[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

[3.7] Crit Crimson Cyclone All shaper guardians

Expensive Crit Adaptation 30M-100M+ Shaper Dmg

NOTE: I am doing this build for myself first in standard, then will adapt for league play. With IRL being insanely busy atm, I do not have time to play league, adapt the build for both, adjust the thread, and so on... so I'm augmenting the build for myself in standard, then will tackle league.

NOTE2: This is not an inflated PoB, these are very real numbers with no magic sources or anything like that. I have also disabled Slayer's 22% More culling on the jewel since the damage is so high already. I have achieved over 100M shaper dmg in PoB using atziri flask/sin's rebirth/bottled faith flasks and close combat instead of brutality, but ultimately I prefer to run a very realistic flask setup allowing us to be freeze/chill/bleed/curse immune in maps and bosses. If you wanted to go for full on MEME-level DPS and hit around 100M shaper dmg then swapping out Brutality for Close Combat and using those 3 mentioned flasks are the way to do it.

NOTE3: To prevent further confusion, I have moved the BUFFS to my Luminious Curio Jewel. I see so many messages asking why the tree has 4 extra points etc... I will try to change this on the RT version of the build as well in the future.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/Kjysf4M6
With Reg Kaoms:
Life 7,690
100% Chance To Hit
Shaper Dmg: 30.49M 66.91% Crit
With Crit Astral:
Life 6,882 (+Fireblade mod)
Shaper Dmg: 33.72M 75.44% Crit
With a source of Power Charges:
Shaper Dmg: 37.11M 85.44% Crit

NOTE4: The only legacy item that really makes a huge difference on this version of the build would be legacy acuities instant leech. Here in the next few days, I plan on trying out non-leg acuities to see if this would be a viable choice for league.

NOTE5: We no longer leech mana at all, so therefore we do not need Enlighten, and must have -mana cost on both rings. This makes any attack/skill FREE, and we do not need to invest at all in mana leech. This allows us to drop Enlighten and put in Vaal Haste. On shaper/bosses to achieve full buffs, the buff order would be Blood Rage (if not active already), AW, Vaal Haste, then Drop Banner - in that order.

Plan on updating more later. I wanted to release both league and standard versions at the same time, but it's just not going to happen. To the people that have messaged me about my char tab being closed while testing, it is now open again :)

Expensive endgame gear

Rings/ammy/boots/belt mirror service on standard can be found at my shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134

Crit commentary
I think for league an exquisite blade/fleshripper is a great choice in order to have a bit more crit, but overall a Vaal axe is still great. Maybe an assmark on hit ring etc... although we don't have much trouble clearing maps as it is so power charges aren't a huge deal for maps. It's how to generate power charges without some boot trick/weapon swap on a boss that I'm trying to figure out, but will probably say fuckit soon since it's insane damage anyway. I'm doing the standard version right now, same weapon the Morbid Hunger Vaal Axe, and it's pretty monstrous so far. I'm actually dialing the damage back a bit to keep some parts of the build true to itself, and on the tankier side (getting the life pool up a bit more etc..). At one time with all the bells and whistles and no tom-foolery I got it up past 100M shaper dmg.

Since I've reached these insane numbers, I've also decided to no longer count slayer 20% culling strike as a MORE damage modifier on the BUFFS jewel, so that will be removed from the crit PoB. I think it's fine for 5-10M and below builds and especially league builds, but once you start dealing even being able to reach the 50-100M territory I think it's kind of unnecessary to even calculate it. Once we reach these numbers Bane of Legends is obviously optional because of how much damage the hits do, however don't discount it 20% cull on bosses is still amazing even if you are killing them from full life in less than 1sec (See image on front page).

Having covered all this, I'm still doing some final tweaks to the PoB to find a nice middle ground for both standard and league play. I prefer to put them out at the same time, as most league players will see the standard stuff and just roll their eyes. hahaha :)


Coming Soon....

6/13/2019 UPDATE:

+ Updated all active gem links for both Fortify and non-fortify weapons, added explanations
+ Updated all aura gem links
+ Updated and explained banner details and why/when to use
+ Got rid of Crimson dance/bleed wheel for Martial Experience Wheel based on feedback received -- continue to give me feedback on this (I am a fan of both)
+ Updated Axe PoBs
+ Updated Sword PoBs
+ Updated Endgame and Leveling Trees
+ Moved all tree/POB info in the labeled section
+ Added detailed section about leveling weapons
+ Added detailed guide on crafting your own Fortify weapon
+ Explain pros/cons of Disfavour/Starforge vs. Fortify weapon
+ Explain corrupting uniques for Level 10 Fortify implicit

[3.7] Crimson Cyclone - Shaper Run - Unleveled Gems - w/ Pulverize mapping setup

[3.7] Crimson Cyclone - Full Life Shaper Kill First Attempt SPIN2WIN


Level 100 PoB Fortify Axe, 10.7M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/JeiK3a8R
Level 100 PoB Disfavour Axe, 5.69M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/30VrxdT1
Level 100 PoB Starforge Sword, 5.54M Shaper Dmg + 283 Life : https://pastebin.com/j9H5xTbG


Please DO NOT MSG ME IN GAME OR PM ON FORUMS WITH QUESTIONS. Post here so everyone can read it! Thanks :)



This build guide was made in standard with GG gear at endgame, but you can definitely do league-based/cheaper iterations and still achieve great damage. People have been playing this build for a long time for a reason!

This is not a "Path of Building-Warrior" type build. PoB doesn't calculate the damage correctly on some parts of this build. I have tried to augment certain things to illustrate actual damage being dealt, although it is imperfect.


What's the point m8?

A GG, Tanky, 2H RT Pure Physical Cyclone build that can do all content while not using any elemental damage at all. We can use either Axes or Swords. Trees for both listed in thread.

Ya, but how?

We scale physical damage, life, and layers of damage mitigation wherever we can in order to deal plenty of damage, while also being able to tank a good amount of damage.

Get on with it already! I'm about to fall asleep, play PUBG, or beat it to some weird internet stuff...




