[3.1] Ice Shot Scion ELE/INQ Bow Build
Note: This thread is a work in progress and I'll update as i get time.
This build is centered around the Ice Shot skill with the Scion character. My goal is to update this forum post with each milestone (Act/Lab/Map Tier completion), by including skill tree and gear progression to make this very new player friendly. ~~~These Pro's and Con's are being updated dynamically as I play the build~~~ Pro's: ---A tactical build that allows for battlefield manipulation, control and movement. ---Easy build to pick-up; but has enough depth that mastering it is engaging, without being overwhelmed by skill micro-management. Con's: ---Kills things a bit slower than some other builds thus far (Act V). ---Leech is a bit weak, so you can't rely on it too much until you start piercing in Act V or VI, so use those potions! ---Learning how to play tactically and being able to fully exploit the build can take some getting used to (EG - Using the totem and skills effectively). Current Stats: <Under Construction, I'll probably update this when I start mapping> Note: The following milestones are indicating what you should strive for whilst achieving them, as well as what you should have when you complete the milestone (IE - Progression). Act I >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAASLiKk01kj8nR-JKyFpSbqqbXaQ5qJq18ti98pc= >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot (Quest Reward) + Added Cold Damage Support (Quest Reward) 2. Blink Arrow (Quest Reward) ---Frost Bomb (Quest Reward [Stash it for now]) >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Any Serrated Arrow Quiver with decent stats Armor: Anything with +Life and/or +Damage Jewelry: Anything with +Damage and/or +Life Flasks: 2x Health, 2x Mana, 1x Quicksilver Act II >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuFHUVIBm0IuIqTSzpLYM1kj8nR-JKyFpSW69lTW6qm12kOaiatfK9Nr6nyMzYvd0N32_vj_KX >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support (Act I Vendor) 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support (Quest Reward) 3. Herald of Ice (Quest Reward) 4. Decoy Totem (Act I Vendor) ---Frost Bomb >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Any quiver with decent stats Armor: Anything with +Life and/or +Damage Jewelry: Anything with +Damage and/or +Life Flasks: 2x Health, 2x Mana, 1x Quicksilver Act III Note: Focus on running missions for Vorici, Master Assassin and create the hideout for him to access the daily and grind his reputation. We want access to his ability to modify sockets as quickly as possible. Bandits: Kill All >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuBS0UdRUgGbQi4ipNLOktgzWSPydDMUfiSshTu1pSW69lTW6qdO11y41-m12kOaiatfK3tr02vqe_1cjM2L3awd0N32_qYu-P8pc= >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support (Quest Reward) 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support 3. Herald of Ice 4. Decoy Totem ---Frost Bomb ---Frostbite (Quest Reward [Stash it for now]) >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Hyrri's Bite (Drop or poe.trade ~1 Orb of Alchemy) Armor: ---Chest: Briskwrap (Drop or poe.trade ~1 Jeweler's Orb) ---Helm: Anything with +Life and at least 1 resist ---Gloves: Anything with +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Anything with +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 1 resist ---Belt: Any Leather Belt with +Life and at least 1 resist Jewelry: Anything with +Life and at least 1 resist each Flasks: 2x Health, 2x Mana, 1x Quicksilver Act IV Note: Focus on running The Dried Lake area until you're level 38-40, this will help you with flying through the rest of Act IV and beyond. Think of this as a checkpoint to catch-up to a good baseline level before moving on. >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuBS0NjRR1FSAi4iPTKjgqTSzpNZI_J0MxR-JKfUrITP9OKlO7WlJbr2VNbqpvJ3TtdcuBrId2jX6PYJpqm12kOaiatfK3tr02vqe_1cjM2L3awd0N32_qYu4O74_yl_zF >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa]) + Less Duration Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa]) 3. Herald of Ice 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa]) + Summon Ice Golem (Act IV Vendor) + Summon Flame Golem (Quest Reward) ---Frost Bomb ---Frostbite ---Cast When Damage Taken Support (Act IV Vendor [Stash it for now]) ---Slower Projectiles Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa][Stash it for now]) ---Faster Attacks Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa][Stash it for now]) ---Increased Duration Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa][Stash it for now]) ---Culling Strike Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa][Stash it for now]) ---Increased Area of Effect Support (Quest Reward [Stash it for now]) ---Vaal Rain of Arrows (Drop or poe.trade ~1 Orb of Alchemy [Stash it for now]) ---Enlighten Support (Drop or poe.trade ~8 