Here is my skill tree
http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAWBBQUlBQVFBQWdBSGNBNVlFc3dhZ0NHY0xZUTQ4RU13VUlCUk5GSEVWdUJadkZ5OFlWaGlSR2pnZTN5U3FKeThxRXl5bk1aNDFramJwT2xJNjRUc29QQVU4TFVkLVNzUkt5RTNqVDFaUVIxWFdXT1ZaODFvclh6OWdRMlNFWk9kbFRXWlVacDVubTJobGFQSnVQVzZxYnp0eUQzS3BkcXgzNDNnTmVXaDdJSHZEZk5tQXBJSUhndVNEQ1lOZmhObUtyNUFSa0ZXVE9wUnZsaktmMzZJQW9fS21WNmx1cktxdGphNC1yMnl6UDdYeXZKLTlKNzAydm9DLXA3Njh3QnJBWnNFRXhQYkdyc2hiejM3WXZkbDg0MnJrVWVvWTd3N3ZmUEFmOGtYejNmYXU5ekw0a19qci1iMzYwdnhMX2dyLWhfNlBBTUU4UzFnWGQtS0VVNkktcEtEZTNPQlY3XzA9AAhBQUFBQVFBQQAA I leveled 1-18 with fire trap + flame totem 18-28 with Sunder + 2h weapon 28+ Ancestral Warcheif |
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Thanks for posting the passive tree.
Looks that you have 6 more life nodes and 6 less attack nodes (phy dmg & atk spd). Can you explain why you have 3 extra nodes for block chance & recovery? Also, is 4 nodes for mana reserve & aura worth it? I'm wondering how you achieve 300k dps (lv89) from 100k (lv 83)? Is it from equipment change? 6 more nodes in skill tree can't bump it by so much :-) |
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Awesome build, just respec'd my lv 75 scion to this and it's a beast!
Quick question, the ancestral warchief gem says you get more melee damage when you stand near the totem, does that impact the totems damage at all if I'm not near them? Edit: BTW, how do you prevent accidentally equipping a weapon when you pick it up???? So damn annoying! Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town. Editado por útlima vez por Dhrakken#2383 en 26 ago. 2016 22:28:20
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" You can disable auto equip in the game options. |
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" Thanks! Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town.
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So... with the recent nerf to less duration, is this still the best gem to use with ancestral chief?
Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town.
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Also followed this build but made alittle twist on it with some block nodes and stuff
Had to get an Unset ring also to get all links i wanted.
DPS standing in hideout with only auras on and no totems out with INC aoe 116k, peak DPS with conc, Vaal haste and flasks 539k tooltip. I will probably try replacing less duration with Added fire on my setup, will have to see what setup will be best. 6173 life, 51% block chanse, 12% to spells. Editado por útlima vez por Vaindolf#5662 en 2 sept. 2016 5:52:51
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Still viable for 2.4?
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" Yep, its working great. Not much changed other than the Less Duration gem as far as I know. Someone else asked if that's still the best gem to use which I'm curious about as well.. but overall, still an awesome build. I'd suggest a tree that a couple others have posted taking advantage of the shield nodes at the bottom and using Great Old One's Ward though, instead of the quiver. |
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I converted my LA/BR Voltaxic Scion to this.
I'm so much happier now that I can actually kill high tier bosses. With 2ex worth of gear total, I do 62k'ish per totem with Inc AoE and 100k'ish per totem with Conc effect. I don't have strong jewels yet, so I expect to squeeze another 10k or so DPS out of it. These numbers are without flasks or anything. While having 6k life and 50% block. It's really a fun, safe and easy build. It absolutely annihilates some of the most annoying bosses in the game like the Excavation trio. EDIT: It has one major downside though and that is the mechanic of them having a delay before they start attacking and a max range for being active, which severely hampers your clear speed even if you oneshot packs. Unlike f.ex Shockwave totem, you can't just use them as a fire and forget missile. IGN: HowDoIShotBows Editado por útlima vez por idiocyincarnate#6033 en 9 sept. 2016 12:33:20
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