[3.0] 3x Totem Spark
Hello, since a lot of people I played with asked me about build I decided to make a guide of it.
I'm still experimenting with this build, so any advice is welcome What’s special about this build: I’m using soul mantle to get +1 totem and free Spell totem link Biggest downside of using this item is every time your totem dies (even by reaching max totem limit) you are inflicted with random level 20 curse and it has no curse limit for it (it is possible to have all the curses at once) But i’m using this downside to get loads of dps with Self-Flagellation jewel that gives up to 20% increased damage per curse on you. And then using Guardian ascendancy (25% reduced effect of curses on you) plus 2x Kikazaru Rings (40% reduced curse effect each) gives over 100% reduced curse effect, means “curse immunity” (you have curses on you, but they have no effect) PROS - No reflect - Curse Immune - Can use spider spark MTX - Good Clear speed - Can play all map mods - No need to over cap resistances since you are not affected by ele weakness mod on map - Any curse map mod just boosts your dps without any drawback - HC Viable CONS - You need decent PC to have ok FPS - Some bosses on open space arenas can take time to kill since you can't focus your sparks - You need to run back when you hear loot filter sound if you are trying to speed clear maps - Some people in groups don't like spider sparks Key Items - get 17% or higher roll. It gives so much dps - Core of the build - you don't want 5+ curses affecting you - New jewel for spark. Nova projectiles means you can just plant totem inside packs and it will clear it instantly. More projectiles = more DPS 20% Spark - 20% projectile speed is very important Links: Soul Mantle - 1. Spark + 2. Lightning Penetration + 3. Faster Casting + 4. Increased Critical Damage/Increased Critical Strikes + 5. Efficacy + 6. Innervate Lightning Penetration is must since we are not playing Inquisitor Faster casting gives most dps of all links, and it is just amazing on totems since it does not increase mana cost per second anyway Increased Critical Damage/Increased Critical Strikes: This depends on how much crit chance you have with spark. If you have less than 30% after casting totem without power charges, then you should use Increased Critical Strikes, but aim to replace it as soon as possible Efficacy is good 5th link for spark - it gives much needed duration and also some more multiplier to damage Innervate greatly increases base damage and it will proc all the time since crits always shock might even swap Innervate on 5th link after I level it up Any 2L - Faster casting + Flame dash - used to move over cliffs Dagger - Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify - My personal best mobility skill, if you can’t afford 20% Whirling blades, it is not worth going for it. You can always go for MS boots and quicksilver flask Any 4L CWDT setup - CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Efficacy Any 4L Orb of storms + Curse on hit + Power charge on crit + Projectile Weakness - This will give instant max power charges on pack and curse all mobs with Projectile Weakness. I chosen Projectile Weakness for one more free pierce and damage increase vs Ele weakness that gives only damage increase Skill Trees I'm playing softcore, if you wanna try this in HC you should focus more life first Ascendancy: - Deadeye and Guardian 25 points - I leveled with spark from lvl 1, and it was fine since I had Q20 spark, tabula and other leveling gear. If you can’t afford atleast Q20 spark, you might be better using firestorm.
50 points - If you want to use spark, then you should rush Deep Thoughts and Jewel socket in witch area to equip Hazardous Research since it boosts Spark damage by alot
75 points - Go for soul Mantle as soon as you can equip it and sync it with taking Ancestral Bond keystone - Take controlled destruction and elemental focus instead of going for crit before you are ready Don’t forget to equip 2x Kikazaru and Self-Flagellation with soul mantle Cruel lab should be easy with this setup. Go for Deadeye first (you will be fine with 80% reduced curse effect)
100 points - Finish with crit passives and change links to crit build
127 points (lvl 100) - Taking path of the ranger and few more good nodes there (still considering this since it would really be worth only when max lvl)
My Gear Jewels can still be improved. Should get some with % Life and projectile speed.
