[3.6] Zombiemancer - High Survivability - End Game Viable
" Thanks for the tips! I've been thinking about buying leveled Empower and Enlighten gems because it takes so long to level them up; I've really been enjoying grinding towards a relatively distant goal, though. Good thing is I'm usually fine without them. Re: auras, I've been running only Hatred. As for CWDT, that had never occurred to me! I'll get right on changing that. |
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" Thanks for answering, may i know if the AG is still useful even i summon it by some rubbish items? cause it vanished everytime I login the game, it's hard to give some good items every time. And for the spectres , can I just res some random monsters ? I am really lazy, so I just want a easy way to play haha. Thanks again for your guide! Editado por útlima vez por tsuijm#1547 en 4 may. 2018 10:09:32
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"If you really want to level these gems yourself, you need to use gemcutters to get them to 20 quality and use a weapon with the "Haku's" prefix, that adds up to 6 quality to socketed gems, in your offhand. Otherwise it will take an eternity to level one of them from 2 to 3. "The AG and the spectres are just there to buff the damage of the Zombies. Summoning random monsters as spectres and giving the AG random items wont do anything, you need the right stuff. Luckily once you have the right spectres/items, you dont have to take care of it everytime you log in. You can just resummon the AG with all the items you once gave him, you only lose those items when he gets killed by enemies, which only happened one time for me, at one of the hardest bosses in the game. You dont even have to do this for the spectres, they stay summoned after logouts. Get map tier 16 versions of them and they survive every boss in the game. Editado por útlima vez por Clooney_is_best_Batman#4728 en 4 may. 2018 10:42:37
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Clooney, thanks again for the guide. I'm playing PoE since Jan 2013, but haven't ever played summoner :D
So, in just 3 days I've done 36 challenges (I had 14 with RF build before) Also, my gear isn't something awesome, my gems are lvl 19 and 0% quality, Zombies are on 5L without Empower, and my flasks are literal trash, but I still managed to complete full atlas with Zombies :D The only problem was T15 Elder, degen is crazy for both zombies and char :D Any map mod is doable deathless, no regen is fine due to zombie leech and offerings, phys reflect is fine, just turn off Haste and put in high lvl desecrate and spawn zombies as needed. Any combination of map mods are doable, even carrying the parties for 8mod maps rota :D Hope GGG will buff Zombie Ai in the nearest future :) What do you think about adding Southbound gloves to the AG? seems like it can add more life than Meginords. My AG died only once to the Whakawairua Tuahu map, (6 person party) 6 bosses, and 2 of them with Flameblast just destroyed everything xD Shield charge is the only skill I use for mapping, it's boring sometimes) Anyway, will play this as a starter for 3.3 Thanks! NANI
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" Wow, awesome tip -- and thanks for so much feedback and support. |
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" Nice, congrats. Yea, having 20/20 zombies with empower makes a big difference in survivability. If you min/max the build enough, phys reflect is way too annoying to actually bother with it. I just recently did one and the Zombies actually oneshot themselves with every slam. Had to turn off Haste and did nothing but resummoning the whole map. I also dont like to run "no regen", Fortify is too OP to give up. The 2% Life regen of the Meginord's is more important than slightly more life, to counter things like bleed from the lab traps for example. I only ever lost one AG while playing this build, he lost 80% of his life to uber atziri double flameblast and then got finished off by something else before i was able to save him. The Carnage Chieftain spectres survived all of that to my surprise though. You can always decide to cast spells on your own instead of the CwDT. Im too lazy for that. Hope you gonna enjoy it next league! " Sorry, I meant leveling them in the weapon swap, not in your offhand. |
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" Thanks, I try to raise Carnage Chieftain spectres at act 10 , but what i raise should be still at low Level because it got killed by normal monster by one hit. Any tips for this? Thank you |
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" You need to raise the spectres in high level area zones, so they will have the stats of high level enemies and be able to survive. You also need to have a Desecrate that allow you to raise high enough level corpses. A level 1 Desecrate, for example, will only create level 20 corpses even if you are in a level 73 zone. |
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" ARHH! you really got the point, i am still using the lv 1 Desecrate. Thanks BRO!! |
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For some reason my ES just doesn't regen like yours does. I swear zealot's oath isn't applying for some reason. Could you look at my character? It's FicheBomb. Should be public.
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