[3.1]Another damn wanderer! 2M+ Damage! Shaper and Uber atziri deathless!

Uber atziri done deathless

Extremely high damage with plenty potential for even more
No mirror tier or even 20Ex+ items
Total budget currently not exceeding 20Ex
Decent life pool, scalable up to 6K with some DPS loss
Wander clear speed
Satisfaction of treating most bosses like another random mob
No cheap gimmicks to squeeze out high DPS on path of building. 2.1M is feasible, and 1.8M is reliable with no real thought(Power charges require micro managing)
Flasks are versatile, can fit in mostly anything that you can think of, if defense feels lackluster
Vaal pact without losing "regen". Slayer leech is much better than the 3% regen you might normally obtain, and works in all scenarios, including bosses, allowing HP to regenerate rapidly whenever things might get hectic
You can look OK, even if you own no MTX'es. The chest, 12 challenge helmet and 24 challenge back attachment alone actually looks amazing. Gloves, boots and the shield might look underwhelming though

XNot HC viable. 5K life isn't terrible, but it's not amazing either
XDeaths will come in random bursts and without warning
XNo real defensive layer outside of HP. Evasion is unreliable and not super high
XNot budget friendly or SSF viable. You could probably make this build cheaper, but considering how much of an impact everything has, there are better builds out there
XJewels can vary from dirt cheap to extremely expensive, with little difference between them. As a result, finding them can be a headache
XNo direct faceroll. Due to how you're not durable, manual maneuvering and flask management is important if you want to stay alive


With pros and cons out of the way...

First, as someone who has browsed tons of builds before, the two things that I find most important, outside of stats, is the build being used, and the gear used

Firstly, Shaper killed with the gear presented

I will cover each individual piece later on

Brightbeak and jaws of agony in weapon swap - Brightbeak is leap slam and faster attacks. Jaws of agony is fire trap, cluster traps and multiple traps for max thrown traps at once, as it helps generate charges faster and more reliably. I hate flame dash, and I don't recommend it. On top of being a lot slower, brightbeak weapon swap is okay, and great when you need to travel a large distance(Much better than running there. Saves you flask charges as well)

For jewels, you'll always want abyss jewels, as flat damage is a massive boost. For the desirable mods we have

Adds #-# lightning damage to attacks
Adds #-# lightning damage to wand attacks
Adds #-# Fire/Cold damage to wand attacks(Fire and cold add about the same, as they have similar numbers and the same amount of pen. As a result, you can choose either without being punished for it)
Adds #-# Fire/cold damage to attacks
#% increased attack speed if you've dealt a critical strike recently
# to Maximum life
Damage penetrates #% elemental resistance if you haven't killed recently
(If needed, you can also get resistance on them, to free up some resistance elsewhere)
Life jewels with double damage mods might get a little expensive. Especially if the rolls are high. As a result, it's often cheaper to buy a triple damage jewel

Secondly, video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_f_5Hgdu7E&t=1s - First shaper attempt. This was done with the gear in the build. Not the super ridiculous levels of damage possible with the build, but definitely pretty strong relative to the budget of less than 20Ex. Exalts this league are pretty expensive currently though, so this isn't budget friendly

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZrivmfRJSs&feature=youtu.be - Redid shaper for a faster, smoother experience. Pretty solid damage. This is a lot more than previously though, and using the gear found on my profile, not in the guide(Upgraded amulet, using dying sun and a few extra levels, as well as level 21 wrath)


Bandits - Help Alira. She's a great source of mana regen which you desperately need early, and is still useful in the end game. Crit multi is always nice as well, and the 15% all res is pretty detrimental to making gearing a lot easier

Skill Tree - http://poeurl.com/bJ4f - If you aim for level 95, pick up the life node below golem's blood and the jewel socket below Point Blank. Alternatively, for more life, pick up the life node below golem's blood and the herbalism cluster on the right side of the tree

is first raider, then slayer, then finally the ability to start at ranger. This allows you more freedom with how you spend your points early, since you need to have enough nodes to actually reach ranger start before you can remove old nodes. This also means that when you do ascend, you gain a total of 9 passive points to spend wherever you want, once you do ascend(6 from respeccing travel nodes, 3 from the ascendancy itself)

Path of Building - https://pastebin.com/sJRpnPnN

Frenzy charges come from ascendancy.