GG/Endgame Gear Overview Click-->

Rings/boots/belt/insanity gloves mirror service on standard can be found at my shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134

Gear Detail Click-->

For pure DAMAGE, a rare elder axe with built in fortify is the best choice. It's effectively a 1,174+ pdps weapon with +2 range. Second, would be a Disfavour or a Starforge. I'm an axe man myself, so I will always be biased and pick a disfavour. However, a high-damage Starforge is also a really good option. 100 flat life, and historically cheaper than disfavour - this weapon is preferred by many to Disfavour. You take your pick! Trees for both are linked in this thread. Unfortunately, +2 range suffix bench craft is legacy and only available in standard.

Devoto's is just a great all around helm. Giving us a healthy amount of move and attack speed, it makes Cyclone so smooth. It also gives us the Dex we need for items/gems.

Kaom's with 2 nice double corrupts is my go-to. +1% Max Res is my fav, followed by 50% reduced dmg from crits. Legacy Kaom's is obviously the best for pure life pool for 2H RT builds, but is extremely costly now. Non-Leg is great and definitely a great league choice. Fire dmg roll doesn't matter.

Insanity gloves with Res/Int/High life is what we want. We put our leap slam in our gloves in order to achieve the fastest 2H Leap Slam in the entire game. If you do not leap slam a lot or prefer offensive measures, a +2 range spiked glove is also a great choice. +2 range gives almost the same AoE benefit as the pulverize support gem! Haemophilia and Tombfist are also good options (especially with vuln/enfeeble-on-hit). However, gloves are a great spot to get +1/+2 range and help us fill out our resistances, intelligence, or any other stat we might need. An abyss jewel placed in tombfist with the blind mod is really nice as well. Great against bosses like Minotaur etc...

Boots with Life, Move, and tri-res or dual+chaos-res/int are BiS for this build. You want to be overcapped on your resistances to compensate for elemental weakness and even Elemental Equilibrium if possible. If you choose to go with an enchant, use the shock/freeze/ignite if you haven't crit recently or the Increased attack speed, however enchants don't matter too much for us in the end.

The Retch + Slayer is OP. We never stop leeching, so we never stop dealing damage. Retch damage is considered "Reflected Damage" so our brutality gem does not effect it. Considering we get flask effect duration as well, life, some phys dmg, and even a bit of move speed - this belt is great for us. We even gain a healthy amount of damage, functionality, and smoothness from this belt. If you prefer a Rare belt instead to be more tanky, I recommend a belt like my Glyph Snare Rustic Sash, Loath Tether Stygian Vise. Belt of the deceiver is another good budget option. Darkness Enthroned Stygian Vise with 2 abyss jewels to fill in your flat phys/res/life is also a good option and has no level requirement.

Steel Rings with life, flat phys, int, resistances, attack speed, or melee damage is what you want. We have to get Int from somewhere, and getting 100+int on 2 rings is the best place for this. -8 Mana cost to skills bench craft prefix is BiS for us making Cyclone cost ZERO mana. Can just spam it infinitely. If you area using a Fortify Axe, then a -9 Mana cost ring will Bring Cyclone down to 1!

Daresso's Salute has always been the best Amulet for Cyclone. +2 range on one item is insane! There are only so many ways to scale weapon range. With GGG nerfing increased AoE in this game, Melee Weapon range is by far the best way to scale our Cyclone's Area. +1 curse is great if you use curse on hit gloves, however I prefer +1% Max Res to add a nice bit more tankiness. A corrupt Attack speed one is good as well. Carnage heart or a rare with life/phys/stats we need are good choices as well especially while leveling, however I prefer daresso.

Budget Build recommendations

Level 13: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Limbsplit
Level 33: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Reaper%27s_Pursuit
Level 45: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Blood_Reaper
Level 62: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sinvicta%27s_Mettle
Level 64: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hezmana%27s_Bloodlust
Level 66: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kingmaker
Level 68: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kitava%27s_Feast

Kitava's Feast is also a great option before you get a disfavour, but suffers single target damage due to the built in melee splash. Great for mapping though.

On rare weapons, prioritize phys damage/attack speed/Range. Crit/Accuracy is useless

XeLLoS47 escribió:
I'm currently using a Kingmaker and I just want to mention the stat "Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks". It's a great budget option while saving up for Disfavour, but also let's you bypass the - to total mana cost on the rings, which as of now are pretty damn expensive if you want a decent one with other stats you are looking for.

If you want more choices: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_unique_axes

Here is a picture of all the unique axes sorted by DPS for our build (ignore wings of entropy)

Devoto's are already pretty cheap, but you can use a rare helmet to fill in any stat/life/res gaps you might have while leveling. I highly recommend Devoto's for endgame. Blood Rage Attack Speed is best enchantment, but Cyclone IAS/damage, Vuln curse effect, or enfeeble curse effect are also really good.

An unlinked belly is fine, but if you can't afford that any good chest with high life roll can get you by (Ignore gems in rare chest, that's on my hardcore guy).

Any dual res/life glove is great. You can craft 12ias or another res to fill it in for you until you can get your insanity gloves. Insanity gloves are a MUST for endgame though since they help immensely with clear speed and dodging things like shaper's slam. Vuln-on-hit gloves are a great for leveling or before you can maintain running blasphemy. You can also use vuln-on-hit gloves and use cwdt-immortal call-increased duration. Haemophilia it's also a good option but I prefer insanity greatly.

Any good move speed dual res/life boots is good. Base doesn't really matter. Two-Toned are BiS for us since there's not really a good enchant that would be active at all times for us. For mapping, this enchant is fine, for bosses the freeze/shock/ignite one is pretty good as well.

If a cheaper/regular/corrupted Daresso's is out of your price range, then just get a solid amulet that helps fill in the gaps, but also has flat phys and life on it. Carnage heart also really good.

