good. Worth noting, is that a good rare jewel can do more damage than a Watcher's Eye. If you have a rare jewel with 3x Crit Multiplier or something like that, then it will be stronger than Watcher's Eye.
What to look for on rare jewels
% Maximum Life Crit Multiplier with One-handed Melee Weapons Crit Multiplier with Cold Skills Attackspeed % Damage rolls. (Cold or Phys) Suffix: Melee Critical Strike Multiplier Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills Global Critical Strike Multiplier Attack speed / Damage Abyss Prefix: +# to Maximum life Claw cold damage Claw phys dmg Abyss Suffix: Cold damage Crit multiplier Attack Speed Cluster Jewels: One of these. This is the first Cluster Jewel that you should aim to get. The important modifier here is Cold Conduction. What Cold Conduction does, is that it will allow us to shock enemies for 15%. This is incredibly strong, so I recommend trying to get it as early as you can. Stormrider will give us Power Charges, when used together with Cold Conduction. If you can find one of these before you start using Farrul's Fur, that is great. When you get Farrul's Fur, you already get Power Charges from your Aspect of the Cat, and don't need Stormrider anymore. Blast-Freeze will freeze enemies that are within a range of 12 of an enemy we freeze with our attacks. This is incredibly powerful in areas with many mobs, where some of them are too tanky for us to freeze them with damage. If you are playing 100% delirium maps, or doing Simulacrum, this one is incredibly useful. These are the Cluster Jewels you should be getting when you start investing more into the build. When you start using Supreme Ego (in the standard version of the PoB), our focus will shift heavily towards buffing our Hatred aura. These jewels will help a lot with doing that. The passive node Vengeful Commander will boost the damage for Hatred by a lot, and the Blanketed Snow will give us elemental penetration, which is very powerful. Ideally you want to have 2 of these, but you'll have to upgrade gradually as you get the other jewels as well. Just like with the big jewels, these will buff our Hatred. We will also get lots of critical strike multiplier from the Precise Commander. We want to have 3 of these. Do NOT replace your Cold Conduction jewel though. These are an incredibly good source of life and resists. Ideally you want to have at least 3 of these. Weapon: When it comes to claws, you should look for claws with high physical dps. If a claw has T1 cold damage on it, then a hybrid claw can be really cool as well. Redeemer exalts have a couple of really cool prefixes that you can get, so if you have a crafted claw with a free prefix on it, then you can slam a redeemer on it and hope it lands T1 cold penetration. Also, make sure that your claw also has increased critical strike chance on it. I cannot stress this enough. You should always have it as your goal to get a rare claw, but if you don't have a high budget there are a couple of unique ones that you can use temporarily. The instant leech you get from Bloodseeker is incredibly powerful and I have cleared most content with it. You can facetank Shaperbeam with this badboy. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt0XISDDVJA In terms of damage, the other three claws are better. Shield: A rare shield with: Life High evasion Resists Reduced mana reservation Anything beyond that is just a bonus. The Aura Reservation is needed when you take the passive point Supreme Ego. A shield with high evasion is a big source for our evade chance and helps a lot with reaching 95% evade. If you have a shield with an open suffix, you can also craft cool stuff like 5% chance to deal double damage on it. If you have an open prefix, you can craft Gain 8% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage on it. Both of these add a lot of damage. Gloves: Shaper's Touch are best in slot. Getting a pair with +1 frenzy charge corruption is ideal. It is theoretically possible to get a better pair of rare gloves, but then we are talking +1 frenzy prefix, T1 attack speed, T1 phys damage, and +1 frenxy corruption. That's very unlikely to even exist. Body Armour: Farrul's Fur is the armour we want to aim for. It will allow us to use Aspect of the Cat without reserving any mana. You can also get a rare body armour. Life and high evasion is the goal to start with. Try to get one with the critical strike chance modifier if you choose to do this. You can craft these armours yourself as long as you have an Elder or Hunter influenced armour (Check video about fossil crafting armours in the video section). First priority is to get one with high life and evasion though. There is also a replica Farrul's Fur, that gives Onslaught instead of Phasing, and Endurance Charges instead of Power Charges. I haven't tried it yet, but this can be a very powerful alternative to the normal Farrul's Fur. If you use this, I recommend changing ascendancy from Avatar of the Chase, to Avatar of the Veil. I also highly recommend using the Cold Conduction + Stormrider combination on the cluster jewel. This will ensure that you still get power charges. Belt: In the expensive version we want to use a Ryslatha's Coil. The damage you can get from this one is insane, but the drawback is that it doesn't have any resists on it. The first goal should be to get a Stygian Vise with life, resist and damage. Critical strike multiplier and attack speed are both very good on the jewel. Life and resist may also be a good idea if you are in need of it. Flasks: I recommend starting with: Diamond Flask - Life Flask - Atziri's Promise - Lion's Roar - Taste of Hate. If you feel that you don't need as much damage it might be worth swapping one of the damage flasks for a quicksilver. The extra QoL from the added movespeed can always feel nice. Wise Oak is alright. You need to make sure your cold resist is higher than the other resists if you use this flask. Bottled Faith is an option later on, but it's very expensive. Focus on the other setup first.
