[2.6] cheap Low life Righteous Fire OCC/PAT
Hi guys.
This is the first build I share in the forum. An apology in advance for any spelling mistakes since English is not my primary language and I helped a bit with a translator. let us begin. introduction: I made this build for the meyhem race and as it was my second character tried that it was cheap and as effective as possible. Why scion? Because this character has easier access to the entire passive tree (and because it is my favorite character). Why coruscating elixir? Because as I was saying, I tried to make it cheap and I had wanted to do a build with this object for a long time. Besides being a ruby flask with a long duration and give you the effect you need to go low life. Build Mechanics:
One of the things to keep in mind is that you can not use righteous fire if your life is 1.
So to solve this problem (since coruscating elixir leaves you in life 1) We will use a medium flask with the "saturated" prefix. Why a medium flask? Because it is the one that heals you less and lasts longer. So first we would use coruscating elixir, then our life potion to begin to regenerate our life and be able to activate righteous fire. So long as we are under the effect of our life potion, we can re-use our elixir without righteous fire being canceled. I added "of Staunching" suffix so that our character is immune to bleeding. PRO/CONTRA
pro: -very cheap. -very tanky. -good clear speed. -can be improved with expensive objects. contra: - It can become a little boring to climb the first levels. -Another ascendancy class can be stronger. ITEMS
For me, rise of the phoenix is the best shield you can use. Since the more fire resistance you have, the more regeneration available you will have for your energy shield. Redbeak is great and I used it a lot. But later on I had the fortune of being given ephemeral edge which is also great. I used the overflowing chalice so my flask would never run out of charges, plus some extra damage. Gems/Links
Righteous fire + elemental focus + increased burning damage + concentrated effect (or increased aoe) shield charge + faster attacks + fortify Cast when damage taken + immortal call + ice nova + increased area of effect (for elemental equilibrium) Auras: Discipline,purity of fire, vitality and blasphemy + enfeeble. one aura in blood magic. Summon stone golem Bandits
kill them all
pasive tree fist go to the left side for regen
current gear
For ascendancy class i chose pathfinder and occulist. Pathfinder for flask charges, plus it increases your damage, mitigates elemental damage (righteous fire included) and 50% chance to avoid freeze, fhock, ignite and bleed. All this when you have an active flask, that is, always ... Occulist for max energy shield and regeneration. Plus a beautiful increased damage effect when you kill cursed enemies. Pathfinder is not necessary if you do not mind using the overflowing chalice, if so, trickster is cool too. More regeneration and a little damage. I just used an energy from within unique jewel on the right side of the tree, but as I said above the build can be greatly improved if you decide to invest it. It is a shame that I did not have more time to play and improve the build, but anyway, probably build again with the nerf energy shield, the righteous fire and the pathfinder changes of the ascendant (scion) in 3.0, may not be viable. Although it may be slightly offset with the new support gems. To conclude I leave a video. They will not see much because I did it to explain the build but it is in Spanish. I leave you the part where active righteous fire and use the elixirs again. I can not record more videos because it was in mayhem race (void league) but I promise to upload another video that I have saved running esh domains, (without the boss) Video
And well, I hope you like the build. Any questions or comments are welcome. see you. UPDATE!! as i promise, the other video. enjoy
www.youtube.com/channel/UCtXcOfORnxH49Jc-DMVplNQ/ www.facebook.com/pathofexilela/ Editado por útlima vez por Maedren1#3819 en 12 jul. 2017 4:48:30 Reflotado por última vez en 17 jul. 2017 1:25:24
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Wont Coruscating turn rf off?
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If your life potion is active when using the elixir, RF is not canceled because you instantly heal at least 1 life, enough so that it is not canceled.
you can see it in the esh domains video www.youtube.com/channel/UCtXcOfORnxH49Jc-DMVplNQ/
www.facebook.com/pathofexilela/ |
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hey guy. y build is very nice and interesting. but its very hard on low lvl. can y add some information about y skills and equipment on early game? I will be very glad to see it )
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sure. i will update it soon. im playing the same build in the two weeks event.
www.facebook.com/pathofexilela/ |
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