Any rings that have flat phys/life/strength/leech/stat you might need are great until you get your steel rings

Belt of the deceiver is another great cheap option

If you need further, even more budget/low level advice, please check the section labeled ------LEGION LEAGUE LEVELING ADVICE------


Lion's Roar has the highest damage output out of all of the flasks. It is great for Guardians/Shaper since they cannot be knocked back, but on regular bosses/mobs, just be aware the knockback can move your enemies around and potentially out of the AW Totem area.

A sulphur flask of warding is a great option for us. 40% increased melee and bleed damage without knockback is really smooth during maps. 6% life regen while on consecrated ground is nice during boss, essence, or breach encounters. And of course, being immune to curses is GG for us 2H'ers.

I like using 2 quicksilvers for mapping. One with freeze/chill immunity. While mapping, we usually have onslaught, so we don't really need a silver flask. For Shaper/Guardians or bosses with no adds you can use a Silver flask or just a Kiara's flask. Rumi's is also a good defensive option to add another small layer of defense if you don't want to use 2 Quicksilvers and don't feel like you need Kiara's. Writhing Jar is also a good flask if you choose to go Vaal Pact or run Uber Lab a lot.

I love panicked divine life flasks. Based on when you use them, you can use them as both instant recovery or gradual recovery. I choose divine because divine recovers more life instantly than Eternal. Once you get used to recognizing when you're on low life, these can be a life-saver.

If you are using an abyss jewel with blind-on-hit, combine that with Enfeeble/Jade life flask for maximum evade. This is very handy against bosses like Minotaur. Be sure NOT to pick the Iron Reflexes keystone if you choose to use this method.

Jewels/Abyss Jewels

Life% on all jewels, followed my Attack speed, Physical damage, Area Damage, and Melee Damage. Chaos res/other res you might need are also nice for jewels sinc we're 2h, use kaoms, use devoto's, use Retch, have Int on rings, and use insanity gloves.

If you feel like going with new Abyss jewels, you want to prioritize in this order:
Flat phys with axes
Flat phys
Attack speed
Movement Speed
Life Regen (If not using Vaal Pact)

Crafting your own weapon vs. Disfavour/Starforge - VERY DETAILED


^This website is your friend

Ilvl 80+ for T1 Lvl 20 Fortify/Phys% hybrid
Ilvl 83+ to also possibly get T1 Phys%/acc hybrid (highly unlikely you'll see it)

If I was you guys, I would just get an ilvl 80+ elder vaal axe

From there you could do a number of things. Jagged fossil for phys rolls, essence 30%ias spam, chaos spam, or the cheapest method: alt spam.

Once you alt spam you could either just straight regal it and hope you get 27% Attack Speed (Celebration) or elder 21%ias/20%ias hybrid or hybrid phys% - That is the best case scenario. For these examples, I'm using perfectly divined rolls with 28% haku craft so you guys know what is possible. For the first example, I'm using 27% Attack speed Celebration because it is the most realistic.

here is your outcome for PoB in this case:

586pdps + T1 Fortify (1.34) = 785pdps
HARDEST Realistic Best Case Scenario Self Crafted Vaal Axe
Vaal Axe
Elder Item
Crafted: true
Prefix: {range:1}LocalIncreasedPhysicalDamagePercentFortifyUber3
Prefix: None
Prefix: None
Suffix: {range:1}LocalIncreasedAttackSpeed8
Suffix: None
Suffix: None
Quality: 46
Sockets: R-R-R-R-R-R
LevelReq: 64
Implicits: 0
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Fortify
134% increased Physical Damage
27% increased Attack Speed
{crafted}Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}{range:1}+(21-25) to Strength
{crafted}{range:1}Adds (18-24) to (36-42) Physical Damage
{crafted}+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems

^This self crafted axe is the BEST CASE SCENARIO for a self crafted axe - do keep that in mind.

The easiest/cheapest MOST REALISTIC thing to do to craft yourself an axe would be to get an ilvl 80+ Elder Vaal Axe, alt spam until you get a 1mod blue t1/t2 fortify/phys% hybrid and just straight up regal it turning it rare. You should then have a 2-mod rare axe. One mod being your hybrid fortify, other mod being most likely a shitty mod. If you regal'd a good/useable mod, just multi mod is right then.

If you got a shitty mod, then you would try to use an orb of annulment to get rid of the shitty mod, thus leaving yourself with a 1-mod rare axe only having the fortify/phys% hybrid combo. From there, you multimod it and you would get this:

555pdps + T1 Fortify (*1.34) = 743pdps

Easiest Best Self Crafted Vaal Axe
Vaal Axe
Elder Item
Crafted: true
Prefix: {range:1}LocalIncreasedPhysicalDamagePercentFortifyUber3
Prefix: None
Prefix: None
Suffix: {range:1}LocalIncreasedAttackSpeed8
Suffix: None
Suffix: None
Quality: 46
Sockets: R-R-R-R-R-R
LevelReq: 64
Implicits: 0
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Fortify
134% increased Physical Damage
{crafted}Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}{range:1}+(21-25) to Strength
{crafted}{range:1}Adds (18-24) to (36-42) Physical Damage
{crafted}+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
{crafted}{range:1}(16-20)% increased Attack Speed

So why is Atziri Axe/Starforge so good if the DPS is lower? With crafting your own weapon, you gotta buy the right base, and then hope RNG is on your side. Then, you're still multi-modding it and 6ling it. With an Atziri Axe, you know exactly what you're getting when you buy it. It's a clear goal. You are getting upwards a 650pdps weapon with +2 range and 25% bleed. Not to mention you could corrupt it with fortify also, effectively making it a 819pdps weapon with +2 range and 25% bleed. Also the X-Y per hit damage on a well rolled Disfavour is extremely impressive.

Same thing goes with the starforge. Starforge has probably the most godlike outcome being corrupted with lvl 10 fortify. Upwards of 923pdps, 100 life, AoE, and the ability to shock.

A great deal also has to do with market prices of both. Did you find a cheap i80+ elder base? Do you have a gang of alts, regals, scours, and a friend that can craft whatever you want on there? Then go for it!

