[Not quite 3.7] A Simple Cleaver (Beginner friendly, SSF-viable, Much Explanation)
Hello,i have just started play POE and your guide is awesome! I have a good time lvling,even with quest gear.
Can u please explain me the position of Overwhelming Odds Jewel. I just dont see parts of the tree where we get 40 str or i dont understand something? |
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" The following tree has all the jewels taken which do have 40 Strength in Radius for "Overwhelming Odds" https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAQAAQHcGbQuU0MxSshM_2qTbqpvO3fjeA17w4qvkBGbLZ-jp5-pbrXyuR3AGsKO02_awfih The thing to remember is, that you do not need to take 40 Strength in radius, just that they have to be in the radius, taken or not. If you take the slot at the bottom, you have the 10 Str point above it and the 10 Str point above that. Then to the left side we got another 10 Str and to the left of that another, now we're are at 40 Strength total. There is still 1 point at the bottom in radius that gives 10 str, so we are actually at 50 str. If you look at the point in the middle (the way up to Sentinel), you have the entire way up, which is 40 str total in radius. To add to that, you still reach the Marauder starting area as well as the duelist starting area, with 10 str each, bringing you to a total of 60 in radius. The uppermost jewel socket reaches the point left of Sentinel for 10 Str, the point "Path of the Warrior" is in radius and gives another 20, bringing us to 30. There are still 2 other points for strength in the radius, "Melee Damage and Strength", for another 5 Strength and "Life and Strength" which gives another 5 Strength, bringing us to the needed 40 total. Again, only radius, not actually taken. |
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Really love the guide, as it has many explanations/game aspects for new players (me), successfully did it up to T7 maps and keep playing.
But now, when I want to start a new character, all builds I can find look so complex. As a caster I feel really bad on first levels, remembering how easy it was with Cleave. |
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Hey, I've been loving this build! This is the first build I've done end-game content with, so I don't have a lot to compare it to, but I do love the agility of it, and I feel clear speed is pretty damn good.
I recently had the luck of finding one of these, which I feel work very well here since we have fortify (which now grants onslaught) as long as we're in combat (thanks to the Overwhelming Odds jewel) I've spent a bit of currency (maybe 50c) on certain items, including 2x scaeva and a 6L chest (which I got really cheap), to max my elemental resistances and get close to 5k life, which has allowed me to do up to T12 maps, without too much trouble.. (of course certain map mods will still be undoable, or at the very least extremely painful) Thanks for a great guide and a fun and efficient build! :) |
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whats lv do you think is good to keep Cast when Damage Taken Support and Poacher's Mark?
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" That actually depends on what you want to use it for. Cast when damage taken (CwdT) on Level 1 or 2 lets it trigger often, but the curse is not that strong. With CwdT 1 you can scale Poacher's Mark (PM) up to Level 5. That gives you 9 HP and 7 Mana per Hit and reduces Evasion of normal (non-unique) enemies by 35% (unique enemies have curse effect reudction, so it's less effective) No matter the level of PM you will always get double the flask charges from cursed enemies. So if you want it to use flasks more often its recommended at a low level to trigger more often. If you want it for additional recovery, you can use a higher CwdT, but you should be careful, that it gets not too high, as it will need more and more damage to trigger the higher the level gets. The Wiki really helps, when you want to see how it progresses. The frenzy generation of the curse is not needed, once you start using Blood Rage. The progression of Poacher's Mark can be found here. If you keep it on a low level you can later easily use the same CwdT-Gem for the popular combo of CwdT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration if you want to use that. Editado por útlima vez por Scythless#1153 en 14 mar. 2018 15:07:02
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Dude, I think I need some advice here....
Lv87 5.2k HP 5L belly about 90k DPS withou boosts....150k with Anct Prot, Bloodrage, flasks + 5 frenzy charges. Got about 3 jewels like '15 global physical damage', 12% phys dmg one handed weapons'this stuff...like 1 or 2 chaos each... amulet I dropped Astramendis, so no problems with items requirements. running Grace and Warlord's mark for endurance charges since the revamp. I prefered going versatile combatant (43% block hits and spells total) so I did get Outmatch Outlast, so I dont generate endurance charges from that node....WM was the way I found to get those plus damage reduction, res ele and life leech and since I think I have a nice Damage output, it helped with my survivability, however, I am not using Artic armour. Got Rumi's concoction to get like bout 50% block... My Ele Res are about 145 for all... I am currently doing T11 maps with ease, but I dont know in what I should focused. I kind have 1 to 2 exalts to invest on this character and I am not sure how to improve him...like, no way to get a 6 linked Belly since it is more expensive that I can pay. |
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" Not sure how much I can help you, but I can try. 5,2k HP with Belly of the Beast seems somewhat low. I had 5,4k without Belly, and equipping a belly would actually give me about 300 HP extra, so I would have 5,7k HP with a belly. And that was with somewhat bad gear (mostly found solo myself) So you may look for other equipment that provides you with more HP while not throwing away survivability itself. In regard to survivability: If you have not increased your maximum resitances, then you don't need more than 109% each. the base maximum is 75% and a red tier Elemental Weakness Map Mod does give you -34%, so overcapping by 34% is enough. I don't usually account for the elemental weakness mod and single elemental weakness curses in a map, so no overlapping for Ele Weakness and Flammability for example (in my opinion it's too rare a case to base resitances on). So if you really have 145/145/145, you can drop that by nearly 40% (36% to be exact) and still have full benefits of maximum resitances in probalb y99,9% of the cases. Needing less resitances makes it easier for getting other stats easier. You can, for example, remove Astramentis for an amulet with more life and additional damage, if you can get the stats you need elsewhere. PS: I just noticed the level 87, so you're missing 3 points. I just simulated taking the 3 points of HP from the tree and got to about 5,2k life, but still without a belly, so you probably still lack some HP on your equipment. If you knopw how to use PoB, you can also simulate how a 6L rare body armour would improve your build (or weaken your build), as those are way cheaper than most of the time. |
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Wouldn't Champion or even Slayer improve better the DPS than Gladiator? Champion we have Inspirational (35% increased damage) and Conqueror + Worthy Foe (20% increased damage, life regen and less damage taken) and Slayer we can get more AoE, culling strike and further damage. Besides the block chance, why taking Gladiator?