Chaos Orb [Not Required, Quality of life improvement] [Stash it for now]) ---Blasphemy Support (Act III Vendor [Siosa] [Stash it for now]) >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Hyrri's Bite Armor: ---Chest: Briskwrap ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 1 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 1 resist ---Belt: Any Leather Belt with +Life, +Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Jewelry: ---Amulet: +Intelligence, +Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Flasks: 2x Health, 2x Mana, 1x Quicksilver Act V The Pantheon: ---Major: None ---Minor: Soul of Tukohama Note: I like running The Chamber of Innocence area until about level 48-50, this is due to high mob density and being pretty easy to kill. Also, none of the proximity shield mobs from prior areas are present here. Hint:
Kitava fight:
-> Use the Decoy Totem directly in front and to his left of him and keep your character back near the Sign of Purity to stay out of range of most of his abilities. For the heart phase, simply plop a Decoy Totem on the heart and fill the heart and mobs that swarm the totem with arrows. >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuBS0NjRR1FSAi4iPTI_YqOCpNLOkzkjWSPydDE0MxR-JKfUrITP9Nkk4qU7taUluvZU1uqm8ndO11y3vDgayGs4d2jX2Nfo9gmmqbXaOKpDmomrXyt7a9Nr6nv9XIzNi92sHdDd9v6mLuDu-P8pf8xQ== Jewels: ---Poacher's Aim (Quest Reward [Socket next to Scion starting area]) ---Omen on the Winds (Quest Reward [Socket between Duelist and Ranger starting area]) >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support + Less Duration Support 3. Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (Not Required) + Blasphemy Support + Frostbite 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support + Summon Ice Golem + Summon Flame Golem 5. Cast When Damage Taken Support (From Stash [Max Level 3]) + Frost Bomb (From Stash [Max Level 11]) + Culling Strike Support (From Stash) + Vaal Rain of Arrows (From Stash) ---Slower Projectiles Support ---Faster Attacks Support ---Increased Duration Support ---Increased Area of Effect Support >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Hyrri's Bite Armor: ---Chest: Briskwrap ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 2 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 2 resist ---Belt: Any Leather Belt with +Life, +Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Jewelry: ---Amulet: +Intelligence, +Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Flasks: 2x Health, 2x Mana, 1x Quicksilver Act VI The Pantheon: ---Major: Soul of the Brine King ---Minor: Soul of Tukohama >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuBS0NjRR1FSAhdiLiI9Mj9iT9KjgqTSzpMHwzkjWSN9Q_J0MTQzFH4kp9SshM_02STipRR1O7WlJbr2VNbqpvJ3Ttdct7w4GshrOGzod2jX2Nfo9gmmqbXaOKpDmomrXyt7a9Nr6nv9XBM8jM2L3awd0N32_nVOpi7T_uDu-P8pf8xQ== Jewels: ---Poacher's Aim (Socket next to Scion starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket between Duelist and Ranger starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (poe.trade ~1 Orb of Alchemy [Socket in Ranger area next to large bow node]) >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support + Less Duration Support 3. Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (Not Required) + Blasphemy Support + Frostbite 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support + Summon Ice Golem + Summon Flame Golem 5. Cast When Damage Taken Support (Max Level 3) + Frost Bomb (Max Level 11) + Culling Strike Support + Vaal Rain of Arrows ---Slower Projectiles Support ---Faster Attacks Support ---Increased Duration Support ---Increased Area of Effect Support >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Hyrri's Bite Armor: ---Chest: Briskwrap ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 2 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 2 resist ---Belt: Any Leather Belt with +Life, +Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Jewelry: ---Amulet: +Intelligence, +Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Flasks: 2x Health, 2x Mana, 1x Quicksilver Act VII The Pantheon: ---Major: Soul of Arakaali ---Minor: Soul of Ralakesh Note: I'm noticing that the build is really coming together these past couple acts and is starting to obliterate groups and large packs of enemies, which is great for this Abyss League. =) Now to work on the weakness of this build so far, bringing down single target mobs, like bosses, faster. Hint:
Maligaro fight:
-> If you haven't taken the Spirit Void passive skill node, you may need to disable Herald of Ice to increase your mana pool for this fight, as well as creating a Town Portal just outside of the entrance to his arena area, just in case you die (once or twice). If you need to, you can also disable Frostbite to open up your entire mana pool. (IE - Mana may be an issue during this fight.)