Level 100 PoB Fortify Axe, 10.7M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/JeiK3a8R
Level 100 PoB Disfavour Axe, 5.69M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/30VrxdT1
Level 100 PoB Starforge Sword, 5.54M Shaper Dmg + 283 Life : https://pastebin.com/j9H5xTbG




6L Mapping:
Cyclone | Fortify | Melee Phys | Infused Channeling | Brutality | Pulverize

6L Single Target:

If you have a white socket in your weapon, swap Pulverize for Impale
If you do not have a white socket in your weapon, swap Pulverize for Dmg on Full Life.

6L Fortify Weapon:

If you are lucky enough to have Fortify built into your weapon, replace Fortify with DMG on Full Life

Enlighten | Pride | Flesh and Stone | Maim Support

Flesh and Stone blood stance maim's nearby enemies. Maim support provides us increased maim effect which is DEFINITELY worth it (600k+ shaper dmg at endgame)

Leap Slam | Endurance Charge On Melee Stun | Faster Attacks | Blood Rage

For shaper, you could replace ECoMS with vuln and manually cast 21/20 vuln for ~7% More dmg if you wish.

Ancestral Warchief | Impale Support | Blood and Sand | Dread OR War Banner
No disponible

AW Totem boosting our damage and helping our Impale stacks. Blood and Sand blood stance providing more dmg. Dread OR War Banner boosting our damage as well. Here is how the Banners stack up and what you should pick, depending on your playstyle:

IMO it seems Dread banner is the best one to use while mapping if you choose to never really place it. However, War Banner is still best for single target at endgame because of the adrenaline you gain for 2.5~ sec upon placing it. After making the adjustments to the PoB in it's current state with the aforementioned values we've discussed, it seems the best PURE DAMAGE results are as follows:

#1. War Banner planted (78% More modifier/impale) with Adrenaline it's 10.7m.
#2. Dread Banner (110% More modifier/impale) it's 9.75m with or without the banner planted.
#3. War banner planted, no adrenaline is 9.31m.
#4. War Banner not planted is 8.98m.

So it's pretty clear, if you don't plan on setting a banner at all - choose Dread Banner. If you plan on setting the banner and taking advantage of 2.5sec of adrenaline at boss encounters, pick war banner. Again, these are just for damage values - defensive values use your own judgement if you want to take advantage of defensive banner traits.



Level 100 PoB Fortify Axe, 10.7M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/JeiK3a8R
Level 100 PoB Disfavour Axe, 5.69M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/30VrxdT1
Level 100 PoB Starforge Sword, 5.54M Shaper Dmg + 283 Life : https://pastebin.com/j9H5xTbG

dsesvak escribió:
Simply solid build! Tons of fun to bounce around maps erasing mobs! So buttery smooth it makes picking up loot feel almost a chore in comparison! I've thrown together some quick info to help those of us following this build: bugs affecting us, how I leveled, and then general tips. Hope this helps!

Current state of bugs that affect this build:

- Infused channeling does appear bugged atm, use Melee Phys for now. This means rerolling away that blue socket =(
- Leap Slam + Cyclone interact curiously at present: hold down leap slam key fully until leap occurs, as leap slam is currently not instant if used during a cyclone, and is interruptible itself (i.e. by cyclone). GGG is likely looking into this. I'd prefer an immediate leap (interrupting cyclone) at keypress, but we'll see what GGG rolls out. NB: I am running LS as left click, so that might be contributory.
- If you use a movement skill like Leap Slam as left-click, as I do, it seems to mess with using left click for activating things like mobs trapped in Essence and similar. Takes a long time and lots of clicking. GGG knows about this.

Here's how I leveled, worked great!

- LEVEL 1 - 28: Level with your favorite melee skill. I used boring old Dual Strike, and it was fine.
- LEVEL 4: Start using your new Blood and Sand aura, use in default Sand stance.
- LEVEL 24: Start using your new Pride aura and your new Dread Banner gem.
- LEVEL 28: switch to Cyclone. I transitioned immediately and had no issues leveling.
- LEVEL 28: pick up an a Vaal Ancestral Warchief and watch bosses melt.
- COMPLETED 2nd LAB: Buy a Daresso's Salute for 8c, or whenever you can afford 8c
- LEVEL 62/64: Buy a Sinvicta's Mettle for 2c. -- OR -- Buy a Hezmana's Bloodlust for 2c

- UNTIL 62/64; Keep upgrading your 2H Axe: you want a decently-fast, range 13, 2H rare axe near your current level while leveling. You can use your Cyclone 4L in your chest while leveling, so use your strongest weapon however it rolls. Worth spending an alc here or there in trade to keep your weapon relevant. Ideally you're looking for high attack speed too (1.4 is great!), but OK if not, just keep that range and Phys damage high.

As for skill tree, I followed AhFack's leveling trees -- worked great. I held off on Vaal Pact until ~60s though, until I had the relevant Ascendancies and my nice 2c axe to really make it shine!

General random tips:

- Delve is great for popping incubators: so many mobs! Be in a safe spot when your item drops though!
- If you're struggling in Incursions (Alva, Temple), drop that Warchief totem on every yellow mob.
- Cyclone isn't fast enough to find decent Legion spawns when you pop a Monolith, so either Leap Slam around or use Move Only to find your targets. If you left-click bind your Leap Slam, obviously you can't use "cast while standing still" (otherwise you could never move except with Leap Slam), so I have found shift-clicking my Leap Slam in rapid succession to be the best for finding Legion targets quickly to then cyclone out of existence.
- If you are a map completionist like I was and are following this build, it's time to change up your game! Set up a very strict item filter (use filterblade), and chain maps, racing from start to finish in each one. Don't backtrack, don't sidetrack, don't dwell on slow mobs. Don't use the minimap unless you're on a maze-y map. Prefer big open areas to winding corridors. Alc (at least) every map. You'll make enough currency to sustain easy, and this build just shines as an angry pinball, bouncing around a map as quickly as possible, in a beeline for the boss. Make sure you do find the Monolith in each map though!
- Use poemap.live to help complete your Atlas. Shit just works. (appears to be offline atm?)

