[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews
dellwood88 escribió:
How? and what stats should I craft onto them? Sorry, not very good at crafting. I have literally never crafted an item.
Its very simple. Just go to the relavance workbench (for you gear), look through the list of the available mastermods you can add (picked the highest tier possible), then click craft. Got a low roll or you have a change of mind, just use 'remove mastermod' (required level 7 masters) & redo.
Hey, I'm a new player who just got to maps today and I've been following this build so far. I'm wondering if I made a mistake because as far as I can tell, all of the upgrades I want are going to cost quite a lot(especially lioneye's fall, and I was only able to get prism from a lucky ex drop). Here's my character for reference
Should I reroll until I have enough currency to buy the listed upgrades in the thread? If not, any general gearing and play advice would be appreciated, thanks.
I know where you are coming from. I am new as well. This is 1st league where I took end game. When I played my first league starter sunder Berseker, I was like "no way I am able to afford 6 link unique armor that cost over 7-8 ex & stuff like starforge", no way I beat saper as a casual ( I play about 2.5 hours a day), but here I am on my 4 character after decking out a well geared starforge Slayer & manage to beat Shaper.
Once you started mapping & gain more experience (experince is espaically important in PoE), currency will flow much faster. I wouldn't worry much if I am you. Afhack is one of the best builder here, so he & many more experience forumer will guide you along the way.
Editado por útlima vez por KiadawP#5072 en 25 oct. 2017 7:02:14
So i updated my Gear to this and spend all i have currency wise
Maps work amazing till i reach bosses, so I bought all the recommended "BOSS" gear but with this i stand NO chance even the standard TS setup for map clearing is more effective?
So i guess i´m doing something wrong i know my equip is not OP but i should be abel to beat lets say Lair boss with barrage or not? with TS i can kill him but with Barrage no chance i DIE, so is my tree completly wrong? All Bosses I try killed me when i use the barrage setup.
I just have frenzy charges up correct? I dont see power charges popping and @ bosses I die so fast that I cannot realize it....
So what I basically want to say what i´m doing wrong? :D i spend all i have to this and want to make it running :-)
I don;t see anything inherently wrong with your gear.
With your current gear anything up to t15 should be a breeze including bosses.
Simply put all flasks on, stick to the boss's butt, and hit him with barrage melee range. When flasks wear out, reapply. when out of flasks charges, port back to town, come back, and repeat, until boss dead.
My gear is similar to you and any boss up to t15 dies within 5 seconds.
How much life do you have? I see you don;t have pierce on your quiver. Did you take the pierce cluster on the passive tree?
Pierce gives 50% MORE damage with drillneck.
Yes, what he said, also taste of hate is VERY important if you're wearing abyssus
Also, since you're missing top tier phys on gear, use chance to bleed in place of critical strikes, review the thread and check the review section as well. I know you're raider, so it's slightly different than my vision, but it should work fine. Just check the review section and do some reading. Also keep leveling your gems, still very low level for doing all bosses etc... <3. A 5L doomfletch is fine for clearing if everything is in place, 6l is needed for barrage. a +1 arrow drillneck would be a great upgrade for your barrage.
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Editado por útlima vez por Ahfack#1969 en 25 oct. 2017 8:37:05
Thinking abt starting this build how far would 30ex get me?
Can i do guardians & Shaper with that kind of investment ?
I spent 14 EX on my toon, and i have double steel ring t1-t2 flat phys, double 6L bow, kaoms, abyssus and i can clear t16 /. shaper.
You have more than enough
the 14EX budget seems a bit understated, considered a 6-link Doomfletch Prism is about 6-7ex (league, non corrupted) alone.
I do agree with you on that you do not need a crazy amount of currency to be end bosses viable. Any extra just make your build more OP.
I bought a corrupted one with the right colours for 238c, a normal 6l for 5 ex, kaoms heart was 235c by buying the cards.
Abyssus was 1c ...
One steel ring 20c the other 35c, Ammu 8c.
Gloves\boots from my wander im reusing them all characters for the whole league.
Altogether that's 14 ex roughly.
I had the flasks leftover from my wander, but for flasks count another 3 ex making it 17 ex everything included. Well under the 30ex he has.
You totally don't need 6l for tornado shot btw,I was clearing up to t15 including beachhead on 5l just fine.
Just make sure you get the life leech enchant or the 80% stun immunity enchant from lab on boots.
I bought a corrupted one with the right colours for 238c, a normal 6l for 5 ex, kaoms heart was 235c by buying the cards.
Abyssus was 1c ...
One steel ring 20c the other 35c, Ammu 8c.
Gloves\boots from my wander im reusing them all characters for the whole league.
Altogether that's 14 ex roughly.
I had the flasks leftover from my wander, but for flasks count another 3 ex making it 17 ex everything included. Well under the 30ex he has.
You totally don't need 6l for tornado shot btw,I was clearing up to t15 including beachhead on 5l just fine.
Just make sure you get the life leech enchant or the 80% stun immunity enchant from lab on boots.
I am thinking about something more QoL, tempest binding Helm & put iceshot/TornadoShot in it for "6-linking", so I don't have to do weapon swapping with Koam's heart
Thanks. I am still leveling my toon. I have 2 doomfletch, the normal ones, & make them both 4 links, to test how easy it is to weapon swap in combat. It wasn't as easy as it seems, as teh 2 bows ate rge same, its hard to tell if you are rocking a ice shot or barrage at the moment in thick of combat.