Skill Tree
In the video guide for the build, I have a section where I go through all the passive trees. I go through all the different versions, as well as the leveling progression. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKRTqKhqoj0 In the PoB pastebin there are multiple different passive trees to simulate the leveling progress. You can find them by clicking the dropdown menu in the bottom left corner of the passive tree. Also, keep in mind that this is just the skill tree I usually go by. If you are using this as league starter and feel that you are lacking damage, you may need to get some of those nodes before all the life nodes. ![]()
Video Guide (29m 14s) ![]() LEVELING GUIDE - Part 1: Skills (12m 42s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYMZXkKTbiI LEVELING GUIDE - Part 2: Items (18m 57s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL5TFyD2CLI LEVELING GUIDE - Part 3: Passives (9m 49s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP5yl4omCPI Awakener 8 (3m 49s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDN6CqpjdBI Destroying the Conquerors (1m 14s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzQm7yxF2So Showcase Video vs Bosses (2m 18s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubW2eK5RuCM Deathless Uber Elder (2m 29s) Full fight is 2 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N46jW3ayPRE Full Shaper fight in 2 minutes (2m 16s) Full fight is 2 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T73pPkgskmI 7 second Shaper kill Killing phase 3 shaper from 100% hp (well, almost) in a 7 second burst. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbkQYpWJMOA
Leveling Tips
single target damage when leveling
Ok, so if you are struggling with single-target damage, or damage in general, here's a couple of tips. - Don't forget to swap out Ancestral Call for something else when you are fighting bosses!! (ruthless or Multistrike) - Use Ancestral Protector with 3+ Links on it. I'm using an AP with Increased Melee Physical Damage and Ruthless. - Get your buff/debuff skills. Get vaal haste if you can, frost bomb/wave of conviction, etc. They can make a big difference. - If you can get a vaal double strike, it helps a lot. - Don't forget to upgrade your gear! When you are playing any melee build as a league starter you will encounter issues if you don't properly maintain your gear. You need to upgrade your weapon as often as you can, and try to stack as much "added damage" as possible on your rings/amulet/gloves/etc. - Don't blindly follow the skill tree! The route that I take is just the way that I prefer doing it. But if you look in the PoB, this is in the notes: ![]() And if you have problems, please just hop on to the discord or join me on my stream and we can try to figure out the problem. There are 5 different passive skilltrees to simulate your progress at different levels. You will find them in the bottom left part of the passive tree. LEVELING GUIDE - Part 1: Skills (12m 42s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYMZXkKTbiI LEVELING GUIDE - Part 2: Items (18m 57s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL5TFyD2CLI LEVELING GUIDE - Part 3: Passives (9m 49s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP5yl4omCPI If you have questions or need help with anything, please join me on my twitch channel and I will try to help you out as best as I can. Don't panic. Editado por útlima vez por Fiver#2304 en 9 may. 2022 3:15:30 Reflotado por última vez en 9 abr. 2023 22:38:44
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Updated 2021-07-23
Updated the PoB links and prepared the build for 3.15 Guide isn't up to date yet. I'll get to it when I have the time.
Updated the PoB links and prepared the build for 3.12 Not many changes to the actual build, but the passive trees are updated.