Leech as defense!

Something I didn't understand early on is that our extremely high rate of leech is our primary defense: Vaal Pact + Slayer ascendancies for leech + passive tree leech nodes + item leech rolls + very high life (from passives, items, jewels) is how we stay alive. Armor is our secondary defense (and obviously maxed resistances), so certainly bump that all you can, but once we have all the leech passives and some good leech rolls on items (jewelry mostly), it's all about pushing that life cap!

Cheers for a fun, efficient, and well conceived & executed build AhFack! Following your build and gearing advice was easy and the results + the 3.7 melee changes have been a ton of fun to get back into PoE with. Hope this is helpful!

Ascendancy Points
Endless Hunger -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman -> Bane of Legends

Our damage is pretty good while leveling using the main 3-4 supports and blasph/vuln, so I'd recommend going for the leech first. It's going to be very important to do Uber lab as soon as you feel comfortable in order to get that 20% Cull. Until you complete Uber Lab, you could still achieve culling strike by putting culling strike support gem in your leap slam. Leaping on bosses once they get to low life is pretty handy (used to do that with my champion. 20q culling support also adds attack speed to your leap.

Passive Trees + POBs

Lvl 100 Disfavour Tree/setup:

Lvl 100 Axe Tree:


Lvl 100 Starforge Tree/setup

Lvl 100 sword tree:


These are just rough guidelines, trees can be altered to ensure you are comfortable with the gear you have collected. You want to maintain a good balance of damage and survivability. That depends greatly on how much life you gear has and how much flat phys your gear has as well.

The 4 extra points on the tree is for a jewel I'm using to correct what PoB doesn't calculate, of course I'm not sure if it's all right or if I'm missing something. Just trying the best thing possible. Feedback welcome!

Jewel has these contents:


Buffs and stuff
Viridian Jewel
Implicits: 0
#Negating points leading to jewel
-10 strength
-16% armour
#Pride doesn't get calculated right
21% More Damage
with War Banner
78% more damage with hits
with Dread Banner
#104% more damage with hits
with Dread Banner placed at 50 Stages
#110% more damage with hits
#Crimson Dance
#700% More damage with bleeding
#Slayer Cull
22% More damage
#Slayer Bane
20% increased attack speed
20% increased movement speed

3.7 preliminary tree pathing:

2H Axe Leveling/Progression:
Level 100 PoB Fortify Axe, 10.7M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/JeiK3a8R
Level 100 PoB Disfavour Axe, 5.69M Shaper Dmg: https://pastebin.com/30VrxdT1
Level 97: www.poeurl.com/csAA
Level 91: www.poeurl.com/csAB
Level 87: www.poeurl.com/co0Q
Level 83: www.poeurl.com/co0A
Level 77: www.poeurl.com/co0v
Level 69: www.poeurl.com/co0q
Level 61: www.poeurl.com/co0m

2H Sword Leveling/Progression:
Level 100 PoB Starforge Sword, 5.54M Shaper Dmg + 283 Life : https://pastebin.com/j9H5xTbG
Level 95: www.poeurl.com/csAJ
Level 89: www.poeurl.com/csAM
Level 81: www.poeurl.com/csAN
Level 73: www.poeurl.com/coZz
Level 64: www.poeurl.com/coZL
Level 57: www.poeurl.com/coZU
(Holy shit they put Bladedancer in such a horrible spot with no good way to get to it, but it's +3 AoE radius and some dmg)

Bandit Choice


Pantheon Powers:


Soul of Arakaali. This is a nice defensive pantheon for us. There are all sorts of DoT's in this game that will boost our leech after we stop taking the DoT damage. Since we have Fortify and other HIT damage mitigation, it's nice to have a bit of DoT mitigation also.


Soul of Yugul is great for maps and even shaper/elder. Who wants to be chilled/frozen? I know I don't!


Ahfack's (a)FAQ WORK IN PROGRESS - This section was from previous leagues, so ignore trees/gems, but a lot of the questions are still helpful if you read through what's important!

Work in Progress!

Can you put a leveling guide up?
CyberMike13 escribió:

1. If you can, could you put a leveling guide because leveling a strong build without a direct path can be annoying?

1. There are 9 trees up in the "Trees + Ascendancy + Bandit Choice etc..." section, including 44pt, 51pt, 62pt, 77pt, 86pt, 96pt, 106pt, 116pt, and even a 123pt one. Read the "budget build recommendations" part where it shows you what to use while leveling

What about early leveling?
Travesty9090 escribió:

In addition to the move speed and haste aura suggestions you've already gotten which are both good, roll a Quicksilver with added movespeed.

As far as uniques, you're in luck. There are very cheap options to twink out the leveling experience on this build.

Throw Reaper's Pursuit in there at 33 too. It's also 1c or less and can actually fairly easily carry through to Terminus Est

Pick up The Blood Reaper for your next level, then grab Terminus Est for when you hit 51(it's a sword, that's fine, just wait on axe nodes on the tree). That'll carry you very nicely until the budget endgame options in this guide.

Also, grab a pair of Shavronne's Pace boots. They'll give you 35% move speed most of the time and the int is a nice bonus.

All of those uniques should cost you less than 1c each and will vastly smooth out your leveling experience.

Also a general tip if you're new to cyclone, click in short distances. The animation lock of long cyclone's can suck, it feels much smoother and more maneuverable if you're going short distances.

What Should I use for a 4L, 5L, and 6L?
Ahfack escribió:
nefadbr escribió:
I'm a bit confused, what gems should we use in 3.1 with 4L, 5L and 6L?

4L will be the same no matter what: Cyclone - Brutality - Maim - Melee Phys

5L: In order of most damage: Damage on Full Life -> Chance to Bleed -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

6L: Depending on your last choice: Damage on Full Life -> Chance to Bleed -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

How you sustain mana? Mana leech gem?
ruth1ess escribió:
What about the mana leech to sustain? Gloves?

