[3.0] Stormburst Ass-Raider, 7500 EHP, 1.40M DPS High End, *Clear all content* [With Videos]
If you make a step by step guide for leveling this, it will be amazing!
Thanks for making a lightning build mate. I love lightning <3 PS: Do you have an HC variation of this build? 130% Life on tree is too low. I think 180% is the minimum required for any build in SC or HC. Editado por útlima vez por Dabu#1521 en 28 sept. 2017 4:40:27
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Hello there!!
3 things: 1-"Uses a Choir of The Storm for shocking bosses in t14+, so its awkward to use a Bisco’s Collar" Could you explain me that, please? 2-I'm leveling Inquisitor since i don't like Scion at all, and i see more potential on the Templar. Could you tell me if i'm wrong, and specially if the frenzy charges are at MAX all the time? because it is my main doubt. And yes, i rode your explanation of scion Assa/Raider, but i still have a doubt. 3-I don't like Controlled Destruction mechanics (yes i know i'm stupid). What do you think it would be the best alternative. I'm thinking about Inc Crit Dmg or Empower 4. Any thoughts? TYVM and sorry for my english (: P.D. Gratz on the build of the week IGN: Proteino Editado por útlima vez por zaraki83#0034 en 28 sept. 2017 9:58:44
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" Let me translate for you: I'm a Chinese player, in china server. After seeing your post, did a lot of researching. Although I got some issue with translation, it's still manageable to do my build. https://poe.game.qq.com/account/view-profile/%E9%9B%A8%E5%8F%B6%E6%AE%87/characters This is my current character. Now my DPS is coming to 1340, able to do some T7 maps, but it's frustrating to do high tier maps. The Chinese server makes me depressing because of price inflation. I can't do what the post says. Thanks for your sharing. And plz give me some suggestion for my current build. Thank you again. |
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Would this be viable on hc?
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A few Questions about this build, since i dont want to mess up things as i want to try it out :)
First of all would it work with a full way with Shadow Assassin ascendancy? I understand that you take Rider for speed and a bit of dmg boost from frenzy charges but how does it influence the speed or the ammount of dps output for the build? Like one of mates mentioned before id like to see an alternative for Controlled Destruction, i was thinking about Inervate as flat lightning dmg source and extra shock chance. Last thing are there any possibilities to make this build a bit more hp pumped or more defensive? Editado por útlima vez por Meleover#7536 en 28 sept. 2017 13:14:12
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hi , can we use skyfoth and remove the firestorm power charge on crit setup ?
and what wrath used for? thx |
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Thanks for the replies everyone, here are my answers to some of your questions.
" A shadow going pure assassin would be a perfectly viable alternative. The main benefit of raider is 30% total move speed plus 20% cast speed from onslaught, along with easy frenzy charge generation vs bosses and rares. My frenzy charges give 12% increased cast speed and 12% more damage, so they are nice but if you pick up the damage elsewhere you don't need them. Path of building shows for me that a scion assassin-raider with 3 frenzy charges and onslaught is more damage than a pure assassin, but if you were to use dual void batteries assassin would be more damage. " I use a slow attack speed weapon and have high move speed, so I personally find flame dash a bit nicer for movement overall when combined with just running to the next pack. Shield charge with a fast dagger as the weapon would let you use fortify and could be faster if you pick an alternative class like pure assassin or inquisitor, so its just personal preference. "That is correct, each separate ball can hit the target, and then each balls explosion can hit the target again. "This build can instant leech enough life and has close to infinite mana, so I havent had a problem with it in Harbinger Softcore, but you'd want to bump up the life for sure for hardcore. I personally like a bit more glass cannony mathil builds, but sacrificing a bit of damage for life would be a fine alternative. "Controlled destruction is the highest damage link aside from concentrated effect (which hurts your pack clearing aoe), so I think it is the best damage option. That being said concentrated effect isn't a bad alternative, and increased critical damage or innervate could work as well sacrificing a bit of pure damage for more, larger shocks. " Yes, skyforth would be a great option. I don't have access to a pair, but I'd probably use them if I did. You might want to pick up a bit of extra life if you do to offset no life on boots. Wrath is used for bosses that will 1 shot anyway (Shaper), or ones that I can kill before they get to attack/be dangerous (Uber Izaro). I normally leave wrath turned off to have the extra EHP with MoM. Editado por útlima vez por Ihmoen#7920 en 28 sept. 2017 14:37:37
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Thanks for the response zaraki83, to answer your questions
"Bisco's Collar is really a pretty overpowered item for farming currency and divination cards, so much so that using any other amulet is a large opportunity cost. Choir of the Storm is very strong for this build giving damage and shocking tough bosses, so we use it but it still hurts to either not wear a Biscos or have to carry one in your inventory to swap around. "When clearing maps I have max frenzy charges probably 75% of the time, and against bosses 100% of the time. That being said an inquisitor is a certainly viable alternative to scion. My tree paths very close to the Templar start so it would be easy to remake this build as an inquisitor. Raider Subclass offers move speed which is nice quality of life so that is why I chose Scion. "I partly answered this already, but I'll explain my reasoning again because people seem curious. Controlled Destruction even with its decrease to crit chance is still the second highest damage support we can use (after Concentrated Effect). I prefer Ctrl Destr over Conc Effect because I find Conc Effect reduces the overlap of ball explosions making the pack clearing potential of the build worse. If you still dont want to use Ctrl Destr though, the next highest damage options would be Faster Casting, Increased Critical Damage or Innervate. |
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" ok thx so if we use skyforth , what did you recommand as gem setup as replacement ? |
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Editado por útlima vez por hyteria75#2916 en 28 sept. 2017 16:27:38
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