Pre Heist
Updated 2020-06-09 Not a lot to say here, to be honest. I've been moving around some items and replacing stuff, but nothing special with the items. The only major change is the passive tree. I have decided to reroute the passive tree in order to get Wind Dancer. I think this will provide some survivability. I know we get less evasion from it, but I don't really think that makes a difference. We will still be maxed against blinded enemies. It will make us a lot less likely to get one-shotted though. Updated 2020-06-09 - Removed Warcry version Updated 2020-03-31 New Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/A058yUq4 - Changed Awakened Added Cold Damage back to Hypothermia. Hypothermia is cheaper, and still provides more damage. - Changed the flasks. Added "of the Order" to the Diamond Flask. This is a modifier you can craft if you have unveiled it from Cinderswallow. This also means removing bleed immunity on the life flask, and replacing it with freeze immunity. To get bleed immunity we instead use corrupting blood immunity corruption on a Jewel. The Budget and Standard options will not have this. - Fixed some items that cause weird errors. Boots/Gloves/Helm had 10+ sockets for some reason. - Changed annointment on the expensive gear. Dismembering actually does more damage than Disemboweling. Updated 2020-03-31 - New video added. Short video about what cluster jewels I recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdZ7Q265yA8 Updated 2020-03-23 New Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ScvWYfDB - Added recommended cluster jewel using the skills Cold Conduction and Stormrider. The node Cold Conduction allows us to shock enemies for 15% thanks to the modifier Enemies Chilled by your Hits are Shocked. This also means I have enabled shock in the config. The node Stormrider gives us 10% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Shock a Chilled Enemy, which means we also get power charges since we always shock chilled enemies. This means that I have also enabled Power Charges in the config. If you have a Farrul's Fur, Stormrider is useless for you, and you can get something else. These two jewels provide an insane damage boost. - Changed the passive tree. I removed Primeval Force & Survivalist. This allows us to get the 6 points needed at the bottom of the passive tree, so we can get the cluster jewel mentioned above. I removed Cloth and Chain & the evasion/resist/life* node to the right of Resourcefulness. This allows us to instead get Command of the Elements. Removing both Cloth and Chain and Survivalist of course means that we need more resist on our gear. We do get 8% from taking Command of the Elements though, so that helps a little bit. But I have decided that the goal should always be to see those nodes as temporary, and therefore I have decided to do these changes. Removing Primeval Force is also a lot of damage lost, however Command of the Elements slightly compensates for it, while also giving other bonuses. - I have changed the values on some items to compensate for the lost resists. I have tried to keep it as reasonable as possible on the Standard/Budget version and not too crazy on the Expensive version. 2020-03-13: Added new PoB blueprint to the build, and made changes to reflect the new PoB. I have also added 3 new videos that explain how to level the build as easy as possible. Updated PoB Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/WmgDKGrM PASSIVES: - We no longer get the Chaos Resist nodes, because I just don't care about Chaos Resist lol. This gives us 6 points to put elsewhere. - We no longer get Command of Elements. This gives us another 3 points. - We use these 9 points to get Primeval Force and Revenge of the Hunted instead. We get more damage and more life like this. On a side-note. The passive tree will be a lot more flexible now. It might be worth skipping some passive points to get cluster jewels instead. This is something that I don't plan on changing in the PoB skill tree right now, though. ITEMS: - Removed the leveling item-sets. Since I made videos on the leveling part, there's no need for these. They just add clutter. - Changed the values on ALL of the items. I've made it so the values on things so that that it's easier to read and calculate values when comparing stuff. No more 23%-24%-33%-41% etc. Everything is either 20-25-30-35-40 and so on (with a few exceptions, like crafted modifiers). - Changed the Budget/Standard gear sets a bit. None of the rare items has more than 4 modifiers on them. Obviously it's not hard to get better than that, though. - Removed the crafted Critical Strike Chance modifier on the life flask. This modifier is unnecessary since it will not do anything for us when we are on full health. It was not fair to have it in the PoB. - Added Farrul's Fur as the goal for body armours. Rare body armours can beat it in both damage and life, but the QoL you get from having Frenzy Charges up even when not fighting is incredibly powerful. If you are using Farrul's Fur, don't forget to enable Power Charges in the config, and activate Herald of Purity in the skills. - Added a new ring for the Very Expensive gear set. Previously we had a Ruby Ring with Curse on Hit. It is now an Opal Ring with both Curse on Hit and damage per Frenzy Charge (from redeemer influence). SKILLS: - Removed the leveling skill-setups. Same reason as above. - Removed the different setups for curse-on-hit versus no-curse-on-hit. It only caused confusion. - Added Herald of Purity. Only enable this if you have Farrul's Fur. MISC: - Cleaned up a lot in the notes section. Clarified some stuff, added some stuff, removed a lot of stuff. 