Right now im using a mana leech gem to sustain

.4% on tree .4% on gloves

This is all you need

What about Witchfire Brew Flask? What about Vaal Pact?
VAAL PACT IS OPTIONAL. I'm playing this at endgame, and not using it. However, use your best judgement. If you'd like to use Vaal Pact, just regret away the 3 leech nodes shown in the picture and pick VP. Do what feels best for you and your playstyle.

No more Witchfire Brew flask. We can either use another defensive flask of your choosing or a Sulphur Flask.

What gems should I quality first?
Rocky0rocky escribió:
Opinion of Belt of the deveiver in 3.1?

Edit: Also wondering about the order of Quality gems for cyclone. thanks in advance

Belt of deceiver is fine for leveling, however retch/a good rustic with res/life would be better for us in the long run.

For your 5L qualitying gems i'd go in this order:

Cyclone you should quality first (aoe)

brutality, maim 2nd (10% phys)

melee phys (10% melee)

then chance to bleed (10% bleed)

What Golem should I use if I want one?
ThisisFreak escribió:
why no golem?

Can use lightning golem if you want

Would Atziri's Promise Flask be beneficial at all?
GrimDeathX escribió:
Loves the build, been playing it in Harbinger League past few days and it is just absolutely amazing. But quick question on flasks, would Atziri's Promise Flask be beneficial at all?

No. Because of brutality we're unable to do any chaos damage

What is a cheap way to get intelligence for enfeeble/blasphemy?
GiveDiretide escribió:
Ahfack, what should you suggest:
1) 54 intelligence with Daresso's Salute (+0 intelligence from items or jewels) and run with
-level 1 Blasphemy Support
-level 5 Concentrated Effect Support
-level 12 Punishment + high level Vulnerability curse
2) 109 intelligence with Carnage Heart and run with (no intelligence on other items/jewels)
-level 19 Blasphemy Support
-level 19 Concentrated Effect Support
-level 20 Punishment + high level Vulnerability curse
-level 9 Enfeeble + high level Vulnerability curse (for tankiness)
3) invest into intelligence worth it? (105 needed)

See what works best for you. Punishment is really just the icing on the cake for damage. As a stop-gap for intelligence (if you feel like using enfeeble/high level blasphemy) I highly recommend using brute force solution as a temporary solution. This way you can just swap jewel out if you want to use it, and you'll be able to. Best of all, it's cheap!

If you place the jewel by Golem's Blood on the tree, it will give you 96 int.

What Gear Should I upgrade first?
Killhard escribió:
Hey need a bit of help here to look ath my gear whats best next upgrade insanity gloves , retched belt ,devoto helm , ?

i use rare helm for life and otherwise my es is to low resist .

6.5 k life now if upgrade to kaom's same problem low resist .

maybe retched belt i dunno so any decent tips welcome


What to run if I don't have +1 Curse?
Kickowsky escribió:
Hey, if i do not own amulet with 1 additional curse i shouldnt use vulnerability and punishment+blasphemy? Could you please explain it to me, im new to this game and i dont realy understand how those curses works. Do they work if they are casted as auras or i should switch one of them for blood rage? Thanks for answering

Just drop punishment. Blaspemy/vuln is great for more damage. Use enfeeble in vuln's place if you want more tankiness

Is it worth running the warlord's reach jewel?
Bratwurstsalat escribió:
Is it worth running the warlords reach jewel (ie 1 extra melee range)

Early on before you get good 4mod jewels, sure

Should we still use Maim support gem with new vulnerability?
Molydeus escribió:
Thanks for the guide, it looks great!

I have one question I was hoping someone could answer. The new Vulnerability gem grants maim on hit (20%, https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vulnerability). Do we still need to use the maim gem once we get vuln set up? I think that's new, though I am not sure.

Thanks again!

Great question! Yes, very much so. Innately, all Maim is is:

Maim is a debuff that applies 30% reduced movement speed on the affected target for 4 seconds.

However, the Maim Gem does the following:

Supported Attacks have 30% chance to Maim on Hit
Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal (15-30)% more Physical Damage

And Vulnerability does the following:

Cursed enemies take (30-39)% increased Physical Damage
Cursed Enemies have 20% chance to Bleed when Hit by Attacks
Cursed Enemies have 20% chance to be Maimed for 4 seconds when Hit by Attacks
Cursed enemies take 30% increased Physical Damage from Damage over time
+(0-10) to radius

So essentially, we're getting 50% chance to maim on hit, which just reduced the enemy's movement speed by 30%, then our support gem and curse are doing the rest of the legwork.

How does Retch damage help us? I thought we can't deal chaos damage
GrimDeathX escribió:
Thx for getting back to me Ahfack, but now my follow-up question is on how does the "200% of Life Leech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage" from The Retch, Rustic Sash benefit the build?

Retch damage is treated as reflected damage, so our brutality gem doesn't negate the chaos damage it deals. Retch damage cannot be scaled in any way other than what we leech. Because we're slayer, we never stop leeching, therefore, we never stop dealing damage to our enemy.

What skill should I use until level 28?
AndyLovesHisBge escribió:

what skill should I use until I get to level 28 for cyclone?

Anything like cleave, static strike, molten strike would work

What should I run If I can't go dual curse? Do we go blood magic?
insaneninja4444 escribió:
what should i do if i cannot afford a extra curse amulet, should i go blood magic?

No we don't run bm. Could use doedri ring. If single curse can run vuln/grace/blood rage or enfeeble/haste/blood rage

Isn't Crimson Dance less damge? Is it necessary?
Adrokath escribió:
mind explaining why taking Crimson dance doesn't it lower our bleed damage?

Crimson dance is more damage on bosses. This build was designed to do all content like bosses etc. We do enough damage on maps/clearing trash where the bleed isn't a big deal. Bleed helps on bosses a lot, especially when you have to do things like leap away from shaper slam. While you're leaping away you're still doing damage to him.

