[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter
Switched up to a 6-link + Aegis setup (managed to keep spending under 2ex total) and whilst I think my gear could stand some work, I managed to pretty much facetank Twinned +attack speed/damage Volcano boss. So yeah that's a thing!
Still the most fun build I've played in 2.2. Actually distracting me from the two-week league I was "meant" to be playing. |
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Hi, trying out this build in the 2week and having great fun
was merely wondering and perhaps this has already been answered but the node blunt instruments does not give the double effects so i fail to see what's particularly good about it as it gives to Staves and maces while varunastra is only for 1-handed weapon types, am I wrong? Is it still a good node nevertheless? |
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" Great! Which skill setup are you finally using? |
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" Great you enjoy it! I choose Blunt Instrument not for the double effects, because as you said, Staves doesn't count for Varunastra. Still, for 3 points you got 40% increased Physical Damage, 3% Attack Speed and the most important 40% increased Armour, very important for the physical damage mitigation required for this build. Didn't found any better option instead of this, after picking all the rest of the damage nodes. |
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hey, great build thanks have been using it. i defintely think reave is the way to go overall, with a backup BoR if you really want to switch for that extra solo dps.
ive been tryin to mix the build around, for a bit more survivability as i dont think the builds lack from dps. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQCAQHcBIcEswUtBosISQomC2EM9xPJFCAVIBXsGbQaPhutIOMhYCP2JJsoKimlLOktgy5TL8wyTjSONZI7OzwFPC094kCgQXRHfkjuTZJQR1HmVuhXDV8_X9phIWLsZU1lp2ebaPJr2WzYbzt07XTxdit2rHdTd-N4DXiueTl5aHrve3R82X11fuKAioIHg1-E2YTvhjuGs4rwi0-PmZd5nsWezaIAo4qpbqmVrK-tja4-rlCvbLCrsbOy3LXytoq5Hb02vni-p8AawGbAv8EEwYLEgsauz37SIdNv037Yvdlh2sHdDeCV5FHp1eoY7w7veu988B_yL_JB9qP3MvdN_gr-ug== could you give me your thoughts on this? there is a decent amount more life, armour and quite a few more % block from nodes which leaves our jewel slots free. |
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Hey. Just some random Questions that I could not find answered above ;)
1.) Why dont you use Unwavering Stance? Most Builds I saw so far do take it when they use Iron Reflexes.. Its 4 Skillpoints and you get +1% Blockchance on the way (saving one Jewel). I dont know too much, but I think I would drop Blunt Instrument for it. Or dont you get Stunned at all when Blocking? I have no Idea about that Mechanic.. 2.) Is Hatred Aura really needed for this Build to work? Just asking, because (unlike in other Builds) you do not recomment any alternative Aura to it. I think I would take Grace for more Armor, allowing me to change one Flask to an offensive one.. (Maybe Taste of Hate or Onslaught/Phasing?) 3.) Just some thoughts on your 6L + Aegis variant. You decided to use the Vertex as a Helmet. In this Build you loose life from Shield and Helmet this way. How about using an Armor/Evasion Helmet with lots of life and an Armor/ES Body instead? Also I think, I would drop Amplify and the Route to it for more Life in the Marauder Start Area Playing this Build as my second Char right now, got to level 35 pretty fast and really enjoy playing it! :) ] Also, a Suggestion for leveling (I use it so far and it really speeds things up) Do you think the Daresso's Passion that you linked would be an upgrade to this one? Please consider that I dont like leveling with Tabula Rasa and dont want to get a 5Link before my final 6L at around level 60. Cheers! ;) Editado por útlima vez por JTiYo#3193 en 12 may. 2016 11:55:22
