[3.5] Lioneye's Glare Ele Conversion Raider (all content, videos up)
Since many people (myself included) would like to use your build as a league starter it would be really great if you could add a little Section to the guide on how to start out with this guide, which uniques to focus on first and maybe leveling tips (gems, skilltree etc.) no need for something very detailed but a few sentences would help a lot for sure :)
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Taking the 3.1 endgame PoB link and plugging it into deadeye, dropping one jewel node (3 point eva-eva-jewel near Point Blank) for Winter Spirit (have to do some physical damage to bleed).
https://pastebin.com/1pHVVXgZ Damage seems totally bonkers and you are even faster, not to mention a ton of life gain on hit to offset the lack of leech (would you even need Vaal pact? o_o). Another thing to consider is Soul Raker with Lioneyes Fall, seems to be a slight damage increase (at the cost of losing regular jewel life) + a lot more leech. Also something I noticed while messing around in PoB: Even with the PoB linked at the top of the original guide post, getting Winter Spirit (drop 3 points from the jewel node for example) and dropping Phys to Lightning for Increased Crit damage is substantial increase in damage. You will deal some physical damage though. Edit: You actually get the best damage by going Fast and Deadly and Powerful Precision. This also opens up the possibility of changing Lioneyes Glare at some point to a GG phys harbinger (you only need 1 accuracy item in the build to reach 94-95% acc without changing the tree at all). Editado por útlima vez por Netukka#7659 en 28 feb. 2018 18:36:37
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" What else are you picking besides Fast and Deadly and Powerful Precision? I kinda of want to get Endless Munitions since a free projectile is pretty good and getting 50% inc AoE makes Ice Shot a viable option but going through Far Shot doesn't make that much sense to me. Editado por útlima vez por AliceInc#1756 en 28 feb. 2018 19:43:37
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" You forgot to uncheck frenzies BTW since you have no innate frenzy generation. Also if you're in a boss fight, you're not gonna have the "killed recently" buff for the most of them. As some other people said, don't base your build on abyss stuff as starter, they are gonna be ways more hard to get and jewels are gonna be like super expensive unlike in the abyss league. |
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" Gathering Winds and Rupture are the obvious choises and clearly the best. Choosing between Endless munitions (because Far Shot literally does nothing with Lioneyes) and Powerful Precision/Fast and Deadly is just a PoB sim away. " Mostly I didnt want to touch the calculations and/or other settings much at all in PoB, thats why stuff like killed recently is still on there (like its on in the original PoB). Just changed the 3 points on the tree, ascendancies and gem. But very true about the frenzy charges, I should have mentioned that, although Frenzy/CoH/Proj Weak is an option (though not a very good one for non-add fights), along with Blood Rage. |
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As someone else pointed out, you won't be able to sustain frenzy charges as deadeye vs bosses as there is no frenzy charge generation on hit (outside of using Frenzy skill or Raider/Ascendant). Dropping frenzy charges alone drops that dps by literally 3 million. There is also a problem with bleeding damage versus non bosses as you'd need to hit a mob at on average 4 times to inflict bleeding (25% chance) and then hit it again to get Rupture bonuses. Unless you're hitting Guardians/Shaper these mobs won't survive that many hits making bonuses from Rupture irrelevant when mapping. But it works vs Shaper / Guardians so that's something to keep in mind. You're also getting 10 skills/4 seconds, I think it's won't be possible to keep it up like this all the time - more realistically you would get 5 skills every 4 seconds when mapping. Raider with AotC get +20% increased movement speed over Deadeye in this setup. You're right with WinterSpirit / Increased critical damage, seems like it's more damage overall in this setup. I does have the Watchers eye with +1.77% crit chance but even without it, it seems somewhat better so I think I will look more into it. I'm a little conflicted on deadeye because a lot of that stuff, even though it's good keeps kind of sabotaging itself. Like reduced blink cooldown seems amazing but why would you need it if you plan to go full move speed with it (using tailwind + queen of the forest). +1 arrow is really good but then again you get Far Shot which is useless with Lioneye and 50% increased AoE which is useless with TS. Same with doubling you accuracy, useless with Lioneye's Glare. So you're going to handicap yourself, use Ice Shot instead of TS or and go inferior Physical bow just to try to make it work. You could also go Windripper but Windripper is a MF bow and not a bow that kills bosses, so why do you need +1 arrow for again? It's not that good just for mapping. ... One thing that Deadeye seems to be really good for though is MF/Queen of the Forest/Stacking evasion/Move speed build. I'm sure someone will make a build with Windripper / Onslaught/Evasion flasks / QotF / Three step assault boots (+100% evasion when you have Onslaught), Stack a ton of MS and get like 100% ms from tailwind alone. That build will be really good for super fast mapping but won't be good for anything else. My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805 Editado por útlima vez por JessicaSc2#5153 en 1 mar. 2018 6:02:18
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" I'll try to come up with something ^^' " I think Avatar of the Chase will be better now. " I don't think much has changed except for Avatar of the veil -> Avatar of the Chase Of course we haven't seen the full list of items yet, I'm still hoping for fated Ashrend, that'd be pretty OP " Yes and it's bad, especially not needed now that we will have perm onslaught on hit. My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805
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Thing you have to consider for Deadeye is the option to simply ignore frenzy charges altogether, saving you 6 points on the passive tree and lets you take more damage or whatever else you might want.
For example:https://pastebin.com/aTX6M2mi. Dropped 6 points from frenzy charge nodes + 1 from mana leech near Essence Sap, 5 points to get Soul Raker (and jewel swap to Lioneyes Fall) and 2 points to change to Alira bonus (you could get Claws of the Pride for 4 points or Fangs of Frost/another jewel socket for 3 points which are more effective for damage, but I wanted to keep the points the same). Other option for 2 points could be Coldhearted Calculation, might save you from taking that +30 int node. Still 9,3 mil dps with no frenzy charges and 5 skills used recently, 11,4 mil with 3 frenzies + 10 skills (can easily blood rage for map clear). 160% ms, which is ~10% slower than the 180% Slaughter/Chase raider gets. The point on bleeding is true, but realistically any relevant target WILL be bleeding after your first/second attack. I dont think a bow build with 7-11mil dps cares if you lose 1 mil average on white mobs :p Also if you really wanted, you could spec into the Heavy Draw nodes for 50% total bleed chance (probably not efficient at all). Not trying to argue that Deadeye is "strictly better omg u noob for raider!!", just that it is definitely an interesting option and even more than the dps, Im interested in the high life gain on hit you can get for practically free. Editado por útlima vez por Netukka#7659 en 1 mar. 2018 6:30:42
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Seems good but you just went down to 5.28k hp (from 5.5k) by removing 2 jewels with life. It's always something for something it seems. I agree that it is an interesting option and worth theory crafting around. " these milions are on barrage link, TS has much less. Still enough to one shot most mobs but not always because of map combination like enfeeble / ele resistance + rare mob combinations. My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805 Editado por útlima vez por JessicaSc2#5153 en 1 mar. 2018 6:59:36
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Can you show me in the PoB how the build will look like without jewels in the skill tree, flask and rare items with + to dmg? It will be playable and I can finish the whole game? :)
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