Watch this gif:

When I leap away, shaper is not close to 20% cull range, but while I'm leaping away the bleed is still putting in work. By the time I get back to him, he's in cull range.

Does Damage on Full Life work with Blood Rage?
Korize escribió:
Execuda escribió:
Can someone explain to me cause i might be stupid, so can we use blood rage gem? I thought since it degens our health that means damage on full life and Daresso don't work? Also would appreciate tips on what to change in my character, since i suck at the game haven't tried nor shaper nor guardians yet. Oh and Happy Holidays everyone! :)

wondering the same thing actually.. I've looked through a lot of pages and havent found a answer yet.

It works since 2.6, even though it doesn't display full life - very strange, but it does work! Will add to FAQ


Stay Tuned! More to come...

🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Editado por útlima vez por Ahfack#1969 en 25 feb. 2020 16:54:47
Reflotado por última vez en 14 ene. 2021 14:44:09
Algunos objetos de esta publicación no se encuentran disponibles actualmente.
3.0 to 3.1 Changelog
Please be patient and do NOT message me in game with questions. Post here so everyone can read!


3.1 Tree -> http://poeurl.com/bEwV

Tentatively, it's pretty much the same, with 3 extra leech nodes to help compensate. I've gotten rid of Hatchet Master's 4 points, allocated 3 points for leech, build reand the last point for the extra life/phys dmg duelist start node. If you prefer raw life, you could finish out the "Scion Life Wheel" area instead by Path of Warrior.

Definitely Soul of Arakaali. I would advise against using blood rage until we get a bit more comfortable with how everything acts together in 3.1.

I'm also thinking it's in our best interest to take the 3 remaining leech nodes we have on the tree. These will help substantially.

Life leech on gloves/rings are also very important when available.


A good dual leech glove will benefit us now more than ever. I would prioritize them over a hybrid life roll. We need to bring as much leech to the table as we can.

Carnage Heart would be a great choice for leveling, but lacks the range/resists that Daresso has. I still think Daresso is the best for this build once you're established, but Carnage heart will always be extremely useful in 3.1 for filling in a bit of the gaps you might have in your leech.

RIP Ruthless lol oh well

We have a number of options:

For tanky with a bit of damage boost: Fortify

For the most burst damage: Damage on Full Life - I think this is still a fine option considering Ruthless operated every 3 "Sequence" of hits, which was about 9 hits for us. So before we were every 9th hit was strong af. Now every hit when we're at full life will be strong af. It's technically 13% more damage than Ruthless was also.

For most consistent damage when you don't care about Range: Con Effect (Can use AoE during maps)

Consistent damage boost (however not as good as the other options): Faster Attacks

What do I prefer? I think I prefer the colours to stay the same RRRRRG. Using Fortify or Damage on Full life - very versatile and opens a lot of options.

If you end up putting Fortify in, obviously you can take out fortify of your 4l Leap in your gloves, and put in blood magic for infinite leap, 20%q Culling for extra speed boost, or something else if you'd like.

VAAL PACT IS OPTIONAL. I'm playing this at endgame, and not using it. However, use your best judgement. If you'd like to use Vaal Pact, just regret away the 3 leech nodes shown in the picture and pick VP. Do what feels best for you and your playstyle.

No more Witchfire Brew flask. We can either use another defensive flask of your choosing or a Sulphur Flask.

4L will be the same no matter what: Cyclone - Brutality - Maim - Melee Phys

5L: In order of most damage: Damage on Full Life -> Chance to Bleed -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

6L: Depending on your last choice: Damage on Full Life -> Chance to Bleed -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

Build Reviews:
Abyss League: Shaper Down, Guardians on Farm, Uber-Lab on farm since day 2, awful gear :)
aleksandargucunja escribió:
Shaper down (not deathless because I'm bad with melee builds fighting Shaper), Guardians on farm, Uber-Lab on farm since day 2 of the League. Mapping like a champ, didn't do any Shaped Vault yet because I did not sextant-block my atlas yet, but Shaped Shores are a breeze, leveled 92 to 93 in a couple of hours. Elder & Elder guardians down deathless in all tiers.

My gear is awful :) 1c jewels, 5c rares, but I have all uniques - got those VERY early in the league (day 3 i think) because they were so much cheaper back then, and patched the rest of the gear. BUT, this thing works :) If anyone want to check the char out, it CycloningToHundred_.

Next up is getting to 95 (cos' 95 is the new 100...) and upgrading rares on the way, and for that I'm more than open for suggestions :)

Anyways, this is a super-cool build, I think I will ckeck out Ahfack's LLRF Guardian next.

Abyss League: Red Map Elder, shaper, uber atziri all clear
VladDOP1 escribió:
Just cleared red map elder, shaper, uber atziri.

Harbinger League: Best Build. 36/40 in league first time in 1k hours Shaper Down!
Notanoob332 escribió:
Thank you Ahfack! amazing build , prob the best i played so far.
just reached 36/40 challanges (for the first time in my 1k hours of poe) all beacuse of this build!

everything from the get-go was a breeze, bosses die quickly , and even killed shaper for the first time :D

my items:

level 92: total 6.6k HP , 100K tooltip DPS in h/o (with totem next to me)
total cost: around 1100-1300 chaos.

Harbinger League: First time killing shaper ever, second time deathless!
Ebiru_ escribió:
Thanks for this wonderful build, I managed my first shaper kill with it and my first deathless on the second try.

Here is my gear at the moment:

Harbinger League: 48 Year old woman, shaper down, no steel rings/retch
wolfygirl escribió:
Hey :)

I really love this build, i manage to kill Shaper today even tho im missing some off the good stuff. Still not bad for a 48 year old woman :D #feelsawesome

Harbinger League: First time I've done all 4 Guardians/Shaper - Most Fun I've had all league
Honking escribió:
Well, been playing this build for the last week or so and I'm glad I picked it. It's the first melee build I've done all league, and the most fun I've had.

Also, it's the first build I've ever done all 4 Guardians and Shaper on! I'm pretty chuffed, it was way easier than I expected, and I'd wager a lot of that is the build itself putting in work. Ty Ahfack, you did good work.

