[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter

hyukin escribió:
NienasyconyMRMRMR escribió:
Yes this build on 3 00 how it go?

About the same.

New support gems, many better than added fire. (See my post above :)) About 10-20% dps increase for on-hit damages.

Bleed dps, lose out on significant bleed dps, but new support gems should make up for it.
New bandits suck, lose out on some life and end/frenzy charges.
More people will play life-based builds, so gear will be more expensive on average.

Side point:
Our exploitable double-dipping bleed and poison damages are gone, but that wasn't in the build anyways (although many of us have deviated towards that by 2.6). Seriously talking about ungodly amount (1 million plus) damages on double-dipping poison damages. Although the ungodly damages are for under perfect conditions and for long-lasting boss fights (to stack poison), so this arguement is moot. Just saying we lose out on damage over time potential for 3.0.

Main things are untouched: our block chance, so we are fine. Adding all that above, its about the same for strict build-follwoing. Superb league starter and still will clear everything until shaper as the character progresses.

Going with a varunastra cleave(for fortify and arc) with legacy meginord's girdle(10-20 phys) and double phys steel rings wouldn't a flat 62.5 damage addition with chance to bleed be more beneficial?

I'm leaning towards something like this-(pure phys/poison/bleed)

Cleave(163% base dmg) - Multistrike - chance to bleed - maim support - melee phys damage - vile toxins

(With free poison from cospri's and free fortify and area from cleave threshold jewels)

Other links -

1.Brutality -Melee phys - Bloodlust (on surrender shield)
thats 377 dmg done for 100 dmg with reckoning.

2.Blasphemy support - Enlighten - Vulnerability - Enfeeble

3.Shield charge - faster attacks - Blood magic -Culling strike

4.Ancestral Warchief/protector - Vengeance - Brutality - Melee Phys

5.CWDT - Warlord's mark/Poacher's mark - Arctic armour

Vulnerability and vile toxins to pump poison dmg.I can get over 700% inc dmg with varunastra and about 100% increased IAS from tree which can be buffed by multistrike.Vile toxins will also give 30% more dmg after 5 attacks which due to multistriek and IAS is instant.

Chill from arctic armour would stack with maim slow.Low level temporal chains in CWDT isn't worth it due to boss penalties i think.I'm thinking if i can add abbysal cry in place of culling strike for stacking more slow in boss fights which would be unaffected by reduced curse effectiveness.Red nightmare for block in place of BOR.

Pantheon brine king with testudo from tree takes care of block and stun recovery thing.Minor pantheon tukohama for some added mitigation.

Gear would be - Cospri's will,varunastra,surrender,1 curse anvil and legacy meginords belt,2 double phys steel rings.Rest Life and resists gear(preferably essence crafted with 90-106 life one).

Now i have to consider is if poison will be worth it with vile toxins and vulnerability?
And 2nd question for me to ponder - is flat phys from chance to bleed better than conc effect?Varunastra base dmg 250 flat avg and 314 pdps for me.

If i drop poison then i will have to make alterations.Say brutality for vile toxins and lightning coil armour with abyssus helm maybe.

So is poison viable you think with vile toxins and vulnerability aura ,and is flat phys from chance to bleed gem in this setup more useful than conc effect?You seem to have a good understanding of the numbers.Should i change cleave for sunder and get fortify by substituting it for culling strike in shield charge?

Editado por útlima vez por dharabhishek2007#0211 en 10 jul. 2017 19:56:21
Going with a varunastra cleave(for fortify and arc) with legacy meginord's girdle(10-20 phys) and double phys steel rings wouldn't a flat 62.5 damage addition with chance to bleed be more beneficial?......

Hello there, tried to answer all your questions to best of my knowledge :) And this is all theory crafted using path of building, so you can double check it if you are not sure/doubtful. What i mean is just take it with a grain of salt and you should make a character based on your set-up if you feel strongly about it.

For 3.0, I strongly suggest you dont go for bleed or poison dps on this build. Or any conventional non-crit melee build. Even if you try to scale it with vile toxins and vulnerability we are talking about ~4k bleed dps (non-moving) and ~1.5k poison dps per stack - this is assuming you have a pretty decked out character using a 320 dps weapon and minimal passives dedicated to bleed/poison (even if i take those doesnt matter much anyways). And our base damage can easily get up to 200-300k using flasks and buffs (compare that to 20k). If i had 200-300k physical damage in 2.6, you betcha im gonna convert it to poison for a million dps, but that abuse is just plain gone for 3.0, as you know.