Blood Rage works with damage on full life support, since slayer's leech outregens it(If you have all the leech nodes and vaal pact, at least. I didn't try before this)

Power charges are generated with Orb of storms PCOC(Not reliable. The jaws of agony weapon swap requires micro managing, but is usable)

Critical strike chance is lucky is diamond flask. I didn't bother putting it into PoB because I'm lazy and the option is there

Onslaught comes from raider ascendancy

Intimidate comes from the gloves

'Have you crit recently' option is there because of the abyss jewels

'Are you always on full life' is true 90% of the time, because slayer leech immediately spikes the HP back up if it drops(Look at shaper video for reference, during daresso's fight)

Projectile travel distance - 1. You will be in the face of your enemies most of the time when using barrage, for point blank


Leveling - For leveling, you want to prioritize jewel sockets early. Since there's not a ton of damage nodes on the tree, and not that many good leveling wands that offer a lot of damage, without jewels, you'll hit like a wet sponge. So pick up some low level lightning damage to wand attack jewels for an alch, and then change over to stronger jewels later on.

You'll also clear really poorly early on, because power siphon isn't amazing for the task. Kinetic blast will be a huge improvement, and once you get GMP, it will become a lot smoother. It's very demotivating to hit like a piece of flying paper when you first start out, but it gets a lot better later on

Pick up any resistance nodes you plan on using to cap your resistances and have them all before Kitava. Otherwise, you'll enter maps with uncapped resistances, and it might end poorly on a low HP pool. Chances are you'll be using tabula until level 71, so your HP pool will be all the worse off.

Path out far early on. If not, you'll have a lot of stat nodes to pick up at level 75+, and those feel really worthless. Additionally, since this build suffers from intelligence, getting all the way to the top is pretty crucial

You likely won't be able to use wrath until higher levels, as the damage isn't high enough to counteract the mana loss with leech. Change into it when it feels comfortable. If it doesn't, disable it(Or herald of thunder, if possible. This offers way less damage)

Finally, don't neglect life too much. I did, and ran around in maps at level 70 with 2.8K life. While the damage is good, so you don't run any extreme risks, less than 3K life REALLY isn't good


Each piece explained


This wand cost me 15C. It might cost you more to find a similar one. A lot more at that. As a result, it's not really worth it if it isn't cheap. That might sound like bullshit, but it adds about 5% total damage to our setup. With a better rolled piscator's or better jewels, that might become even less. With that in mind, this isn't really some 'OMG WTF' level of DPS upgrade. However, you could get amazing wands that would add a ton of damage if you have a mirror lying around, so there's plenty of room to upgrade here(As well as pretty much every other non-unique piece I currently have)

I bought this for 10c(May have overpaid because I needed the colors, and most of the cheaper ones were corrupted. Pain in the ass, really).
As I mentioned previously, the damage difference is negligible. You can still reach 2M damage with this, which is still amazing. With that said, you can easily pick up a piscator's and clear all the content in the game reliably

It's just a great helmet. Even without the enchant, it adds some free crit, attack speed and a ton of life and evasion. There's really no reason not to go this helmet unless you have absolutely insane jewels and want to run a lightpoacher instead. I personally just really like this helmet because it's simply a great piece that's hard to argue against. The barrage enchant also wasn't super expensive(About 40c), and adds a decent bit of extra damage without destroying your wallet

This is a BiS shield. It puts your accuracy at 100% at all times(Through blind, enfeeble or other issues). This buffs your crit and hit rate, which is a tremendous boost to your damage. There's really no shield that can substitute this. However, it is expensive. A cheaper option would be a shield with attack damage, attack speed and life on it, but this will still be the best shield available, offensively

The meat of the build. There's really no better chest than this for damage. It has an abyssal socket, as well as % life for every abyss jewel, of which there are currently 8 of in the build. It's nowhere near a belly of the beast, and closer adds up to a typical chest, but it's definitely not a bad addition. The mana also helps with potential mana issues. It also offers the highest damage output due to its ele pen, and is relatively easy to color as well, since it's hybrid, so the stat requirements aren't super high. The only drawback to this chest is that you likely won't be able to wear it until after a few maps