2020-02-07: The Path of Building link is updated. New pastebin: https://pastebin.com/bnCYptWv These are the changes: - Added Bottled Faith to the Very Expensive gear set. - Removed the alternative skillsetup for assassin's mark and rearranged some skills. If you don't have an assassin's mark ring, then you can still fix it by going with Frost bomb - Coh - AM, but I removed the option from the PoB because it caused a lot of confusion. - Notes section has been edited and cleaned up. - I have moved around some items and changed some items in the different gear sets. I have adjusted the values on a lot of items. - Shaper's Touch are back in the Standard gear set. - I have changed the gloves in the Very Expensive gearset to a pair of double frenzy gloves. These will obviously be very expensive. I have also made some changes to the guide. - The skill section is changed. I have removed the optional setup if you don't have an Assassin's Mark ring, just like in the PoB. It has also been cleaned up to be easier to read. - Cleaned up a bunch of unnecessary text. 2020-02-06: MAJOR rework of the guide. - 3S Shaper deletion removed since it was old. - Showcase of me killing the conquerors added instead. - Link to above showcase video is added to the build. You can click the gif itself, or you can find it in the videos section. - Title updated. It previously said "5+ million shaper dps". I am currently at 10M shaper dps myself but I don't want to put that number in the title, since I know that most people won't reach that. At the same time I don't want to use a lower number than what the build is capable of. Maybe I'll change it again, idk. - "Introduction" section changed. Minor changes to the text, but new image on what content the build can handle, and what pros and cons it has. - F.A.Q section changed. A lot of stuff removed & some stuff added. Mostly just rewriting stuff. - Pantheon information changed. - Skills section changed. Added awakened gems (not multistrike) - Gear section changed (a LOT). I don't know where to start with this to be honest. Added new flasks. Added new belt. Added new shield. Added new claws. Added a rare option to helmets. Added new amulet along with updated suggestions for what to look for. Replaced boots with a pair that has enchant on them. Changed the section on body armour so it doesn't have maim armours in it.... You get it. I also added a new tab in there that just says "something like this" that gives a quick look at what kind of gear I use. - Changed the Video section. Removed some old/outdated stuff and added new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzQm7yxF2So - Fixed some spelling errors. I haven't made any changes to the actual build, but I have changes in the PoB that I plan on sharing soon. Just need to mix a bit with it first. 2020-01-26: - Pastebin updated - Build has been adapted to make it easier to get resists, which will make it possible to get max chaos resistance. Chaos resist hasn't been a huge issue previously, but since 3.9, having maxed Chaos Res is a big deal. - Shaper's Touch are back, but no longer BiS. They are still very good of course, and they have dropped in price significantly during the league. Getting a pair with +1 frenzy isn't even that expensive. - Rare gloves are added as BiS. This is, however, assuming you have a good budget. With the new warlord exalt you can get +1 to frenzy on gloves, which allows you to theoretically get +2 frenzy from gloves. If you have a pair of rare gloves with +1 frenzy, they do slightly less damage than ST, but they allow for more resists on the build. - Starkonja is replaced for a rare helmet with "Nearby Enemies have -9% to Cold Resistance". This also allows for more resists. - The passive tree has been rerouted to help fill up chaos resist. It has sacrificed Revenge of the Hunted to go for Method of Madness instead. - The passive tree now gets Claws of the Falcon instead of Primeval Force. Not only does CotF give more damage, but this also allows us to annoint something else. Disemboweling is the best annoint for damage. Tribal Fury is really cool though. - Awakened Melee Physical Damage is removed and instead we use Ruthless, like in previous versions of the build. The damage is better with ruthless, and you can get the intimidate on a Lethal Pride anyway. 2019-12-16: - Pastebin updated - Budget and Standard gloves has been changed to Tombfist, because of the very expensive price on Shaper's Touch. If you are using awakened version of MPD, tombfist are useless for you and you are better off going for a pair of rare gloves. Preferably with the new modifiers that adds +1 to frenzy. 