Also, every 10 added physical damage is about 4% overall increase for our build, pretty valuable but at the same time not much of an increase.(major passive around 3-4% and good jewels around 3%). Rather get a rustic sash with good resists than a meginold because we are wearing so many uniques (hungry for resists). So you can see wearing a legacy meginold or two steel rings are about 10% overall dps increasers for each case - they are pretty good but rustic sash + resist rings (with added phys damage) are better because they cover resists. We do eventually get steel rings on a decked out build too.

Anyways roughly using your varunastra set-up you will still get around 250k base dps (on-hit, no damage over time). I'm just using sunder for all the calculations by the way (lower tooltip than cleave but feels a wholelot better, you can use cleave if you want). Add about 20k poison dps if you get up to about 15 stacks of poison max on soul taker, 10 stacks for varunastra. All that investment for about 20k dps increase for poison is not worth it. And bleed damage is so little we can ignore it in the first place. No one has come up with a viable bleed build in 3.0 - this tells you how much bleed is useless for damaging purposes now. Might as well use mana reservations to increase our damage (HoA and hatred with BoR) instead of using skill gem links/cospris/and probably passive points. And just slot in on-hit damage increasing support gems. Do remember poison takes a while to get ramped up so it's only useful for bosses, but with such little poison damage for 3.0 i'd rather not take damage over time.

(Side point: abyssus is only about 10-15% increase damage overall, but we need to buy 6 linked belly or rare chest - expensive, doesnt fit our league starter theme).

About chance to bleed, you would think that the added phys damage would greatly increase our dps, but surprisingly it doesnt do so well. Could be because we already have BoR and rings with added phys. Conc effect and brutality are still the best dps increasers (other than melee phys and multistrike for obvious reasons). Maim is very close, then ruthless (big jump here), then last place chance to bleed. Of course, this is assuming the standard build set-up, so if you use different tree then results could be different (although i doubt it for most non-crit melee builds).

I argued that sunder-(faster attack and melee phys from BoR)-multisrike-conc effect-and maim is the best option in a post above. Haven't found a way to incorporate significant bleed/poison damages for 3.0.

(Another side point: you are right that added flat phys damage (from chance to bleed) directly increases the initial base of the poison dps while conc effect does nothing for poison. However, poison dps is so small to begin with that it doesn't play any significant role here.)

So short answer, poison is not viable. People said poison dps from 2.6 to 3.0 (strict conversion, same passive tree) has been nerfed by around 95-98%. I could output 1 million plus theoretical poison damage before, and 98% reduction of that is about 20k (which i mentioned is the calculated poison dps from your setup) - so this statement checks out. You probably need to play more with ailment multipliers from passives and more ailment multiplier from skills like flameblast to even have a viable possibility. Vile toxins alone is not enough for 3.0, or as of the current state of the beta.

Edit: your last question, shield charge-fortify is the way to go, it just feels so smooth and natural, and will become second-nature to you. Culling strike on any of shield charge, reckoning, ancestral protector/warchief totem as you see fit. With BoR I'm so socket-deprived i dont have a slot for culling strike but it's in my inventory all the time if i need it (never needed it though).

Editado por útlima vez por hyukin#4288 en 11 jul. 2017 7:39:45
Set up sunder with bor on 3 00 what gems works best you test it?
and how abaut resulet tevhniues?
NienasyconyMRMRMR escribió:
Set up sunder with bor on 3 00 what gems works best you test it?
and how abaut resulet tevhniues?

I put a lengthy discussion of support gems in page 206.

On my character imported to 3.0 settings, on BoR, sunder + multistrike + conc effect + one of the following:

1) maim 302k dps (trash) / 271k dps (boss) - assuming they are maimed, they will be (especially for bosses at 10 hits per seconds).
2) ruthless 288k (trash) / 257k (boss)
3) added fire 272k (trash) / 232k (boss)
4) chance to bleed 264k (trash) / 235k (boss)
5) brutality (no enfeeble, level 14 vulnerability) 256k (trash) / 215k (boss)
5) brutality (no vulnerability) 188k (trash) / 188k (boss)

Herald of Ash, Hatred, Arctic Armour (except for brutality).

Same tree, keep resolute technique.
hyukin escribió:
Going with a varunastra cleave(for fortify and arc) with legacy meginord's girdle(10-20 phys) and double phys steel rings wouldn't a flat 62.5 damage addition with chance to bleed be more beneficial?......

Hello there, tried to answer all your questions to best of my knowledge :) And this is all theory crafted using path of building, so you can double check it if you are not sure/doubtful. What i mean is just take it with a grain of salt and you should make a character based on your set-up if you feel strongly about it.