Gruthkul (big black deer/bear thing) fight:
-> The shadow rifts on the floor that randomly cast black crap hurt, so healing is a bit of an issue here, you may need to swap out one of the mana pots for a health pot.
Arakaali fight:
->Keep a Decoy Totem up just in front of her, on the opposite side that you are on, to keep her and her spawns attention. Then just whittle her down. When the room-wide black beams sweep across, just use Blink Arrow to hop on the other side that has already been cast and dissipated on. The build has good synergy on this fight, so this fight is a great example of the capabilities of this build thus far. >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuBS0FZg2NFHUVICF2IuIj0yP2JP0qOCpNLOkwfDOSNZI31D8nQxNDMUfiSn1KyEz_TZJOKlFHU7taUluvZU1uqm8ndO11y3vDgayGs4bOh3aNfY1-j2Caaptdo4qkOaiatfK3tr02vqe_1cEzyMzYvdrB3Q3fb-Cf51TqYu0_7g7vj_KX_MU= Jewels: ---Poacher's Aim (Socket next to Scion starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket between Duelist and Ranger starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket in Ranger area next to large bow node) >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support + Less Duration Support 3. Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (Not Required) + Blasphemy Support + Frostbite 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support + Summon Ice Golem + Summon Flame Golem 5. Cast When Damage Taken Support (Max Level 3) + Frost Bomb (Max Level 11) + Culling Strike Support + Vaal Rain of Arrows ---Slower Projectiles Support ---Faster Attacks Support ---Increased Duration Support ---Increased Area of Effect Support >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Hyrri's Bite Armor: ---Chest: Briskwrap ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 2 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 2 resist ---Belt: Any Leather Belt with +Life, +Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Jewelry: ---Amulet: +Intelligence, +Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Flasks: 1x Life of Staunching (Drop, Craft or poe.trade), 1x Life of Heat (Drop, Craft or poe.trade), 1x Mana, 1x Diamond, 1x Quicksilver Act VIII The Pantheon: ---Major: Soul of Arakaali ---Minor: Soul of Ralakesh Hint:
Doedre fight:
-> This fight annoyed the crap out of me. As a tip, if the purple hazes are floating around, click the Valve on the cauldron in the middle of the room to get her to change it to something else. Those hazes float around the room and put a stacking debuff that slows your movement and attack speed. After that, just use the totem to keep her attention and try to burn her down as fast as you can. I can't think of a better way to do this fight other than that, and I still died several times to her.
Solaris and Lunaris fight:
-> This fight can be annoying, but it wasn't as bad as Doedre to be honest. Depending upon your gear, it may just take awhile. Just move back and forth as the head at the front of the room turns to attack you, and avoid as much as you can. It's more tedious than hard. >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAAAAQDuAx4FLQVmBbUNjREvFHUVIB9BIXYi4iPTI_Yk_So4Kk0s6TB8M5I1kjY9N9Q_J0MTQzFH4kp9SshM_02STipRR1O7WlJbr2KsZU1sjG6qbyd07XXLe8OBrIazhs6Hdo19jX6Nv49gmmqbXZ2qo4qkOaiatMW18re2vTa-p7_VwTPC7MjM2L3awd0N32_gn-dU6mLrY-0_7g7vj_KX_MU= Jewels: ---Poacher's Aim (Socket next to Scion starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket between Duelist and Ranger starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket in Ranger area next to large bow node) >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support + Less Duration Support 3. Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (Not Required) + Blasphemy Support + Frostbite 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support + Summon Ice Golem + Summon Flame Golem 5. Cast When Damage Taken Support (Max Level 3) + Frost Bomb (Max Level 11) + Culling Strike Support + Vaal Rain of Arrows ---Slower Projectiles Support ---Faster Attacks Support ---Increased Duration Support ---Increased Area of Effect Support >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Hyrri's Bite Armor: ---Chest: Briskwrap ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 2 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 2 resist ---Belt: Any Leather Belt with +Life, +Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Jewelry: ---Amulet: +Intelligence, +Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist ---Ring: +Intelligence, +Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist Flasks: 1x Life of Staunching (Drop, Craft or poe.trade), 1x Life of Heat (Drop, Craft or poe.trade), 1x Mana, 1x Diamond, 1x Quicksilver Normal and Cruel Labyrinth The Pantheon: ---Major: Soul of Arakaali ---Minor: Soul of Abberath Hint:
