[3.0] Sossaman's Queen-Slayer Cyclone | ALL Content | VIDEO: ** deathless ** Hall of Grandmasters **


up to 230+% movement-speed (considerably more than other cyclone-builds)
up to a fckton of DPS
up to 8,000 life (no Bloodmagic needed)
delete all content with this build (even as your league-starter-build)

Comparison of phys-based Slayer RT Cyclone-Builds (as of 2017/11):

(click for larger image)

Why is this the most enjoyable (best) phys-based cyclone-build?

• super-convenient slayer-leech
• a lot of movement-speed (considerably more than other cyclone-builds)
• doesn't have the annoying knockback from Lion's Roar during mapping
• can easily do all content (guardians, shaper, chayula, uber-atziri, ...)
• can be used as league-starter-build
• scales perfectly from 0 to 40 ex (sweet-spot: 20 ex)


Hall of Grandmasters*new*
Vaal Temple ✓ (Double-Boss Vulnerability)
→ corrupted Guardians ✓
→ Uber-Izaro ✓
40/40 in Harbinger


ratz escribió:
Wow, nice guide. This is really what I was looking for. Gonna gear my slayer and give it a try.

Cruven123 escribió:
Respecced into this build at 99 since i got bored of sunder.

Pros: You go so fast your eyes hurt
Cons: You go so fast your eyes hurt

Aias_o_Telamonios escribió:
I chose this build because you put blood rage on CWDT. I thought I was the only one lazy enough to do that :P

Main characteristics of this Build:

• Duelist Slayer
• Sword
• RT
• Phys + Chaos (no Brutality-Support)
• no Bloodmagic


1 ex to start (even 0 ex if used as league-starter-build)
15 ex recommended
30? ex to min-max

Variants of this Build:

Movement-Speed-Version has enough DPS to comfortably do all content.

(click for larger image)



Hall of Grandmasters (deathless) in Harbinger-League *new*

Double-Beyond T16 Chimera with random Breach *new*
(this are ~750k Peak-DPS in PoB)

2:30 min Normal-Atziri
(faster than Ahfack's 1200 exalted, Lvl-100 Cyclone-Char in Standard)


Same as movement-speed-version, but with less movement-speed and even more DPS. ^^


Either: Kill All (2 passive skill-points, most versatile, recommended)
or: Help Kraitin (6% attack-speed, 6% movement-speed, 3% chance to dodge attacks)
or: Help Oak (20% increased physical damage, 2% physical damage reduction, 1% life-regen)



Soul of Arakaali with captured 'Herald of Thunder'.

'Herald of Thunder' gives us '50% increased recovery of life and energy shield if you've stopped taking damage over time recently'.

Therefore it is important to use a 'CwDt + Blood Rage + Immortal Call'-setup.

(For HC, you can additionally capture 'Shock and Horror'.)


Soul of Yugul.
('25% reduced reflected damage taken')

Additional Information:

The Writhing Jar OP for Bosses

Against Bosses without Adds (like Shaper or Uber-Atziri), you can use The Writhing Jar to proc '20% more Damage if you've Killed Recently' from the Headsman-Ascendancy.


Lion's Roar

Lion's Roar is a noob-trap, unless you are fighting bosses with the modifier 'cannot be knocked back' (e.g. Chayula, Shaper, Guardians).

During normal mapping, with Lion's Roar you will be doing less damage, due to knocking the enemies constantly out of your hit-range.

Also, knockback during normal mapping is annoying as fck. ^^


Eternal-Lab Helmet-Enchantments, in descending order of damage-increase:

1. Ancestral Protector Buff Effect (if using Ancestral Protector)
2. Cyclone Damage / Cyclone Attack Speed
3. Lightning Golem Buff Effect
4. Blood Rage Attack Speed
5. Ancestral Warchief Buff Effect (if using Ancestral Warchief)
6. Vulnerability Curse Effect

Tip: Do the math yourself, instead of just following the herd and buying an insanely overpriced cyclone-enchant. Especially, since the damage-increase from the helmet-enchant is pretty minor, anyways.

