[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link

I am really frustrated. I have spent multiple exalts to get to my current gear level with this build. I am currently broke and unable to clear past T7 maps due to the poor damage of the build. Could anyone take a look at my profile and let me know what I am doing wrong?
ShinzouShein escribió:
I am really frustrated. I have spent multiple exalts to get to my current gear level with this build. I am currently broke and unable to clear past T7 maps due to the poor damage of the build. Could anyone take a look at my profile and let me know what I am doing wrong?

Abyssal Jewels.
Winningg escribió:
ShinzouShein escribió:
I am really frustrated. I have spent multiple exalts to get to my current gear level with this build. I am currently broke and unable to clear past T7 maps due to the poor damage of the build. Could anyone take a look at my profile and let me know what I am doing wrong?

Abyssal Jewels.

So the ones I have are not good? I went by the guidelines in the guide. What ones would you suggest?
ShinzouShein escribió:
I am really frustrated. I have spent multiple exalts to get to my current gear level with this build. I am currently broke and unable to clear past T7 maps due to the poor damage of the build. Could anyone take a look at my profile and let me know what I am doing wrong?

Need to improve your jewels as mentioned.. I only see Poacher's Aim and a viridian jewel that kinda sucks on your tree. Some well rolled added flat damage abyssal jewels will be better.

Also, your Herald of Ice isn't linked to the Curse on Hit/Ass Mark/Onslaught gems. I don't see any way you're generating frenzy charges either.. replace a gem with Ice Bite in your TS setup (maybe Mirage Archer til you get a 6L). Frenzies are a *more* damage multiplier.

Once you're generating frenzies, take the +1 frenzy nodes on tree instead of things like Celerity (you can take those in later levels, frenzy is more important for now).

Buy a good rare quiver with life, crit multi, attack speed, ele dmg with attacks, etc as the guide mentions. That will help a lot and shouldn't be too expensive. Lastly, get 20/20 gems when you can afford them. The quality bonuses add up for some nice extra damage.

That's just what I see from a quick look. You could also try a Starkonja's Head instead of Lightpoacher as the clear speed should already be solid. The jewels in your Lightpoacher look pretty good, so replace your belt with a Stygian Vise with life/res/ele dmg with attacks and save one of them there and put the other on your tree.
Editado por útlima vez por projectsix#7432 en 1 abr. 2018 13:56:49
ShinzouShein escribió:
Winningg escribió:
ShinzouShein escribió:
I am really frustrated. I have spent multiple exalts to get to my current gear level with this build. I am currently broke and unable to clear past T7 maps due to the poor damage of the build. Could anyone take a look at my profile and let me know what I am doing wrong?

Abyssal Jewels.

So the ones I have are not good? I went by the guidelines in the guide. What ones would you suggest?

Put abyssal jewels in your passive tree remove your current ones they suck.
My assasins mark is not cursing enemies and I am not generating power charges. Can anyone take a look at my setup and tell me why?

Hey guys been playing the build and enjoying it, just wondering what would give me that extra boost in power for a good cost. As it is i'm farming maps no problem but I do die more than I'd like. I know I'm missing the helmet enchant, 6-links, quiver, and dying sun, but which do you think would give the most benefit.
Editado por útlima vez por Drascot#4468 en 1 abr. 2018 17:24:02
Matt_Senpai escribió:
Hey Guys,

Skill Points if Raider
Alira for Deadeye

For Major God: Max Upgraded Soul of Lunaris
For Minor God: Upgraded Soul of Shakari for Poison immunity or Soul if Yugul for Elemental Reflect maps.

+ Lots of fun
+ Can do every Boss in the game
+ MF Build
+ Movement speed and ailment immunity make for smooth playstyle

- Expensive!
- Can't do elemental reflect maps with -max mod // can do either fine on there own
- Life is a bit low without good gear
- Chimera is the hardest Guardian for this build // use a Seething Life flask of Staunching

Raider Vs Deadeye

I know this is a debated topic among the community. Im just gonna give a quick summary on deadeye, Just based on my testing.

