[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!

Darkkillaz escribió:
Is better faster attacks that main? to chage it on the armour.

I think maim is better for the, well, the maim part. Slowing enemies and adding dmg. We get a ton of attack speed on tree and the belt. I did use a 4L with warchief, melee phys, brutality, attack speed until level 60 or so.
Loving the build so far - just got past level 61 so have now been using Kondo's.

There appears to be a few things which add a lot of damage to bleeding targets, but nothing appears to inflict bleed (Kondo's would, but we don't crit due to Resolute Technique). Am I missing a trick here? Or are we just ignoring the bleed stuff?

Edit: Nevermind, just noticed the Razor's Edge passive in the full tree!
Editado por útlima vez por steelchampion#3011 en 11 dic. 2017 13:26:43
@LiftingNerdBro if u can see my char and see it him will love u for ever XD, to see that its ok or change something ^^
Zankai escribió:
Yes worthy foe could make the totems tankier, but I don't really need this. So I won't go for it.

Inspirationnal is surely a good one, but First to Strike LAst to Fall may also be good because :
- 5% attack speed on the road instead of the useless % effect of auras
- Good survivability bonuses (armor/ES/ailments on low life)
- Good damage boost, 40% instead of 35% (only when not on low life, but it's the vast majority of time with the regen of this build !)
-As I said, I think Intimidate won't work with totems so it's useless for this build, except if you first attack the boss with a leap slam before dropping totems on high life bosses (quite suicidary !)
Overall, using the path of bulding of the first post, "First to Strike, Last to Fall" give a slightly higher damage boost than "Inspirationnal", and adds a layer of defence on top of it.

So basically it's a choice between constant damage bonus and movement speed, or situational slightly higher damage bonus and increased survivability.

I think I will give a try for "First to Strike, last to Fall" which seems better overall since I'm only playing solo. In party "Inspirational" is cleary better. 8% movement speed is nto really much, and damage is behind with inspirational.

Since Worthy Foe is an "increased damage taken" by the defender, wouldn't that make it effectively a 20% more multiplier? Like shock or vulnerability. "Inspirational" and "First to Strike, Last to Fall" will probably buff your tooltip damage more, but as long as it works the way I think it works, Worthy Foe seems like it would ultimately do more damage.

Shaper is taunt-immune as of 2.4.1, and the guardians can't be taunted more than once every 8 seconds (and the taunt lasts 3 seconds), but otherwise everything else I'm aware of can be taunted endlessly by your totems, and would take the increased damage in full. So unless you're aiming to do guardians and shaper on the character, and plan on mostly sticking to uber lab and mid/upper maps, Worthy Foe seems just fine.
Shaemis escribió:
Zankai escribió:
I think Intimidate won't work with totems so it's useless for this build, except if you first attack the boss with a leap slam before dropping totems on high life bosses (quite suicidary !)

Since Worthy Foe is an "increased damage taken" by the defender, wouldn't that make it effectively a 20% more multiplier? Like shock or vulnerability. "Inspirational" and "First to Strike, Last to Fall" will probably buff your tooltip damage more, but as long as it works the way I think it works, Worthy Foe seems like it would ultimately do more damage.

Shaper is taunt-immune as of 2.4.1, and the guardians can't be taunted more than once every 8 seconds (and the taunt lasts 3 seconds), but otherwise everything else I'm aware of can be taunted endlessly by your totems, and would take the increased damage in full. So unless you're aiming to do guardians and shaper on the character, and plan on mostly sticking to uber lab and mid/upper maps, Worthy Foe seems just fine.

This is why I deviated from the guide, and run a Cyclone + CoH + Vuln + LGoH setup. It provides multiple benefits:

- Applies my curse with what is effectively a movement skill in a nearly passive manner. (I keep Cyclone on my spacebar, so it's quite comfortable to use regularly). Life Gain on Hit is very reliable because of the hits proc'ing with Cyclone. Note that Life Leech would not work for us because of Ancestral Bond. I attribute this setup to single-handedly keeping me alive in those sketchy Beyond/Abyss/Crit type scenarios. Without it I would have died so many times.

- Puts me in the middle of most every pack for a few seconds, which procs the Vengeance setup almost 100% of the time for those buffs/debuffs.

- Applies my taunts as I Cyclone through a pack, dropping my totems on each 'side' and self casting Enduring Cry as they destroy the newly taunted enemies.

In short, I'll stick with Worthy Foe.

"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
Khavali escribió:

This is why I deviated from the guide, and run a Cyclone + CoH + Vuln + LGoH setup.

I'm manual casting vulnerability, but I also kept a cyclone set-up. Cyclone + LGoH + Blind + Culling Strike. Once I get my weapon to a 5L, which I'm just not too worried about right now, I'll probably remove the Blind support and slap in my CoH + Vuln there, too, but I like having one manually castable so if I don't want to me in melee, I don't have to.
Yeah I was wondering why the Cycline LGoH setup was taken out for this version. I used it and really liked it last league (farmed lots of Uber lab and even killed Shaper with this build in 3.0). Only 71 right now due to limited play time, but think I will go ahead and add the cyclone setup back in. I miss it.

Lifting, what were your reasons for removing Cyclone?

Edit: thanks again for the guide and updates!
Editado por útlima vez por Anesthetize34#0834 en 11 dic. 2017 18:04:35
What's everyone running for jewels now that Abyssal Jewels are out?
This is my first time trying a totem build and it is really really good. Pushing on to t10 maps after spending about 8c on gear. I feel like I can easily go past t10 as well, that just happens to be the highest map I have gotten so far.

@Lifting - This is the 3rd league I have started with one of your builds and I just want to thank you for putting in the time to make the amazing guides and videos. Those help me out sooooo much. You are awesome man. Looking forward to your next stream. Youre the best.
Snugge escribió:
tjkraft escribió:
tempted to drop two totems then vaal cyclone haha.

This would´nt be a bad idea. Linked with Life Leech? But also a normal Cyclone with life leech would help. You can stay up until your totems defeat the trash. Nice

Im talkiong about for open maps for vaal cyclone

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