[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" Generally i run with one life pot on a life build. Utility flasks are much better and charges are never an issue. Seeing as health pots don't double up or stack or anything its best to run just one. Divines with instant recovery is a thing many players do, personally I usually run with eternal life flask with the 50% iccreased recovery rate. Makes it 2.7 seconds which feels practically instant, but regenerates a lot more hp than the 979 or w/e the instant one is. |
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Does this build or the cold version better in your opinion?
Editado por útlima vez por OddFrequency#0532 en 3 ene. 2020 11:08:27
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" I seem to remember mathil doing a cold stack version a ways back and looking at just solely the numbers this one seemed better even back then. Since then the dex stacking stuff got nerfed i believe. However to be fair i have never done the dex stacking one myself though so i can't say with 100% certainty |
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" I'm asking cause I saw some guys on poe.ninja go for the version (without dex stacking tho) like this for example:https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/1322837/GGG_QA_Team?i=0&search=skill%3DSpectral-Throw |
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Hey. Would like to ask about some improvements, where do I go? :) Currently level 76, but it doesnt matter at all.
6l should be aimed, amulet, then jewels? Thanks! Editado por útlima vez por Nyambura#0226 en 5 ene. 2020 7:51:40
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" TBH your prty far off from having to post your gear and ask for "best places to go" WAAAAAY to early for you to be lost. You have a 5l, level 17ish gems, no quality gems at all, wrong base claw, no helm enchant, and very very mediocre jewelry. For now i would just keep playing/grinding/leveling, get as much maximum life as you possibly can, and really "push" one piece of gear b4 moving onto the next one. |
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Would you be so kind as to have a look over my current kit I'm level 91 atm
edit - I wrote a whole long thing and put my kit here but ive updated it a slight amount. My main problem is i'm getting one shot in t14 and up maps especially metas and the bigger map bosses and in delve. I have 5.5k life, capped res at 78 with the chest my dps isnt great but its not terrible either. I don't have lycosiade because it would mean losing 128hp and as i'm getting one shot not sure how that would really help? Here is my kit, what should i do to become tankier? Or is this build always going to get one shot? # editt 10259 - So ive managed to roll a 6link belly of the beast and got the lycosiade and tombfists going, feels good but still dieing to one shots, went back to loreweave for the moment, with lycosiade also dieing to one shots. Not sure what else i can do with this build to make it tankiermaybe in the passive tree or something? edit 1million and 5 - So this is now the build trying to emulate your setup and i have also switched out for the belly of the beat like you say, i find my self in a dilemma as to whether the lycosiade is really the best choice if maybe i can craft no hit evaded onto the weapon maybe. I'm quickly losing heart now with this build, the clear is amazing, the bosses though and with ele weakness or vunerabilty and its Rip after rip on T13 and up basically. The problem isn't DPS even though its a little on the low side i messed up crafting the weapon for crit chance and i could probably get a better weapon, but still, how will the stop these one shots? Anyone who played this build help me out on survivabilty couldnt even handle delve 200 when i tried with a friend last night :( Editado por útlima vez por hardmuncle#6661 en 13 ene. 2020 16:01:32
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Hey guys. After 2 years or so, made the build again, last time it was great. This time.. died so far 760 times XD
How do you leech mana?? I mean the mana is the main problem, dying aften - no care for me - how do you sustain that huge amount of mana with the dmg? To use ST with 6 link = 46 mana for me, 458 ele dmg claw stil gives nothing, got my mana pool after al reserved auras 199, which means literally 5 times to attack, and 3 attacks are leeched, after - 0 mana and 1 attack per second. So the boss fightiing are ... SUPER LONG, I mean like killing lvl t14 boss with with slower projectiles are about 2-3 minutes. + dying time, cuz some oneshots are oneshots. How do you sustain mana? |
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" Covered in the guide |
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If you're dying a lot I'd try swapping to quartz infusion and avatar of the veil. No ailments and perma phase is pretty nice. But I'm seeing life is going to be an issue in this build 3.9 metas just hit too damn hard to stand toe to toe and leech with sub 7k health.
This helm was a godsend----the power charges make top end damage the same as rats cage, but +121 health actually gives me some decent life. ![]() I'm also using 2 abyss Bubonic Trails, with 4 different abyss jewels for an extra 40% damage and a pile of life and resists. I'm using a 40% Belly because there is no way Loreweave health is going to be ok doing high end maps. Dying sun flask is also pretty awesome for clearing with this build! Editado por útlima vez por Wharhogg#3518 en 3 feb. 2020 14:52:00
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