Deadeye is FASTER, Tailwind is a MORE multiplier, works like a accel shrine or the opposite of temp chains. That's why at 10% is powerful enough. But Deaeye severely lacks attack speed or elemental damage that Raider gives which is why raider will always come out top for endgame for this build.

That being said, If you want to farm T1-10 maps all day. Like shaped burial chambers , Go deadeye.

If you want a all rounder character that can do all content pick raider. I enjoy playing Raider because of Elemental immunity, That means when only need a bleed and curse immune flask and the rest evasion focused.

For a league start i would go Deadeye then Raider if you want to progress further into T11+ maps.
Deadeye is just the same as Raider in terms of gear, Skill tree wise its a little different.

You'll see (*note) for notes on what to use for deadeye.

PoB Link's

2.21M Shaper DPS With Windripper https://pastebin.com/CFkMvd8s

Pure Mapping on Standard League Only https://pastebin.com/CnvJymwe

Gear Breakdown

  • In the helm slot i'd recommend Starkonja's Head.
  • A rare to fill Resists will work fine as well.
  • Lightpoacher is a great option if your able to get a 2 abyss socket one.

  • Kaom's Heart is the best option if you like high HP Pools. But you will lack alot of evasion.
  • Queen of the Forest is the best option if you wanna go fast. Evasion stacking with flasks is op.
  • Yriel's Fostering is the best option if you wanna boss with this character. Only downside is summoning the Rhoa.
  • Shroud Of The Lightless is a second option instead of Yriel's providing you with free 37% pen and a Abyss jewel slot.

  • A Rare Opal Ring with life, resists, Elemental Damage and Int if you want to run a level 21 wrath.
  • Use a Ventors when Mapping. Try get above 5% quantity and the rest positive stats.
  • Only Use a white corrupted Pariah's ring if you can do without needing the resists.

  • Bisco's Lesh is a great belt that gives you Quantity and Rampage.
  • Get a Stygian Vise Belt with life, resists and Elemental Damage with Attacks.
  • Get a Rare Belt with life, resists and Elemental Damage with Attacks.
  • Headhunter enough said.

  • Rare amulet with intelligence, Crit multi, Crit chance, life, Resists and Flat Lightning or Cold Dmg.
  • Rare Shaper amulet with Quantity + Any of the rare Amulet Mods should be better than the new Biscos.
  • Use Bisco's When Mapping.

  • Sadima's Touch for MF Mapping
  • Rare Gloves should be used for Bossing content and your looking for Life/Flat Ele/AS/Acc/Res.
  • Acuity's to save points on the tree, So you can get more Dmg/Life.

  • Rare boots with resists, life, movement speed and WeD.
  • Use Darkray Vectors for Bossing or Mapping.
  • Goldwyrms for MF Mapping.

  • Windripper is what the guide is biased on.
  • Chin Sol is your off hand weapon if your looking to take down higher level bosses quickly.
  • The Tempest is what you'll be using to level or cant afford a Windripper yet.

  • A Rare Quiver should have Life, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Crit multiplier and Attack speed.
  • A Rare Shaper Quiver should have Additional Arrow, Life, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Crit multiplier and Attack speed.
  • A Rigwald's Quills is definitely the best option.
  • Also get the resists here if you can. Corrupt for +1 Arrow or get the new shaper mod.[/li]
  • The Fracturing Spinner Quiver is another option for Standard players who need res and strength.
  • Hyrri's Demise is now another option for damage focused quivers.

Abyss Jewels:
  • Life > Flat Ele To Attacks/Bows > Attack Speed > Crit Multi > Res if you need it

  • You want Life > Attack Speed with Bows > Attack Speed > Crit Multi > Res if you need it


(Dying sun - Added lightning To Attacks Vinktar - Wise Oak if you can balance res) is your main setup

Sub Atziris Promise for Vinktars if you dont have the currency.


