[3.1]Shaper Down on budget 4-link –That Poet's Pen(“instant leech”_Glacial Cascade & Firestorm 2in1)
" Oh forgot to include this. Thank you for your reminder. Take "Crit dmg + 15% resist". |
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" Thank you for your kind words. :) Working on the explanation session. Short answer here first: the ring probably is the biggest DPS boost on the ring slot. It has some downside but the power is there. Use Golem to trigger the mini EE and apply -37% to Fire and Cold Resist on the target is insane. |
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" Working on the guide and may add them latter. OP hasn't uploaded video before so need to figure it out. Anyone has tried this build please feel free to upload your video if you feel like to share it. Will try to include them in the guide. Thanks! :) Editado por útlima vez por loonger#5545 en 18 ene. 2018 21:52:26
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Bandit updated:
Kill Alira for the crit. multiplier and resistance. === Edit: Help Alira for the crit. multiplier and resistance. lol Editado por útlima vez por loonger#5545 en 18 ene. 2018 23:46:02
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Hi there, I made a similar build (except I use frostbolt/vortex). Check out my profile (character _Poetesse_ ) for what I'm doing. Less LGOH and more regen/leech but very similar overall. I even tried out GC/FS but found it a bit lacking, although I think FS is probably better for your LGOH shenanigans.
I have a few suggestions for your build. Let me know what you think. 1. Go trickster instead of assassin, you will get a ton more life on hit. 2. Check out the Yoke of Suffering, it is probably straight up at least 30% more dmg for your build. 3. Use culling strike on your frenzy, 10% more damage right there. 4. Drop HoI and get MoM for more defense. Don't really need mana for your main skill, and you might be able to find a shaper ring that gives both mana and life on hit. Editado por útlima vez por AlexF#2364 en 18 ene. 2018 22:07:21
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" Hi. Thank you for your suggestion! Glad to see another Pen player! :D I checked your profile. Your setup is based on Leech instead of Life Gain On Hit (LGOH). You use Warlord's Mark on hit ring and Berek's Grip (1% leech against shocked enemy) for the leech. I'm curious how efficient they are against Shaper/Guardians? For those fights Warlord only gives 0.4% leech. And Shaper/Guardians are difficult to reliably Shock because their shocking threshold is so high. And you use Kaom for more life pool. They are all good stuff! But they can be expensive for a budget player. :) Since you don't use physical based skills like GC but Frostbolt and Vortex which don't benefit much from auras, you can use MOM. However since the mana leech rate is not very impressive by default, how does it work in tight conditions where it matters? Here's my two cents to your suggestions: 1. Trickster's recovery rate doesn't affect LGOH. LGOH is INSTANT recovery therefore there is no "rate" to speak of. 2. First of all Yoke doesn't have life on it. Besides, on end-game bosses (where DPS matters) the Shock may not be reliable. In addition, to get the best out of it you need to apply poison and bleeding as well, which cannot be obtained reliably. The only reliable Ailment for end-game bosses with 20 mil HP may be Ignite because of the threshold is high. So that's like 5% more damage. Rare amulets with 37% multi gives much DPS as well. Besides there are other powerful affixes can be messed around (elemental penetration / Gain phy. as element etc.) But yeah as said in the guide OP's current gears are pretty mediocre and can be improved for sure. OP just tried to be as budget friendly as possible in the presented build. :D 3. The Heartbreaker is used on the other set for Shaper/Guardian fight for its free culling. Need to press X to activated it though. However since the skills on the Pens do not occupy any hotkeys, this X switch trick doesn't mess up your hotkey setting. 4. In OP's setting HoI's chain shattering is too satisfying to drop. :( It's the reason why an IceBite is linked to it in order to give more reliably chaining. For MOM to work well you need to sacrifice at least one aura (Hatred/HoI), which is too expensive for this build. For regular mapping the DPS is really not a concern. You overkill everything basically. So yeah it is fun to mess with different skills on the Pen. :D When I theorycraft a build I always build it around the toughest end-game boss fight first. If the build can handle this situation it pretty much can handle the other contents well. :D Editado por útlima vez por loonger#5545 en 18 ene. 2018 22:58:35
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" Hmm.. I think it should be to help Alira ;D |
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Warlord's might not work that great for single big bosses but LGOH is not ideal in those cases either. I mean, 0.4% leech is still like 80 life a hit even if you're only hitting for 20k. Probably the best bet would be vitality watcher's eye leech? Also I do have a lgoh ring I try out from time to time. It doesn't feel as good as warlords. My current build uses Kaom's but it's not actually that much more expensive than your watcher's eye :) Especially when you're lucky and find it like i did. Anyways, a Belly or a bloodbond works fine too.
" I've seen that you need 40k damage hits to shock, which my frostbolt will easily do (with frenzy/power charges) on a crit. Chill is a bit harder but once enemy is shocked they are taking more damage so chill follows. Has worked great against t15 bosses, but, I have not tested this build against guardians/shaper yet. That is still to come and I'll see :) 1. True! I forgot! 2. Poison and Bleed are actually super easy to get for poet's pen and cold users. Use a jewel for bleed and volkuur's cold for poison. Seriously, give Yoke a try before you dismiss it. It's pretty cheap too. 3. Makes sense. 4. Fair enough, but you could also use Inpulsa's for the chaining, I mean, if you had the yoke :) Anyways, I'm off to bed. Cool build and I'm so happy we get truly new items like Poet's Pen, stuff like this really helps the game stay fresh. |
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" lol you were right. Updated. |
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" I also use Warlord on the OoS setup. Therefore this character also leech for 20% on top of LGOH. :D Bought the Eye for 30c back then but they can be more expensive now though. Got a Yoke but haven't tried it on Shaper/Guardians yet. Basically I got all the gears during the leveling process and then forgot about them once all things were set. Casual player I guess lol. Looking forward to your test on it. Yoke is an interesting item for sure. Agree with the Pen. It is a gem in the game. :D With a Pen the chest is set free so we can go wild on that slot. So many stuff can be messed with. Nice to exchange ideas with another Pen player. :D Have a good day! Editado por útlima vez por loonger#5545 en 18 ene. 2018 23:58:02
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