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" There are several reasons: 1. Personal preference I like Gladiator, so I took it as gladiator. You can feel free to change to something else if it suits your playstyle better. There are still other reasons, though. 2. DPS is not everything This build was designed as an easy to gear SSF league starter, and gladiator helps greatly with that. You mention DPS, but all the DPS in the world does not help you if you're dead. And it's hard getting so high amounts of damage that you simply kill everything on sight. What does Slayer give? 20% Cull, Damage after kill and slightly better leech. What does Champion give? Taunt + More Multiplier and either Fortify or Intimidate What does Gladiator give? High amounts of block, chance to bleed an some bonuses against bleeding enemies. Deconstructing those things a bit: Slayer: After Kill effects are unreliable if you do not kill for some time, e.g. on bosses. So if you probably most need them you do not have them without some tricks. Better Leech might be something nice, but this build does not have a lot of leech, so it would probably die easily even with it. That leaves the culling, which is actually nice, but that's more or less everything you get from slayer... a 20% cull. And you can at least get a 10% cull from a secondary attack. Champion: My build had about 500% increased physical damage, so 35% increased physical damage from inspirational do not mean much. First to Strike, Last to Fall does give you a 10% more multiplier and a nice, but unreliable buff. As I'm not counting unrelieable buffs for damage, its intimidate as a 10% more multiplier. Conqueror does have 2% life regen an 6% less damage taken. It's nice I admit. Worthy Foe does give a 20% more multiplier and 100% hit chance. But hit chance is already good, so it does not give that much, resulting in a 20% more multplier. Unstoppable Hero does give 10% attack speed, 30% damage and 1000 Armour and Evasion. That's a really nice point (btw: It's far better than Inspirational) So in total it results in a nice bit of armour and evasion, a bit less damage taken and a good increase in damage. Gladiator: 4% Block Chance from small nodes 8% Block chance from Painforged (it's easy getting hit, hard to not getting hit, so I count the block chance rather than the damage) 100% Block Chance to Spells from Versatile Combatant In 3.2 Gratuitous Violence and Blood in the eyes was switched, but if you take both it's still the same: Bleeding Chance with attacks, up to 50% chance Main against bleeding enemies, meaning 10% more damage Blind against bleeding enemies, meaning 50% less chance being hit by attacks And the explosions on death for bleeding enemies. it results in 12% chance to block from the ascendency. The skill tree has 13% and the base is 15% Tree and base results in 28% chance to block for everyone, the ascendency boosts this up to 40%, resulting in 40% less damage taken from attacks, or comparing with the others: 17% less damage taken (comparing 28% chance to 40% chance is a difference of 12% POINTS, but an effective reduction of 17% [like going from 98% to 99% halves the damage you take, from 2% to 1%]) Because of versatile combatant, you have 40% less spell damage taken on everage. Blinding enemies recues their chance to hit by 50%. So 60% of attacks hit you, and of those 50% miss you, which results in about 70% damage reduction against melee attacks (from bosses, because you probably do not blind normal mobs that often) Of course, the hits that do hit you hit with 100% damage, but you get hit way way less. Blood Explosions are a nice way to speed up clearance, because the physical damage of the explosions scales with monster hp, meaning higher level monsters do more damage. So you can clear quite good even at higher levels. Bleed can easily be used for bloodlust shenaningans where you save a gem slot for chance to bleed support gem on your e.g. Ancestral Protector. But let's skip this last point, as the others can also get it. So comparing all 3: Base tree: 28% less chance to be hit by attacks Slayer: 20% cull instead of 10% cull, overleech Champion: 32% more multiplier (1,1 * 1,2), bonus Armour, 6% less damage taken, 100% hit chance Gladiator: 10% more multiplier, 40% less chance to be hit by attacks, 40% chance to be hit by spells and 70% less chance to be hit by boss melee attacks. (here in total %, not relative %), easier clear of monster groups. So if you look at pure DPS champion comes out on top. So if all you do is farm bosses while manually avoiding all their attacks and spells: Use champion But Gladiator is way more defensive, as he gets hit way less and while probably taking slightly longer at bosses probably clears better and can be played less stressfull. The build has to main weaknesses: Damage over Time and Spells Gladiator greatly helps against one of those. Champion helps against none of those. I hope, I made my reason for choice clear :) |
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