Bow Or Chest
Tornado Shot - GMP - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Ice Bite - Added Cold - Mirage Archer

*Note for Raider players! Drop Added Cold for Chain if you feel your damage is fine

Bow Or Chest
Barrage - IceBite - Added Cold - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Elemental Focus - Slower Projectiles

*Note for Deadeye Players! Drop Ice Bite for Increased Critical Strikes

Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Immortal Call - CWDT

Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Onslaught

Grace Or Wrath - Enlighten - Portal - Ice Golem + Blood Rage if Deadeye

Alternatie Skills To Use

Ice Shot - GMP - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Chain - Added Cold - Mirage Archer

Lightning Arrow - GMP - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Chain - Added Cold - Mirage Archer

6L Herald For STD Players:
Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Onslaught - Item Rarity - Item Quantity

1-2 Additional Tornado Shot Projectiles
1 Additional Barrage Projectile
25-40% increased Tornado Shot Damage
25-40% increased Barrage Damage
Lightning Arrow hits 2 additional Enemies

16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently
1 to 160 Lightning Damage if you haven't killed Recently
Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently


Why not Pathfinder?

Pathfinder can achieve 1 Additional Projectile for bow skills with alot of changes to the skill tree. It also has 22% more movespeed then raider but needs you to have good gear. If you dont like raider i would try Pathfinder.

Is Headhunter or Acuitys Required?

Not at all. I farmed both in 2 weeks from just playing this build.

Isn't 5.6k life low?

At the first look it seems low, as some HC players run around with more than 10k life.
But you'll find evasion/dodge and you knocking back enemies is more than enough.

Do i need the +2 Barrage/TS Enchant or +1 Quiver to make it work?

+2 Barrage is not needed but is a great asset to have. Same with +1 Quiver.
A good rare with Wed/Crit Multi/Life/Ele Rolls will be better than a non +1 Quiver.
Rigwalds quills is another good option if your only focusing on mapping as it gives a free fork to your skills

Is this a Good League Starter Build?

It is, since you start as a Elemental Bow Char, the Source of DPS will be mostly from Wrath, Added, Lightning and Flat Elemental Damage on Gear. Which is easy to achieve.
You'll be MF build generating lots of currency!

Can i use a Drillneck?

No! Drillneck only has AS and life going for it, a rare Elemental quiver will always be better.

How Expensive is this Build?

A 5L WindRipper and a 6L rare chest will get your started easy.

How do i get more DPS?

Rings/Amulet with Flat Lightning/Cold - Elemental Damage - Crit multi - Accuracy

Why Lioneye's Fall?

Because we use it to convert the claw leech and Crit Chance/Multi to Bow modifiers which is an insane damage boost.

If you cannot afford Lioneyes jewel. Dont pick up the claw nodes instead get the duelist leech nodes.

Do I Need Point Blank?
Dont use point blank if this is just going to be a mapping character.
Use Point blank if this is going to be a all rounder Character.

What About +1 Frenzy Dark Ray Vectors?

Use the if you have em. Great pair of boots for the build as they give alot of dodge and damage from frenzy charges.

Leveling Guide

I'll start by showing the optimal pathing for the skill tree and afterwards explain the useful leveling items and skills.

New Compact Skill Tree. Click the text boxes to view the level trees.

*Note: When using the Leveling tree, Once you finish the 99 point tree, you can branch off into different versions of the build.

Raider Ascendancy: Way of the poacher > Quartz Infusion > Avatar of the Veil > Avatar of the Slaughter

Deadeye Ascendancy: Fast and Deadly > Gathering Winds > Farshot > Ricochet

Items To Use Will Leveling:

Thanks to: /r/SilkySnow_ for the image

*This is how i leveled this character. If you have a better way you dont have to follow my progression:)

Unique Jewels Tree Locations

Lioneye's Fall goes here

Inspired Learning 1 goes here

Inspired Learning 2 goes here

are u using acuity's in the shaper video?
Editado por útlima vez por fluffyins#0975 en 1 abr. 2018 17:33:21
hybridboy escribió:
DoomedNecromancer escribió:
So, my main body piece is a shroud of the lightless. Given it caps at 5 links, what links would you use for Barrage when slotting it in there?

you can get a 2nd bow for quick switch if you dont want to give up on 6l.

I sort of got the Shroud with the express intention of using it for Barrage but I could pick up a Chin Sol 6l
Newb here. What is causing the Icy attacks everywhere when you shoot?

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