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" Glad you like it, thanks! First of all, the problem comparing both trees is that you use 123 points for making it, while the tree posted use only 113. And additionally, a 123 tree means no bandits, while I choose oak/all/oak which means 2 points less for +40 life plus +1 Endurance Charge. But considering your tree, I have some suggestions: - Going all the way to the right, you spend 13 points for: 23% life, 12% Attack Speed, 61% inc. Physical and some minor improvements for the build. With just 5 points around Constitution you already get more life (25%) and still you have 8 points left to use to get more life, armour or attack speed/damage increase. - Because you don't need that much additional Block Chance with this build, I guess going right is not the best choice. You just need +2% Block from jewels, but you get 5% from the right part of the tree. And using a jewel for a +1% leaves you 2/3 affix left for additional stats. - About taking Juggernaut, you spend 5 points for 10% Life & 24% Armour. Again, I guess the 5 points around constitution for 25% Life are a better choice, or maybe go all the way to the Marauder start for 17% Life & 46% Armour for the same 5 points. - In Splitting Strikes area you spend 5 points for 56% inc. Physical & 6% Attack Speed, while going for Cleaving gives you 92% inc. Physical. This build don't rely on leech, because what makes this build tanky is block and damage mitigation (and the leech from that area is just physical, so only work with Reave but is useless with Static Strike). In my opinion, the best way to compare trees and choose an option for improved survivability is to make a tree with the same points left (and deciding what to do with bandits). Because when you loose that 10 points of difference, you have to leave something behind. Hope you find this useful! |
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" Glad you enjoy the build! About your questions: 1) With this build I didn't have any issue about being stunned, that's why I don't go for Unwavering Instance. Regrettably, I can't justify that explaining the mechanics about not being stunned, so my comment relies only in the experience of playing it (a lot). 2) Hatred gives you an overall +25% more DPS, is a huge boost compared to any other offensive aura. Exchanging with Grace could be a good option (I will add that in the guide). But still, I prefer the damage boost from Hatred, because when needed, I rely on Granite of Iron Skin (not only gives +3K Armour compared to the 2.5K Evasion from Grace, but additionally up to +100% inc. Armour). 3) Yes, no doubt about it. I just try to put together a gear that works, but there's no reason to stay with Vertex. I tried to clarify that, saying that getting life from helmet is a better option. At the end, any combination that gives you at least the ES that the gear posted has, plus not loosing Armour/Evasion is OK. I will clarify this in the guide. 3bis) I like the improvement that Amplify gives in radius and damage to Static Strike explosions. Some time ago I removed it, but then, after playing without it some time, I decide to stay with it. Amplify helps to give some improvement to the poor clear speed performance that SS has. But I guess it will depend on personal preference. And the Armour/Life points from Marauder start area are pretty good. About levelling, I just post some good uniques, the sword you link is great too and I will add it in the section. But usually I switch to a good DPS Rare Swords when I found a good one. I guess that instead of Daresso, I will try to upgrade that sword with a good rare (Daresso's looks great in the tooltip, but is pretty annoying while playing with that frenzy charge penalization). I usually choose a very cheap 5L while levelling (with Elreon jewellery to solve mana issues), but again, is personal preference. Thanks for your suggestions! Editado por útlima vez por mas_mariano#3542 en 12 may. 2016 15:47:03
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Hey there! im following the guide u mentioned on my post (and let me tell u i like it), im confused about the keys setup of the skills, or they combo aand! it's kind of hard for me to catch up to the static strike lol.
My questions are: Skils Key setup (what do u recommend) and their combo What items are good for lvling progress until i get the cores (mostly weapon) Editado por útlima vez por Squirtle2096#3478 en 12 may. 2016 18:50:38
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" Glad you like it! If you're not comfortable with Static Strike you could use Reave, Sunder or Cleave as explained in the "Improved Clear Speed" section of the guide. When I leveled the char I used Molten Strike at the beginning. The skill setups are explained in the "Skill gems" section, but if you ask about what setup use before BoR, you could use for any of the skills: Multistrike + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks. Good items and some additional information about levelling are described in the "Levelling Tips" section of the guide. If you need something else in particular, let me know. Regards! |
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