Need to get used to it I guess. Mybe I need to spend 5coion to make a weapon tranfer skin one of them to make them visually stand out
I am thinking about something more QoL, tempest binding Helm & put iceshot/TornadoShot in it for "6-linking", so I don't have to do weapon swapping with Koam's heart
Thanks. I am still leveling my toon. I have 2 doomfletch, the normal ones, & make them both 4 links, to test how easy it is to weapon swap in combat. It wasn't as easy as it seems, as teh 2 bows ate rge same, its hard to tell if you are rocking a ice shot or barrage at the moment in thick of combat.
Need to get used to it I guess. Mybe I need to spend 5coion to make a weapon tranfer skin one of them to make them visually stand out
That's why I like tornado shot because it's strong enough you don't have to swap to barrage until the very end. Also just change any unused hotkey to your main attacks. That will help you visually discern whether you're on barrage or not when changes colours. You'll get used to it
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Editado por útlima vez por Ahfack#1969 en 25 oct. 2017 14:07:38
The new 'BULLSHIT BUILDS' / Reviews section HI REDDIT! :)
HI REDDIT! :) Lots of people talking about this build because I use my own self-crafted GG rings, amulet, and belt in this build. In this section you will find me doing a shaper run with a 1ex belt, and rings/ammy I had laying around my stash. You will also find well over a dozen reviews by league players that don't have access to any mirrored items, and a video of shaper getting completely obliberated 2nd week into harbinger league (obviously with no mirorred gear week 2 of harbinger).
Anyone saying "You need mirrored gear to make this build work" is, in every sense, incorrect. However, you do need to put work into this build balancing your res, getting top flat phys on all gear, and you need to know how to look for the right kind of items. Learn how to livesearch on poe.trade. Don't buy from flippers. It is possible to get good deals. Don't expect to find exactly what you want just by looking on poe.trade one time and buying whatever you can find - that's not how you play the game. If you are playing the game like that, you're most likely making bad purchases and paying too much. That is not the build's fault.
Read below for the question of, "Can I beat shaper on a 30ex budget?" being answered by another player, "You can beat him in under 17ex"
cartouche_2 escribió:
Jihax escribió:
Hi guys,
Thinking abt starting this build how far would 30ex get me?
Can i do guardians & Shaper with that kind of investment ?
I spent 14 EX on my toon, and i have double steel ring t1-t2 flat phys, double 6L bow, kaoms, abyssus and i can clear t16 /. shaper.
You have more than enough
I bought a corrupted one with the right colours for 238c, a normal 6l for 5 ex, kaoms heart was 235c by buying the cards.
Abyssus was 1c ...
One steel ring 20c the other 35c, Ammu 8c.
Gloves\boots from my wander im reusing them all characters for the whole league.
Altogether that's 14 ex roughly.
I had the flasks leftover from my wander, but for flasks count another 3 ex making it 17 ex everything included. Well under the 30ex he has.
You totally don't need 6l for tornado shot btw,I was clearing up to t15 including beachhead on 5l just fine.
Just make sure you get the life leech enchant or the 80% stun immunity enchant from lab on boots.
Click below for [3.0] That Doomfletch Life - Basic Bitch Jewelery/Belt Complete Shaper Run https://youtu.be/Su4eooaSemo
Click Below for....
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
So i updated my Gear to this and spend all i have currency wise
Maps work amazing till i reach bosses, so I bought all the recommended "BOSS" gear but with this i stand NO chance even the standard TS setup for map clearing is more effective?
So i guess i´m doing something wrong i know my equip is not OP but i should be abel to beat lets say Lair boss with barrage or not? with TS i can kill him but with Barrage no chance i DIE, so is my tree completly wrong? All Bosses I try killed me when i use the barrage setup.
I just have frenzy charges up correct? I dont see power charges popping and @ bosses I die so fast that I cannot realize it....
So what I basically want to say what i´m doing wrong? :D i spend all i have to this and want to make it running :-)
I don;t see anything inherently wrong with your gear.
With your current gear anything up to t15 should be a breeze including bosses.
Simply put all flasks on, stick to the boss's butt, and hit him with barrage melee range. When flasks wear out, reapply. when out of flasks charges, port back to town, come back, and repeat, until boss dead.
My gear is similar to you and any boss up to t15 dies within 5 seconds.
How much life do you have? I see you don;t have pierce on your quiver. Did you take the pierce cluster on the passive tree?
Pierce gives 50% MORE damage with drillneck.
Yes, what he said, also taste of hate is VERY important if you're wearing abyssus
Also, since you're missing top tier phys on gear, use chance to bleed in place of critical strikes, review the thread and check the review section as well. I know you're raider, so it's slightly different than my vision, but it should work fine. Just check the review section and do some reading. Also keep leveling your gems, still very low level for doing all bosses etc... <3. A 5L doomfletch is fine for clearing if everything is in place, 6l is needed for barrage. a +1 arrow drillneck would be a great upgrade for your barrage.
I totally get your point and you are of course right, i read everything again and yes i´m missing taste of hate and GEm lvl 20 and so on.
Still my problem...i can´t see why i kill Tier 11-14 bosses with TS but not with Barrage with this gear i have.
I tried to analize it and it looks like IF barrage arrwos hit dmg is amazing BUT many times they pierce through but dont do any Damage, thus no leech, thus I die I guess.
Is it lack of accuracy? Chace to hit is 87% according to the calcs.
Again the map itself within seconds and works amazing
Sry for bothering again and btw the Build is amazing ty for it
Editado por útlima vez por Specialist86#1372 en 26 oct. 2017 4:15:04