These are simply the best pair of gloves you can get. No, thunderfists will not be better. Not by a long shot. On top of offering attack speed, they offer % life, AND up to two abyssal sockets, which as I've mentioned previously, are where most of the damage comes from. One thing to keep in mind here, that's extremely important, is that whether you have one or two sockets, you WANT a murderous eye jewel, as it provides intimidate, which is a huge bonus. However, murderous eye jewels cannot roll any wand attack mods. As a result, your options are more limited, though not entirely non-existant. #-# lightning damage to attacks, ele pen if you haven't killed recently and life are great options. This is also the best place to obtain some extra resistance, if you need that

Nothing special here. Life, resistances and WED. The strength is purely there for more life. It serves no additional purpose. You could put in a darkness enthroned if you want, without any major issues, or any other belt of your choice. It will be a DPS loss due to how strong abyss jewels are, but the build won't break by any means

Amulets for this build are a pain in the ass. Due to the need of a ton of intelligence, it can become a complete and utter pain to manage it. This is a pretty good reason to get an imbued wand, as it has far lower intelligence requirement, but it's not non-existant. So if you have your intelligence covered, you want to get

Crit multi
(#)% Elemental damage with attacks
(#-#) elemental damage(Preferably lightning)
Crit chance
Anything else can be whatever you choose, for convenience. These are the most useful and beneficial mods you can obtain though

Much like the amulet, the rings are in the same position. You want to get intelligence, and your options are limited to three pieces(Four if you can get them on boots, though that could be difficult or restrictive if you want to get a lot of life on them).

(#)% Elemental damage with attacks
(#-#) elemental damage to attacks(Lightning preferable)
Strength gives life, so it's a good stat on these

Nothing special. I wanted as high life as possible, and this was still within semi-reasonable asking price. Movement speed is rather useful, as is resistance. The standard expectations you want for your boots. The dream enchant is 1 to 160 additional lightning damage if you haven't killed recently, as it's a major DPS boost


Skill gems -

Chest - Barrage, elemental damage with attacks, Elemental Focus, Damage on Full Life(Only if you have the slayer ascendancy. Otherwise, use slower projectiles), Greater Multiple Projectiles

Gloves - Wrath, Herald of Thunder. Due to socket restriction, in order to not kill off auras whenever you weapon swap, they are here instead of in the wand, which would be easier to color. A fair warning is to not use both of these at the same time until you have the chest on, as mana is a major annoyance until you have enough, due to the sheer amount either skill uses

Wand - Summon Lightning Golem, Blood rage - Nowhere else to have them, and while weapon swapping kills the golem, it's relatively easy to resummon

Shield - Cast when damage taken, immortal call, increased duration. Pretty basic setup, shield is strength as well, so it's easy to color

Helmet - Kinetic blast, Greater Multiple Projectiles, Pierce, Elemental damage with attacks. This is a clear skill above a damage one, so the skills are primarily focused on tearing through packs

Boots - Orb of storms - Power charge on critical hit - Curse on hit - Projectile weakness. PoB says this is the strongest curse choice for barrage, but if you'd rather have a more defensive curse, it's definitely possible.


For gear upgrades, I want to put it in order of importance

Dying Sun - There's simply no better damage upgrade. Nothing will add as much additional damage as this, no matter which flask you might replace. We have 8 projectiles by default, meaning that 2 more is a 25% damage upgrade. There's no hidden factors or anything to consider. It's an additional 25% flat damage, no matter how strong your build gets. As a result, even if your entire build is mirrored, this is still the single best upgrade you can make. It is however expensive. Especially with exalts being as expensive as they currently are

Jewellery - This is probably your second best option to upgrade. There's a lot of options here, and a lot of damage you can obtain. Of course, it depends on your jewellery, but if it's like mine, and rather average, you can get a huge boost to DPS here(Essence crafted, opal rings, elder/shaper rings, higher #-# ele damage, attack speed, etc.). The amulet has the most options of all, but the better it is, the more expensive it will get. Don't blow your budget on a single piece

- If you have a good pair of boots, or you're still looking for a pair, the enchant "1 to 160 additional lightning damage if you haven't killed recently' is a huge DPS boost with no drawbacks, no additional restrictions and is semi-viable to farm if you have a lab runner. With that in mind, this is a realistic upgrade anyone can obtain with a little bit of effort. However, if you plan on purchasing it, it could potentially be really expensive

