" Frenzies aren't worth it tbh, just a bonus that pops up every now and then. Build is optimized with EE to use just power and endurance charges. I'm around the same level as you Brinstar, though your tree looks a bit different. Damage doesn't feel as good as the old pure assassin version, but I'm absolutely plowing through the yellow maps, my goal for this char is just to map low reds as fast as possible. Editado por útlima vez por gibtuck#6639 en 22 ago. 2017 11:13:54
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Ill repeat what ive said in multiple thread about mjolner/cospri's. when ur going for such crit build with discharge the dmg doesn't come from the gear. Most of the dmg depend on ur jewels, so if u want to fix the dmg on ur cospri's atm start by picking jewel node (LOL), n invest in at least some 3 dmg stats jewe. Skipping jewel is the worst way to play Discharge build.
For exemple just 1 of my 4 stats jewel will give me around 40-50K more dmg vs shaper on Discharge so do the math n u will quickly see that its really the most effective way to scale discharge. Also if u noticed on the gem discharge it scale from Charges so pls grab the power/endurance charge near templar. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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" I am very new to these cospri dischargers and would love an example of a great jewel to use - 3 damage stats like different amounts of elemental damage and/or types of crit? Right now I'm lvl 76 and everything is fine for the most part- yet was worried about red maps. The other thing, is it worth using the shield charge in the essence 16% IAS gloves? Seems like more dps to scale up crit here by using different gloves...maybe I am missing the point on the shield charge though it is fun. 🐢
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For the glove part yes the MORE AS essence is nice but the shaper glove are pretty insane for this build becuase they give a nice amount of life but the most important thing is the insane amount of accuracy they give. Since ur new u might not know that accuracy is rolled twice on crit so its reallyimportant to have a high enough Chance to Hit ( around 88%+).
Those are the jewel im running: They are all perfect dmg stats for Discharge expect the AS with sword 1, but its fine because the build need attack speed. Since ur playing Life build u would be also looking for % Life on jewel. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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Hi been playing this build past few days and it is flourishing atm currently level 90
I have found arctic armour makes a massive difference and it reserves perfect mana along with warlords/HoI so I recommend you try it haven't died since! current hp - 5.2k, 50% melee crit unbuffed and it feels like I melt bosses faster with another discharge in voll's where firestorm can lag you or instant kill you with 20 stacks of CB. Anyway ty for this build at first I accepted it was just for insane map clear speed but now it is a more than capable boss killer, gj! |
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" Wow those jewels are nuts! Question, crit multiplier to any element skill jewels apply to discharge as a whole right? |
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yes they do apply to discharge because its tag has every element
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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wow I'm 1 shotting everything since getting some multiplier/dmg jewels, nice!
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Also pls get some accuracy on ur gear or use Accuracy gem on ur cyclone because u want to reach at least 88% chance to hit
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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Quick tip for leveling/ early gearing:
This shield gives you 100% chance to hit, which is a huge buff for such a crit reliant build. They're less than 5c in HSC. Absolutely worth until you can get accuracy on other slots. Also keeps your gloves open for insanity mod, which you want for clear speed: I've been testing Voll's Devotion, as well as pure lightning, power charge only version with Choir of the Storm. Choir is way faster for mapping, can plow through a whole map with only shield charge. This also opens the possibility of using lightning pen gem, maybe Valako's sign for huge shocks. Not having endurance charges makes it noticably less tanky, though. Voll's feels much safer on bosses. Will post here with more results. |
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