Just check in Path of Building what enchantment works best with your gear/tree, or think about what enchantment you like the most. The enchants for Blood Rage / Ancestral Protector / Lightning Golem / Cyclone are quite similar in damage, but have considerably different price-tags on poetrade, and also differ in utility.

Ancestral Warchief vs. Ancestral Protector

Ancestral Warchief:
• less range on paper, but effectively more range due to AoE
• AoE-Attack
• hits a bit slower
• gives a bit less damage

Ancestral Protector:
• more range on paper, but effectively less range due to missing AoE
• single-target-attack without AoE
• hits a bit faster
• gives a bit more damage

Mana Leech

If you don't have mana-leech on your items, just skill one mana-leech-node in the passive-tree.

Path of Building:

All items shown in PoB are neither wet item-dreams only created in PoB (as seen in some other build-guides), nor unaffordable mirror-tier items (as also seen in some other build-guides), but actual items in my possession.

7k Life Movement-Speed-Version (recommended)

• Queen of the Forest
• Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim + Ruthless
• Blasphemy + Grace


8k Life HC-Version (recommended)

• Belly of the Beast
• Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim + Ruthless
• Blasphemy + Haste

If you want to be super-safe, use Enfeeble instead of Vulnerability,
and/or Fortify.


Other Variants:

6k Life Movement-Speed-Version

• Queen of the Forest
• Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim + Ruthless
• Blasphemy + Grace


7k Life DPS-Version

• Bronn's Lithe
• Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim + Ruthless
• Blasphemy + Haste


6k Life DPS-Version

• Bronn's Lithe
• Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim + Ruthless
• Blasphemy + Haste


8k Life Bossing-Version

• Belly of the Beast
• Lion's Roar + Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Bloodlust + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim
• Bleed applied with Ancestral Totem
• Blasphemy + Haste


7k Life Bossing-Version

• Bronn's Lithe
• Lion's Roar + Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Bloodlust + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim
• Bleed applied with Ancestral Totem
• Blasphemy + Haste


6k Life Bossing-Version

• Bronn's Lithe
• Lion's Roar + Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth
• Cyclone + Bloodlust + Area/Conc + Dmg on Full Life + Melee Phys + Maim
• Bleed applied with Ancestral Totem
• Blasphemy + Haste


Levelling and Item-Progression:


• Use Kondo's Pride (and make sure to skill 'Razor's Edge' in the passive-tree) until you can afford Starforge.
• Use Brutality-Support-Gem + Lion's Roar until you can afford Sin's Rebirth + Atziri's Promise.
• Helmet-Enchantment is not important, just use Devoto's without enchant.
• Daresso's Salute is not important. Just use a rare-amulet, preferably with a lot of intelligence, plus some life and resistances.
• Good Body-Armours for levelling are Tabula Rasa or Ambu's Charge.
• Only use Blasphemy + Vulnerability (and no Aura), until you have a Lvl-3-Enlighten.


• Sword: Any rare or unique sword with high phys-DPS.
• Helmet: Any rare or unique helmet that seems useful to you.
• Amulet: Any rare or unique amulet that seems useful to you.
• Belt: Any rare or unique belt that seems useful to you.


• The 'reduced mana cost of skills' from the 'Tireless'-Nodes is important for mana-sustain, as soon as you want to use your Aura (Grace or Haste) in addition to your Blasphemy-Curse.

• If you have problems reaching enough intelligence, you can put a 'Fertile Mind' in the rightmost jewel-slot.

• Other than that, just figure it out as you go. Should be pretty easy and straightforward.

Editado por útlima vez por Sossaman_ en 1 nov. 2017 16:28:35
Reflotado por última vez en 6 ene. 2018 12:35:34
Wow, nice guide. This is really what I was looking for. Gonna gear my slayer and give it a try.

One Question, you just need the weapon on 6L? (Qoft version). Which links and gems do you use on armor? And its mandatory mana leech on jewel?
ratz escribió:
Wow, nice guide. This is really what I was looking for. Gonna gear my slayer and give it a try.

