[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link
Why do you recommend immolate support with hearld of ice in a STD 6L setup?
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I'm still a beginner PoE player so perhaps an MF bow build was a little ambitious for current game knowledge. Anyway, I'm feeling really squishy and dying a lot on Tier 8 and 9 maps. I have about 4.5k health and 15k evasion with QotF or 5.6k life and 7k evasion if I wear my Kaom's Heart. Can't really decide which feels better. I like running a CwDT w/ Immortal Call in most builds so I've been using that a lot too to try and help stay alive.
I think my low DPS is what is causing me to die so often. Gems aren't fully leveled yet and I still just have a 5L Windripper. Also, I don't have the +1 quiver or enchants. I'm thinking 6L as my next priority. Not sure after that. Is there anything else I'm missing? Edit: I think QotF feels a litte better, so maybe I'll sell the Kaom's for my next gear upgrade. Editado por útlima vez por Neehan#4834 en 20 feb. 2018 9:34:05
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" You should definitely try to get a 6-l windripper first or a 5-l if you cannot afford it. I noticed a rather large dps increase by using atziri's promise (in sub for dying sun) and getting a 100c vinctar's flask. Once you get the exalts for dying sun sub it out for atziri's promise or attempt to 6-l your bow if it is not(I would do this before anything else). |
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" I believe the point of chain of to attempt to hit all mobs before they even get close to you since you are super squishy with low life and most likely not max res if you are mfing. Also chain works extremely well with dying sun flask since you have even more arrows per shot. |
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" The main survive ability of this build is its crit chance since you freeze on crit. When you are mfing there is really no point to push past t10 maps since the clear speed is a lot slower and the only point of pushing into higher tier maps is for map drops and increased experience. If you are looking to level then I would suggest swapping out the mf gear for the rares he suggests. Personally I run 3.5k hp with and have a friend play an aura bot and we could easily push t14s while mfing. If you have a friend that could aura bot for you it not only increases the currency dropped but makes you a lot stronger and harder to die. |
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" If you have not noticed this build has rather low attack speed with mf gear. I believe the point of the onslaught in HoI is to make it easier to clear while starting the map and reach max frenzies quicker leading the snowball effect that inspired learning or a HH gives while mapping. |
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i had some old stuff laying around and since majority of that gear is for this build wanted to try it since i never ever played bow build. i only had duelist char free to gear it up (others are kind occupied) so need little help since i am kinda inexperienced with bows. so far i got this duelst/slayer https://pastebin.com/9Pza1sHK questions are should i change some part of gear or upgrade something? what about gems? my aim is mf windripper to be able to kill some bosses on tier 15 if possible and not die:) but not uber atziri:) my mirror threads https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3062247 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2181923 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1929875 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1929842 Editado por útlima vez por kristinasebetic#0636 en 22 feb. 2018 16:51:54
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" You have the most crazy windripper gear out of anyone ive seen here. Ideally, your quiver would be +2 arrows and you should perfectly balance your res for oak. but seeing as you have Legacy atziris and legacy windripper. I would use Yriels instead of kaoms and make sure you take the King of the hill node. Outside of that, you have about 10x the gear most people have here. you shouldnt have any problems with any content with that gear |
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Will be my league starter for Bestiary if no major change for the tree :)
Editado por útlima vez por Sizleke#1195 en 23 feb. 2018 16:57:55
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No major Changes to Raider or Pathfinder we good bois!
[3.3] Windripper Deadeye
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1995053 [3.3] VoidForge Crit Champion https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2117883 |
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