Cruel Izaro fight:
-> Not too bad, just keep your totem up, avoid stuff and bring him down. >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAABAQDuAx4FLQVmBbUJ2Q2NES8UdRUgH0EgWSF2IuIj0yP2JP0qOCpNKwos6TB8M5I1kjY9N9Q_J0MTQzFH4kp9SshM_02STipRR1O7WBdaUluvYqxlTWyMbqpvJ3Ttdct7w4GshrOGzod2jX2Nfo2_j2CaaptdnaqjiqQ5qJq0xbXyt7a9Nr6nv9XBM8LsyMzKRti92sHdDd9v4J_iredU6mLrY-0_7g7vj_KX_MX_3g== Jewels: ---Poacher's Aim (Socket next to Scion starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket between Duelist and Ranger starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket in Ranger area next to large bow node) >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support + Faster Attacks Support (From Stash) 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support + Less Duration Support 3. Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (Not Required) + Blasphemy Support + Frostbite 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support + Summon Ice Golem + Summon Flame Golem 5. Cast When Damage Taken Support (Max Level 3) + Frost Bomb (Max Level 11) + Culling Strike Support + Vaal Rain of Arrows + Increased Area of Effect Support (From Stash) ---Slower Projectiles Support ---Increased Duration Support >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Drillneck (~4 Chaos Orb) or Rigwald's Quills (~5 Exalted Orb) (Drop or poe.trade) Armor: ---Chest: Carcass Jack (~1 Chaos Orb) or Yriel's Fostering (Rhoa) (~10 Exalted Orb) (Drop or poe.trade) ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 2 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 2 resist ---Belt: Any Heavy Belt with 60+ Life, 30%+ Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 2 resist with 30%+ each (~1 Chaos Orb)(Drop or poe.trade) Jewelry: ---Amulet: 30+ Strength, 50+ Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist with 30%+ (~1 or 2 Chaos Orb) (Drop or poe.trade) ---Ring: Le Heup of All (~1 Chaos Orb) (Drop or poe.trade) ---Ring: 30+ Intelligence, 40+ Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist with 30%+ (~1 or 2 Chaos Orb) (Drop or poe.trade) Flasks: 1x Life of Staunching, 1x Life of Heat, 1x Mana, 1x Diamond, 1x Quicksilver Act IX The Pantheon: ---Major: Soul of Arakaali ---Minor: Soul of Ralakesh Note: Focus on running The Oasis area until you're level 68-70, this will help you if you've been struggling a little, and gives you a chance to farm some currency orbs and potential loot. Think of this as a pit stop to catch-up to a good baseline level before moving on. >Skill Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAABAQDuAx4FLQVmBbUJ2Q2NES8UdRUgH0EgWSF2IuIj0yP2JP0qCyo4Kk0rCizpMHwzkjWSNj031D8nQxNDMUfiSn1KyEz_TZJOKlFHU7tVS1gXWlJbr13yYqxlTWyMbqpvJ3BSdO11y3vDgayGs4bOh3aJ04w2jX2Nfo2_j2CaaptdnaqexKOKpDmmvqiatMW18re2vTa-p7_VwTPC7MjMykbYvdrB3Q3fb-Cf4q3nVOpi62PtP-4O74_yl_zF_94= Jewels: ---Poacher's Aim (Socket next to Scion starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket between Duelist and Ranger starting area) ---Omen on the Winds (Socket in Ranger area next to large bow node) >Skill Gems: 1. Ice Shot + Added Cold Damage Support + Volley Support + Cold Penetration Support + Faster Attacks Support (From Stash) 2. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks Support + Faster Projectiles Support + Less Duration Support 3. Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (Not Required) + Blasphemy Support + Frostbite 4. Decoy Totem + Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support + Summon Ice Golem + Summon Flame Golem 5. Cast When Damage Taken Support (Max Level 3) + Frost Bomb (Max Level 11) + Culling Strike Support + Vaal Rain of Arrows + Increased Area of Effect Support ---Slower Projectiles Support ---Increased Duration Support >Gear: Weapon: Any bow with decent damage Quiver: Drillneck or Rigwald's Quills Armor: ---Chest: Carcass Jack or Yriel's Fostering (Rhoa) ---Helm: Any Evasion, +Life and at least 2 resist ---Gloves: Any Evasion, +Life and +Attack Speed ---Boots: Any Evasion, +Life, +Movement Speed and at least 2 resist ---Belt: Any Heavy Belt with 60+ Life, 30%+ Elemental Damage to Attacks and at least 2 resist with 30%+ each Jewelry: ---Amulet: 30+ Strength, 50+ Life, +Cold/Elemental Attack Damage and at least 1 resist with 30%+ ---Ring: Le Heup of All ---Ring: 30+ Intelligence, 40+ Life, Add Cold Damage to Attacks and at least 1 resist with 30%+ Flasks: 1x Life of Staunching, 1x Life of Heat, 1x Mana, 1x Diamond, 1x Quicksilver Act X In Progress... Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 28 dic. 2017 3:33:08 Reflotado por última vez en 23 feb. 2018 11:14:58
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Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 24 dic. 2017 18:37:07
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This is exactly what I was hoping to find.
Also thank you for making such a detailed leveling guide. Couple of questions: Whats the reason for not picking jewel slots at the start? Are you skipping normal Lab because it only gives stats and one skill point to do before Cruel Lab? Which Ascendancy first INQ or ELE? Oh and what did you do with bandits? Kill all of them? Editado por útlima vez por Yrzi#2691 en 25 dic. 2017 4:13:55
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This is exactly what I was hoping to find.
Also thank you for making such a detailed leveling guide. -> =D Couple of questions: Whats the reason for not picking jewel slots at the start? -> This build was created with new characters/league rolls whom wouldn't have access to existing gear/currency in mind. I felt that the passive skill points were better spent in something more immediately necessary as early jewels relied too much on the RNG (Random Number Generator) for my tastes. With that being said, however, I've since finished updating the Act V section and it does include jewel slots and jewel recommendations if you'd like to check that out. Are you skipping normal Lab because it only gives stats and one skill point to do before Cruel Lab? -> 100% correct! I plan on putting the Normal and Cruel Lab runs somewhere between Acts VIII and IX, I'll make that determination as I get closer to that milestone based upon how the areas feel in regards to difficulty vs progression. Which Ascendancy first INQ or ELE? -> I'll indicate that when I reach that point and update this guide however, since you asked, ELE is first. =) Oh and what did you do with bandits? Kill all of them? -> Whoops, good catch! I'll update the guide now with that, but it's kill all. Sorry about that. Editado por útlima vez por Regnineurg#5164 en 25 dic. 2017 4:56:30
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Thanks for the reply!
Im playing this right now in SSF, Ice shot felt sluggish in the first act but its really picking up in the second one already. Might have gotten overly lucky though, with not just movement and attack speed but also high elemental damage rolls everywhere (The Ignomon dropped) |
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" It is a little slower than your typical meta or speed build, I noticed that as well. I've updated the pro's and con's section to reflect that as well, thanks! |
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Just started this build today, keep it up author! Would really like to see how this build go and hopefully it can clear all content in the end.
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Just a minor suggestion, I have done a Ice Shot Raider in 3.0
Would you consider ELE+RAIDER a good setup for this build? The reason for Raider is the combination for the Ice Bite to constantly generate Frenzy charges from all the frozen kills we are getting. Once fully setup we are getting pretty much permanent Frenzy. |
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Just started this build as well.
Let's just say the holidays have been kind to POE and I already had a level 70 inquisitor who used frost bomb and have moved most of my loot over to this build. Thanks for putting this together! |
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Any updates on the skill tree, ascendancy and pantheon. I have a level 73 scion that was given respec and i wanted to set this build up on it. Thanks in advance
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