One Question, you just need the weapon on 6L? (Qoft version). Which links and gems do you use on armor? And its mandatory mana leech on jewel?

Glad you like it so far. :)

Yes, only one 6L needed. Preferably the weapon, so that you can swap QotF/Bronn's/Belly to your liking.

Armour only needs 5S with 3L (Leap Slam + Blood Magic + Faster Attacks) + 2L (Ancestral Warchief/Protector + Blind).

Regarding mana-leech: You need 0.xx% mana-leech either on gear, or tree (costs one skillpoint). Mana gained on hit on a jewel presumably helps with mana-sustain, but is not required.

Be aware that high-lvl Vulnerability needs 155 intelligence. If you have problems reaching 155 int on gear, just use either a lower-lvl Vulnerability, or Fertile Mind in the rightmost jewel-slot.
Editado por útlima vez por Sossaman_ en 9 oct. 2017 15:41:13
Nice build. I love the QOTF version. Working on getting Starforge. What do you think would be a good pre Starforge? Kondos?
IGN: Flickinboogers
Why is there no passive skill tree or pictures of items? all i see is this broken pastebin link
Pastebin link is for Path of Building.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
skuterpie escribió:
Nice build. I love the QOTF version. Working on getting Starforge. What do you think would be a good pre Starforge? Kondos?

Glad you like it so far. :)

Yeah, just buy the highest-DPS Kondo's Pride you can get for 5c, and make sure to skill 'Razor's Edge' to benefit from Kondo's '50% increased Melee Damage against Bleeding Enemies'.

Also you can use Lion's Roar in conjunction with Brutality-Support (Brutality instead of Ruthless), until you have a Sin's Rebirth flask. Actually, that's in fact more damage than Ruthless + Atziri's Promise + Sin's Rebirth, but also with the above-mentioned drawback of Lion's Roar's knockback.

Rnew1990 escribió:
Why is there no passive skill tree or pictures of items? all i see is this broken pastebin link

Those pastebin-links are for the Path of Building Offline Build Planner.

You can import those pastebin-links in Path of Building, and Path of Building will not only show you the Skilltree, but also all used Items, Flasks and Skill-Gems.
Sossaman_ escribió:

Item-Cost for this build:

1 ex to start (even 0 ex if used as league-starter-build)
15 ex recommended
30? ex to min-max

that is a bold statement to make without even posting your gear.
note: I use PoB, but others might not. having your gear only there is meaningless to those that do not.

eg: my QoTNghamu raider.

I can say its doable with 12 ex, but realistically, I put >50 into it. By putting the gear in plain sight, its easier to see where the currency was dumped into.
Editado por útlima vez por djfang en 9 oct. 2017 16:09:28
djfang escribió:

Sossaman_ escribió:

Item-Cost for this build:

1 ex to start (even 0 ex if used as league-starter-build)
15 ex recommended
30? ex to min-max

that is a bold statement to make without even posting your gear.
note: I use PoB, but others might not. having your gear only there is meaningless to those that do not.

Cost for Min-Max in Harbinger Softcore:

11 ex 700 pDPS 6L Starforge
4 ex Daresso's Salute
4 ex Sin's Rebirth
40 c Devoto's Devotion with Ancestral-Warchief-Buff-Enchant
20 c 5S 3R2G Queen of the Forest
6 c Glassblower's Bauble x40
1 c Aziri's Promise with 20% Phys as Chaos
1 c Belt of the Deceiver
1 c Divine Vessel to capture Herald of Thunder
[Edit: forgot 20 c for Lvl-3-Enlighten]
20 ex

So 10 ex remaining for Rares + Jewels + Flasks, if you want to stay within the mentioned 30 ex.
Editado por útlima vez por Sossaman_ en 19 oct. 2017 19:54:39
How do you prevent being frozen in your build? No Heat Flasks?

Additional note, build has some mana problems. Any recommendations?

Editado por útlima vez por DaedelisK9 en 9 oct. 2017 21:30:06

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