[3.1] Ice Shot Scion ELE/INQ Bow Build
I've passed the passive skill tree on herr and am just guessing now haha. |
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" =D " I'd have to look into it more as I approach the point of doing the Merciless Lab and needing to choose that second Ascendancy choice. It may very well be that the Raider node feels better for the build, but I'd like to see how the build feels at that point. Thanks for the tip though! " Woot! That's the nice part about this guide and build, it's for a starter character/league and dropped gear, but it can get much stronger with better gear to drop into it! Well, for the most part, there are some things you may have to buy. =P " I forgot about the pantheon when you mentioned it, and have updated the guide accordingly, thanks! as far as the rest of the skill tree and ascendancy, the ascendancy choices are in the subject of the forum post itself if you're curious, however they may change over time depending upon how the build feels as i progress. This also applied to the skill tree as well, i do have a master plan for the whole skill tree however, much like the ascendancy and gearing choices i have laid out, they may change and evolve as well. " Sorry for the delay in updating the guide, the holidays have kept me busy running around to family gatherings. I'm going to try and clear up to Act IX today, but the house is a wreck and it really needs cleaning, so we'll see how that works out. But i'd definately like to be mapping by 12/27 so i can have something out there to help get people to that point. Again, sorry for the delay in the updates! Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 26 dic. 2017 10:11:57
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Thank you! I guessed the wrong way entirely. I started heading towards elemental damage nodes and also temporarily used point blank to shred through mobs.
Thanks again for the great guide! Any thoughts on point blank actually? (I'm more noob then I used to be. I haven't played since around 2.2) PS Happy Holidays! Editado por útlima vez por craigagm#0788 en 26 dic. 2017 11:17:09
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" I've honestly considered the Point Blank passive but, unless i'm mistaken, you do less damage than normal after a certain point. So the path and damage would look something like: O) -> ----- -> ----- -> __start___middle____end (Path of arrow) __150%___100%____50% (Damage of arrow) Which is fine if you're right on top of your enemy, but if you're not (and some mechanics/fights prevent or discourage close quarters) then you do significantly less. Hence why i shy away from it at the moment, but that may change depending upon how the build feels as it progresses. As a point of reference, here's the PoE wiki article on Point Blank for those who are curious: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Point_Blank And, after reviewing the article, it looks like the scaling is even worse than my illustration. Again, see the article linked for details. Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 26 dic. 2017 19:41:40
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Thanks for that explanation. Makes sense to me. I've removed Point Blank and the character definitely feels a lot more natural not having to go into the mobs to wipe them out.
Like you said, this build felt a little soft at first but now that I'm in Act IX it is absolutely shreddiing mobs. The single target factor has been a slight issue as I've been running bosses solo. Do you have any thoughts on a potential weapon swap setup to help alleviate that issue? Here's my current build" Head: Strakonja Weapon: Hopeshredder Gloves: Hrimsorrow Belt: Still looking for something appropriate :S Quiver: Drillneck Boots: Garukhan's flight Finding a decent role on a Heup has been challenging! Even bad rolls are going for 3+ chaos at this point. Keep up the great work!! Looking forward to the next progression. |
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" I may have hit upon a solution, if you have 2 Hopeshredders, one in the guides configuration for mob clearing and another with the following gem configuration for single target bosses: Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage + Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + Elemental Focus Support + Faster Attacks Support + Slower Projectiles Support If you can swing a 5L of course. I know the Hopeshredders are pretty cheap atm, but if you manage, please let me know how that setup works out for you on bosses. ~~~OR~~~ Alternatively, you could modify the sockets on your 1 hopeshredder (if it's 6 socket) to be 4G 1R 1B and, following the above gem configuration, swap out Slower Projectiles with Volley Support depending upon if you're clearing mobs or killing a boss Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 27 dic. 2017 11:39:11
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Ooooohh I like it.
I think I'll probably get another Hopeshredder and try this out (probably later this evening but maybe tomorrow). That should work just fine. I'm still getting the resources and training Vorici to 6L the original but at the moment it's 5. QQ: Is it better to spend the currency for a guaranteed 6L or just roll with Jewelers with fingers crossed? I realize it's a probability game but Vorici is $$$. FYI the reason I was able to get great gear so quickly was a lucky drop (Exalted). Someone tried to scam me for it by putting in a stack short of Chaos in our trade. They tried again and accidentally hit 'accept' :). Sucks to suck and be a scammer. |
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" i read on the wiki once that, on average, you can get a 6L with ~700 Orb of Fusing. But it's chance based, so you may spend 1400 Orbs and not get one, or you may spend 1 and get one. It's just a matter of how you feel the RNG is going to treat you and how you'd rather spend your Orbs. Personally, if I don't get the 6L in 50 Orbs, i just save them for Vorici. But, to be honest, I've never been able to afford Vorici so I've never actually had a non-Tabula 6L xD nice on the chaos stash! I'd test the Hopeshredder myself, but the RNG has not been kind to me and I'm having a rough time keeping my gear updated with cheap uniques and equipment i finally just got. I am curious how you're generating the Frenzy Charges needed for the Hopeshredder buffs. Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 27 dic. 2017 19:29:31
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RNG has been kind so I'll keep with that haha!
Honestly, I'm using the rest of the bow at the moment haha! I'm using Frenzy temporarily and will likely shift to a different bow in later game. Any recos? Editado por útlima vez por craigagm#0788 en 27 dic. 2017 22:37:42
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" Maybe Windripper? off the top of my head. |
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