2019-12-12: - Build updated for 3.9. Check the summary in the main post for more info. 2019-09-24: - Pastebin updated - Pandemonius is no longer BiS - Other small changes in the guide 2019-09-18: - Pastebin updated - Nightblade out - Hypothermia in. 2019-08-24 to 2019-09-11: Over this time-span I have more or less changed the structure of the entire guid. There are STILL things that need to be changed, but I'll get to them when I have the time and energy to do so. If you saw the actual "code" that I go through every time I change the build, you would understand how much of a time-sink it can be. Most recent update, 2019-09-11, I made HUGE updates to the build. - Changed the structure of the build - Fixed links and added info about the platforms I am available on - Made VERY big changes in the FAQ section. There's a LOT of stuff there now. - Clarified some of my skill/item-choices - Fixed bad grammar and poor wordings on some things 2019-08-23: 2 MAJOR UPDATEs - Massive rework of the Skill section - Massive rework of the Item section 2019-08-22: 2 MAJOR UPDATES - Video Guide added! - Extensive rework of the written guide! 2019-08-12: - Added links to my social media platforms. 2019-08-01: - Updated current gear and PoB link. 14M+ dps now. - Edited the recommended gear section. Switched priority on gloves. - Made EXTENSIVE changes to the original Path of Building blueprint. 2019-07-31: - Added a video-tutorial on how to craft a good body armour with fossils. 2019-07-28: - Added Vaal Ancestral Warchief to the DMG boost section. 2019-07-18: - Made a new showcase video. - Changed the top GIF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDn2Oj-MhXA 2019-07-13: - Updated my current PoB pastebin. 10M+ dps now. https://pastebin.com/dH24wmrh 2019-07-12: - Added 2 minute Shaper video (full fight) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T73pPkgskmI 2019-07-11: - Added video guide on how to craft a Curse on Hit ring. 2019-07-10: - Added Uber Elder walkthrough video. 2019-07-09: - Added gif on how to compensate for Multistrike not working in PoB. 2019-07-07: - Changed the crafting section in the FAQ. - Added weaponcrafting video. - Updated some items in my current gear. 2019-07-06: - Added Deathless Uber Elder fight. - Added video showcase of Ikordan's MF version. - Updated my current PoB Pastebin. 7.3M dps now. 2019-07-05: - Updated my current PoB Pastebin. 6.5M dps now. 2019-07-04: - Added Shaper's Touch as an option for gloves. - Updated my current PoB Pastebin. Close to 6M dps now. 2019-07-01: - Added video walkthrough for the passive skill tree. 2019-06-28: - Removed the +1 curse setup. - Changed the PoB to reflect some recent changes to the build. - Added a Shaper video - Added Hall of Grandmasters to the list of viable content. 2019-06-27: - Added showcase video - Added Uber Elder video. - Changed a few things in the FAQ. - Edited the Pantheon section. 2019-06-25: - Reworked the entire gear section to be up to speed with the current patch. - Added my own current gear. - Major changes to the skills section. A couple of skills have been replaced or been put to use in different ways. - Major visual changes throughout the guide, to make the guide easier to read. 2019-06-24: - Added video of Red Elder - 100 to 0 in 3 seconds. - Added Lethal Pride Jewel (Thank you MasterIJ). - Moved around some items. - Changed a little in the crafting section. - Changed the debuff/curse setup. - Changed the movement setup. - Added Dash 2019-06-23: - Added deathless Shaper video.. - Changed Tombfist from legacy version to the current one.. 2019-06-15: - Removed the Lycosidae version. The one with rare shield is better in pretty much every way now, since it's very easy to reach 100% hit chance. Don't panic. Editado por útlima vez por Fiver#2304 en 23 jul. 2021 10:41:21
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+New PoB link to match my current stats +Added videos Don't panic. |
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+Further updates and minor changes. +New printscreen from PoB stats to reflect my up-to-date character +Added and removed some videos. (Deathless shaper added) +Changed title Don't panic. |
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hi, i have tried gem link in your way:
Ancestral Protector + COH + frostbite But it does not seem to work, I do not see the curse on the boss. Can you explain me? thank you very much !!! |
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" Right, I'm just stupid. It's not supposed to work with ancestral protector. I originally had it linked to Orb of Storms, but decided to use ancestral protector instead, without changing up the curse setup. I'll have to find some workaround to this. Edit. Fixed the links and switched around a bit. Ditched warlord's mark, because we don't really need it anyway. Don't panic. Editado por útlima vez por Fiver#2304 en 4 feb. 2018 10:46:08
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Added level progression and ascendancy order.
Don't panic. |
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Previously u noted in your build to kill all bandits for passive point, but now u changed it for allira. Is it that much critical to help her as I’m currently lvl 70 and killed all of them. Thnx in advance.
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" No it isn’t. It’s basically a tradeoff between survivability and damage. By picking alira you get some crit multiplier and all res. If you kill all you get the same res, no crit multiplier, but a couple extra % chance to evade attacks. I have 2 skillpoints aswell, and for me, I think I get about 3% melee and 5% projectile evade. Both options are good imo. Don't panic. |
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" Thanks for reply. Any suggestions about pantheon? |
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