For 3.0, I strongly suggest you dont go for bleed or poison dps on this build. Or any conventional non-crit melee build. Even if you try to scale it with vile toxins and vulnerability we are talking about ~4k bleed dps (non-moving) and ~1.5k poison dps per stack - this is assuming you have a pretty decked out character using a 320 dps weapon and minimal passives dedicated to bleed/poison (even if i take those doesnt matter much anyways). And our base damage can easily get up to 200-300k using flasks and buffs (compare that to 20k). If i had 200-300k physical damage in 2.6, you betcha im gonna convert it to poison for a million dps, but that abuse is just plain gone for 3.0, as you know.

Also, every 10 added physical damage is about 4% overall increase for our build, pretty valuable but at the same time not much of an increase.(major passive around 3-4% and good jewels around 3%). Rather get a rustic sash with good resists than a meginold because we are wearing so many uniques (hungry for resists). So you can see wearing a legacy meginold or two steel rings are about 10% overall dps increasers for each case - they are pretty good but rustic sash + resist rings (with added phys damage) are better because they cover resists. We do eventually get steel rings on a decked out build too.

Anyways roughly using your varunastra set-up you will still get around 250k base dps (on-hit, no damage over time). I'm just using sunder for all the calculations by the way (lower tooltip than cleave but feels a wholelot better, you can use cleave if you want). Add about 20k poison dps if you get up to about 15 stacks of poison max on soul taker, 10 stacks for varunastra. All that investment for about 20k dps increase for poison is not worth it. And bleed damage is so little we can ignore it in the first place. No one has come up with a viable bleed build in 3.0 - this tells you how much bleed is useless for damaging purposes now. Might as well use mana reservations to increase our damage (HoA and hatred with BoR) instead of using skill gem links/cospris/and probably passive points. And just slot in on-hit damage increasing support gems. Do remember poison takes a while to get ramped up so it's only useful for bosses, but with such little poison damage for 3.0 i'd rather not take damage over time.

(Side point: abyssus is only about 10-15% increase damage overall, but we need to buy 6 linked belly or rare chest - expensive, doesnt fit our league starter theme).

About chance to bleed, you would think that the added phys damage would greatly increase our dps, but surprisingly it doesnt do so well. Could be because we already have BoR and rings with added phys. Conc effect and brutality are still the best dps increasers (other than melee phys and multistrike for obvious reasons). Maim is very close, then ruthless (big jump here), then last place chance to bleed. Of course, this is assuming the standard build set-up, so if you use different tree then results could be different (although i doubt it for most non-crit melee builds).

I argued that sunder-(faster attack and melee phys from BoR)-multisrike-conc effect-and maim is the best option in a post above. Haven't found a way to incorporate significant bleed/poison damages for 3.0.

(Another side point: you are right that added flat phys damage (from chance to bleed) directly increases the initial base of the poison dps while conc effect does nothing for poison. However, poison dps is so small to begin with that it doesn't play any significant role here.)

So short answer, poison is not viable. People said poison dps from 2.6 to 3.0 (strict conversion, same passive tree) has been nerfed by around 95-98%. I could output 1 million plus theoretical poison damage before, and 98% reduction of that is about 20k (which i mentioned is the calculated poison dps from your setup) - so this statement checks out. You probably need to play more with ailment multipliers from passives and more ailment multiplier from skills like flameblast to even have a viable possibility. Vile toxins alone is not enough for 3.0, or as of the current state of the beta.

Edit: your last question, shield charge-fortify is the way to go, it just feels so smooth and natural, and will become second-nature to you. Culling strike on any of shield charge, reckoning, ancestral protector/warchief totem as you see fit. With BoR I'm so socket-deprived i dont have a slot for culling strike but it's in my inventory all the time if i need it (never needed it though).

Thank you for the comprehensive answer.
Do you know how to disable auto targeting on sunder?
is hard to avoid atziri reflect ilusion or to get max keys in uber lab
when sunder attack all around without aiming
NienasyconyMRMRMR escribió:
Do you know how to disable auto targeting on sunder?
is hard to avoid atziri reflect ilusion or to get max keys in uber lab
when sunder attack all around without aiming

switch to cleave on these fights. Sunder is far superior for mapping and its ranged but on izaro and atziri cleave is best.
i wanted to make one blocking glad in standart for 3.0 messed a bit around with my stuff.
But seems after my investments its not really better ;( xD


My tree got to spread and the amu drains to much life also the armor is lacking ;(

too bad wanted to get some kind of hybrid with this armor ;(

i try to finetune it a bid :p But the most interesting part would be what will be the new melee skill :D

Editado por útlima vez por Majin111#2164 en 13 jul. 2017 8:42:34
NienasyconyMRMRMR escribió:
Do you know how to disable auto targeting on sunder?
is hard to avoid atziri reflect ilusion or to get max keys in uber lab
when sunder attack all around without aiming

You can also remove multistrike for those fights and replace with another support gem for single target. That should remove the auto targeting.
patch 3.0 for hard boss SUNDER is good for against boss ?

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