- 30C for 5L
- 10C More sparks enchanthment = more damage. Can still craft resist or stat if required - 1C each - 11C for 18% roll (it is 10 to 20 and you should aim for 17 or more) - 3C - 7C - 55C it is way cheaper without cast speed and would still be fine - 2C you will have to pay more for ones with MS if you don’t want to use whirling blades (20% whirling blades is like 3C) - 10C - try to get crit multi on it - 3C - self crafted - self crafted Playstile Plant totem in middle of group and move on. Some packs might require 2 or even 3 totems, but you will learn how many is required by playing this for some time. You can use orb of storms to get power charges, but it is not required for clearing trash. i’m only using it on bosses or some hard mobs. If you want to kill boss even faster, try luring it close to a wall and place totems so that boss is between your totems and wall, sparks will pierce him and hit him again after bouncing off the wall doubling your dps. Numbers Life: 4500 ES 600 Crit Mult: 442% Crit Chance (with shaman’s dominion and no power charges): 33,6% DPS tooltip: on 5L (without buffs): 10k per totem DPS tooltip: (with only 5 curses on self): 14,5k per totem DPS tooltip: (with 5 curses and 5 power charges): 17,5k per totem Note about DPS tooltip: It does not count any added projectiles (I have 7 more) or any sparks bouncing off walls and hitting same target again, also lightning penetration is no counted Video I'm still overusing totems (most of packs would die from just 1 totem Also sorry about bad Video quality and overlay text, I never made any video and just used first free recording/editing tool i found.
Blue T8 Shore map
https://youtu.be/XKlSWxtUXso This is my first guide post, so sorry in advance for any mistakes. Editado por útlima vez por Burekpie#3064 en 16 ago. 2017 16:33:21 Reflotado por última vez en 1 sept. 2017 10:19:35
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How about shaper or uber atziri?
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" Can't try it yet, still need 6L, and some levels |
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the one u really need is projectile speed
duration wont help much since there is a limit on how far can those spider go so try replace efficiancy with lightning damage for more dps https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2624459 For minion helmet mirror service https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2616501 Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build Editado por útlima vez por StupidSmile#1904 en 18 ago. 2017 12:47:17
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Ok so this is a really fun build but it definitely hits a wall once you get to T8 or so. You dont die per se but its takes forever to clear the end bosses. Biggest issue is that i actually run out of mana pots to sustain myself, so I am playing with the gear and trying something a bit different. I have a Heartbreaker Skean as my main weapon global crit is a little low but the culling strike is nice. I also noticed I had a 4L with literally nothing so we can play with skills. Since this is totem build Im running FB, Spell Totem Added Damage Culling Strike. It is still levelling but it seems to be helping with the bosses and large open areas.
If people think Im off let me know. I am also taking the lightning path for more damage and will probably just be taking nothing but health nodes after this to get the HP up. Its actually pretty low at 3294 with ES of 581 right now. |
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I came back after about a year of MIA and have adapted my build to this and I must say it does feel nice. I do run into some mana issues from time to time, but I am sure once I fill in more of the missing gear it should be fine.
I used added lightning damage over efficacy as I already had a leveled 20% gem to give me more damage. Some of the bosses tend to take a bit, but that doesn't seem to phase me as I just whirling around. heh. Editado por útlima vez por kestalkayden#0043 en 29 ago. 2017 11:40:08
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IS tutokhama shield bis? or is a rare shield like yours better?
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Shaman's dominion makes sense to get the dps of a totem upped, but why are you using it with the 2 increased duration nodes? With Shaman's dominion, it's in your best interest to spam cast totems so the 4 seconds of increased crit is always up, so what is the use of making your skills last 190% as long? I don't think it applies to charges since they have their own nodes for increasing quantity and duration, and totems already last 8 seconds, so that's not helpful. Wouldn't those 6 points for duration be better spend with totem damage or spell damage nodes?
What idiotic noob thing am I missing? |
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I dont think you are missing anything I took the skill duration off to keep the increased crit uptime going as well(which could be partially why Im running out of mana). I think some more mana regen/mana pool nodes are a better choice of skill points but that is just my opinion here. I actually really like this build though its pretty easy to play and mapping up to bosses is pretty much a breeze but let me state I havent ventured beyond T8 at this point. If someone else has taken this build to Guardians/Shaper/Uber Atziri let me know.
Thank you |
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" duration is for sparks, not for totems. But it still might not be worth using it and taking loads of projectile speed instead Editado por útlima vez por Burekpie#3064 en 29 ago. 2017 16:02:55
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