Level 21/20 gems - Wrath and herald of thunder are the most important ones as they add flat damage, but all of the skill gems benefit from it notably

Wand - There are some insane wands out there which would add an insane amount of damage, though those are also extremely expensive, so they're not really a viable choice unless you're made of money. Piscator's will still do everything in the game with no real issues

Helmet enchant - +1 barrage is still BiS, despite the nerf. It's a decent DPS upgrade(About 5.1% if you have the % barrage damage enchant). However, it's extremely expensive, so you'd be better off spending that money elsewhere until this is one of the last pieces needed

Abyss jewels - They're not super easy to replace, since really good ones cost a lot of money. It is a spot where you can upgrade your gear though, and noticably at that if you get the right jewels. Just keep in mind that it's difficult to find jewels in general, so this isn't an option I'd recommend if you don't feel like putting in the effort or have the money

You could also work to get all resistances perfectly balanced, as it makes wise oak a pretty strong choice

Editado por útlima vez por RainbroDasher#4496 en 15 ene. 2018 10:42:11
Reflotado por última vez en 15 abr. 2018 2:55:12
Hey i wanna try this build, but i have some questions, i have around 40 exalts to spend, what do u recommend me to start with? and what do u think is a good dps boost for the build?
Fedega escribió:
Hey i wanna try this build, but i have some questions, i have around 40 exalts to spend, what do u recommend me to start with? and what do u think is a good dps boost for the build?

Every item and what's good about them has been explained in the build guide. For upgrades, I also have a segment at the end. Dying sun, a better wand, a +1 barrage helmet enchant and 1 to 160 lightning damage boots(Or just get lab boosts to enchant a pair yourself) are all possible to obtain as upgrades to the currently standing build. Good jewels are also another option for upgrades

Well this is my gear, can u tell me if is good enought to make shaper with some lvls more?
Fedega escribió:

Well this is my gear, can u tell me if is good enought to make shaper with some lvls more?

It's about equal to my gear(Excluding Dying Sun. That is better than mine). Where you may lack damage, that alone makes up for it and then some. If you're familiar with shaper, it should be a breeze. If not, read up on his fight before going in. It's not a complete breeze, even if you have the damage.

Also, as previously mentioned, jewels make up for like 70% of the damage the build has. Wrath and herald of thunder makes up for most of the remainder if you have a piscator's. If you have a good wand, that can add up to 40% damage if you're close to mirror tier, or less if it's worse
RainbroDasher escribió:
Fedega escribió:

Well this is my gear, can u tell me if is good enought to make shaper with some lvls more?

It's about equal to my gear(Excluding Dying Sun. That is better than mine). Where you may lack damage, that alone makes up for it and then some. If you're familiar with shaper, it should be a breeze. If not, read up on his fight before going in. It's not a complete breeze, even if you have the damage.

Also, as previously mentioned, jewels make up for like 70% of the damage the build has. Wrath and herald of thunder makes up for most of the remainder if you have a piscator's. If you have a good wand, that can add up to 40% damage if you're close to mirror tier, or less if it's worse

My gear is a little bit better than yours, and i have only 200K against Shaper, i dont know what im missing or what im making wrong :S.
Fedega escribió:

My gear is a little bit better than yours, and i have only 200K against Shaper, i dont know what im missing or what im making wrong :S.

According to Path of building, once you grab the missing nodes, you should be at about 2.3M dps with barrage against shaper. Chances are your barrage in Path of Building was probably juset set to 1 projectile, rather than max projectiles. Also, make sure to check 'Are you always on full life' if you haven't, as otherwise, damage on full life support won't work

My guess is that your jewels also might have lower damage total
Editado por útlima vez por RainbroDasher#4496 en 13 ene. 2018 16:45:48
Can this be played on Standard ?
At least most of the gear and abyss jewels are only in abyss. Typical wander works on standard but is a lot worse due to insane flat ele damage on jewels.
I am going to start today variant of this, trying to do one with lightpoacher - it seems nice addition to clearing speed, and may enable clearing with just barrage to shoot 'few' mobs, and then lightpoacher AOE taking care of the rest. TBD if this will work, we will see in couple of days.

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