[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews
" No 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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" Inside the problem lies the solution :) Upgrade your gear with top tier flat phys, life, balance your wise oak. Lightpoacher with flat phys/life/res or atk speed jewels if you don't want to use abyssus. Kaoms, belly, that new loreweave chest 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 Editado por útlima vez por Ahfack#1969 en 18 mar. 2018 15:09:34
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" Can manage int on jewels, take a +30int node on tree, also jewel slot in the top right has 2 10int nodes before it. 16int on onyx ammy base or 24int on other ammy base. Can master craft 30int to rare chest or multimod a steel ring with good phys/3rd or life roll 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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" Soul raker is all you need. This is a flaskfinder build, so flasks are required to make it feel like it should. Some people have chosen raider and use atziri flask instead. Check the reviews section. 2nd post on main page. 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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" We use elemental focus on bosses. Can't cause elemental status ailments anyway 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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why take soul raker?(if for leeched is ok)
but why take Claws of the pride?(bonus only for Claws) thanks for help! Ign:Mendezftw
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" " So it seems we doesn't use shock on bosses and exxidus dps calculation wrong, right? I'm considering if I should reroll PF now. |
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" Lioneye's fall 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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So, long time reader and general bow build enthusiast here. I've now played league versions of this build since harbinger league and I just managed to finish up all my goals for Bestiary, so I figured I'd share my previous characters gear and some thoughts about the builds progression over the leagues and patches in general. I may not be very descriptive in most things but I will try to summarize in broad strokes what I did each league in each summary. I guess you could say this is my homage to the build. (TL;DR build good)
Edit: Try not to get triggered by lack of quality on some gems and flasks, went fast enough to forget about a few. Harbinger league summary:
For Harbinger I ended up starting out with a basic ED Contagion trickster as a starter. I played for about two weeks, quite intensely until I decided to switch things up. I did some research what would be a dope build to go with. Since I had played signal shot (like everyone else) in Legacy league, I was still feeling the bow-jazz and landed on this post. Ended up flipping and farming for another week before I managed to sell all my gear and spend quite heavily in a proper Doomfletch setup. When I finally got it up and running I knew this would be it, just took some getting used to Abyssus.
I called this character BroodTwineWannabe and ended up getting to 100 about mid-league at 524th place overall, along with 37/40. (Which is quite decent for my standards) All in all, insane build, insane power-level, lots of fun. Harbinger gear:
Abyss league summary:
This time around I had my eye on the prize from the get-go, I decided to make the transition to Doomfletch way faster by starting out as a generic molten strike pathfinder. I did some currency pooling with close friends and a lot of early game trading and flipping. But I quite quickly realized the more I crafted my own gear, the better - so I did just that, with a few odd purchases here and there. Managed to have a decent Doomfletch setup running in about 5 days of very intense play. I ended up finishing 36/40 in the first week, all in all good but no 100 this time around. Still felt a drop in power. Abyss gear:
Bestiary league summary:
Third time around I felt very comfortable around playing Doomfletch, decided to attempt it as a starter, which generally you shouldn't ever do for happy results. Lady fortune was however on my side and I found a tabula at level 11, purchased my first doomfletch around hour 3 and the prophecy an hour later. It went on pretty smooth, applied similar strategies as in Abyss league for great trading/flipping success along with pooled currency. This league was however quite a special case because I had the luck of the draw the entire time around, most of my rares are self-crafted and the first six-link was done in 50 fuses. Once the setup was up and running at a fair enough stage, things took off quite quickly and I managed to finish up 36/40 in the first 10 days. I felt here just as in Abyss, the power level had dropped quite a bit with the nerfs, all the content was still very doable though, just not a "breeze". Kept track of my time played for this one, 5 days 4 hours played at the 10 day mark. Bestiary gear:
Thoughts and overall summary: This was my last league playing Doomfletch, while it is capable to do all content very quickly given proper time invested - there's a very common theme going on. In order to have a decent amount of success early in a league with the build you need to do a lot of trading early on, because most of the gear scales fairly well as the economy develops, if you don't get in on a few good items early it might be tough, especially if you mostly do mindless mapping. Clear-cut strategy will yield success. I however don't feel like putting in that time anymore, since I'm all about the early stages of the league and not the long game. I would advise anyone considering this as anything near a starter, to go generic chin sol with a ton of abyss jewels and a windripper weapon-swap instead. You will reach similar results with way less struggle (and be richer while doing so). However, I will pay respect where respect is due. This is a great build, it's tough to reach grand results in new leagues as is, but it is still great. If you play on standard however, it's as godly as ever. As for me, I'll look to something else next league. Big thanks to Ahfack for putting in the time answering questions and keeping well dated with new patches. Editado por útlima vez por Oscer#6555 en 18 mar. 2018 17:13:03
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" Many thanks sir ! Have a good day :D |
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