My gear:

I didn't like running a Doedre's ring so I swapped out Punishment for Haste, and I dropped my links on the AW setup in favor of running CWDT + IC, as I was really not enjoying Porcupine packs. It helped out a lot though

Harbinger League: Shaper Down, been waiting all league to do endgame with a build like this
chongg420 escribió:
Sick guide man finally got shaper down with this one!!! Been wanting a build all league to do endgame... Hella glad i picked this one

This is what im rollin with at lvl 91:

Harbinger League: Level 89, Shaper Down! Not hard at all
Arothar escribió:

Deathless shaper done :-)

Lvl 89, 5.8k hp, 76k cyclone damage in hideout. Wasnt very hard at all.

Here you go :-) Incase ppl think "fuck thats expensive gear, ill never get that", its true. The retch is not at all needed for shaper. So thats easily 15ex cheaper right there -_-


Harbinger League: First time ever tried shaper, what a breeze! So much fun!
robin_nerf escribió:
First time ever I tried Shaper, what a breeze, so much fun :)
What a build ahfack !


Harbinger League: Shaper down without any issues!
wiieshuu escribió:
Shaper down without any issues death's only occur when you screw up.

Harbinger League: Shaper Down! Never attempted shaper before this build!
Anyways, Ahfack, Shaper down!
Not deathless unfortunately but that was purely because of my mechanics. I have never even attempted him before this build.


WW Barb lover, leveled this char to farm uber lab, super smooth!
Un_kn0wn escribió:
I started leveling that build 2 days ago to make an uber lab farmer which is faster than my current one without loosing to much safety. Currently with all flasks up i get to 180% MS which is more than enouth for me.

The build plays super smooth and very fast. For leveling to 75-83 i just spamed normal Atziri and got to 250-300 mil exp per hour solo with 80k tooltip dps (without flasks).

My gear isn't that great I only invested like 40 ex and took the rest from my stash.


For that little investment and still room to improove i got myself now a pretty save uber farmer which is also pretty fast. Exactly what i wanted!

Also i'm a WW Barb lover ;D

Thx Ahfack for once again a great build! <3

Harbinger League: Uber Atziri DOWN! Deathless Chayula. Shredding through EVERYTHING!
chongg420 escribió:
Just an update! UBBER ATZIRI DOWN!!! Also a deathless Chayula with a couple decent breach ring swaps for chaos res! Thx again for the build ahfack!!! been shredding thru everything the game has to offer finally a build tht i can do it all man!!! really enjoying this one for sure

heres my current gear: (95k tooltip in h/o)

Harbinger League: Only played 3 days and guardians down!
Storhemsken escribió:

And really a big thank you for this build, only played it for 3-4 days but it feels rock solid. Already downed Phoenix/Minotaur and Hydra. Just tried Chimera once but rolled some crazy damage rolls and insta died at the last add pack.

Looking forward taking this build to Shaper!

Harbinger League: All Guardians corrupted and down! Level 85 to level 90 in 5 hours
Storhemsken escribió:

Hello again, made some more progress with the build! All guardians corrupted and Shaper down. Next goal Uber aziri and chayula!

Once again i cant help but rly thank you for the build its super smooth, went from lvl 86 to 90 in 5-6 hours and decided it was time for shaper.

A perfect build this late on a season when you wanna sink some currency in to a build.

The build is engaging and fun to play, it maps fast and depending on curse (for me only one) bosses dies from fast to super fast. Normally play with enfeeble and might switch when i get higher leech rate.

Soon done with the build, new boots 30% movement speed is next prio, and then i will try get some chaos resistant going.

Super hyped for my new rings!


Harbinger League: I've Cylcloned for a long time - Most Satisfying so far!
Emperor12345 escribió:
I have been trying different different cyclone builds for a long time and this build is the most satisfying one so far. Thanks to Ahfack.

Corrupted Guardians and Shaper DOWN! Used old gear I had laying around in standard
diggeDinga escribió:
Corrupted Guardians and Shaper down!
Well my first try ended with no portals, but it is done
This was my first time ever trying Shaper and the guardiens. Havent played since the introduction of the atlas. Had an lvl 85 duelist( Bor and Soultaker lying around) But wanted to try a Cycloner since ever. (Well, i played COC-cyclone before i left)

2nd try vs Guardiens and Shaper went much smoother, but still not deathless. Biggest Problem i see with cyclone is that u can't cancel the animation. Big QoL improvement would be if GGG would make cyclone a channeled skill. If I Die (very rare with this build) it's because i fucked up the cyclone and couldnt leap away.

Great build nevertheless. Thank you very much Ah Fack!

Harbinger League: Shaper down for first time ever! Starforge drop
nNymphus escribió:
So today i tried Shaper for the first time ever with this Build and killed him, unfortunitly died a couple of times until the last Portal (mainly because i aint know the next attack's of him).

And im Glad playing this Build because Mapping is Hella fun while spinning and laying on your chair aswell as Bossing because of the 20% Cull + Insane Life leech.
Trying to improve my Gear and as soon as i get some better stuff i'll try Uber atzululu.

10 Day Mayhem: Perfect build for taking out the overwhelming numbers of mobs!
Nogonoma escribió:
I played your build in the Mayhem Season and just wanted to say "thank you". Had a really fun experience and it was so perfect for the overwhelming numbers of mobs!
Keep going. :)

🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Editado por útlima vez por Ahfack#1969 en 27 dic. 2017 21:55:46
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134



cant go wrong with following a build coming from ahfack
Looks sick! Will have to try this out at some point :P
nice build :3
Decent items?: /view-thread/2260543
Okey stream?:twitch.tv/Meatheone
Feel free to ask me questions ingame @Princess_Mea!
PM support if you encounter any bugs or need help!
Build looks amazing as always! Cant wait to try it out yewwwwww
This guy only does great things, so with no doubt this guide is another creation of greatness.

mvp ahfack the man

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